ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 148 "Fierce Battle in Night Rain"

Chapter 148 "Fierce Battle in Night Rain" (2)
Ah Zhen nodded, pointed to the carts in the distance and asked, "Tell me, what exactly do you want to transport here?"

When he asked, the leader in black panicked. He never expected that Master Yan Luo would know that he was coming here to transport things, and he didn't know whether to speak or not.

"What? Do you want my four subordinates to greet your brothers again?"

Said, the leader in black carefully looked at the four fierce men, and saw that the four men stared at him with murderous intent, as if they were prey.

When he saw this, he was as scared as a leaf in the wind and hurriedly replied: "Silver, transport the silver."

"Where is the silver?" Ah Zhen couldn't help being stunned when he heard what he said. There is actually silver in this desolate village.

"It's in the basement of Master Yan Luo's room."

When he said this, Ah Zhen turned and looked at the room, but he didn't expect them to sleep on the pile of silver.

"Ask your people to clean up the corpses here." Said Chao Liangmo ordered: "You two go to supervise, and anyone who dares to run away will chop them up."

The leader in black was startled, and knelt in the rain not daring to speak.

"General, look at him. If he dares to move, he will be killed immediately." Ah Zhen gave the order to the leader in black.

"Yes." The two generals should be, standing in front of the black-clothed leader majestically, staring at him.The staring leader in black almost fainted.

"It's dawn, wake up." Ah Zhen shook Liu Fengyang and Guo Zhixiao who were sleeping comfortably.

After screaming for a long time, he kicked them so angry that he woke them up.

The two people who had just woken up in a daze woke up and saw Brother Zhen's enlarged face. All their memories came back, and they immediately stood up and said, "Brother Zhen, what's going on? Are you okay?"

Hearing their question, Ah Zhen rolled his eyes and said, "Aren't you talking nonsense? If I have a copy, who will talk to you now?"

The two were stunned for a moment, and what Brother Zhen said really made sense.

"You guys are sleeping under the pile of silver, do you know?" Ah Zhen pointed to the ground and said to the two of them.

Liu Fengyang was startled, moved his feet and said: "Really?" The two of them looked at the floor at the same time.

Ah Zhen glanced at them, saw that they were awake, and shouted outside: "Bring him in for me."

Soon the big and small generals brought in the leader in black.

Seeing that the leader in black was drenched all over, Ah Zhen grabbed the fan from Liu Fengyang's waist and tapped it on the ground.

Liu Fengyang's fan was robbed and he saw Brother Zhen pointing it to the ground, looking at Guo Zhixiao for no reason, and Guo Zhijiao was also looking at him for no reason, the two were at a loss.

The leader in black immediately understood his gesture when he saw his gesture, and fell to his knees with a puff.

With a snap, Ah Zhen snapped the fan aside and said, "Let's talk."

Hearing this cold voice, the leader in black was stunned for a moment and then understood, he didn't dare to hide it and said: "The villain is called Yu Cun, and he is the bodyguard who opened the silver shop."

"Stupid?" There are still people calling this name, everyone Wan Er.

"Didn't the opening of the bank be closed down? The prince has stepped down, why are you still here?"

Yu Cun's heart was startled by his question, he didn't expect that Young Master Yan Luo knew so much, and he didn't dare to hide it: "Yes, yes, the bank that opened yesterday was closed, and all the tents were arrested and imprisoned. And these silvers were transported here from Qianzhou last night, Qianzhou was flooded last night, and Master Cui of the state capital ordered the young man to bury this batch of silver in the ground overnight."

This Cui Geng still has a bit of a brain, "Cui Geng has been arrested and imprisoned, so you are greedy and want to take this batch of money for yourself?" Ah Zhen asked coldly.

Hearing what he said, Yu Cun waved his hands in fright and said, "No, no, no villain would dare to have such greed even if he died. It's the villain of Gongzhou Road who came to mention it tonight."

"Dao Fang?" Ah Zhen asked Guo Zhixiao in a daze: "What is Dao Fang?"

Everyone rolled their eyes when they heard his question, Guo Zhixiao shook his head and said: "Brother Zhen, this defense is a river defense, responsible for the river transportation of a certain place." He continued: "This defense is like half a thousand generals. .”

"So that's the case?" Guo Zhixiao said, Ah Zhen immediately understood, "Why are all the officials of the sixth rank and above from the two prefectures escorted to Beijing? Why is this defense still here?"

"Brother Zhen, Gongzhou's road defense is under the control of Heying, not under the jurisdiction of the local capital." Liu Fengyang rolled his eyes and explained, even he understands, why doesn't Brother Zhen not understand?
Well, he admitted that he, the big Sima, was a bit of a mess with the head office, and he understood after hearing their explanation, so he continued to ask the leader of the night with a straight face: "What's the name of this defense? Where is it?"

"The master of Qianzhou Daofang is called Yi Dazhong, and the government office is at the Qianzhou wharf." Listening to their conversation, Yu Cun didn't know who this young master Yan Luo was.

When he said this, Ah Zhen looked at Guo Zhixiao and said with a smile: "Why isn't this Yidazhong flooded?" Didn't Qianzhou burst the embankment?
When he asked, everyone rolled their eyes again, "Brother Zhen, this defense is usually set up at a high place, so that they can watch the boats passing by in the river."

"So that's how it is." Ah Zhen nodded again and said, "Which department does Daofang directly belong to?"

"The road defense is under the management of the Ministry of Industry, but generally it is directly controlled by the water officials under the Ministry of Industry," Guo Zhixiao despised him. He has become the chief minister and doesn't even know about such things.

"Have you caught it?" Ah Zhen asked curiously.

"Arrested, the team from the Ministry of Industry is all in prison, and the Third Division is currently interrogating." Liu Fengyang said in surprise, Brother Zhen handed this matter over to the Third Division directly, why did he ask himself?He still listened to what He Yaofei said.

Seeing their contemptuous eyes, Ah Zhen smiled embarrassedly and said: "There are too many people, I can't remember." He couldn't help but hum with a cold face: "These three old guys are too useless, right? Here There is still money buried, but it has not been tried."

When everyone saw him humming, they were afraid, Guo Zhixiao clasped his fists and said weakly: "Brother Zhen, the third department has just taken over, and there are dozens of third-rank and above. In two days."

"In just these two days, people can take advantage of the gap. This Yidazhong is really bold. How dare you blatantly come to transport money when the limelight is on?" He said with a smile to everyone: "This Yidazhong is simply It’s the birthday star who got impatient with hanging himself.”

When he said this, everyone couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

Yu Cun knelt down on the ground, the fear in his heart was beyond words, who is this young master Yan Luo, how can he know so much, and dare to call these names he has never heard of the elder.

"Brother Zhen, it's settled." Soon, Liang Mo walked over, and Mo Ku clasped his fists and reported.

"Well," Ah Zhen nodded and ordered Yu Cun: "Ask your people to come dig money." He said and stared at Yu Cun fiercely.

Terrified, Yu Cun got up from the ground and waved to the surviving tribes outside, and a large number of men in black immediately filled the small house.

Ah Zhen and his group changed houses, stood at the door and looked at the man in black who was busy digging the ground in the big house next door, and Er Mo stood viciously beside him and supervised.

"Young general, take my seal to Qianzhou and call Huhuiying." Said he took out his Da Sima seal from his pocket and handed it to the young general.

The young general didn't dare to hesitate, put the seal in his arms and immediately rushed across Ye Yu and ran towards Gongzhou.

"Brother Zhen? Why do you want to transfer Huhuiying?" Guo Zhixiao didn't understand. Didn't the man in black be captured without a fight?

"Zhixiao, these men in black are just doing coolies. The real owner is Fang Yi Dazhong. Will he let go of such a large amount of money so easily?"

This statement immediately woke up everyone, Liu Fengyang was full of admiration: "Brother Zhen really has a meticulous mind."

"Of course." Ah Zhen laughed and returned the fan to him, "Feng Yang, remember, a slight difference is a thousand miles away."

"Yes, yes." Everyone nodded, feeling ashamed.

"By the way, when we walk in the rivers and lakes, we must always have a reputation for evil spirits. From now on, our name will be Duanhunlou, and I will be the leader of Duanhunlou, the jade-faced king of hell."

Everyone was at a loss when he said this, Duan Hun Lou?Jade-faced Hades?The people who read low had strange expressions on their faces.

"How is it? Is this a good name?" Ah Zhen asked expectantly.

"Uh! Alright." Liu Fengyang nodded, feeling so vulgar in his heart, it's so vulgar, and Jian Jin is so vulgar.

Seeing everyone's praise, he said happily, "Then I have to get a fan." When someone asked me my name, I read: "Half god, half saint and half immortal, all Confucianism and Taoism are all sages. There are thousands of volumes in the Zhongzhen Book, and you can grasp half the sky in civil and military affairs." After reading this, he also snatched back Liu Fengyang's fan, and walked a few steps to the side without stopping.

Everyone stared at him blankly, his name was vulgar enough, but he didn't expect to shake his fans and recite poems. The Buddha blessed them with a smooth journey. They are all big men, so they can't afford to be ashamed.

(End of this chapter)

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