ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 333 "Sorrow Comes From It"

Chapter 333 "Sorrow Comes From It"

The man who went back to buy milk with 100 taels rushed back from the rain with a big bag of things. When he saw everyone kneeling on the ground and kowtowing to his benefactor, he knelt down and kowtowed hard Bai: "Thank you benefactor, thank you benefactor."

"Get up." Ah Zhen helped the group of people up in the rain and dew, Khan, he is kind enough to let the ancestors worship him.

"Hurry up and give the baby milk." He gestured to the baby in the woman's arms.

"Yes, yes, yes." The man hurriedly opened the big bag in a hurry, and eagerly handed the milk to the child's mother.

"Brother, is this?"

"Everyone is hungry, eat quickly." After the man handed the woman milk, he took out countless sesame seed buns from the sack and quickly passed them to everyone.

Seeing so many sesame seed cakes and steamed buns, everyone was overjoyed. They took them with their muddy hands and began to bite them.

Ah Zhen leaned over suspiciously and took a look into the sack.

A whole sack of sesame seed cakes and steamed buns.Speechlessly admired, his ancestors were really talented.

Under the eaves, a large group of beggars were devouring food. The dripping rainwater flowed along the sunken roof tiles and gathered into streams, and the falling silver beads strung together into silk curtains.

The eager beggars sat on the ground with their heads up and their mouths wide open, competing to drink the rainwater.

Ah Zhen squinted at this group of people and sighed deeply. Only the common people know the suffering of the common people. Thinking about him eating delicacies from mountains and seas, he still can’t taste the taste, but this group of people are so hungry that they don’t even have milk for their children. They don’t know the world. How many poor people like them are there on earth.

"How about I arrange you to be my tenants?" He stood with his hands behind his back, looked at them and asked slowly.

After eating their stomachs full, this group of people listened to him and bowed to him, "I don't know what your benefactor's name is or what your name is." I really met a noble person today, and their lives were like ants. I met such a benefactor under the rain.

"Never mind my name, what's your name." He asked the leading man.

"The villain's surname is Zeng, and his name is Aniu."

"Zeng A Niu?" A bead of sweat rolled down his forehead, isn't this Zhang Wuji's pseudonym?

Strings of rainwater became thinner and thinner, hitting the tiles bang-bang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang until the sound subsided, he raised his hand and said, "Go to Da Sima's mansion, ask the manager, and ask him to arrange for you to be tenants." .”

Hearing what he said, the group of beggars were startled and immediately mourned, "Grandpa, the villains can't enter the inner city." And they didn't dare to go to the gate of Da Sima's mansion with all their courage.

Ah Zhen was taken aback by what they said, did he come to the outer city?Originally, I was going to the Bingsi Ya, but why did I come to the outer city?I couldn't think of a reason why my mind was tied up for a while.

Helping people to the end, let alone ancestors, "Everyone come with me."

"Xie Engong." A group of people immediately stood up and followed behind him tremblingly.

Fulu carried an umbrella to search for the young master, and asked the city guard, saying that he had entered the inner city, wondering if the young master was going to the military office?How can you go out of the city?
"Boss, I found the young master." The servant in Da Sima's mansion yelled happily, but his expression was extremely strange.

Seeing the servant's appearance, the old man in charge asked doubtfully, "Lin Fu, what expression is this on your face?"

"Boss, Da Sima is with a group of beggars." He was also puzzled, not understanding how the young master would get involved with a group of beggars.

The old man raised his eyebrows when he heard that, but he couldn't connect the young master and the beggar no matter what.

Just thinking about it, a lot of footsteps sounded.

Ah Zhen laughed happily, and seeing the old man in a daze at the gate of the city, he happily called out: "Grandpa, the manager."

"Master, this old slave finally found you."

The old man in charge hurriedly grabbed the umbrella, ignoring the strangeness in his heart, and quickly went up to him, carefully opening the umbrella in his hand to support him.

"The rain has stopped." Ah Zhen pulled down his veteran hand, turned around and gestured: "These people come from Minzhong County to make a living. You arrange fields for them to cultivate."

"Yes." When he said this, the manager's heart sank. It turned out that the young master was doing a good deed, as long as he didn't have anything to do with beggars.Just now, he thought that their foolish young master wanted to try what it was like to be a beggar.

"Thank you benefactor." A group of beggars behind them knelt down in the rain and kowtowed in unison.Their benefactor must be either rich or expensive.

"I want to go back to the Bingsi Ya, grandpa, take them there." Said he took an oil umbrella, God's face will change at any time, it will be very bad if you are not prepared.

"Come with me." The old grandpa said to a group of people kneeling on the ground, and he started to walk towards the outskirts of the outer city.

A group of people who had been displaced, survived the desperate situation, and couldn't help crying. As long as there was Tian, ​​they would not starve to death. It was God's blessing. When they met a noble person, they hurriedly followed the old man who was in charge for a moment.

Before it was dark, Ah Zhen entered the inner city and searched for the Bingsi Yamen all over the city. The old grandfather said that it was next to Sansi.Thinking of this, he froze in his tracks, no wonder he couldn't find it, because he didn't even know where San Si was.

When Huang's legs were sore, he found a restaurant and walked in. Although it was not dark yet, it was almost the same, Wan'er and Qianyun were not there, the mansion was empty, and it was uncomfortable to be alone in the mansion.

"Guests, please." Seeing a luxurious guest coming to the door, the waiter waiter was stunned and then knelt down in horror: "The young one kowtowed to see Da Sima."

When he knelt, all the diners in the restaurant stood up in horror.

"Da Sima is here"

"Big Sima"

Different voices rang out one after another.

Ah Zhen, who had just stepped a step further, was stunned, took back his steps, turned around and ran.Damn, it seems that the inner city can't survive anymore, every meal has to be worshiped by people, how can this meal last, yes!Or go to the outer city to eat.

As soon as Xiao Er saw Da Sima turned and ran, he didn't know what expression to make, he got up and turned his bewildered head, and looked at the guests who were also bewildered.What is their big Sima doing?
Nightfall in the outer city is extremely lively, dragons and snakes are mixed with three religions and nine streams, different stalls, juggling, every day is like a big festival.

"Guests, please come inside." The waiter in a restaurant bowed and invited him beamingly.

"Yeah." Finally, no one shouted at Da Sima anymore, Ah Zhen strode in happily, chose a good seat that he thought was elegant, ordered a lot of wine and food, and sat and waited for food.

"A celestial being came to Lingzui Pavilion, Brother Tao, you have seen him before." The four handsome young masters at the table next to him teased while drinking.

"Brother Yu thinks I, Tao Zhi, is someone. He has a fairy girl in the Lingzui Pavilion, so I must know." The young master surnamed Tao retorted angrily.

Then the other three laughed, "Since Brother Tao doesn't know, we brothers will go to Lingzui Pavilion to see and see later."

"Very good, very good." The surname Tao was excited.

After hearing this, Ah Zhen shook his head dumbly, and retracted his ears. It seemed that the ancient entertainments seemed to be brothels and brothels, and there was nothing new about it.

Soon Xiao Er brought the food and wine to the table, bowed and left in a hurry.

"Bored, too boring." Ah Zhen, who was drinking alone, had no appetite at all.

After eating some, a lot of things were put on the table like this, "Weicheng is rainy in the morning, the dust is light, and the guesthouses are green and willows are new. I advise you to drink a glass of wine, and there is no old friend when you leave Yangguan in the west."

"Alas" after chanting, I drank it all in one gulp. What I drank was loneliness, and I was even more lonely after drinking it.

Thinking that he is the great Sima, but there is no one to talk to, "Raise a glass to invite the bright moon, and the shadows will form three people." After singing, drink another glass.A sudden burst of emptiness invaded.

In the nearly a year since he came here, he found that he had nothing, married several wives, all of whom were not around, and trained a group of Flying Tigers, but made wedding clothes for others.Being in a prominent position, but acting as an envoy for others, and making good friends with the Liu family, in the end, he is just a hunchback who forgets his master, a traitor and a traitor.

In my daze, I couldn't help but feel sad for a while, and I got up and sang wildly while shaking: "Deep in plane trees and deep in autumn, a little bit of plantain is a little bit sad. The morning is green silk and the evening is snow, and I sigh the past leisurely travels."

Seeing that the waiter was drunk, the waiter hurriedly put down what he was doing and rushed to help him, "You are drunk, waiter."

"Am I drunk?" Ah Zhen blushed and shouted at the people who looked at him: "I'm not drunk."

The second elder brother looked worried, and just as he was about to speak, he chanted wildly again, "God! Don't let the toad shine on the guest to sleep. Where is the person? The osmanthus shadow is from Chanjuan. For a long time, I am speechless. Where is the yellow flower in my hand? Sorrowful West Window. New dreams, flute sounds three times, wine and poetry, who can share? Looking back at the end of the world, the dim lights are all turned into, and the light rain flies by in the morning."

After singing, he picked up the cup on the table and shouted wildly: "Who will share the wine and poetry? Hahaha" Loneliness is a carnival by one person, brother is never lonely, because there is loneliness to accompany brother.

Seeing that this handsome guest was so drunk, the shopkeeper hurriedly clasped his fists to the large group of diners in the hall, "Forgive me, all guests."

"Little Er, help the guest officer to the room quickly." He pointed to the younger brother, seeing that this drunk guest was definitely not an ordinary person, and he hadn't paid for his food and drinks yet.

"Go away, how much money." The drunk Ah Zhen took out a bank note from his arms and handed it to the second brother.

Seeing that it was a 100 tael bank note, the shopkeeper hurriedly chased it out with the change, "Slow down, customer, slow down."

Ah Zhen randomly stuffed the change money into his arms, and stumbled towards the crowd.

On the banks of the Qinhuai River in Jinling, the bells and drums are late and the drums are full of excitement.There are countless painted boats by the river, and the wind by the river is very strong and cool. After the drunk-eyed Ah Zhen was slapped by the gentle evening wind, his consciousness gradually recovered.Sitting on the stone bench by the river, looking at the little lights on the river, blowing the cool breeze, I smiled sadly.

Recalling the days when he came here, he raised his hands and looked at them, muttering to himself: "What a pair of bloody hands."

Stand up and walk along the long river bank with hands behind your hands.

"Son, come on"


In the brothel Gouyuan standing by the river, there are girls standing upstairs and downstairs, all of whom are seduced by businessmen and tourists passing by.

Looking at both sides of the bustling Qinhuai River, looking at these groups of Goulan sisters, what kind of stories are there behind their appearance, why did they fall into the brothel?

alive, for what?
Think of him ruling the world, think of his wealth, think of his power, think of him as the overlord.But he is empty, empty, endless empty, extending a bottomless void.

A red plaque of "Lingzui Pavilion" appeared in his eyes, remembering the teasing of the four young people in the inn just now, he couldn't help being attracted in.

"Oh, you are so handsome." The old bustard immediately smiled like a spring flower when she saw such a handsome young master coming to her pavilion.

"I heard that there is a fairy beauty here?"

"Oh, the young master came back after asking about it." Cai Bustard smiled coquettishly and put her arms around his arm, "Our girl is a Qing servant, so she doesn't sell her body."

"That's not very good, ask her to sing a few songs." He didn't want to be a prostitute, isn't it good to be a prostitute?

"Okay, please come upstairs, my lord." The bustard winked, and a bunch of girls flamboyantly flocked him into the elegant room immediately.

During the long wait, Ah Zhen sat in the elegant wing and drank tea. The smell of the wine was blown away by the wind. Looking at the rake on the desk, he walked to the window sill with his hands behind his back, and opened the window. A bright moon hung high in the sky, and he looked at the rolling waves on the river, feeling a sense of desolation and sadness.

After a deep sigh, he whispered: "The empty room was empty, and the bed was full of wats; the decayed grass and poplars used to be a singing and dancing venue. The spider silk was full of carved beams."

The heavenly immortal who was eager to sing came to his door, heard the low sigh in the room, immediately hissed to stop the maid who was about to push the door, and listened quietly to the sigh.

"Green gauze is pasted on the canopy window again today. How can you say that the fat is thick and the powder is fragrant, but how can the temples turn into frost? Yesterday the loess sent bones to the dragon head, and tonight the mandarin ducks lie under the red light curtain. The box is full of gold, and the box is full of silver. Everyone slanders beggars. They are lamenting that other people's lives are not long, but they know that they are coming back to mourn! Well-trained, you may not be a strong beam in the future. If you choose a beam, who wants to live on Firework Lane! Because the hat is too small, the shackles are tied Yesterday I felt sorry for the torn coat, but now I think the purple python is long; you will sing and I will appear on the stage, and you will think that the other country is your hometown. It is ridiculous, in the end you are making wedding clothes for others!"

"Oh..." Ah Zhen looked at the surging river, facing the night wind, and sighed deeply, thinking that another country is his hometown, which is very absurd. In the end, he made wedding clothes for others!He doesn't belong here, he belongs in the 21st century, everything he does is making wedding clothes for others, he's ridiculous.

With the soft sound of opening the door, he slowly stepped into the room, which is bright, fresh and pleasant.

"My family has seen the young master." Liangli Keren was in a complicated mood, she put her hands on her waist and Jinglan blessed her body, her beautiful face flushed.

"Sit." When Ah Zhen saw such a lovely person when he turned around, he smiled and invited.Although she is beautiful and lovely, she is still a long way from a celestial being, and his Yun'er can truly be called a celestial being.

"Thank you, Young Master." The girl blushed and did not dare to sit down, she gently held the cup so that he could pour the tea into it steadily.Recalling his poems just now, I can't help but feel dazed for a while, this young man is very handsome, and his eloquence is also extraordinary, the poems are deeply ironic, but there is no sense of vulgarity.

"I don't know your surname."

"When asking someone's name, you should first report your family name. This is a kind of politeness." Ah Zhen said with a smile.

"It's my family's mistake. My surname is Yuan and my name is Ling Rao." She should have told him that her name was Yue Rao, but she didn't want to.

"Good name, my name is Lin Azhen." He said, picking up the teacup and touching it lightly with the cup she was holding, "Cheers to the first acquaintance."

"Thank you young master for enjoying the tea, I dare not." Ling Rao sipped the tea shyly.

(End of this chapter)

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