ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 303 "Dispatching Soldiers"

Chapter 303 "Dispatching Soldiers"

Ah Zhen reacted quickly. Seeing her move, he took a step back and closed the door with a hook, then stepped forward and grabbed the woman who was going backwards. All the movements were done in one go, which was a masterpiece.

"You you you me me me no!"

The terrified Yingying hadn't finished speaking, and immediately silenced, feeling her waist lighten, and suddenly she was lying on the bed.

"Don't!" She screamed at the man who was taking off her clothes in horror, using her hands and feet together: "My whole body is still sore."

"Didn't you say I'll go to bed first?" Ah Zhen pressed her body tightly with his mouth open, "If I can't satisfy you, I'll be a man in vain."

"Satisfied, satisfied." She tried to push him away with her sore and numb arms, "You are very fierce, the most fierce man I have ever seen."

Hearing her incoherent speech, Ah Zhen raised his eyebrows and asked, "A man you've seen?" After saying that, he tore off her back jacket, and stared at her with a half-smile, "Have you had many men?"

"No, no, only you from now on." She screamed and frantically resisted his attack.

"Unbehaved woman." Following his words, the tearing sound suddenly rose.

Ah Zhen tore off her simple obscene clothes, and the pink bellyband embroidered with golden phoenix appeared immediately.After tearing up her inner skirt, she pulled out the short panties, and gently stroked her fat thighs with her big palm.

Seeing that he was so brutal, Yingying couldn't help gasping, and when she saw his bellyband, she felt his extremely firm desire pressing against her, "No no no no." In the scream, his weak knees were forced by him open. "No!"

The Fuyue four who were guarding the door heard the screams inside, looked at each other, hesitated in their hearts, and finally chose to wait quietly while blushing and heartbeating.

"Honey, you want it."

Yingying lay flat on the bed, shaking her head like a drum, "No, no, my whole body still hurts." She still has to go forward with the army.

"Enjoy it, wife."

Accompanied by his words, there was a muffled sound.

"You, you, you just came in like this." Wrinkled into a painful face, she tried to open her eyes and stared at him fiercely.But the uhhhhhhhhhhhh that followed made her half-close her angry eyes that were trying to widen.

Ah Zhen worked very hard and was very busy. He raised his eyebrows and said to the person below him while sweating profusely: "Honey, you can choose to lie down like a dead fish, or you can choose to cling like an octopus, but can you not be like an ape?" Grabbing and pinching, do you think I'm handsome with black and blue?"

"Everyone commits suicide naturally"

"You can't help but scratch and pinch, you are a bone spirit."

"You are the white spirit"

"Isn't it why the bones are so long? The blood from the wound you made last night stopped and started to flow again." Busy Ah Zhen was sweating, looking at the arm supporting his own weight meaningfully.

Squinting Yingying followed his line of sight, and sure enough, she saw bloodstains on his thick arms.While shaking, he felt that his attack was getting more and more violent.

"Does the old man hurt?" After she was out of breath, she asked with difficulty, and said, "Slow down."

"I'm not a dead person, of course it will hurt." Said Ah Zhen gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "Punishing the Bone Demon will be harsh, so let's die."

"I'm not a bone spirit"


"No it's not"

"really not?"

"Okay, some are, can you lighten up?"


"Woo, Lin Ah Zhen, you big liar!" Green's panting voice echoed in the rising temperature of the wing room.

When the scorching sun was rising, Ah Zhen happily got out of bed, opened the door with the corner of her mouth raised, and called the four familiar maids to come in.

The four maidservants walked in like cooked shrimps. Seeing the queen lying on the bed dying, they quickly closed the door and lowered their heads to pick up the rags on the floor.

"Honey, the sun is shining, don't sleep in late." He teased Yingying who was lying on the bed.

Yingying turned her head with difficulty, and shot two sharp murderous eyes at him, so tired that even speaking was a luxury.

After helping him to dress, the four maidservants walked to the bed with blushing faces, gently helped her up, helped her tighten her bellyband and changed out of the torn clothes, knelt on the ground to put on her socks and phoenix boots, and took care of everything Caixin also helped her sit on the dressing table and combed her temples.

Yingying struggled with half-support and half-support, and finally met the morning sun.

"Your servant, meet the king and queen." I don't know when there are countless generals standing outside the arch.

Ah Zhen saw that all the military generals on the battlefield had gathered at the arched door, he laughed dumbfoundedly and called out: "All generals, get up."


Seeing these twenty or so people standing up, he turned his head to look at Yingying in a daze, "Here, who are they? What official position?"

Yingying rolled her eyes, raised her hand and ordered to a large group of people in front: "Report your name and official position to the king."

They have long been familiar with the king, but the king has never seen them, no wonder.

Cao Zong and Wang Man were the biggest, and they stepped out of the tiger's pace and reported: "First rank, coach Cao Zong. First rank, deputy commander Wang Man."

"Yeah." Ah Zhen knew them. This Wang Man was tricked out of the city by Zalba at the time.

They finished reporting.Six strong men and an old man stepped forward and said: "Left General Bama, Right General Chu Ningheng, Left Vanguard Situ Zong, Right Vanguard Tu Baba, Admiral Hussar Yan Song, General Yuan Ming, Dadu Tong Duan Ying."

After they finished reporting, Yingying nodded and said to Ah Zhen: "This is a first-rank official position. Admiral Hussar is the supreme commander of our Tubo cavalry." She added that she was afraid that he would be confused if he stayed in Dazhou for a long time.

Ah Zhen nodded, seeing that this man was wearing a blue-gray armor without being angry but mighty, he was indeed a tough man.

Seeing that he nodded in understanding, Yingying called forward: "The second-rank ones are coming out."

Immediately, the three of them stood up and reported: "Wangqi chief Yu Wenhaoyu, deputy commander Jiaoshe, and Flying Tigers Lai Li."

Lai Li is also on the list. Ah Zhen didn't realize until now that his official position is a second-rank military general. Thinking about it, Yingying's pro-military official position must not be too low.

After the people who had finished the report retreated, Yingying compared to the people in front of them who didn't report their family background, and said: "These nine are generals who recruit, protect, and discuss the north and south, from the second rank."

After she finished speaking, the nine people in front cupped their fists and said: "I have seen the king."

After Ah Zhen nodded, he pointed to the last four and asked: "Then these four beauties must be of the third rank."

His "beautiful boy" caused countless question marks in the group of people, Yingying suppressed the smile that was about to come out, and gave him a wide-eyed warning look before pointing to the four people in front and saying: "You tell the king yourself."

"Yes." The four stood up and reported one by one: "Xiaoqi Baal, Weiqi Shiku, Huqi Wuli, Dragonqi Yuan Pang, I have seen the king."

After reporting to each other, 25 generals of the third grade and above stood in front of them and waited for their instructions.

After Ah Zhen nodded, he praised and said: "Okay, everyone is a man. They are all rare generals in Tubo."

"Xie Dawang appreciated it, and the ministers were terrified." 25 people responded in unison, and the voice sided to the sky.

After the ringing voice stopped, Ah Zhen raised his face and shouted at them: "Everyone go to the hall to wait for dispatch."

Seeing that the king is about to send troops, everyone concealed their excitement and stretched out their hands, "Please, Your Majesty."

Ah Zhen and Yingying walked along the path that the generals retreated, and the generals behind followed closely one by one.After staying for these days, there was finally a battle. Da Zhou had already fought it, and they felt itchy and uncomfortable to see them. Those generals under his command, such as Qian Zong, Du Wei, Du Si, and the generals were like flies. God asked, they all wanted to hide under the bed to escape this group of flies.

As soon as he stepped into the hall, Ah Zhenxin's long body immediately stepped up to the main table, staring blankly at the big ticket general under the table.

The generals hurriedly followed him into the hall, waiting for him to give orders in silence.

"How about the food in the army?"

Wang Man listened to his question, and immediately took the lead and said: "Store grain is available in March."

Ah Zhen nodded after listening, and shouted majesticly: "Testing soldiers."

"Yes." The detective who ran in quickly knelt on one knee.

"How's the situation in Bai Dadan?"

"The two doors are still closed." The scouts are afraid of reporting.

"Tell the generals about the movements of the Liao soldiers." His bright voice is full of inviolable majesty.

"Yes." The scout led the order and reported truthfully: "Yelu Hongmeng who was originally stationed in Daoxin and Hudadu in the rear led the whole army to move to Bai Dadan's department last night."

The generals listened to the report and looked at each other in blank dismay, never expecting that so many Liao soldiers were rushing towards them.

After the scout reported, Ah Zhen nodded, "Go on."

"Your Majesty, Bai Dadan's troops originally had more than [-] soldiers, and now the Liao Kingdom has sent such a large number of troops here, it is suspicious." Cao Zong strode forward, bewildered.

"They are not coming to the Bai Dadan Department." Ah Zhen reminded everyone.

Everyone was even more at a loss when they heard him say that the Liao soldiers who were moving towards them were not coming to Bai Dadan.

Wang Man was impatient, took a tiger step, clasped his fists and asked: "My lord, the 32 soldiers and horses of the Liao Kingdom are not coming to Bai Dadan, where are they going?"

Seeing that they were so confused, Ah Zhen said confidently: "Generals, don't be suspicious, don't panic, Liao's obstacles can't be hidden from me."

After hearing his arrogant words, the generals kept silent and did not ask any more questions.The wisdom of their kings is obvious to all, so why be afraid of millions of soldiers from the Liao Kingdom.

"The generals are listening."


He picked up the iron token from the table and called out, "Wang Man."

"We will not be here." Wang Man strode forward.

"I order you to lead the five generals, Bama, Dadutong, Zhengnan, Hunan, and Discussing the South. Immediately pull out the camp and set up a camp one hundred miles to the left of Bai Dadan's tribe to stand by."

"The last general took the order." Wang Man took the iron order and led the five people back in a daze to wait.

"Chu Ningheng, Situ Zong." He shouted at these two old generals.

"The last general is here." The two refused to accept the power of the tiger in the middle, and they were vigorous and powerful.

Ah Zhen picked up the iron order, "Order the two of you to lead the Ranger General, Xiaoqi, Weiqi, Zhengxi, Huxi, and Doxi, and the six generals will go to the upper right of Bai Dadan's army to set up a camp eighty miles to the upper right. There must be no mistakes. .”

"The last general took the order." The two old generals stepped back, and the generals who were named retreated behind, waiting quietly.

Ah Zhen drew out more than half of his troops at a time, stared at the admiral Hussar Yan Song and said: "You lead the tiger cavalry and dragon cavalry to set up a camp thirty miles ahead, and alternately patrol the rear of the deputy commander and the two old generals every day. When the Liao country transported grain, they stopped it, and if there were a large number of Liao soldiers, they immediately retreated to the military camps and reported to the generals." After speaking, he handed over the iron order to him.

"Cao Zong."


"You lead the rest of the generals to advance to Bai Dadan's army for sixty miles, and you must make no mistakes."

"Take orders."

In an instant, all the generals assigned tasks, and Ah Zhen stood up and confessed solemnly: "All generals must act according to military orders and listen to my king's orders."

"It is" everyone should respond.

"lets go."

As soon as his words fell, everyone rushed to the entrance of the hall happily, and they could finally set off. Although they didn't know what the king was going to do, they finally had an explanation with the soldiers under him.

Yingying has been sitting beside him quietly, and after seeing the generals leave, she put down the teacup in her hand, frowned, turned to Ah Zhen and asked lightly: "Do you think the Emperor Liao will divide his troops into two armies and station them around Bai Dadan's army?" ?”

Her words made Ah Zhen raise his mouth. "As soon as Dao's Liao Emperor moves, the situation we set up last night will be useless. Why not take the advantage first. No matter how they want to deploy troops, I will arrange it this way. Change, brake with stillness."

Yingying kept silent, raised her eyebrows and looked at him slowly for a while before saying calmly: "The three military strongholds you arranged are all in the shape of encircling Bai Dadan's tribe." She narrowed her eyes when she said this, "But I Why does it feel weird?"

Seeing that the trick was seen through, Ah Zhen opened his mouth and asked: "What's so strange, Bai Dadan has Wang Man on the left, an old general on the right, and Cao Zong on the bottom. No matter how you look at it, I am bound to win this city. "

"That's right." Yingying bit her lower lip with her head in her arms, "But no matter how I look at Wang Man on the left, I feel that there is something wrong. Is the distance farther?" Not too close.

"Hahaha" Her words made Ah Zhen burst out laughing.

Seeing him suddenly laughing wildly, her willow eyebrows hooked upside down, Yingying asked her knowledge: "Soldiers are deceitful. Therefore, if you can, you can show that you can't. When you use it, you can't show it. If you lure it, if you mess it up, you will take it."

After reading, she raised her eyebrows and asked with certainty: "What? You don't want Bai Dadan anymore?"

Seeing that she really knew him well, Ah Zhen opened his mouth and asked: "Why do I have to be Bai Dadan? Are you talking about it?"

His question really made Yingying dumb.Yes, why must Bai Dadan Department?This city is isolated from the Tubo border, and there are cities stretching for hundreds of miles around. Is it necessary to attack it just because it is on the border?After thinking about it, Yingying was also at a loss, the Bai Dadan tribe was important to the Liao Kingdom, but to them Tubo was like a chicken rib, why did they have to think that the Bai Dadan tribe was as important as the Liao Kingdom?
Ah Zhen saw that she had finally figured it out, and said with a smile: "This is called preconceived thinking. Bai Dadan is very important to the Liao Kingdom, and we naturally think it is very important." He shrugged and said: " Thinking about it carefully, the Bai Dadan Department is not as good as the Obi or Dao Obituary."

"That's right." Yingying squinted her eyes and said firmly: "That's why you ordered Wang Man to stay a hundred miles away. What you want is not this border city at all."

(End of this chapter)

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