ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 142 "Request from the Harem"

Chapter 142 "Request from the Harem" (2)
After bandaging for a while, the imperial doctor finally wrapped a circle of gauze around his neck before finishing the work and said: "Dear Sima, remember not to touch water on your neck these days." He took out a bottle of medicine from the medicine cabinet and said: "This is For the best Jinchuang medicine, apply it twice a day, and it will be fine within two days."

"Will it leave a wound?" This is what he is most concerned about, the neck is so obvious, and the wound is too ugly for him to be so handsome.

When he asked this question, everyone was stunned immediately, and the imperial doctor dared to reply with a smile: "Da Sima's wound is not deep, so it won't leave a scar."

When the imperial doctor said this, Ah Zhen exhaled and said, "That's good, that's good."

Seeing his happy appearance, the emperor couldn't help raising his eyebrows and teasingly said: "Sima is a strong man, why is he no different from a woman?"

"Wei Chen has cheated food and drink with this face, how can he cheat little girls when the scars are left." He replied naughtily.

He couldn't help Wan Er when he answered the emperor, "I remember that the two wives in Da Sima's family are both beautiful and beautiful, rare in the world, why are you so dissatisfied?"

Hearing what the old man said, Ah Zhen couldn't help answering: "Your Majesty, this is how bad men are. A wife is not as good as a concubine, a concubine is not as good as a prostitute, a prostitute is not as good as stealing, and stealing is as good as not being able to steal."

"Presumptuous, you are the great Sima, why did you say such vulgar words." The emperor reprimanded him in his rascal tone, how could this kid have so many tempers.

"Okay, then home flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers." He rolled his eyes, obviously meaning the same thing.

Hearing what he said, the emperor couldn't help laughing and said: "I don't know where you got these market attitudes, you kid. You have to get rid of it." Standing up, he is the only one who dares to sit on an equal footing with him.But chatting with him is very comfortable.

"Your Majesty, you don't understand now. If you are too serious, you must be serious. Of course, you must be serious when you are doing business. After finishing the business, you have to relax. It's like you keep a straight face all day long. Look, you have many wrinkles. Already." Said with an expression of surprise to find that he has many wrinkles.

"Don't be so joking with me, this market spirit is hard to be elegant, it must be changed." The emperor almost laughed with a straight face, and he dared to point his finger at his face and say that he had more wrinkles.

Ah Zhen saw that the old man was acting fake again, rolled his eyes and nodded and said: "Yes, yes, this minister must change, old man, no! It's the emperor, do you always know the wish of this minister when he was a child?" He asked the old man to see the emperor The bull's eyes were extremely wide, and he immediately changed his words.

"Tell me about it." Hearing this boy talk about ideals, he couldn't help but wonder what his ideals were when he was a child.

"Your Majesty, when I was a child, my dream was to have a family of ten thousand." As he spoke, the Emperor reprimanded him, "Extremely vulgar."

"The emperor's servant hasn't finished yet." Ah Zhen yelled dissatisfied, but he didn't expect the old man to interject, it's too rude.

"You said."

"Weichen's dream when he was a child was to have a family of [-] Guan, eat enough all day and have nothing to do, and take many dog ​​slaves to the streets to molest women from good families." He finally finished speaking.

The empress was stunned when he said this, and the emperor even squinted at his ruffian-like appearance with his legs crossed, and said with an old face: "Da Sima's dream is not necessary, definitely not."

"I knew it." Ah Zhen muttered and stood up.

"What are you muttering about?" The emperor asked with wide eyes when he heard him muttering.

"No, no, no." The old man's ears are really good.

Hearing his answer, the emperor couldn't help but shook his head and asked, "Is there something important for you to come to my harem?"

When he asked Ah Zhen, he immediately remembered what he was doing here, and quickly took out two treasures he had touched from his arms and said: "Please give these two things to this humble minister, Your Majesty."

When the emperor saw those two things, he almost laughed out loud. He didn't expect this kid to understand that he can only take them with a reward. The people in the Ministry of War told him that he took these things by himself, and he took it as a default without saying anything. I gave him a reward, and now seeing him come to beg him for a reward, I can't help being suspicious. Could it be that this kid has changed?

"Elder Sima seems to have taken these two things away last night, why did you come to ask me for a reward now?" The emperor raised his eyebrows very curiously.

Ah Zhen couldn't help being stunned when he heard this question, so the old man knew that he took it away by himself?Thinking about the raiding of the house was done by the guard general, of course the guard general did not dare to hide it. I didn't expect that the smart man was confused for a while, and he would have to do it himself in the future when he ransacked the house.

"Here, I gave it to the two wives, and the two wives insisted on asking the emperor to reward me." Thinking of Wan'er and Qianyun, he felt helpless.

"The two wives of Da Sima are really clear about right and wrong, and understand Dali. How can Da Sima know that taking it without reporting it is a serious crime for all clans?" The emperor nodded and felt very relieved, at least someone can cure this boy.

Hearing his question, Ah Zhen couldn't help muttering loudly to himself: "I'm so tired that I'm half dead. Till now I'm tired and hungry, and I haven't given any rewards. The emperor is too slamming."

He muttered to himself so loudly that even the deaf could hear, the empress knew that Da Sima was brave, but she didn't expect to be so bold, her eyes widened in disbelief, and she was horrified.

Listening to his self-talk, the emperor stared wide-eyed, and asked with an old face, "What did you say?" This kid dared to blame him for not rewarding him, and he dared to do the opposite when he was supposed to do things for him. Blame it.

"No, no, no." Seeing that the old man's eyes were about to pop out, he quickly waved his hands, and even shook his head like a bolang drum.

"Hmph." Seeing that his head was about to shake off, the emperor snorted softly, "Then I will give these two things to Da Sima, and the Da Sima will blame me for not knowing the rewards and punishments."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Ah Zhen was overjoyed, cupped his fists and bowed his thanks in great joy.

"Your Majesty, give Zhang the order." After thanking him, he stretched out his little hand flatteringly to ask for the order.

"What purpose?" Everyone was stunned.

Seeing the emperor asking this question, Ah Zhen's voice suddenly became louder, "The emperor bestowed these two things to the humble minister, there must be a proof, otherwise it will be difficult for the humble minister to explain it when he goes back." When he took it home like this, Wan'er and Qianyun would meet Do you believe it was given by the emperor?

When he said this, the emperor laughed, this kid must have done too many bad things, even the wife at home didn't believe him.

"You go back first, I will ask someone to deliver the decree to you later."

"Your majesty is wise." After Ah Zhen shouted long live, "The humble minister has resigned?"

"Go." The emperor said with a smile, as long as this kid has something to say, it will be nice, and there is no way to ask him to do something is the same as killing him.But it is true that he has worked too hard, so what should he be rewarded for?The emperor stared at his back with dark eyes and pondered.

Ah Zhen happily ran out of the harem towards the gate of the palace. He was so happy that he didn't pay attention to the two sides. It was only when he reached the gate of the palace that he was surprised to see the dog called Gouzi kneeling at the gate of the palace with blank eyes, looking like he was dying .

Ah Zhen, who watched it, couldn't help feeling sorry for him, and shouted: "Stand up."

Hearing his shout, Gouzi and the guards beside him knelt down in a daze and dared not get up.

"Let me talk." Seeing that they were still kneeling on the ground, Ah Zhen said in a low voice.

The guards at the gate of the palace were shocked when they heard his gloomy voice.

Finally, Gouzi and the guard stood up from the ground slowly shaking their bodies like fallen leaves. When they stood up, they kept shaking from side to side, as if they might faint at any time.

"Do you know how to brighten your eyes in the future?" Ah Zhen couldn't help but sympathize deeply when he saw their appearance.

"Yes." The two of them didn't hear what he said at all, their eyes were blank, and only their souls remained.

Seeing this, Ah Zhen wondered if they heard what he was saying?Suspiciously said: "Your house is on fire."


"Your wife was raped by me."

"Yes." The two remained the same.

"Come here." Ah Zhen called out to the guard named Yaban who was guarding the gate of the palace.

Soon the duck board came.

"Give him two slaps." He gestured towards Gouzi's dazed face.

Pa Pa Pa Pa Ya Ban made repeated moves.

Sure enough, Gouzi woke up, and seeing Da Sima standing in front of him, he was so frightened that he fell to his knees and kowtowed for mercy.

"Okay, okay, from now on, keep your eyes bright and treat people politely, you know?"

"Yes, yes, Da Sima, please forgive me, please forgive me." The guards continued to kowtow.

"Okay, then I will spare your life, go and guard the harem."

"This, really?" The guard raised his head in disbelief, his eyes full of expectation.

"Really." Ah Zhen nodded, and strode out towards the gate of the palace.

It's noon, I'm so hungry.There are still a lot of things going on, and the two states should go quickly to have a look, I don't know what kind of chaos it has become.

(End of this chapter)

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