ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 332 "A Group of Beggars"

Chapter 332 "A Group of Beggars"

The happy time passed very quickly, following his words: "The ugly duckling turned into a white swan and lived happily with the prince." He propped himself up and stood up, patting the dust and lovingly stroking the little black ducklings. The head said: "Don't play too late, go home early, otherwise parents will worry."

The group of children who were reluctant to part with "Uncle" pursed their mouths and watched him leave.

The rain in June fell as soon as it was said, and before it reached the Bingsi Ya, the rain was pouring down.

"Wow, God counts you as cruel." Ah Zhen covered his head and ran into a shop on the street to hide from the rain.

Seeing a well-dressed young gentleman approaching, the shopkeeper of the jade shop immediately opened his mouth and smiled, bowed and gestured: "Guests, look at it and choose whatever you want."

Ah Zhen shook his head dumbly and smiled, "I'm sorry for the shopkeeper, I just came in to hide from the rain."

When the shopkeeper heard him say that he was hiding from the rain, the corners of his mouth immediately changed, and he hummed with a hidden smile: "Go, go, hide from the rain and go elsewhere." He opened a shop for business, not for people to hide from the rain.

Ah Zhen raised his eyebrows because of the inconsistency of the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper was too unkind. He was too lazy to argue with him, and ran into the rain with his head in his arms, looking for a better place to hide from the rain.

"Bah, what is it?" Seeing him leaving, the shopkeeper poked his head out and spat at the figure going away, and returned to the store to continue waiting for the fat sheep who came to the door.

Ah Zhen's whole body was almost drenched by the downpour. He saw that many people were covered by the sudden heavy rain, and they were crowded under the eaves where they could stand to avoid the rain.

Under the overcrowding, there is no space for him to drill.Impatient, he saw an unknown shop with no one under the eaves, and he was overjoyed, so he ran over immediately regardless of 21 or [-].

"Huh, god damn it, it doesn't matter if other people have umbrellas or not, it rains as soon as it rains." After hiding under the eaves, he patted the water stains all over his body, complaining endlessly.

God was very angry, and when his cursing stopped, he lost his temper immediately.

Ah Zhen saw that God had a bad temper, so he immediately kept silent, he didn't want to be hacked to death.

"Let's go, don't hide from the rain here." After a maid with two maids tied her head came out, she was very rude and chased away.

"Hey!" Seeing that Ah Zhen didn't enter the door again, why did he come to chase people away.

But people under the eaves had to bow their heads and laugh with them: "Girl, I'm just hiding for a while, and it won't affect your business." He saw that there was a cosmetic shop on the sign. This is the mother's place.

Seeing that it was a handsome young master, the maid blushed and waved the small silk in her hand, "Sir, this is not a place for you to stand, this place is full of noble ladies and noble ladies, who would dare to stand here?" Go into the shop." His tone softened a lot.

What she said made Ah Zhen agree, thinking about it, the young ladies and wives of Da Zhou are all shy, how dare those shy mothers come over here as a big man.

"Thank you for your explanation, girl." After cupping his fists, he covered his black head and rushed into the heavy rain immediately.

When Ningzhi and the maid came out, they encountered heavy rain.The maid went back home to get the umbrella, while she was waiting in the cosmetic shop to pick up some powder water. Seeing the maid at the cosmetic shop arguing with someone outside, she heard this male voice, which was both familiar and unfamiliar, and poked her head out suspiciously. Look, seeing it turned out to be Da Sima, my heart skipped a beat.

His reputation was so loud to her, thinking of him teasing her in the teahouse that day, she couldn't help but gritted her teeth with hatred.Dad also often misses him, and when he mentions him, he can't help but shake his head and feel relieved, saying that he alone can keep Da Zhou alive for a hundred years.

Looking at the figure running in the heavy rain, I wondered why he would be alone on the street?
"Miss Li, what are you looking at?" The shopkeeper, who was dressed in heavy makeup, walked away from the counter with her little ass twisted, and followed her eyes to look out.Suspected what made their Li Daqian look so fascinated.

"Shopkeeper, the person who came under your eaves just now is Da Sima." Said he pointed to Xu Yuan's figure in the heavy rain, and said quietly.

After driving the man away, the maid heard Yi Lao's daughter said that the man she drove away was Da Sima, she couldn't help being stunned, then raised her frightened eyes and asked in a mournful voice: "Miss Li, don't scare the servants." .”

"That's right, I'm open for business according to the rules. Ms. Li must not scare my family like this." The shopkeeper's heart was also abrupt, although she didn't do anything, but when she heard this name, she was both afraid and loved.Wishing to die at his feet, but afraid of really dying at his feet.

Seeing how frightened they were, Ningzhi smiled comfortingly and said, "Don't be alarmed, shopkeeper, Da Sima is not the kind of lawless person." Although he did kill many people, he did so for one side, and never listened to him doing anything wrong. Killed innocent people indiscriminately.

"This..." The face shopkeeper and the maid looked at each other, they didn't dare to speak anymore, they just hoped that Da Sima would not hold grudges.

Seeing that handsome figure disappear from her pupils, Ning Zhi couldn't help but shook her head, a feeling of goodwill rose spontaneously.As the Great Sima, one person is under one man and tens of thousands of people are above him, but he does not show off his status and does not boss around.For example, if someone else shouts who he is early, and then forcibly enters other people's shops, or forcibly grabs oil umbrellas.But he didn't. He also humbly asked for advice, and politely put himself in the torrential rain. This kind of character of being unassuming and not embarrassing others is exactly the same as that of his father, which makes people feel good.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and Ah Zhen's whole body was already wet. When he ran to a large courtyard, he saw countless beggars squatting and cats hiding from the rain under the eaves.He didn't even want to squeeze over immediately.

A group of beggars who were extremely hungry raised their cloudy eyes in disbelief, and looked carefully at this luxuriously dressed young man, unable to believe that he squeezed into their midst without any hesitation.

"Hi" Ah Zhen squeezed in, seeing these beggars staring at him, he raised his hand in embarrassment to say hello.

A group of beggars stared at him in disbelief, seeing that he was dressed so expensively and dignifiedly, even if he forgot to bring an umbrella, he should have left in the rain, how could he be squeezed among these low-class people.

After Ah Zhen greeted him, he saw that this group of people were still staring at him, and he felt suspicious, why?Did you meet a gang of beggars?This is their territory?

After the beggars looked at him carefully, they turned their eyes away to see what use he was, and thought about how to fill their stomachs.

Shocked Ah Zhen saw that they looked away.After he was relieved, he began to dry his clothes. Fortunately, it was summer. If it was winter, it would be no wonder he didn't freeze to death.

"Wow!" Just when everyone was silent, loud and bright crying sounded.

what?And kids?As he drained his clothes, he turned his head in a daze, and saw a woman with disheveled hair and a body as dirty as a rag holding a child in her arms.

"My mother, hurry up and feed me." After the cry of the child sounded, the sleeping man lying on the ground next to the dirty woman urged him with his skinny black hands.

The very dirty woman shyly raised her dirty face that couldn't be any more dirty, glanced at Ah Zhen, bit her lip, unbuttoned her skirt, and opened her white body under the bright sky. , breastfeeding the baby with tears in his eyes.

Seeing that she had unbuttoned her skirt, Ah Zhen hurriedly turned her head away in fright. In such a conservative age, it is extremely extreme to be able to do this.

But after the child in the woman's arms took two sips, Buyili cried louder and louder.

"The child's father, no milk" The woman sucked her tears, not knowing how to live in this day, it doesn't matter if they die, but the child is still so young.

"Hey." The man sighed deeply in frustration, "You let him suck on your finger, and I'll go beg for something."

"Child's father" The woman was full of tears, looking at a dozen fellow villagers who were going to beg for her child in the rain, a heartache was to hold on tightly.

Ah Zhen was shocked when he heard that, he couldn't get anything even if it wasn't raining, so where can he go to get something when he's drenched.Children can't go hungry.

"Brothers, wait a minute." Impatiently, he broke into the rain and pulled the woman's man.

"This uncle" the beggar turned around in a daze, not knowing what he was going to do.

Ah Zhen immediately took out a bank note from his pocket and stuffed it into his pocket, saying urgently: "Here is 100 taels, go and sell some milk and goat's milk, and sell something delicious."

The man was stunned for a moment, then he was stunned holding the one hundred taels of silver note in his hand, and was at a loss for a moment, such a huge amount of silver frightened him dumbfounded.

"Brother, hurry up and sell some food to Hong'er." Another beggar next to the man happily called out to his elder brother.

After calling out, a dozen or so beggars knelt down in the muddy ground full of water, kowtowed and cried in thanks: "Thank you benefactor, thank you benefactor."

"It's okay, get up." He said that he helped the dry people up, and he was very happy.Although he is stingy, he feels extremely comforted in spending money on these needy people.

The shy woman was crying with tears and snot, and her already dirty head was knocked into the mud full of water, making her even darker.

Ah Zhen retreated under the eaves, and after helping her up, he gently teased the child in her arms with his small hands and asked, "How old is it?"

"Back to Engong, he is eight months old." The woman replied in fear.There is a hierarchy between people, they are the lower class, but the benefactor who spends a lot of money can be seen as the upper class at a glance.

"I also got a daughter a few days ago." Thinking of Li'er, he couldn't hide the joy on his face.

"Congratulations, Mr. En." The dozen or so beggars who returned congratulated in unison.

"Thank you, heh, thank you." He cheerfully clasped his fists in thanks.

Seeing this group of beggars, everyone's faces were filled with fear and inferiority, and he raised a friendly smile and asked, "Where did you come from? Why did you come to the imperial capital?"

Seeing his kindness, a dozen beggars wept sadly: "The little people are from Minzhong County, and they are all fishermen in Quanzhou Prefecture."

Ah Zhen was taken aback when he heard this, he is from Minzhong County, why?Is Quanzhou so poor? "Then what do you guys do?" Confused, he gestured at their dirty bodies.

"Hey..." A beggar sighed, and said in a desperate way: "A few months ago, the government issued a seal saying that they were creating chaos and implementing a sea ban. All fishing boats are not allowed to go to sea."

"Isn't there a distribution of land to appease the fishermen?" Ah Zhen frowned and asked, this sea ban was banned by the emperor.

"Grandpa, the government allocates land, but the village of the villains is a small village, with only a dozen or so households. The power is limited. After the government distributes all the villages, it will be the turn of the villains." The beggar said tearfully. .

"Why?" Even though it was the last, it was enough to have a share, why is it still so miserable?

"Eun Gong, you may not know that fields are divided into dry fields, paddy fields, light fields, and salt fields."

He said these fields, Ah Zhen raised his eyebrows, although he has never farmed, but he is also a rural person, how could he not know.Each type of field has different crops with different harvests, and the damage is the salt field.Salt fields are fields by the sea. The water in the fields is all salt. It is extremely difficult for crops to survive. Even if they survive, the fruit species cannot eat them.

Thinking of this, he asked clearly: "What are you assigned to be the salt fields by the sea?"

When he said it clearly, the beggars were taken aback, "Your benefactor knows about Yantian?"

"Of course, I am also from Minzhong County, and I am from Quanzhou Prefecture just like you."

When he said this, all the beggars looked at him in disbelief. The people in Quanzhou Prefecture were all poor and barely able to survive, but they had to go hungry for countless meals a year. Why did they have a prince in Quanzhou Prefecture?

"Didn't you go to the government to discuss it when you were assigned to Yantian?" Seeing their incredulous eyes, he asked with a smile, and suddenly he was very kind to this group of people.

"Yes, why not." A beggar exclaimed, "The government said that the sea ban was imposed by the emperor, and we should go to the emperor for the theory. sin."

"Gathering crowds to stir up trouble."

"Yes, that's it." The beggar cried with tears in his eyes: "I can't survive, so the dozen or so households in our village discussed that it would be better to go outside to find a living."

"You just came out, are you the only ones left in the whole village?" It seems that there are only seven or eight families here, where are there more than a dozen families?

"Benefactor doesn't know something, and it's extremely difficult to come out to ask for a living. We know nothing but fishing and farming, and no one wants to use it. People in the village complained, and some people regretted going back to the village to plant salt fields. Those who didn't go back are all here. gone."

"I see." Ah Zhen nodded and asked clearly: "What's the name of your village?"

"We are all surnamed Zeng in our village, and there is only one character for Cuo." After finishing speaking, the beggar added: "The word 'Cuo' means 'house' in Minzhong County."

Hearing that they said he was from Zengcuo, Ah Zhen immediately yelled, "What? Your village is called Zengcuo?"

"Yes." A group of people nodded blankly, dumbfounded, wondering why benefactor would be shocked when he heard this name.

Let me go, God is too good at playing.His hometown is Zengcuo, and Zengcuo is divided into upper house and lower house, middle part and ditch part.I remember my grandfather once said that Tseng Cuo has a history of thousands of years. In the beginning, there were only a few families. Later, many people moved here.Damn, aren't these people his ancestors?

Thinking of this, he was stunned for a while, unable to believe that this history is not official history, but it messed him up.

"Don't worry, I will arrange a house for you to live in, and arrange fields for you to cultivate in the imperial capital." Met the ancestor, it's hell.

A group of beggars were stunned for a moment when they heard his big talk, and Poutong knelt down on the ground, crying and thanking: "Thank you benefactor." After so long unlucky luck, I finally met a nobleman today.

(End of this chapter)

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