ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 147 "Fierce Battle in Night Rain"

Chapter 147 "Fierce Battle in Night Rain" (1)
Dawn is approaching, the fog is gradually dissipating, but the heavy rain has not stopped.

Darkness and darkness chase each other in the sky, and thunder and lightning flicker in the clouds, making white light occasionally flash in the dark night.

Ah Zhen and his group slept peacefully by the fire, surrounded by silence, Qianyun snuggled up beside him like a kitten, sleeping extremely peacefully and contentedly, her little head was even more happily pillowed in her husband's strong arms .

In the peaceful little broken room, the happy Qianyun's star-like pupils suddenly opened, and she sat up casually.

When she sat up, she also saw the two generals and the two Mos turned over and sat up from the ground, Liu Fengyang, Guo Zhixiao and her husband were still fast asleep, Mochou was awakened by the slight sound of footsteps and sat up, making a gesture to stand up, Qianyun saw The face turned cold and made a quiet gesture, and the two Mo and the two generals looked around vigilantly without daring to move.

When Ah Zhen was sleeping soundly, he suddenly felt that his arms were empty, his eyebrows twitched, and when he opened his eyes, he saw this group of people looking around solemnly and respectfully, and Yun'er's slender willow eyebrows were deeply furrowed.

"Why?" He turned over and sat up, staring blankly at the dripping rain outside the house, and there was no one in the deserted small village except for the rain.

As soon as he finished speaking, several silver beads flew into the broken room, and the silver beads exploded immediately after flying into the room.

Seeing Zhuzi flying towards her, Qianyun bullied her husband with a solemn face, tightly protecting him in her arms, covering herself with one hand, and tightly covering her husband with the other.

"What?" Guo Zhixiao and Liu Fengyang were startled awake by the loud noise, before they raised their bodies, their eyelids fell back to the ground and they fell into a coma.

Mo Ku saw that the master had passed out, his face was shocked, the two brothers and sisters rushed up to investigate and shouted: "It's a drug."

After the white mist of drug addiction in the house was heavy, a large crowd of people suddenly appeared in the dead village, all of them dressed in bamboo hats, black clothes and trousers, with fierce expressions.

Ah Zhen stood up and saw the group of people outside the house standing under the night rain, letting the rain hit their bamboo hats with stern expressions, and the silent village was even more dead silent.

Qianyun was nervously protecting her husband, and the two generals and two Mo were standing beside him, their eyes sucking blood.Liu Fengyang and Guo Zhixiao lay in the dry grass and still slept soundly.

The leader in black couldn't help being surprised when he saw that the two fell down after being directly hit by his silver bead, and asked in a deep voice, "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Hearing the low voice, Ah Zhen smiled and patted the general who was protecting him in front of him, saying: "Passers-by, they are sheltering from the rain in the village when it rains heavily."

The man in black saw a handsome young man emerging from behind the strong man. The young man was smiling, as if he didn't seem to be afraid of them, so he couldn't help being surprised.

"There are very few people in the world who can escape my soul-hunting bullet, so you leave quickly." There is no hatred in the past, and no hatred in the near future.This group of people heard that they were passers-by and did not intend to kill them all.

Hearing what the leader said, Ah Zhen raised his eyebrows, gestured to the rain outside and said, "Now?"

"That's right, leave quickly." The leader in black frowned, and his voice couldn't help but grow louder.

"It's raining too much, we'll leave tomorrow morning, please go back." Ah Zhen shook his head, as if he was the master.

When he said this, the people in black couldn't believe it, they didn't expect this handsome young man to be so kind.

"Who are you?" Hearing his words, the man in black didn't seem to be afraid at all, and he couldn't help being suspicious. There are not many people in the world who can escape his soul-hunting bullets, and there are four people standing beside him. The boy has a tough look on his face, and he knows that he is not easy to mess with.

"I'm the head of the Northeast Green Forest, and my friends on the road call me Yan Luo with a jade face, what about you?" Ah Zhen came here casually.

Qianyun raised her eyebrows slightly when she heard her husband talking nonsense.

When he said this, everyone in black was startled, what about the green forest in the northeast?Jade-faced Yama?It's not easy to mess with, but you haven't heard the name of this master in the world?But he was able to avoid his soul-hunting bullets, and he had no fear of so many of them, no matter whether he had heard of it or not.With this ability alone, you can't be careless.

"What? Don't nameless rats dare to declare their names?" Seeing him stunned, Ah Zhen couldn't help laughing.

Hearing his mocking tone, the leader in black changed his face and said, "It seems that you don't intend to leave."

"Why do you want to leave?" Ah Zhen couldn't help but smiled lightly when he heard his question.

"Then offend." Said a large group of men in black and rushed towards them against the night rain.

Seeing the man in black coming, Ah Zhen said to Liang Mo, "Don't make it so disgusting."

After the words fell, the two generals and two Mo rushed into the night rain to meet a group of men in black.

It was still raining torrentially at night.

The footprints trampled by everyone on the muddy ground were immediately washed away by the rain.

The two generals and the two Mos shuttled among the men in black like wolves, crying everywhere they went, and the blood immediately mixed with the water.

Suddenly, a long whip struck from the left, directly hitting Ah Zhen's neck.

Before Ah Zhen had time to panic, Qianyun who was standing beside him made a move like lightning, intercepting the long whip in mid-air, and Qian Yun immediately grabbed the snake-like whip of the man in black with his hand.

The leader in black was not surprised when he saw that his thick and powerful black whip was firmly grasped by a handsome child. He chopped off his head, but before the blade reached, the sword energy streaked across the sky and slashed down forcefully.

The leader in black was horrified, he never expected that the child would have such a strong internal force, blood spurted out when his arm failed to completely escape, and the black whip was even split in two.

Ah Zhen saw that the leader in black was knocked down to the ground in an instant, and Qianyun didn't continue to make moves to kill him. After knocking him down, she retreated back to her husband to protect her tightly.

"Two generals, two mos, you are so bastards, you actually let people approach me." Ah Zhen was angry, these two generals and two mos are still masters, wow!It actually made people find a emptiness. If Qianyun wasn't there, he would have played chess with Mr. Yan Wang by now.

The scolding made the two generals and two Mo's heart tremble, it's too bad, the coach is angry.

The leader in black was holding his bleeding wound, his face full of horror, which was even more unbelievable.

one move.

The handsome kid knocked him out with just one blow.

Hearing the jade-faced Yan Luo yelling at the other four, he turned to look at his followers in a daze, his eyes suddenly protruded, and cold sweat dripped down his face.Hundreds of his men fought against the four of them, and there was not much left in less than half a cup of tea, and the broken limbs around them were even more frightening.

"Boss, it's hard work." A man in black with a blank expression and terrified eyes dragged half of his body and crawled towards the leader in black, as if he had crawled out of hell. To his side, the first touch is dead.

When the leader in black saw this, the pores all over his body stood up in fright.Ignoring the wounds on his body, he stood up abruptly. In the night rain, there were as many troops split into two pieces alive as a cow's hair. The soldiers lying in the rain were even more so with protruding eyes and half bodies crawling around. Weeping for each other.

"Stop, stop!" The leader in black was so frightened that his legs trembled, and the rain was dripping on his face, and he couldn't tell whether it was tears or rain.

As soon as he shouted, the four evil spirits continued to kill his troops.

"Stop, stop, please stop." Said the leader in black knelt down, crying bitterly.

However, those four evil spirits still didn't hear his words, and made more dead bodies and more half-dead people from their hands.

"Stop" a very soft voice sounded.

When the two generals and two Mo heard the coach speak, they immediately put away their swords and leaped to his side.The four of them were stained red with blood, their faces were serious and they didn't say a word.

"I told you not to bring out the living dead, but you still made so many." Mo Ku stood still, Ah Zhen raised his throat and yelled at him.The roaring Mo Ku's face was full of grievances, he had killed people like this since he was a child, and he didn't know how to kill people otherwise.

Ah Zhen looked at the half-dead people, held back his churning stomach and shouted at the leader in black: "Come here."

As soon as he roared, the leader in black knelt down with trembling legs and slowly crawled towards him, terrified in his heart, this jade-faced Yama came out of nowhere, just by the five people under his hands He is already a top-notch master in the world, and he doesn't know how powerful he is.

"Master Yan Yanluo...Master." After the black-clothed leader knelt in front of him, trembling all over, he was no longer as arrogant as he was just now.

"Call the young master." Seeing his appearance, Ah Zhen firmly ordered, he is not old yet, what is his name called the master.

"Yes, yes, Master Yan Luo." The leader in black was very obedient.

(End of this chapter)

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