Chapter 988 Devil
Seeing that his master had already confessed, the panic-stricken people in the Holy Martial Palace all bowed to the powerful young man, begging tremblingly:

"My lord, please hold your hands high and let us go this time."

But at this moment, the beautiful girl in purple in the field, after hearing the boy's words, was stunned on the spot, dumbfounded.

I just met this strange boy, when did I become his woman?

This is too strange, right?
However, for some reason, the boy's domineering words made her feel an unprecedented sense of security for no reason.

Suddenly, a blush appeared on the pretty face of the girl in purple...

At this time, Wu You looked at the many warriors begging for mercy, and said with a calm smile:

"Forget it, I'm in a good mood today, so I'll spare your lives.

Well, get out of the way here, leave a car and fuck off. "

Hearing the sound, everyone in the Shengwu Hall heaved a long sigh of relief as if they had received an amnesty.

In an instant, Di Hongliang, who was still aloof and invincible before, bowed his eyebrows and bowed to the young man again and again.

"Thank you, my lord, thank you, my lord, let's go now, let's go now."

As he said that, he led his subordinates in a desperate manner, and got into the Humvee not far away.

After leaving an empty car in Yiyan, he drove away recklessly...

Seeing this scene, the beautiful girl in purple felt as if she had passed away.

If this mysterious young man hadn't made a timely move today, I'm afraid she would have been taken away by the Holy Martial Palace by now, and she would have fallen into a situation where life would be worse than death!

Thinking of this, the purple-clothed girl was terrified immediately.

But at this moment, a calm voice suddenly came from behind her.

"can you drive?"

Hearing this, the purple-clothed girl was startled, then turned to look at the seemingly ordinary boy who possessed great strength.

Then he nodded in a daze, and blurted out:

"Then why are you still standing there, let's go, I just need a driver."

Wu You chuckled, and then walked towards the Hummer parked on the road.

Seeing this, the beautiful girl in purple hesitated for a moment, then gritted her silver teeth and resolutely followed.

Although the boy's behavior was a little strange, but after all, he was saved this time, so he deserved something in return.

And for some reason, being with this strange young man made her, who had been lonely and helpless for a long time, inexplicably feel very at ease...

After a while, after Wu You and the girl in purple got on the hummer, they headed towards the capital.

Seeing this scene, many passengers on the bus who stayed in place couldn't help being stunned.

They never imagined that not only did those guys who looked like robbers not get anything, they were actually robbed of a Hummer instead.

This, this is really unbelievable...

At this time, the Hummer was driving on the highway at a very high speed, and there was silence.

Since getting in the car, Wu You sat comfortably in the co-pilot's seat, closing his eyes and adjusting his breath.

And the purple-clothed girl with a complicated mood was holding the steering wheel, but she didn't know what to say.

For a while, the two teenagers and girls did not speak.

After a long time, the beautiful girl in purple who was driving, pursed her red lips and said softly:
"Thank you for saving me today."

Hearing this, Wu You slowly opened his eyes, a faint smile curled up on the corner of his mouth and said:
"It's nothing, I'm a person who likes to help others by nature."

"Yeah, then you're such a nice guy."

The girl in purple said in a low voice, and then said apologetically:

"Before I treated you a little badly, please don't mind.

And that, that, my name is Qin Zixun, nice to meet you, Brother Goudan. "

"I'm glad too."

Wu You smiled playfully.

"Well, may I take the liberty to ask, who are you? How did you become the Grandmaster of Gang Jin at such a young age? It's really unbelievable."

Qin Zixun, a beautiful girl in purple, couldn't help asking curiously.

"It's nothing, just a coincidence."

Wu You replied casually.

"by coincidence?"

Hearing this, Qin Zixun couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, and then reacted.

After all, everyone has their own secrets, just like the ancient martial arts that they practiced, it is also a kind of ulterior secret.

Since others don't want to say it, you can't force it yourself.

Then, Qin Zixun changed the topic and said:
"Brother Goudan, is there anything you want to do when you go to Beijing this time?"

Hearing the sound, Wu You thought for a while, then said casually:

"I should go to participate in the trial of the Ancient Martial Dao Sect first."

As soon as these words came out, Qin Zixun couldn't help but feel refreshed, and immediately blurted out in surprise:
"That's such a coincidence. I went to Kyoto this time to participate in the triennial apprenticeship trial of the Ancient Martial Dao Sect."

"Really? Why are you going to participate in the trial of the Ancient Martial Dao Sect?"

Wu You asked with interest.

And at the next moment, Qin Zixun's face turned icy cold, and he said coldly:
"For revenge!"

Hearing this, the smile on the corner of Wu You's mouth grew stronger, and then he said calmly:

"It looks like you have a deep hatred."

"Well, to be precise, it's the revenge of destroying the family!"

Qin Zixun nodded emphatically, and the cold light of hatred flashed in his eyes.

Then, as if caught in a painful memory, he said with grief and indignation:
"At the beginning, my Qin family was from Lingxi City, Liuzhou Province. It was the most powerful and prestigious warrior family, and had a small reputation in the entire Liuzhou Province.

However, who would have thought that one day, an extremely terrifying demon would suddenly come to my Lingxi Qin family.

Without any explanation, he brutally killed everyone in my family.

In the end, I was the only one left in the entire Qin family, and I was lucky enough to escape the palm of the devil.

In order to take revenge, I endured the humiliation and left my hometown, and joined the family of Zhai Hongliang, a distant relative of the former Qin family.

Since then, I have been working hard to improve my strength in the Holy Martial Palace, thinking that one day I will avenge my family.

Heaven paid off, and within a very short period of time, I broke through the peak of dark energy and reached the middle stage of energy transformation.

However, the rapid increase in strength has attracted Zhai Hongliang's covetousness, and since then he has been pressing me about the ancient martial arts I practiced.

Seeing this, I knew that Shengwu Hall was not a place to stay for a long time.

At this time, the triennial apprenticeship trial of the Ancient Martial Dao Sect was just about to start.

So I want to go to Kyoto to participate in the trial, so as to join the ancient martial arts sect.

With the powerful energy of China's No. [-] sect, I will definitely have the opportunity to seek revenge on that demon in the future!
However, who would have thought that my plan would be discovered by that evil-minded Zhai Hongliang, and he would chase and block it.

If Brother Goudan hadn't rescued me in time today, I'm afraid I would be in trouble now. "

(End of this chapter)

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