ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 115 "The Battle of the School Field"

Chapter 115 "The Battle of the School Field" (2)
Wan'er stared at the two of them faintly, and sighed in her heart, she was from the past, so she understood this expression.This Xueshuang is probably also attached to her husband, but she doesn't know it.But her husband is still affectionate to Xueshuang, and only if he is reluctant in his heart will he kindly want to fulfill them.

"Here, Husband, Xueshuang doesn't want to, what should I do?" Wan'er asked softly, she was very satisfied with Xueshuang in her heart, the teachings to her these days were not in vain, and Xueshuang who finished reading was even more knowledgeable and courteous I have learned more about right from wrong and ethics.

When Wan'er asked, Ah Zhen was at a loss as to what to do. Seeing that Xueshuang was unwilling to be with Liu Sanlang, he couldn't force it.Gently he sighed and said to Xueshuang: "Xueshuang, then you can stay in the mansion first, and when you are willing to be with Liu Sanlang, tell me, I will definitely let you match wings."

After saying this, Xueshuang knelt on the ground again, and the tears flowed even more urgently, "Thank you son, Xueshuang will serve you all his life, and will not be with Liu Sanlang." How can she be ungrateful if the son loves her so much.

"It's up to you." He couldn't control the head of this ancient man.

After he finished speaking, the old grandpa ran into the garden in a hurry, Ah Zhen saw his anxious look, this old grandpa really did his best.

"Report to Sima, the Taiwei is here to visit." The old manager walked up to them and reported respectfully.

"Liu Wanyang? What is he doing here?" Ah Zhen heard from the boss, what is Liu Wanyang doing here at this time?
"Wan'er, I'll go and have a look first, you guys go ahead." Ah Zhen said to her after mumbling, pointing to the books on the stone table.

Wan'er blessed Fushen sweetly and said: "Husband, go and get busy."

Ah Zhen looked at her, nodded and strode towards the front hall.

As soon as he entered the front hall, he saw Liu Wanyang sitting in the hall drinking tea, and his official uniform had not been changed.Seeing this scene, Ah Zhen muttered, he is so busy as the Taiwei, how could he have time to come now?
"Wan Yang, are you looking for me?" Ah Zhen yelled at him after walking in.

Liu Wanyang, who was drinking tea, saw him coming, quickly put down the tea in his hand and stood up and said: "Little brother has never been to the school grounds since he came back. The generals miss him very much. Follow me to the school grounds to have a look."

"Now?" He looked at the afterglow on the courtyard outside the hall, it would be dark in more than an hour.

"Yes, let's go." Liu Wanyang was afraid that he would not go, so she walked over and took his hand and pulled him out of the door.

Ah Zhen couldn't help Wan'er, she didn't expect that Liu Wanyang, who was dull, would be impatient sometimes.Anyway, he's fine now, so let's go and have a look with him, as Da Sima, it's not justified if we don't come back to have a look.

After they rode their horses for a while, they came to the empty school grounds. The left and right generals were training soldiers and horses. When they saw them coming, they were overjoyed and hurried over.

"Taiwei, Da Sima, look at how powerful my soldiers are in training." As soon as they stepped onto the podium, the left and right generals could not help but gesture to the group of soldiers who were training.

Ah Zhen saw that the soldiers below were well-organized and their movements were neat and undisturbed, so he couldn't help but nodded and said: "It needs to be strengthened."

The left and right generals were taken aback for a moment, but they didn't understand how to strengthen it?
"I wonder if Da Sima has any clever tricks?"

"You order all the sergeants to tie sandbags on their thighs, forty catties each." Ah Zhen looked at the soldiers below and said.

"Here, is this useful?" The generals on the left and right looked at a loss, not knowing why Da Sima gave this order. Soldiers rely on wrist strength and force to fight. Isn't it burdensome to tie sandbags on their legs?

Seeing that the two generals were at a loss, he explained: "This sandbag can make the soldiers' lower legs more stable. Think about it, if you carry forty catties all day, how light your feet will be when you take them off on the battlefield."

When he said this, Liu Wanyang also nodded. What Da Sima said made sense.

Ah Zhen saw that everyone was a little enlightened, and said again: "Let's not talk about anything else, I will order everyone to retreat at that time, at least they can retreat cleanly, so as to avoid running too fast and being killed by the enemy."

When the three of them heard what he said, their faces were full of strangeness. Although they were going to the battlefield, they would die with honor, and they would never think of running away.

"Two generals, it's not cowardly to run away sometimes. Think about what happened to those who didn't run fast enough when they ordered the retreat at Zaerba that day?"

When he said this, everyone immediately understood the war that day.Da Sima gave an order to withdraw, and the vanguard team also suffered numerous casualties.

Seeing that they all understood, Ah Zhen sighed and said: "I don't want my soldiers to die in vain, and if it is not good enough to escape, you must practice well." He looked around the three of them and paused: "I know you I disdain running away, if you know you can't win and still run, that's not brave, that's stupid, they died in battle for the great Zhou, but have you ever thought that their wives, children and parents will be lonely and pitiful?"

The three people present were stunned by what he said. The three ancients had never heard such words. In their understanding, death in battle is an honor, and running away is a cowardly act.But after listening to Da Sima's words, these two things were reversed, but there was still some truth, and he didn't know how to react for a while.

Seeing that their faces were stunned strangely, Ah Zhen sighed and said: "A soldier is raging, and a general is a nest. In my eyes, a general is not how capable he is, but he should love his soldiers like his children. "

The three of them were very moved by his words, Da Sima really loves soldiers like sons.

"General Left and Right, starting tomorrow, all soldiers will be ordered to carry forty catties on their legs. There must be no mistakes." Liu Wanyang came back to his senses and gave orders to General Left and Right.

"Yes." The two of them listened to the Taiwei's order and answered without daring to violate it.

"Left and right generals, I'll pass on some formations to you, you have to step up and practice." Ah Zhen looked at the soldiers below who had already practiced to line up. The deputy leaders waved their flags, and the soldiers were in order.

"Yes, I wonder how Da Sima's formation is?" The three were overjoyed when they heard that he wanted to teach the formation.Da Sima is not a mortal, so the formation method taught must be the formation of gods and ghosts.

"Bring a pen and paper." Liu Wanyang excitedly shouted to the guard next to him when he heard that he was going to teach the formation.

Soon the pen and paper were placed on the table, and Ah Zhen sat in the middle and picked up the pen to draw: "This formation is called the Crane Wing Formation. The formation is both offensive and defensive, and the two wings can be opened and closed freely. It can be used not only to copy the enemy's sides, but also to attack the enemy in the middle of the formation. The general's defense should be strict to prevent the enemy from breaking through; The attack is fierce." He said while drawing: "This crane wing formation is suitable for a calm and experienced general like General You."

The four of them lay down in front of the table, almost knocking their heads on each other's heads. They listened with gusto and felt admiration in their hearts.Liu Wanyang is more like a treasure, so he likes this battle so hard that he can't try it on the battlefield immediately.

Ah Zhen looked up and saw that their heads were almost pasted on the paper, and asked with a smile: "What do you three think of my formation?"

"Great, little brother is really capable. This formation has both offensive and defensive capabilities. Sometimes it shrinks and sometimes expands. The attack on the enemy's wings is even more fierce." After Liu Wanyang studied it, Mo Miao couldn't help but admire this formation. Little brother out of his mind.

Seeing that the three ancients were so happy, Ah Zhen smiled secretly, of course, this is the crystallization of the wisdom of the predecessors, can it be good?

"Great Sima, what about his subordinates?" General Zuo was very jealous when he heard that Da Sima said that the formation would be passed on to General Right.

Ah Zhen saw that the general on the left was full of expectation, the general on the right had already held the blueprint in his arms, carefully folded it and stuffed it into his arms.He couldn't help laughing in his heart: "General Zuo, don't worry, I won't lose to General Right with the formation I pass on to you."

After he finished speaking, General Zuo was overjoyed, and Liu Wanyang was even more happy when he heard that he still could not lose to the Crane Wing Formation, and wanted to climb up from the sky.

Seeing everyone's facial expressions of winning 500 million, Ah Zhen couldn't help laughing and said, "This formation is called Fish Scale Formation." He said that his hands were busy drawing on the white paper, "The main forces of this formation are assembled in the center, divided into Several fish-scale-shaped small square formations are arranged in echelons, with slightly convex front ends, which belong to the offensive formation. It is suitable for General Zuo's bold and powerful attack power, and this formation is to concentrate forces to launch a fierce attack on the enemy's center." After painting, he slightly He said: "The weak point of this formation is at the tail. The left general and the right general will cooperate with each other. The enemy will not be able to break through the left general's tail, so this weak point will almost disappear."

"Good battle, good battle. The little brother is really a god." As soon as Ah Zhen finished drawing, Liu Wanyang looked at the many circles on the paper, and he understood it in an instant. It's so beautiful, I can't help myself.

(End of this chapter)

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