ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 114 "The Battle of the School Field"

Chapter 114 "The Battle of the School Field" (1)
Once out of the palace gate, the grandfather and the servants were still standing by the sedan chair and waiting patiently.When Ah Zhen saw this, he was secretly speechless. It had been several hours since he entered the palace in the morning and now in the afternoon. He didn't expect that this group of people were still waiting, and he felt very embarrassed towards the old grandpa.

"Mr. Grandpa, why don't you go back first." Seeing this, he hurried over.

"Da Sima is here." The grandfather finally waited for him to come out, and happily called to wake up the drowsy bearers and servants.

Ah Zhen saw that the old man was very old, and he didn't know if he had eaten, so he asked with concern: "Grandpa, have you used your lunch?"

"Go back to Da Sima, the old slave has used it, and Da Sima wants to go back to the house?" The old man replied respectfully.

Ah Zhen nodded, "Go back to the house, go back to the house." Before the bearers pressed the sedan chair, he sat in the sedan chair with his thighs, and returned to the house early so that the group of people could rest. This is the etiquette of the ancients. , toss people alive.

Soon a group of people returned to Da Sima Mansion, Ah Zhen told them to go to rest.Stepping into the main courtyard to look for those two beautiful figures, when I entered the courtyard, I didn't see Qianyun, but I saw Wan'er sitting in the warm afternoon sun reading a book, beside Xueshuang, whom I hadn't seen for a long time.

Seeing this serious and lovely person, he called out in a low voice with a smile on his face: "Wan'er!"

Wan'er, who had a puffy stomach, heard the call and raised her little head. Seeing that her husband had returned, she stood up warmly like water, walked in front of him and said, "My husband is back, are you hungry? Wan'er ordered someone to cook some porridge and soup." it is good."

"No, the emperor left me for dinner. Your husband and I ate a whole roast suckling pig, and I'm still holding on." He laughed loudly, missing the taste of the suckling pig.

Wan'er nodded, and found that his chest was in a mess, she glared at him complainingly and said, "Why did my husband make the official uniform so dirty? Go back to your room and change it."

"No hurry, no hurry." Ah Zhen smiled, he hadn't seen Xueshuang for many days, and this little girl's eyes lit up even more after reading.

Seeing her husband looking at Xueshuang, Wan'er couldn't help but chuckled and called to Xueshuang: "Xueshuang, come and see your husband."

After she finished speaking, she saw Xueshuang stepping forward shyly, bowing her body warmly and politely: "My servant has seen the young master."

Alas, what’s mine is always mine, and I can’t force it if it’s not mine. Ah Zhen sighed, staring at Xueshuang’s beautiful white face and said: “Xueshuang, I saw it in Bhutan some time ago. Liu Sanlang, he is doing well, so you don't have to worry too much about it."

What he said immediately made Wan'er and Xueshuang stunned, and Wan'er couldn't understand why her husband deliberately mentioned Liu Sanlang.

Seeing Wan'er's hesitation to speak, Ah Zhen sighed.Wan'er's mind has been deeply poisoned by the immoral etiquette of the ancients.

Xueshuang, who was finally calm, heard him mention Liu Sanlang, her heart ached slightly, she didn't understand what the young master meant, her throat trembled and she dared not make a sound.

Seeing that the two of them were uncomfortable, Ah Zhen sighed and took Wan'er's little hand and said, "Husband Wan'er is very dirty all over, it's good to help him change his clothes."

Wan'er listened to his question and nodded as a matter of course.

In an instant, the two disappeared into the garden together, leaving only Xueshuang who was dazed and distressed standing under the warm sun. After a long time, she came back to her senses, turned around and sat back in front of the stone table, picked up the poems and books on the table and continued. reading.

In the room, Wan'er helped her husband change clothes, and heard him slowly say: "Wan'er, husband wants to give Xueshuang to Liu Sanlang, do you think it's okay?"

His question made the little hands waiting on him pause, and Wan'er raised her small face and replied, "Your husband can't, it's about your face."

Ah Zhen sighed heavily and said: "Wan'er, when I was imprisoned by the king of Tubo that day, everyone left me, only Liu Sanlang was still the same to your husband and me, it's hard to express how grateful I am. .”

When he said this, Wan'er asked worriedly: "Has your husband been imprisoned by the Tubo king? Did your husband suffer?"

"It's okay, I'm fine." Seeing that her worried face turned pale, Ah Zhen comforted her tenderly.

"If your husband is an ordinary family, it's fine, but your husband is a great Sima, this." Wan'er was also grateful to Liu Sanlang, hesitant after hearing what he said.

"Although the person is there, the heart is not there. I can't bear to separate the two people who love each other." He persuaded, "If someone wants to separate Wan'er and her husband, how will Wan'er feel?" He said tightly Holding Wan'er Bai Xi's hands, he enlightened with great sincerity.

Wan'er felt a pain in her heart when she heard him say that she was going to separate from her husband.If she was to be separated from her husband, she would rather die immediately. After a long time of contemplation, tears fell from Wan'er's eyes.

Ah Zhen felt terrified when she saw this, and comforted her: "If Wan'er is not willing, and your husband doesn't force you, then just be your husband and never tell me if it's okay or not."

Wan'er shook her little head with tears in her eyes and said: "My husband is not like this. It is Wan'er who feels uncomfortable at the thought of being separated from her husband."

When she said this, Ah Zhen was extremely soft in his heart, and hugged her tightly in his arms. This silly girl was so silly that he was worried.

"Husband, after a while Wan'er will order someone to burn the family instructions." After crying for a while, Wan'er blushed and gently left his chest, saying sweetly.

"You don't need to burn it down, you just need to change it. Wan'er wrote the family motto for me, and my husband was very touched." After he finished speaking, he cupped his fists and bowed to her, as awkward as he said.

Seeing her husband's appearance, Wan'er burst into a burst of laughter with tears in her face, "Husband, you don't have to do such a big gift to Wan'er." This is how her husband can make trouble.

Hearing her puffing laugh, Ah Zhen finally saw the rain, and lowered his head lovingly, grabbed her red lips and kissed her tenderly.

After the plastic surgery, he led the shy Wan'er out of the room, and saw Xueshuang still reading the book seriously.

"Xueshuang, come here." Wan'er softly called to Xueshuang.

Hearing her call, Xueshuang immediately put down the book in her hand and hurried over, standing in front of them, like a student listening to the teacher's instructions.

As soon as she stood still, Wan'er asked softly: "Xueshuang, your husband wants to give you to Liu Sanlang, do you think it's okay?"

When Kuang Xueshuang heard this, he was startled and knelt down on the ground, tears filled his eyes and cried, "Young master and madam are so kind to your slaves, I would never dare to think so, madam, please take it back."

When she knelt down, Ah Zhen was immediately confused. When she was in Sui County that day, she begged him to let Liu Sanlang stay and fly together, why didn't he want him today?

Wan'er heard Xueshuang's remark, sighed and said: "Xueshuang, you and Liu Sanlang are in love, your husband's tolerance makes you match wings, but why don't you want to?"

Xueshuang kept shaking her head while crying, if it was earlier, she must have been extremely pleasantly surprised.But ever since she studied with Madam Wan, she knew that she was wrong. Although she was in love with Liu Sanlang, so what.Not only did she not reciprocate the young master's affection and love for her, but she also made him ashamed. Such ingratitude made her unable to survive long ago. The young master's love and affection for her wished to fulfill her, how dare she accept it, and how could she have the face to accept it.The body is given to the son early, and the son is her heaven. A good horse does not deserve two saddles, and a strong woman does not serve her second husband.Although she came from a poor and humble background, she still understands etiquette, righteousness, thrift and shame. If she can't clean up her body and love herself, Madam Fei Wan's teachings to her will be in vain. If she is with Liu Sanlang again, what face will she have to survive in this world.

Ah Zhen saw Xueshuang knelt on the ground and cried bitterly, her head was shaking like a drum, and she was at a loss.Doesn't Xueshuang love Liu Sanlang deeply?how
"You and Liu Sanlang really love each other, and I will help you, why are you like this?" He was confused, not knowing what this ancient woman's mind was.

"My lord, Xueshuang was once yours, and will always be yours. Before, Xueshuang was ignorant, please don't give Xueshuang to Liu Sanlang, Xueshuang, I beg you." Xueshuang knelt down on the ground While Shuang was crying, her little head was covered with purple and blue.

Seeing her knocking her head, Ah Zhen shouted in shock: "Okay, okay, I won't give it to me, get up quickly." After speaking, he helped her up.

Xueshuang, who was crying, saw the son grabbing her arm to help her up, her face flushed with tears, but she didn't struggle and let him support her.She has long belonged to the young master, and her body is given to the young master, so what's the matter with the skin-to-skin relationship?

Ah Zhen, who helped her up, saw that she was full of shyness, and hurriedly let go of the hand supporting her in a panic, mumbling speechlessly.As soon as he let go, Xueshuang felt an inexplicable loss in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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