ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 141 "Request from the Harem"

Chapter 141 "Request from the Harem" (1)
The two guards escorted Ah Zhenzhi to the gate of the palace, but before they reached the gate, the guards at the palace gate saw that Da Sima, who was wearing a familiar green uniform, was escorted towards them by the harem guard Gouzi.

The eyelids kept twitching when he saw this fright. Could it be that Da Sima himself got off his horse?The emperor ordered him to be arrested?This big Sima is a hero in their hearts.

The two guards who were holding Ah Zhen carefully also dragged him, and the knife placed around his neck was even more piercing and powerful, not daring to let go.

When the guards at the gate of the palace saw Da Sima coming, they were so frightened that they didn't dare to move, they didn't understand why Da Sima was arrested.

"Stop, what is the purpose of leaving the palace?" This palace requires a certificate to enter, except for a few ministers, everyone else has to show the certificate to leave the palace.

"Duck board, I caught a thief in the palace, and I didn't have time to issue a certificate." The head guard looked familiar with the captain guarding the palace gate.

The guard of the palace gate was stunned for a moment when Gouzi said this, "Thief?" This is Da Sima, what kind of thief is there.

Ah Zhen stared at the group of guards at the palace gate with wide-eyed tiger eyes. This man named Ya Ban even helped him hold the umbrella.

"Yeah, duck board, get out of the way." Said the knife and pressed it on Ah Zhen's neck.

Immediately Ah Zhen opened his mouth in pain, the chief guard is really an asshole.

"No..." the guard at the palace gate called Yaban saw that Gouzi pressed the knife deeply on Da Sima's neck, and the rain of sweat immediately rushed down from his head, and his face was full of fear. His legs went limp and he fell to his knees and couldn't stop shaking.His brother didn't know how miserable he was going to die, and he only hoped that his brother's family would not be implicated.

The two who were holding Ah Zhen Gouzi saw that the group of duck boards fell to their knees, sweating like being drenched by rain, and they couldn't help feeling panicked.

" board, you" called Gouzi's hand that was holding the knife, shaking suddenly.

"I'm humbled to see Master Sima." Yaban knelt down on the ground and shouted loudly.

Gouzi and Gouzi dropped their swords to the ground immediately, and Poutong knelt down on the ground trembling uncontrollably, tears instantly raining like rain.It's really Da Sima, how could this Da Sima look like this, it's so weird.Lord Yan has [-] kinds of criminal laws. Hearing the criminal law of Da Sima, Lord Yan’s face changed color. Just now, all the guards in the palace rushed to tell him away. It only took him a few hours to make those extremely human officials All the old men have recruited, if the criminal law of the big Sima is not scary, why did the ministers recruit so quickly.

After Ah Zhen was let go, he touched his own neck. Sure enough, it was bleeding, but the wound was not deep. He gritted his teeth and said to the guard named Xiao Gouzi who was kneeling on the ground, "Bring it."

"What... what... what... what?" Gouzi knelt down on the ground, his head pressed against the floor and kept shivering, not knowing what Da Sima said.

Ah Zhen kicked him to the ground, gritted his teeth and said in a low voice, "This Sima seals the letter."

When he said this, the dog guard immediately understood, his hands were trembling like fallen leaves in the wind, and he reached into his arms tremblingly holding out the seal of Da Sima, but the hand was too trembling, and soon the seal rolled to the ground. go out.

As soon as the seal rolled, he was even more frightened and quickly crawled over, holding up the seal with trembling hands: "Big...big...big big"

Ah Zhen snatched his seal, raised his foot and kicked him to the ground, then went up and kicked him hard, the damn thing dared to make Lao Tzu's neck bleed.

The Gouzi guard lay on the ground crying bitterly enduring his strong kicks, trembling all over and not daring to make a sound or cry out in pain.

After Ah Zhen kicked for a while, his anger subsided a lot, he hummed and walked towards the harem again.

The two guards, the dogs, who were scared by his departure, almost died in Huangquan. The dog guards were crying and touched the saber that fell on the ground, and were about to wipe their necks.

Seeing that Gouzi was about to wipe his own neck in a cold sweat, Yaban quickly picked up his saber and knocked Gouzi's knife to the ground.

"Duck board, just let me die." Seeing that the knife had been knocked down, Gouzi picked up the saber in a panic. He would rather die than suffer.

"Goofy, you can't die, your whole family will suffer the same death." Ya Ban also crawled to his side and held him tight, Da Sima refused to let him die, who would dare to die?

When he said that Gouzi knelt down on the ground, his forehead kept hitting the floor, yes, who would dare to die if Da Sima refused to let him die.He hates, hates why he has a pair of dog eyes.

Ah Zhen stepped in front of the harem gate, and the guards saw him coming again, and for some unknown reason, they raised their knives and stopped him immediately.

"Go away."

"Why are you still here, where is our captain?" The guard saw that he was suddenly extremely powerful, and the clown on his face suddenly became extremely terrifying.

Ah Zhen gritted his teeth with a sullen face and said, "I'll say it again." After a pause, he raised his breath and shouted, "Get out of here."

His loud roar scared all the guards at a loss. This person is so terrifying, he must be some kind of good guy, and immediately confronted him nervously with a knife in his hand.

Hearing Da Sima's roar in the garden, Wang Yu stepped out of the garden suspiciously, and murmured, "Did I hear it wrong?" Even though he said that, he didn't dare to stop. People like Da Sima, everything possible.

Sure enough, after he had left for a while, he saw the guards guarding the garden confronting Da Sima with their knives in hand. His heart almost escaped from his body when he saw this.

"Put it down, put down the knife." Wang Yu sweat dripped from his forehead, and the voice he shouted was as frightening as if someone had strangled his neck.

When the guards heard Mr. Wang's terrified shout, they immediately put down their knives, not understanding why Mr. Wang was so frightened.

Seeing that they had put down the knife, Ah Zhen took a big step with his mouth pursed, and kicked the guard in front of him who was the first to lift the knife, knocking him to the ground immediately.

Seeing that he dared to kick someone in front of Manager Wang, everyone couldn't react for a moment.

Seeing that he was angry, Wang Yu quickly ran over to laugh with him and said, "Da Sima, the little guard is ignorant, calm down and calm down." Said that he kept stroking his chest with his mother's hand.

When all the guards heard Mr. Wang calling the person facing them with the knife to be Da Sima, they were so frightened that they knelt down on the ground, and the guard who was kicked to the ground also quickly turned over and knelt down, and the thought of death immediately rose from their hearts.

"Wang Yu, look what's on Ben Sima's neck?" Ah Zhen said softly, slapping away those mother's hands.

Wang Yu raised his mother's eyes and saw that his neck was blood-stained. Although the incision was not deep, it was still bleeding.Seeing this, she took a deep breath, and her mother's face immediately turned black.

"Hurry up, send the doctor quickly." Seeing that his neck was still bleeding, Wang Yu also kicked the kneeling guards next to him, and the kicked guards ran away without a trace.

"What happened to Wang Yu?" The emperor's voice sounded.

Hearing the old man's voice, Ah Zhen stepped into the gate of the harem, regardless of whether the blood on his neck was still bleeding, anyway, it was all bleeding, and it wasn't that bad.

Seeing that it was Da Sima, the emperor couldn't help being stunned. The queen next to him saw a very strange man walking into the back garden, and forgot to cry and stared blankly at his colorful face.

"Why did Da Sima come to the harem for something important?" The emperor was shocked when he saw him approaching with a solemn expression. Could something serious happen again?
The queen was stunned when the emperor called this weird man Da Sima. She never thought that the legendary Da Sima was so weird. Her crown prince was brought down by this man, and she immediately shot him with venomous eyes. past.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Wang Huan hurriedly led the imperial doctor and rushed in.

Seeing that Wang Yu led the imperial physician rushing over in such a hurry, the emperor looked at Ah Zhen suspiciously, and when he saw his neck, he was shocked to see that there was blood on his neck, and he couldn't help being horrified: "What's going on, Da Sima?" ?”

When the imperial doctor came and saw that the incision on Da Sima's neck was still bleeding, he gasped and said, "Sit down quickly, Da Sima, and I will bandage it for you."

Hearing what the imperial physician said, the emperor immediately came back to his senses and said, "Dear Sima, sit down quickly." This boy is his treasure, and he cannot be hurt.

Ah Zhen was quickly "detained" and sat on the stone chair next to him, and the emperor also sat beside him and asked worriedly: "How did you get this injury?"

"It was done by the guards guarding the harem." Ah Zhen listened to the old man's worried question and answered with a pout.

"Bastard, drag these guards out and chop them up immediately." Hearing what he said, the emperor stared wide-eyed and couldn't believe that it was the harem guards who hurt him.

Hearing the emperor's order, Ah Zhen waved his hands and said: "Forget it, your majesty, a small injury is not a problem." I kicked it, anyway, I can't die.

"Huh, pull them all out and give me fifty boards, so that they will have a long memory." The emperor gave a mighty order.

As soon as the words fell, Wang Yu ran away and disappeared in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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