ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 338 "Finger of the Golden Temple"

Chapter 338 "Finger of the Golden Temple"

When Ah Zhen and his group walked into the cabinet, the old Prime Minister Li Yi was processing the memorial, so busy that he didn't even raise his head and said, "Good morning, colleagues."

"Grandpa Yi, you are so busy early in the morning." Ah Zhen walked towards him while laughing, and peeped out of curiosity what he was busy with.
"Huh?" Hearing his voice, Li Yi raised his head in confusion and said, "Good morning, Da Sima."

"Early, early, what are you busy with early in the morning?" Out of curiosity, he picked up a notebook and looked around. Isn't this the memorial approved by the emperor?
Seeing him playing with the memorials, Li Yi sighed inwardly, carefully took back the memorials to be submitted, and said: "These are all memorials submitted by various places. After the little old man sorts them out, they will be approved if they can be approved, and they will be submitted if they cannot be approved." Let the emperor decide." Who can be as lucky as him, if you fall in love, you will fall in love, and if you don't fall in love, you will not fall in love.

"I see." Ah Zhen nodded and patted Yi on the shoulder and said, "Grandpa Yi has worked hard for you."

"Where, this is what a courtier should do." Li Yi looked kind and kind, turned around and sat down, and continued to work.

"Prime Minister, it's not good, it's not good." A hasty voice crossed the quiet night sky.

Ah Zhen frowned slightly, "This voice seems to be the voice of the Minister of the Ministry of War." After muttering, he put down his teacup and looked suspiciously at the ministers who stood up in shock.

Li Yi swallowed when he heard the voice of the Ministry of War so tight. If the Ministry of War could be so panicked, something serious must have happened.

"Prime Minister, something happened to the Taiwei"

"What?" All the important officials in the cabinet stood up in panic, Liu Fuyang was the one who roared the loudest.

When Ah Zhen heard about Liu Wanyang, his eyebrows immediately knotted. He had only returned to the capital for a few days, and accidents happened one after another.Four cities were captured first, now Liu Wanyang won't even lose his life in it.

"What's going on, tell me quickly." Among the ministers, Liu Fuyang was the most anxious, rushed up and grabbed the arm of Shangshu of the Ministry of War, and asked with a livid face.

"Let's let General Yi talk about it." After the Ministry of War retreated, Yi Ping stepped out in a hurry.

Ah Zhen saw that this person was Yi Ping, who was working with him on the border, and couldn't help asking in a deep voice, "Yi Ping, tell me what's going on."

"Da Sima." Yiping heard that Da Sima had returned to the capital, but he did not expect to see him here.Thinking of his successive defeats after he left, I couldn't help feeling sad.

Li Yi shouted anxiously, "General Yi, don't open your mouth, and follow me to meet the emperor. You can tell the emperor yourself." The border military affairs are internal secrets, and whether they can listen is the emperor's conclusion.

"Yes yes yes." Yi Ping nodded again and again, clasped his fists and said, "Prime Minister, the frontier is urgent, let's let the Holy One know."

"Please, General Yi." Li Yi couldn't wait, and left the cabinet quickly.

Seeing that the Ministry of War was in such a panic that even the border generals had arrived, all the ministers immediately sank to the bottom of their fragile hearts, not knowing what happened to the border in their panic.

Before the dawn arrived, a group of courtiers had already stood in the main hall, their hearts also tightened in the same way.


Following Wang Yu's shout, the emperor stepped into the back of the palace with a livid face, and was stunned when he saw that Da Sima was there in anger.After glaring at him, he stood in front of the golden chair and paced back and forth.

The ministers lowered their heads and did not dare to speak. They secretly glanced at the anxious emperor who was like ants on a pot, swallowed, and chose to remain silent.

"The Taiwei was captured by the wolf." There was a thunder on the ground, and the emperor shouted suddenly.

Hearing that, Ah Zhen was dumbfounded, this Liu Wanyang is too bad, he was captured?

"Your Majesty, what's going on?" He stepped forward and asked without delay.

"Huh..." After the emperor snorted again, he roared with a livid face, "Come in."

Hearing the emperor's roar, Yi Ping ran in in panic, knelt down on his knees and shouted tremblingly: "I see the emperor."

The emperor pointed at him with a firm face and ordered: "Tell me what you told me again."

"Yes." Yiping said with his mouth trembling, "Three days ago, the Liao wolves suspected of attacking Yunnei Prefecture. The Taiwei was shocked and moved the army to the rear to resist. The battle report came not from Yunnei Prefecture's fierce attack on Xijing, but on the right. Beijing sent millions of troops to attack Zhejin, because Zhejin had few troops and was unprepared, it fell very quickly, and then the Liao wolves defrauded Nanjing quickly, so Nanjing was also lost."

All the ministers he spoke of looked at each other in blank dismay, whispering to each other in panic.

Ah Zhen knew about the loss of the four frontiers, and squinted his eyes quietly waiting for the next story.

Yiping swallowed his saliva and continued to report: "The Taiwei heard that Zhejin and Nanjing were lost, so he immediately ordered all the troops to retreat to Hejian and Zhending to guard. But after the Liao wolves took back the two cities, they did not take advantage of the situation to seize Xijing and Datong. The anti-government Zhending Hejian and the two prefectures rushed over. When the Taiwei returned to the two cities, Liao wolves also arrived, and then the tragic siege battle began immediately. The two sides fought for hours, but the Taiwei remained as firm as an iron barrel. "At this point, Yiping cried bitterly and said again: "At this moment, the Liao Kingdom ordered Jin to stop its troops for a full rest, and set up four military camps in front of the two mansions."

Ah Zhen was taken aback when he heard this, and immediately yelled: "Why did the Liao wolf set up four military strongholds?"

"Yes." Yiping wiped away his tears and replied, "The Taiwei couldn't figure it out at first. Just when the generals were wondering, they suddenly heard that the Liao wolf had seized the river stream."

After Li Yi heard this, his face turned pale, and he asked seriously, "The Liao wolves couldn't attack for a long time, but they took the river in an instant. What's the reason?"

Hearing the prime minister's question, Yi Ping shook his head and said, "Until now, I still don't understand how the Liao wolves seized the river with only one military stronghold in front of the river stream, and the other three military strongholds remained motionless."

Hearing what he said, Ah Zhen understood a little bit, and asked slowly: "Liao wolves surrounded Zhending back and forth when they seized the river stream, and the Taiwei was trapped in the city with enemies on both sides, was he captured?"

"Yes, the Taiwei heard that the river was lost, and immediately ordered Zhending's troops to return to Taiyuan. He, he, he..." Yiping cried bitterly at this point: "Before all the soldiers and horses were withdrawn, the Liao wolf came, and the Taiwei was captured."

All the ministers in the palace heard this, their faces turned pale, and their hearts trembled endlessly.Never expected that the Liao Kingdom would be so powerful.

Ah Zhen frowned and pondered, the four army camps, a good trick blossomed on the tree.This is the strategy Sun Bin used to save the prince that day.The four military villages are full of suspicious soldiers, three of them have less than tens of thousands, and one of them has more than one million.With more than a million soldiers and horses attacking the defending city that is less than twice the size, the city will of course be broken.If Liu Wanyang hadn't retreated at that time and had attacked Liao's bluffing military stronghold, it would not have been such a disastrous defeat.

Thinking of this, Ah Zhen's face became even more serious. Although there are many counselors in the Liao Kingdom, there will be no one in the world who can figure out this strategy except Yingying and him.Why did Yingying do this?
Ah Zhen, who was contemplating quickly, immediately understood that it was all for him.Yingying must have heard that Wan'er and the others had arrived in Tubo.If there is no danger on the border of Dazhou, the emperor will not let him go. Now that the border is like this, the emperor must drive him back to the border without delay.And at this moment, he left Da Zhou.

What a conspiracy.After Ah Zhen shook his head, his heart was very soft, and Yingying paved all the roads for him.

"Lin Aiqing, do you know how the Liao Kingdom broke the river?" The emperor nodded and shook his head when he saw him, and asked with his eyebrows tightened.

When Ah Zhen heard this, he immediately regained his senses, seeing all the officials and the emperor looking at him, he couldn't help being shocked, stood up and clasped his fists and said, "Your Majesty"

"Urgent report"

Before he finished speaking, a guard from outside the door broke in and interrupted what he was about to say.

All the ministers had been frightened for a long time, and when they heard the urgent report, their hearts were raised high.

"What's the matter?" The emperor shouted majestically at the guards.

"Master Dadu Hejin hurry up." He said and took out a letter from his bosom, and handed it over.

Wang Yu was also dumbfounded, what's the rush about the Dadu River, he walked down the steps suspiciously, and picked up the emergency report.

"What the hell is going on." The emperor was so angry that smoke rose from his head, what urgent matter would this new top scholar have, and what matter could be more urgent than the frontier matter.

After receiving the letter, the emperor didn't read it, and said angrily, "Say it."

If it wasn't for the urgent report, he would have killed the governor of Dadu River.

When the guard heard that the emperor wanted him to speak in public, his face immediately turned pale, and he took a peek at Da Sima carefully in the cold sweat. Seeing that he was squinting and looking at him, his heart almost jumped out of his throat in fright, and he gritted his teeth and reported: " At night, Mrs. Da Sima passed the Dadu River. Mr. Jin was ordered by the emperor to invite the two wives back, but General Li resisted.

The guard couldn't finish talking, Ah Zhen's face changed drastically, he rushed out and shouted at him: "What's the matter, tell me quickly."

Hearing the guard's report, the emperor's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly thought that he had indeed given such an order that night, and his heart couldn't help but climbed to his throat, will something happen?

"Yes, yes, yes." The raptured guard saw Da Sima's face of Hades, which was already pale and blue, and urgently reported: "Then there was a quarrel between Mr. Jin and Mr. Li, and Hechai saw that Mr. Jin made a move. , immediately rushed onto the boat, and fought with Da Sima's family." Speaking of this, he closed his eyes and said, "During the battle, Da Sima fell in love with his concubine, Mrs. Kuang, and crossed the river desperately."

"What?" Ah Zhen staggered immediately after hearing this.

"Big Sima"

"Lin Aiqing"

Seeing him staggering so much, the emperor and all the officials exclaimed urgently, and then saw him fall to the ground in a daze.

"Shuang'er" Ah Zhen couldn't believe it, she was dumbfounded, thinking that his quiet, gentle, considerate, and lovely Shuang'er had died tragically, her heart was clenched tightly, and the uncontrollable tears immediately resembled a beast Keep taking it out of the eye socket.

"No" let out a long growl, and he knelt down on the ground, feeling the pain in his heart, he lifted his big head and slammed it hard into the bluestone rock in the golden palace.

"Big Sima"

"Lin Ah Zhen"

Countless exclamations accompanied by splashes of blood stained the golden palace red.

Liu Fuyang and the ministers were shocked, they rushed forward in panic, and grabbed him tightly, fearing that he would not be able to think about it for a while.

"Hahaha" Ah Zhen struggled hard, looked up to the sky and laughed, and all the tears flowed from the laughter.

"Hahahaha" he was crying and laughing, standing at His Royal Highness and pointing angrily at the emperor on the golden palace, "I am a commoner, bowing my body to the Liu Mansion, Gou Quan's life is in Wuling, I don't want to be famous in the world, the emperor doesn't follow the wishes of my ministers , who was insignificant and honorable, received important responsibilities from ministers, and was driven away by the emperor for the rest of the year, and was ordered in the autumn of crisis. Since he was ordered, he has been worried all night long, fearing that he will pay the emperor's entrustment and hurt the emperor's brightness; so he rescued the prince in July and eight Tubo was joined in the moon, corrupt officials were investigated in Chongyang, two states were governed in October, Laba ruled the south, spring came to suppress the rebellion, Kushu resisted the Liao wolves. Today the north is not peaceful, the ancestral temple is not safe, but the emperor does not take the danger of the country as a filter, Harm the family members of meritorious officials, kill rabbits and kill dogs, this is a king, what is a minister?"

All the ministers cried and blamed him when they saw him pointing at the emperor angrily.Hearts jumped out of their mouths in fright, and they knelt on the ground, not daring to open their mouths, dripping with cold sweat.

"Presumptuous, bold." Hearing what he said, the emperor immediately picked up a cup of tea and threw it to the ground angrily.He dared to scold him for being unable to be an emperor, it was simply audacious.

When Ah Zhen thought of his Shuang'er's tragic death, his heart had already died, and he raised his head fearlessly, crying and laughing.

"Hahaha, my Shuang'er, woo!" He knelt down on the ground and raised his hands to the sky, in infinite grief.

"The king is not the king, the minister is not the minister. The cunning rabbit dies, the running dog cooks, the birds are exhausted, and the good bow is hidden" said in front of the court civil and military officials, took off his official hat, took off his saffron official uniform, He shouted loudly: "Your Majesty, give it back to you, give it back to you." With tears streaming down his face, he threw the Da Sima official robe in his hand, and left the Golden Palace with bare feet and obscene clothes, crying and laughing.

"The rabbit is dead and the dog is cooked, and the bird is hidden in the bow"

A loud cry from the side of the sky was transmitted from outside the hall into the Golden Hall, and it lingered around for a long time and could not go away.

The emperor's face was ashen, and the old fists he was holding were already turning white.To turn against me for a concubine's house is really bold, too bold.

"Come on, let me take him to the prison immediately." He angrily slapped the gold case.

Li Yi and other veterans fell to their knees, too frightened to speak.Now hearing that the emperor wanted to take Da Sima, he gritted his teeth with a pale face and begged: "I beg the emperor to calm down, you can't take Da Sima."

"Presumptuous, I am the king of a country, why can't I take him?" asked angrily.

Li Yi trembled and said: "Your Majesty, Da Sima is not wrong. It is true to save the prince, unite Tubo, rule the two states, investigate corrupt officials, master Nanwei, suppress rebellion, and resist Liao wolves, but the emperor is true. If the reason is wrong, if the emperor takes Da Sima now, he will be spit on by the subjects of the world."

"Li Yi, you are too presumptuous." The emperor kicked over the golden table angrily when he heard that he would be spit on by the world.

"My minister is guilty, my minister is guilty, please appease the emperor, please appease the emperor." The teeth of the ministers of His Royal Highness burst into pain, and they kowtowed on the ground and begged for mercy.

"Hmph" the emperor stroked his chest angrily, clenched his teeth tightly, and glared at the group of courtiers angrily.

"Emperor" Wang Yu saw him holding his chest tightly in anger, and hurried forward to help him in panic.

But before he touched the emperor's lapel, the emperor yelled: "Get away!" In an instant, Wang Yu fell down from the golden palace, hit his head on the corner of the ladder, and his blood flowed like a column for a while.He didn't even dare to cover it. Frightened, he rolled over and knelt down under his highness trembling, not daring to say a word, letting his mother's face be covered with blood.

"Nui Yi." After a while, the emperor passed the word, pointing to his Highness, and said: "Immediately release Jin Caiye, governor of Dadu River, Xu Tianze of Heying, and Jinzu of Hedao Zhong, into the capital."

"Yes." Wang Yu couldn't wait any longer, and hurriedly ran out to prepare for the ceremony.It wasn't until he walked far away that he dared to raise his hand to wipe the blood stains on his face, and he was horrified.It's not good, Da Sima resigned from office, and hated the emperor, that Tubo, Tubo, thinking of this, his heart turned cold, his body trembled, and he didn't dare to think about it any more.

(End of this chapter)

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