ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 304 "Starry Moon and White Clouds"

Chapter 304 "Starry Moon and White Clouds"

"The Bai Dadan Department is too important to the Liao Kingdom, and the troops I have arranged are all encircling it. So they must think that we will attack it, but I don't. When they are trembling and sticking to the Bai Dadan Department, I call The 20 soldiers of the Yan Army Division went out of the border to the north, and took advantage of their unpreparedness to attack the army. When the army was on fire, Wusuta, who was stationed more than a hundred miles ahead, came to rescue. At that time, I ordered Wang Man Run towards Dao obituary."

Yingying nodded again and again, and asked: "If you attack the army, what will happen if Wusuta doesn't come to save you?"

"Then they will be miserable." Ah Zhen smiled very sinisterly, and said slyly: "If they give up their troops, then I will raise troops to advance forward, attack Usuta, and then order Wang Man to rob him." What can Usuta do with an army of 30?"

After hearing this, Yingying pondered for a while, then raised her eyes and asked, "If Wang Man makes a move, what if Emperor Liao chases after him?"

"If Emperor Liao pursues Wang Man closely, he will order Cao Zong to attack the front door of Bai Dadan's department, and then order two old generals to attack the back door. Bai Dadan's department is too important to the Liao Kingdom, and if he is in danger, no matter how stupid Emperor Liao is. You can’t chase forward regardless of everything.”

"Then what if he doesn't chase, but instead comes to me, Commander Weifu?"

"There are still [-] original troops stationed in Waverly. The city is high and wide, even if the Liao Kingdom is ten times stronger than mine, it will be difficult to capture it in a short time. At that time, Cao Zong will be ordered to lead the army to attack backwards, and the Liao Emperor will be defeated. .”

"Emperor Liao's younger brother is extremely important, if Bai Dadan's garrison knows that their emperor's younger brother is in danger and must send troops to rescue him, so what?"

Hearing her question, Ah Zhen smiled brilliantly and said: "Don't forget that the soldiers and horses of the two old generals are only tens of miles away from this city, if there is a change in Bai Dadan's department, the two old generals will take advantage of the fire to loot, and the city will be destroyed The battle can be flat."

Yingying listened to his words, shook her head and said cautiously: "For example, some of Bai Dadan's troops stayed in the city all the way. All the way to pursue Cao Zong, the two old generals also broke the city."

Ah Zhen's eyes flashed at her words, and he asked with a smile, "Yingying, did you forget that we still have [-] cavalry?"

"The admiral's hussars who are patrolling alternately." Yingying exclaimed.

Ah Zhen nodded and smiled, "What else?"

What's more, Ling Yingying frowned and thought about it, and whispered in doubt: "Five Thousand Flying Tigers?"

"That's right." He nodded and said, "If Bai Dadan is part of the army, we have two ways to choose."

"Let's hear it on the road." Yingying asked excitedly.

When Bai Dadan's troops were chasing after Cao Zong, he immediately ordered Cao Zong not to pursue the fled Liao Emperor's younger brother, and led his troops to the Weifu Army Division to take precautions. At this time, the two old generals must have attacked Bai Dadan's back door fiercely. Then let the Flying Tigers and the cavalry attack the front gate. Bai Dadan's troops were limited, and the old general attacked the back gate fiercely. This city will definitely be won."

Yingying nodded thoughtfully and asked, "What about the next way?"

"When Bai Dadan's chasing troops came to attack, they ordered the cavalry to follow closely, and kept harassing the Liao army of Bai Dadan's chasing Cao Zong. We chased them when they left, and we retreated when they faced off, fighting guerrilla warfare."

After his words fell, Yingying smiled and joked: "The two legs of the Liao soldiers must not be able to outrun the four legs of the cavalry, and they will be greatly troubled. Let alone chasing Cao Zong, even returning to Bai Dadan's tribe will be a waste of time." Difficulties. The group of people who must be dealt with are disgraced and exhausted."

"That's right, if I was impatient to chase others, and a large group of express cavalry like thieves came to harass me, they would attack when I left, and they would run far away when I wanted to fight back. Then I will definitely catch them Crazy." He couldn't help laughing while talking, it was so funny.

Yingying also smiled like a flower in June, shook her head and praised: "You really have a lot of tricks. Emperor Liao's younger brother Xuan, maybe you will be captured without a fight."

Ah Zhen said with certainty: "It's not that maybe, it's that he will definitely be captured."

Seeing his affirmative tone, Yingying thought for a while and said: "If the obituary is taken by us by then, there will be your soldiers and horses on the right, and Wang Man's soldiers and horses on the right. Below is Wei Fu, the commander of Cao Zong's garrison. "He raised his eyebrows and smiled and said: "He really has no way to escape."

"Isn't it?" Ah Zhen nodded.

"Then this strategy should be on the way up, how could it be down the road." She asked curiously.

Ah Zhen shook his head, "The smell of blood is too strong, and Emperor Liao is not as good as Bai Dadan in my eyes."

"You won't be..." Yingying stopped suddenly, sighed secretly, stood up, wrapped her soft arms around his waist and said incomparably: "My husband, thank you for your hard work."

"Fool." He came back to his senses, rubbed his black head and said with a smile, "Let's go and visit Cao Zong's barracks."


"Hot, hot, really hot."

When they walked out of the Fuwei Army Division, the large army was gone, and Ah Zhen was riding on the horse staggeringly, and there was still nothing but sand and dirt as far as the eye could see.

Yingying and Beniczi rolled their eyes in the comfortable carriage, and they had been hearing him shouting about the heat for less than a quarter of an hour after they left the city. It was only the end of April, and it was so hot that he would have to shed his skin to cool down in June and July. up.

"Mr., why don't you get in the car to avoid the scorching sun." Benny called out distressedly towards the rolled up car curtain.

Hearing Beni's concern, Ah Zhen was moved and replied: "I'm not a mother, I don't bother to work with carriages."

Hearing his answer, the two people in the car rolled their eyes violently.Yingying read the book and nunuzui ignored him.

Bernie comforted: "There will be grass and trees thirty miles ahead, and it won't be so hot then."

After hearing this, he really stopped screaming, gritted his teeth and endured, woo, his pale skin has turned dark, dark, dark.

Lie Yang showed his majesty, and Lai Li led more than 5000 flying tigers to follow them in an orderly manner, as if they could not feel the slightest heat.

After traveling for another twenty miles, small grasses and forests appeared one after another.

"Water, give me water." Ah Zhen was about to collapse, lying on the horse's neck with sweat on his cheeks, yelling weakly.

Without delay, Li Nengwu unscrewed the lid immediately and handed over a large bag of cold water, "Master, water."

With a wave of his hand, Ah Zhen grabbed the big bag of water, drank it, and poured the last rest on his head.

"Phew, it's much more comfortable."

Li Nengwu looked at him in astonishment, shook his head and sighed secretly that their young master really doesn't know the sufferings of the world.

When the sun was in the sky, Cao Zong had already set up his camp, and the soldiers had already dug a pit to make a stove, lit a fire and cooked.

Cao Zong and all the generals at the gate of the village had been waiting for a long time until they saw the figures of this group of people in the distance. Excited, they rushed forward and said, "Welcome to the king and queen."

As soon as Ah Zhen's horse stopped, he took his hand and shouted anxiously: "Hurry up, hurry up, take me to the tent."

When Cao Zong saw that he was so impatient, he was shocked. If the king could be so impatient, something serious must have happened.

After entering the commander's tent, Ah Zhen untied the king's clothes and shouted anxiously: "Quick, quick, quick!"

A group of generals looked at each other in blank dismay, wondering what he was doing in suspicion?
"Your Majesty, do you have any urgent military affairs?" Cao Zong's head was wet, seeing that the King was incoherent in a hurry, there must be some big event happening.

Ah Zhen waved his hand and shouted at the group of people who were not moving: "Take off my clothes quickly."

All the generals were shocked, and they gathered around him, and in a hurry, they took off him in an instant, leaving only his obscene clothes and trousers.

As soon as the king's clothes were taken off, he exhaled heavily, feeling much cooler.Sitting down on the handsome desk, wiping off a lot of sweat from his forehead, panting like a cow.

Seeing that he was sitting still, Cao Zong clasped his fists without delay and asked, "My lord, has something important happened?"

Ah Zhen was taken aback for a moment, and then answered, "No."

"No?" A group of generals in the tent looked over, knowing what expressions to make.

"This..." Cao Zong asked suspiciously in a low voice: "The king was in a hurry just now."

"Yeah, it's getting hot." He sat slumped, raised his hand and waved it to his flushed cheeks.

Khan, what a big misunderstanding.

When Yingying walked in, seeing his boneless appearance, she rolled her eyes and ordered Cao Zong: "You guys go down first."

"It's a group of people who are suspicious, and withdraw from the huge handsome tent together in a daze, the king will really scare people to death."

After Yingying and Benny came in, they sat on the chairs on the six sides. Benny asked, "Is it so hot?"

"It's very hot." He immediately yelled without thinking.

Yingying stood up, walked to him, knelt down beside him and said, "Liao Huangdi is here."

"Really?" Ah Zhen heard it, sat upright immediately, and asked enthusiastically: "When did you come? Is it what I thought."

"Arrived in half an hour, it was divided into two armies. Liao Huangdi led 20 soldiers and horses to camp 12 miles in front of Wangman. Kudatu's [-] soldiers and horses camped about [-] miles in front of the two old generals."

As soon as she finished speaking, Ah Zhen laughed loudly and said: "Sure enough, I see it as broken."

"Yes, according to the reports of the spies, as soon as Emperor Liao arrived, he would raise troops to attack Wang Man after yelling curses. When the soldiers and horses gathered, there was suddenly no movement again." Yingying said strangely.

"Of course he is going to jump. The stronghold that Wang Man set up was originally the place where he wanted to set up the stronghold. The position was robbed. Can our Liao brother not jump?" He said.

"Yes, he has a violent personality." Yingying squinted her eyes and was very curious after saying this, "According to his personality, he should attack Wang Man, but after gathering troops and horses, there was no movement, which is not in line with him." personality."

Ah Zhen listened to her muttering, narrowed her eyes and said in thought: "Is there someone in his army who he has to obey and who also has a deep understanding of strategy?"

"Could it be that Yelu Honglie is here?" Yingying said excitedly.

Compared to her excitement, Ah Zhen shook her head and said: "It is reasonable to say that no, if Emperor Liao came, Bai Dadan would do something, but he didn't."

Seeing that they couldn't figure it out, Benny, who had been silent all this time, asked slowly: "Lang Jun, Yingying, have you heard of the stars in the Gegeka Prairie and the bright moon in the Irkutsk Grassland?"

Her words made the curious two people look at her together. Yingying had heard some of them before, but Ah Zhen asked in confusion: "What is that?"

Seeing that he had never heard of him, Bernie preached with two dimples deep in her mouth: "The stars and the bright moon are nothing, but two women, one county, one male, in the Liao Kingdom."

When it comes to women, Ah Zhen suddenly feels excited, and pushes forward impatiently and asks: "Quickly tell me."

It is said that a star and a moon fell from the sky on a night 16 years ago. The star fell on the Gegeka Grassland, and the moon fell on the Irkutsk Grassland. When the star and the moon fell, there were two sounds in Shangjing Crying brightly. One is Jimin, the daughter of Emperor Liao's younger brother, and the other is Huanyue, the daughter of Emperor Liao."

Speaking of this, Ah Zhen and Yingying looked at each other in blank dismay, "Is it true, isn't this amazing?"

Beni nodded cautiously and said: "It's true, a star fell from the sky. In January, that round star made a big hole in the Gegeka Grassland, and the moon that fell on the Irkutsk Grassland was in the shape of a semicircle. .These two deep pits are still standing quietly in the grasslands of the two places.”

"Meteor crater?" How could two people in the 21st century believe such a statement.

"Meteor crater?" Benny was curious, and asked curiously with her neck tilted: "Mr., what is a meteor crater?"

"Stones that fall from the sky are called meteorites," he said.

Yingying nodded and asked: "Baini, continue talking."

Benny shrugged and spread her hands, "It's over, this is the legend of the Liao Kingdom."

Ah Zhen and Yingying, who were serious about listening to her, were caught off guard and fell to the ground. They stood up and looked at each other. Isn't this fairy tale too short?
"Then what is the relationship between these two people and Emperor Liao?"

"Yes. Yelu Hongmeng is very impulsive, but his daughter is his nemesis." Benny said.

Ah Zhen raised his eyebrows and asked: "You mean, it is very likely that the stars of the Gegeka Grassland are here?"

Bei Ni nodded and said: "She must be here, otherwise, who can make Yelu Hongmeng's stringed arrow back?" After speaking, Bei Ni looked forward to it: "Mr. The eponymous stars are smart."

Ah Zhen was taken aback by her words, and looked at Benny in a daze and said, "As famous as you? Could it be that there are also meteorites falling on Tubo?"

Yingying pursed her lips and smiled, looked at Bei Ni with a slightly red face and said with a smile: "The people of Liao state said that their grasslands have stars and bright moons that never fall, while we Tubo people say that we have white clouds that never change for thousands of years. "

"Bai Xia?" Ah Zhen pointed to Benny curiously and said in a low voice, "Is she the Bai Xia in the people's mouth?"

"Yes, Baixia is pure and boundless, and the glow is white and refreshing." Yingying said, pointing to Benny's face and smiling: "Do you think she is very white, as if bathed in spring?"

Ah Zhen stared seriously at Benny's two deep dimples and nodded, "It's really refreshing."

Benny was extremely embarrassed by the compliments from the two, and her sweet little face was blushing.

"Not only that, Benny is also smart and compassionate, has a photographic memory, and is as wise as the stars and moons of the Liao Kingdom, so the people of Tubo compare her to the white clouds shining on our Tubo grasslands."

"I see." He nodded in understanding after listening.This is the heart of comparison. There are stars and moons in the Liao Kingdom, and Tubo must be upset. No matter what, they must not lose to them. Even if there is no Bei Ni, there will definitely be others.

After Ah Zhen realized it, he turned his head and said to Yingying: "You stay here, after lunch, Beini and I will go to Wang Man's side to have a look, if there is no accident, we will go directly to Yan Junsi's side. "

"I'll go with you." Yingying blurted out very straightforwardly.

"I can rest assured that you stay here." In order to prevent her from protesting, he persuaded first: "Even if there is a good plan, if there is no one who knows how to use it, it will not help."

"Oh..." Yingying sighed deeply, held back the words to refute, and said: "Then you must be more careful."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." Then he leaned down and pecked her cheek lightly, "You also have to take care of me, you know?"

"I'll wait for you here." She replied sadly.

Ah Zhen opened her mouth, and pinched her nose in affection, "Let's not talk about this, let's go back to Wang's tent for dinner."

"Yeah." Immediately, Yingying got up and began to feel disgusted with the war, not just her.How many wives wait in fear and fear all day long for the return of these soldiers who have gone far away.

(End of this chapter)

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