ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 208 "Siege of the City"

Chapter 208 "Siege of the City" (2)
Hearing what he said, Wang Yong jumped his feet angrily and shouted, "You man, dare you."

"Three." Ah Zhen stroked three fingers, very leisurely.

Wang Yong's face was livid and livid and he roared: "You, my general, will not give up until I slash you with a sword."

"Then what are you waiting for? Come and hack?" Ah Zhen was very surprised when he heard what he said, and waved to him, as if you were coming soon.

Wang jumped up courageously, grabbed the deputy leader next to him and shouted: "Lead my troops out of the city and kill him."

Li Tieyin's heart trembled, he looked left and right, he had already seen that the hands of all the soldiers were trembling in fear, how could he fight like this.He clasped his fists anxiously and said: "You can't do it, the general. It is rumored that the great Sima is very cunning. There are many tricks on the Tubo battlefield. He dared to ride alone to provoke him. I am afraid it is a trick."

When the deputy commander said, the generals all around nodded. That’s right, it’s rumored that even the talented female military advisers in Tubo have been fooled by the chief minister, and the chief minister under the city is even more confident. regret but too late.

For a long time, Wang Yong looked at the big Sima in the city like a ruffian with a bad face, never expecting that he would eat fruit on horseback among the two armies.

"Bah, general..." Ah Zhen took a bite of the apple and threw the apple on the ground.

General Tima rushed over, standing by the side not knowing what he was going to do.

Ah Zhen stood on the back of the horse and shouted: "The apples are not tasty, get me some pears."

The cold wind blows slowly.In front is the Shaozhou army, and behind him is his army.But he actually stood in the middle of the two armies, thinking that apples were not tasty, so he wanted to eat pears.

The soldiers and horses on both sides stared wide-eyed, unbelievable, unbelievable, what kind of person is Da Sima.They were all so nervous that he still thought the apples were not tasty.

Soon all the generals in the city stared wide-eyed, watching the man named General run up to him carrying the pear, and respectfully handed the pear to Da Sima, and Da Sima was not polite, he stretched out his hand to grab the pear and mouthed it. He took a big bite and ate it in front of their army.

Including the general, all Wang Yong's soldiers were even more silent, staring wide-eyed at him really enjoying eating among the army.All the generals and soldiers looked at each other, wondering how Da Sima could eat him.

Wang Yong swallowed his saliva and shouted when he saw his leisurely appearance: "What the hell are you going to do, man, attack and not attack, retreat and not retreat."

"Five." Ah Zhen, who was happily eating pears, raised a palm high and said to Wang Yong while eating.

"You" Wang Yong was speechless, not knowing what to do.

After leisurely eating a pear, he threw the pear core on the bed, wiped his mouth with the official uniform of the great Sima and said, "Wang Yong, I will tell you that Sima has set up countless pears around your city. Daoming pass is a hidden card. As long as you dare to come out, I will decapitate you." After speaking, he picked a pear from his bosom, wiped it, put it on his mouth and bit it hard.

Wang Yong and the others in the city changed their faces greatly when they heard it. It was one thing to be suspicious, but another thing to hear that he was sure. Everyone looked around, staring at the large forest in the distance, looking at the land under the yellow sand, looking for There are no hidden piles.

"Don't be alarmist, this general will not believe your sophistry." Wang Yong shouted in shock.

Hearing what he said, Ah Zhen kept nodding and said: "Well, then come down and try."

Sure enough, the city was silent again.

After another long time, Wang Yong looked at the sky anxiously, and shouted: "What are you going to do, attack and not attack, retreat and not retreat, what exactly do you want to do?"

Hearing Wang Yong's frantic tone, Ah Zhen showed a very sinister smile to the people in the city and replied: "Wang Yong, you still want to rebel with your head, and even Ben Sima can't help but feel sorry for you, you bastard." How did the riding general get here, did he get it from a woman?" After speaking, he shook his head and threw another pear pit on the ground.

Hearing what he said, Wang Yong blushed and roared: "You are full of tricks, this general doesn't bother to be with you."

Hearing what he said, Ah Zhen laughed loudly and said: "Wang Yong, I, Sima, will teach you a lesson today on what is life on the battlefield." After speaking, he pointed a finger and said: "Do you think that a lot of soldiers means fierceness?" Wrong, it is the generals who are strong. Do you think that in war, killing one is enough, killing two to earn one? Wrong, as a general, you must use your troops well, be good at giving orders, and grasp the changes in the situation." After finishing speaking, he laughed. : "Do you know what an array is? Do you know how to design it? Do you know how to arrange troops?"

Everyone in the city, including Wang Yong, blushed when they heard these contemptuous words. They guarded the south of the Yangtze River and had never been on the battlefield. Although they had ideas, they had never practiced them.

Ah Zhen despises all the generals in the city and reprimands him: "When Sima retreated from Tubo and helped Tubo to quell the chaos in Dali, even if you put all your brains together, you can't figure out the strategy of the troops you formed. Any one of the strategies." After finishing speaking, he hummed: "Have you heard of the Great Fire in Qinshan? Have you heard of the Great War in the Pingyuan? Have you heard of Dali's capture?"

The heads of the people reprimanded by these words were all flushed. No one knew about Da Sima's deeds, and no one knew about these awesome military achievements. Not everyone can fabricate them out of thin air.

After Ah Zhen finished speaking, he hummed heavily, "As for you boy scouts who have never been on the battlefield, I can kill 40 of you just by thinking of a plan." He shook his head and said: "Even if I give you 100 million , and only enough time for Sima to raise his finger."

Wang Yong blushed and scolded: "Fart, if you have the ability, why didn't you attack for so long."

"Wang Yong, you are as stupid as a sow. Ben Sima will teach you another lesson in the art of war. Why did Ben Sima storm your broken city, live in groups, cut off water and food, and within a few days you will be in chaos. Your 40 army Just like Ben Sima's Chinese food, He Fei Ben Sima is a soldier." Ah Zhen laughed.

The faces of the people in the city changed drastically. It is true that if they were cut off from water and food, and there was no help from outside, the soldiers in the city would be in chaos within two days.

"You, you, you..." Wang Yong pointed at Ah Zhen with trembling fingers, until you couldn't come out.

Ah Zhen saw that they were frightened, and continued to laugh with a sinister smile: "If I am in a bad mood, I will surround you and order people to tie firewood doused with tung oil on the arrows. Shooting at your city in turn, you will be roasted like suckling pigs in an instant."

He had just finished talking about the soldiers whispering, his face was terrified, and he rioted endlessly.

The two generals Yan Rong and Che Guo stood behind and listened to Da Sima's words, sweat dripping down their foreheads, Da Sima is really powerful, he can come up with such a brilliant plan in an instant, it is indeed shocking Da Sima.

Wang Yong stood on the city and heard his words, his mouth trembled, his face was pale and he was at a loss.All the generals in the city looked at each other, their faces were as pale as a corpse, Da Sima said that it was practical and that he could wipe them all out without hurting himself, how could they fight him.

Looking at the turbulent generals in the city, Ah Zhen was happy to see that his words had been successfully brainwashed, and sighed: "Don't worry, I will not burn you unless there is a last resort. After all, you are all soldiers of my Great Zhou. In the future You are still needed in the north. "If you want to scold, you also need to praise.

Sure enough, when he said this, the soldiers on the city were relieved and excited. Everyone wanted to follow Da Sima to the north to make contributions. It is better to light up the lintel than to be a rebel and shame the ancestors, but they don't know whether Da Sima will forgive them or not. their sins.

Wang Yong's face changed drastically when he heard his pick, and he shouted: "Everyone picks and picks, do you think my general's troops are the same as those idiot officials?"

"Bastard Wang Yong, you have no father, no mother, no king and no master, do you also treat everyone as you? You thief who wiped out your ancestors, how will you face the emperor who loved you so much after you die? How do you deal with your ancestors? You will tire your family even after you die. Do you think that you will be finished after you die? You will always bear the infamy of the world. You are not as good as a thief. The wolves stare at you but you gather people to plot rebellion. Where do you put my great country? Are you going to push thousands of people in my great country into the fire pit? You regard the lives of the 40 soldiers who followed you as a What happened?" Ah Zhen yelled, and after exhaling, he continued to curse: "Ben Sima can't bear to kill each other, you rebellious officials and thieves thought I was afraid of you, if your 40 soldiers are the wolves of the Liao Kingdom , this Sima has dealt with you a long time ago, do you still need to waste such a word with you here?"

The rebel general who said these words was ashamed, and Wang Yong blushed even more when he heard it.

(End of this chapter)

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