ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 207 "Siege of the City"

Chapter 207 "Siege of the City" (1)
When night fell, Wang Yong was loitering in the room, pacing here and there.

"The general is not good." When he was loitering, the soldiers outside reported in horror.

After Wang Yong was stunned, he opened the door with a snap and asked, "What happened?"

"It was just now that hundreds of soldiers in Feijian City were killed."

"What?" Wang Yong was terrified, and hurried towards the city gate.It is impossible for the Da Sima people to come so quickly in Hangzhou. What is going on?God, what day is it today.

Soon he ran to the city wall, and he saw blood stains. All the soldiers shot by the arrows were hit in the throat, and no one survived. This archery technique is very accurate.

The guards on the city wall panicked when they heard that there were more than 200 million elite soldiers from the Great Sima, and now they were bleeding again.

"What's going on here?" Wang Yong stared fiercely at the group of generals, and saw that everyone was silent.

The guard of Zhenxi stepped forward cautiously and said: "General, I don't know what's going on, and the generals don't dare to open the city rashly." He is the biggest among them, and if he doesn't come out to report, who will come out to report.

"Bastard" Wang Yong jumped his feet angrily after hearing his report, and his face has never been better since the afternoon.

Li Tieyin, the deputy commander, stepped forward weakly and reported: "General, it may be done by the seal troops of Da Sima."

"How can Da Sima reach Shaozhou in dozens of hours while he is in Hangzhou? Could it be that he can't fly." Wang Yong scolded.

The generals and soldiers were shocked when they heard his reprimand. Maybe Da Sima could really fly. It was rumored among the people that Da Sima was a god. They didn't believe it at first, but now they believed it a little bit. It was only a day, a short time. One day, Jiangnan, which they had been running for ten years, was made so unbearable by Da Sima that all the officials bowed their heads. If Da Sima is not a god, how did he do it.

"Strict guard." Wang Yong looked at the expressions of the generals, his face was as green as a newly sprouted tender seed.

At noon on the second day, Ah Zhen's group finally arrived outside the city of Shaozhou. As soon as they arrived at the scarred man, they found Bei Ni, and the two or three hundred fire tribe members immediately joined Bei Ni.

"How about Jingtai?" Benny was satisfied when she saw the hundreds of Skyfire troops dressed in black.

Jingtai cupped his fists respectfully and said: "Master, last night at midnight, the Tianhuo tribe fired rounds at the defenders on the city, but the city gate was closed and there was no movement."

Bei Ni smiled very sweetly when she heard the news and said to Ah Zhen: "Brother Ah Zhen, it seems that the defenders in the city are more afraid of you than Wang Yong."

Ah Zhen cracked his mouth and said with a laugh: "If you weren't afraid of the generals in the city, you wouldn't be so afraid." The time is wrong, and now all the soldiers in the city probably regard him as a god. Who can leave Hangzhou in a few hours? Fly to Shaozhou.Originally, he was a god-man in the hearts of the people, but now he is only increasing his status as a god in the hearts of the people.

"The coach, the guard of Zhenbei and the general of Zhennan are here." The general rode up and approached to report.

Ah Zhen opened his mouth, the two armies came really fast, and after getting off their horses, they saw a large number of troops rushing towards them from behind.

As soon as the two generals arrived, they got off their horses and rushed towards him. They knelt down in front of him and said: "The general of Zhenbei protects his face, and the general of Zhennan, Dongguo, meets Da Sima." After finishing speaking, the two of them knocked hard head.

"Get up." Ah Zhen saw that the two of them were travel-stained and their faces were covered with wind and frost. It seemed that they had been on the road overnight.

After the two stood up, they stood by and dared not make a sound, "What's wrong with the Chief Protector of Zhennan?"

"Report to the Great Sima, Yongkangning, the guardian of Zhennan, has been beheaded by the last general, and the rest of the tribe have all surrendered upon hearing the news."

"Very well, advance to Shaozhou and set up camp five miles away." Ah Zhen ordered with satisfaction.

Hearing what he said, the two generals asked in astonishment: "Didn't Da Sima give the order to attack the city?" Now they are in a strong bow, and Wang Yong is just a chicken bird. It is most beneficial to attack now.

Of course Ah Zhen knew what they were thinking, he opened his mouth and smiled and looked at their faces full of wind and frost, and said: "Siege the city is the bottom, and the heart is the top. I don't need to use a single soldier to take Shaozhou. Capture the rebellious minister Wang Yong."

The two generals were even more stunned when they heard what he said, and their faces were full of horror. This is unbelievable. It is said that there are nearly 40 to [-] soldiers and horses in the city.Think about it, Da Sima used to strategize on the Tubo battlefield, and a man who won a thousand miles could win the crown prince alone in a camp of millions of troops. This Wang Yong is a chicken, and there is nothing impossible to think about.After receiving the order, the mighty army marched towards the city gate of Shaozhou.

As soon as the two generals left, Bei Ni raised her eyebrows and asked, "Brother Ah Zhen, do you want to scare Wang Yong?"

"Hey, Bernie, don't you think this is fun?" Ah Zhen said hehe.

With two dimples sunken, Benny nodded her head and said, "It's very fun. It scares Wang Yong to death and the generals and soldiers defending the city."

"Hahaha" Ah Zhen looked up to the sky and laughed, Wang Yong, you are so stupid, you are out of luck.

"Brother Ah Zhen, do you want bamboo letters to tie arrows and shoot them into the city to deliver messages?" Benny asked curiously, she really didn't know much about wars since she had never been on a battlefield.

As soon as she finished speaking, Ah Zhen stopped laughing, stared at her with raised eyebrows and said, "Benny is so smart, you even let you know that I want to send a subpoena."

"Of course, didn't you just say that attacking the city is the bottom and attacking the heart is the top, and you let the army be stationed five miles away, and the two armies face each other. Everyone in the city has been afraid of you for a long time, and they have long wanted to surrender. They are afraid that you will not Thank you for your kindness, so I didn't move."

"That's right, I have already sent out the news of the 200 million troops, and more than half of the ministers bowed their heads. In just one day, Jiangnan collapsed, and when Jiangnan collapsed, everyone's spirits also collapsed. If I say let them live , like a buoy for all who are floating on the sea."

Benny nodded straight when she heard this. This is human psychology. If you are under too much psychological pressure, you can't bear it mentally. "Brother Ah Zhen, if you want to send a message like this? This will cause a huge massacre in the city."

"No way." Ah Zhen spread his hands, shrugged and continued: "Now everyone has the heart to betray Wang Yong. If Wang Yong comes to massacre again, it will arouse public outrage."

Bei Ni frowned, as if she could smell the strong smell of blood, she sighed and said: "That's the only way, brother Ah Zhen, let's pass the order quickly." Black Miao King, don't die .

"No hurry, let the generals in the city suffer first, I want them to be so scared that they can't even lift their guns." Ah Zhen laughed and ran towards the camp.

After entering the commander's tent, he looked at the two generals, four lieutenants, and eight chief guards in the battalion.

"Order all the soldiers to press on the city gate, prepare the siege equipment, and make an appearance that they plan to attack the city at any time."

"Yes" Although the generals didn't understand what he was doing, they took orders to leave.

When he was sitting leisurely in the handsome tent drinking tea, the big and small generals came in and reported, "Coach, all the generals are ready."

"Okay, help me change my clothes." Ah Zhen put down the teacup.

The big and small general approached with his Da Sima official uniform and hurriedly helped him tidy it up.

Standing on the wall, Wang Yong's face was ashen.All the generals in the city looked at the soldiers and horses assembled below the city with pale faces, and the number of black and white people was too numerous to count.

"Great General, General Da Da is here." Li Tieyin, the deputy commander, shook his throat and pointed at Ah Zhen who was riding on a horse and wearing an official robe, followed by hundreds of terrifying people in strange costumes.

"Well." Wang Yong's face was ugly, and he couldn't help being shocked to see these soldiers all strong and mighty.But he became suspicious again. As far as he knew, the soldiers of Zhennan General and Zhenbei Chief Guard didn't have this kind of momentum?How could he have imagined that with Da Sima around, even a weak soldier would be mighty and extraordinary.The soldiers looked at Da Sima, and their hearts were surging. This Da Sima was invincible and invincible. It would be an honor to follow him even if he died.He had been suppressed by Wang Yong in the past, but today he finally regained his breath. Everyone despises those chickens and birds looking at the city, and treats them with disdain.

Ah Zhen stepped forward leisurely on horseback, looked at Wang Yong and the generals in the city, and saw that they were restrained and calm, and teased: "Wang Yong, don't you want to kill Ben Sima? Ben Sima is standing here, come here Kill it." Speaking of waving to him, he was extremely arrogant.

Wang Yong's face was ashen, seeing him like this, he gritted his teeth and roared: "Pifu, this general will definitely kill you without leaving a single piece of armor."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ah Zhenbi pointed out a finger and shouted: "One."

Everyone in the city was stunned, not knowing what Da Sima said.

"What the hell?" Wang Yong was also suspicious.

"Based on your words, Sima is going to dissect one of your family members." After returning, he said: "You called me a man again, and now there are two."

(End of this chapter)

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