ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 339 "Painful Heart"

Chapter 339 "Painful Heart"

Dazed and dazed, Ah Zhen dragged his exhausted body out of the palace gate, and walked deep into the crowded street.

The duck board guarding the palace gate saw that he came out in obscene clothes and trousers, and a sheet of socks was dragged all over the floor by him, all of them stared in shock, unable to believe that their high-spirited Da Sima was full of tears, hopeless My dear, death has nothing to do with it.

"Hey, the danger is high! The road to Shu is difficult, and it is difficult to go to the blue sky! Silkworms and yufu, how at a loss was the founding of the country." He cried and mourned as he walked towards the lively street.

All the people in the city were shocked to see him like this, the bustling street suddenly fell into a dead silence, and the people retreated to the sides, whispering to each other.

"What about Da Sima?"

"You're not crazy, are you?"

Ah Zhen was blind in both eyes and deaf in both ears, crying and chanting among the walking corpses: "You are [-] years old, and you will not live with Qin Sai. Xidang Taibai has a bird path, which can cross the top of Emei. The earth collapsed and the mountains destroyed. When a strong man dies, the heavenly ladders and stone stacks are connected together. On the top there is the high mark of the six dragons returning to the sun, and on the bottom there is the rushing wave and turning back to Sichuan."

He sang wildly, his face was stained with tears, his socks were tightly dragged behind his bare feet, his obscene clothes were half covered, his underwear was loose, and his exhausted and exhausted face was infinitely sad and sad.

For a moment, the ladies and gentlemen who admired him unconsciously burst into tears, not knowing why the handsome man in their hearts became like this.

After chanting "Hahaha" for a while, he knelt down on the ground, raised his palms to the sky, and laughed wildly with his blood and tears like oars.

Seeing that he suddenly went crazy, the common people took a big step back in fright, and looked at him with shocked and unbelievable black eyes.

"Yellow cranes can't fly, and apes want to overcome their worries and climb up. What is the blue mud, and there are hundreds of steps and ten folds around the rocks. I went to the Lijing Well and raised my breath, and sat down with my hands and sighed. I ask you when you will return to the Westward Journey. I was afraid of the road and the rocks were impossible to climb. But I saw the old tree of the mourning bird, male and female flying around the forest. I also heard Zigui singing the moon at night, worrying about the empty mountain, and the difficulty of the Shu road, it is difficult to go to the blue sky! It makes people lose their face hearing this."

There were cries of blood and mournful screams, which made the people of the two paths burst into tears.

Li Ningzhi was shopping with her maid, and saw a long queue lined up in the front street, she walked forward out of curiosity, when she saw Da Sima knelt down and groaned wildly in the crowd, with patches of dried blood on his forehead, she was startled, and hurriedly called His maid helped him up and walked towards Da Sima's mansion.

"Great Sima, why are you doing this?" After ordering his maid to help him, Li Ningzhi couldn't help but see that his face was darkened when he saw how sad he was.

"Hahaha" Godless Ah Zhen was supported, swaying like a drunk, crying and singing loudly: "Bianfeng goes to the sky and the sky is not full, and the withered pine hangs upside down against the cliff. The turbulent waterfall is noisy, bang The cliffs turn into rocks and thunders. The same is true for the removal. People who are far away from you will do nothing! Avoid tigers in the morning, avoid long snakes in the evening, grind your teeth and suck blood, and kill people like hemp. Although Jincheng is happy, it is better to return home soon"

Ning Zhi, who was so talented, heard his blood and tears, and her heart skipped a beat. It seemed that a major accident had happened in the court. Otherwise, why would Da Sima be so world-weary and discouraged.

The old man in charge who was happy that the young master voluntarily went to court in the morning suddenly heard that the young master went crazy in the street, and when he led the crowd out of the house in shock, he saw Miss Li's supporting him, surrounded by a large group of people in the distance.

He saw dried blood stains on the young master's forehead, the official uniform of the chief minister had disappeared, and he was miserable.All of a sudden, the tears flowed endlessly. "Master"

"Hahaha" Ah Zhen kept crying and laughing non-stop, he couldn't see anyone, he couldn't hear anything.

"Master." Seeing his appearance, the old man in charge and all the maidservants burst into tears, and they took Miss Li's hand tightly and helped him in. They didn't know why the young master looked like this.

Crazy chanting on Da Sima Street, all of a sudden there was boiling inside and outside Jinling, a lot of rumors were flying in the sky in an instant, and the visiting ladies surrounded Da Sima's mansion completely.

On the second day, news of an explosion overturned the rumors flying all over the sky.

"Da Sima went crazy because the emperor secretly sent someone to kill his concubine." Passerby A.

"Just killing his concubine can't make Da Sima go crazy. The emperor secretly sent officers and soldiers to kill all of Da Sima's wives." Passer-by B.

Passer-by C waved his hands after hearing this and said in a low voice: "Neither, it was Governor He who misunderstood the emperor's intentions and killed him by mistake."

"Don't talk about it, the emperor killed Da Sima's family, and Da Sima went crazy, and Tubo will definitely not give up. If anyone in your family goes to Tubo, call them back quickly." Lu Geding said urgently.

As the wind drifted away, this crazy hurricane swept Dazhou from east to west, from north to south, and people were panicked for a while. The fugitives on the border of the two countries all moved to safe places. If you cut it, you will cut it, and those who cannot cut it will flee back to Dazhou with valuables.The direct property loss has reached immeasurable proportions.

Jinling Imperial Palace, above the Golden Hall, the emperor sat on the dragon chair with a stern face, listening to the reports of his courtiers.

Da Sinong saw that the emperor had no expression, and continued to report tremblingly: "Chengdu, Yazhou, Luodian, etc., the [-] states on the border between my country and Tubo, the people were panicked, and all their families fled to Fandi. All of a sudden, Jiangnan salt Mi Dasheng, the law and order were chaotic, Shaozhou, Meizhou, and Guangzhou city leaders were not properly governed, Guancheng blocked the fugitives, and suddenly caused riots by millions of fugitives." He was sweating profusely.

"What's the move of Tubo?" The emperor's face was livid, he didn't expect that a big Sima could make him into such a mess.

The Secretary of the Ministry of War tremblingly stood up and said: "It is only yesterday that Da Sima went crazy, and Tubo may not know it yet."

"Your Majesty, you must guard against it." Li Yi was the first and the second big, with the Liao Kingdom in the north and Tubo in the southwest. This time it was bad.

"No defense." The emperor stood up and said with a stern face: "You don't need to panic. The king of Tubo is still in his hand. Tubo dare not move rashly for a while. He will definitely send envoys to make peace. You have to test it." How to negotiate with the Tubo envoys." This Lin Ahzhen is a trump card, he never believes that he is crazy, even if he is crazy, he cannot be allowed to return to Tubo.If he returned to Tubo, he would have endured wars for hundreds of years in the Great Zhou Dynasty.But he couldn't kill him, and he wouldn't give up if he killed Tubo.The emperor was also stumped for a while, not knowing how to choose.

The rain in the blooming season poured down from the sky, wet the capital of Jinling, wet the Da Sima Mansion, and wet the window lattice that was always quiet and speechless.

In the empty wing room, there is a simple wooden bed, a brocade cooling quilt, and the teapot that has been used many times but is cherished very much.

Ever since Ah Zhen walked into Xueshuang's wing room, he couldn't get out again, lying on the neat Pu quilt covered by Xueshuang, weeping in pain.

Dragonflies are the most frivolous when they play in the water.The shyness in her heart is still in her ears, just engraved in her heart, but things are different.

"Shuang'er, Shuang'er" Ah Zhenxin was dripping blood, holding a blanket tightly in her arms, smelling the unique fragrance only Xueshuang, her heart ached so hard that she couldn't speak.His Shuang'er actually died, before him.

"Brother Zhenzhen." After hearing this, Liu Fengyang rushed over and squeezed himself into a large number of maids and servants who were wiping tears, and leaned into the wing room in fear. Seeing him so heartbroken, he was so frightened that he couldn't react. "real"

"Woo, my Shuang'er." Ah Zhen, who was swaying in pain, wanted to die, her face was full of tears and snot, and her heart was broken.

With tears in his eyes, he looked at everything in Xueshuang's room, shaking his head and weeping with grief. Their master is gone, will they feel it? "Ten years of life and death are boundless, don't think about it, you will never forget it. There is nowhere to talk about desolation in a lonely grave." After singing, he shook like fallen leaves in the autumn wind, picked up Xueshuang's used teapot, and caressed the teapot lovingly. She carefully cared for the body of the pot, "Even if we meet each other, we should not know each other, our face is covered with dust, and our temples are like frost. At night, you dream and return home, and you are dressing up at the small window. There is nothing to say when you look at each other, but there are only a thousand lines of tears. , Moonlight night, Short Matsuoka.”

Liu Fengyang saw that he had no one to care for, his eyes were foggy, he was afraid of disturbing him, so he had no choice but to disturb him and whispered: "Brother Zhen, my condolences."

"The wind is blowing, woo." Ah Zhen was tearful, walking in the footsteps of an old man who was dying like a candle, grabbed his clothes and cried: "I am exhausted, I am exhausted, I can't sleep all night." Pointing his head to the sky, he said with tears in his eyes, "He, Guo Wenxuan, killed me by cooking rabbits and dogs."

The people who were wiping tears outside the door saw that he was calling the emperor by his name, they fell to their knees with a thud, sweating profusely, panicking.

"Hahaha" Seeing how scared they were, Ah Zhen burst out laughing, walking like an old man, laughing and crying as he walked towards the distance.

Outside Da Sima's mansion, there was a bustling flow of people. Seeing the middle door open, the crowd rushed forward.

"Big Sima"

"Big Sima"

Many people who have received his kindness and ladies who admire him flock to him, tightly entwining him.

"Get out, get out of here!" Ah Zhen yelled fiercely at the group of people with red eyes.

Seeing that he was so vicious all of a sudden, everyone backed away in fear, the noisy crowd was instantly silent, they all looked at him with horrified eyes, and then carefully followed him to the street.

The rainy and misty Jinling, the bustling merchants, the tall and tall body is full of loneliness and emaciation, and the unruly and handsome face is full of painful sorrow.

Qin Yu heard that he had scolded his father and queen in the Golden Palace and resigned on the spot, her heart trembled, and she hurried out of the palace in panic, never expecting to see her beloved walking down the street in such a desolate way, and she burst into tears all of a sudden. The eyes burst out wildly.

"Lin Lang" the Seventh Princess ran forward with tears, tightly hugging the handsome man's body in her arms.

Ah Zhen's blank eyes saw her, and he ruthlessly pushed him away in ridicule. He who hated everything when he saw Qin Yu could only see Qin Yu full of hatred.

The maid who was following behind saw Da Sima vigorously pushing the princess away, and anxiously stepped forward to hold her tightly.

After taking a big staggering step, Qin Yu was shocked, the tears in her eyes ran wildly, and she murmured in fear: "Lin"

Before he finished speaking, Ah Zhen pointed at her and yelled, "Don't call me, your Guo family is really disgusting, I feel sick at the thought of marrying you, get out"

Qin Yu couldn't believe it, she covered her mouth and kept shaking her head, she was so innocent about the emperor's father, Lin Lang didn't want her anymore.The sadness that echoed in her mind surged out, and she fell to the ground as she watched the long figure who had gone away absolutely, and couldn't help crying bitterly.Being a princess is not what she wants, and being a princess is destined not to have her own happiness.

"Withered vines, old trees and dark crows, small bridges and flowing water, people, ancient roads and westerly winds and thin horses. The sun sets, and heartbroken people are at the end of the world." He was drinking wine and cattle, walking on the bustling and lively streets in desolation.

Liu Fengyang saw him running into someone's shop with a drink and leaving, rushing into the shop to pay the bill, followed closely with heartache.

"Da Sima is crazy"

"Da Sima is crazy"

Crowds of people stood on both sides of the street, pointing and whispering to the man who sometimes verses, laughs, and cries bitterly.

Li Ningzhi, who had just sent him back to his residence, saw the crowds gathered together again on the street, whispering to each other about what they were talking about.Surprised to squeeze into the crowd, seeing him singing and drinking, he was distraught.Leaning forward quickly, she said: "Second Young Master Liu, it's better to send him back to the mansion quickly." She leaned forward and said to Liu Fengyang who was following behind.

"That's right, Brother Zhen looks like this," he said, looking at the crowds of onlookers on the left and right, and timidly fell silent.

Liu Fengyang also felt that Brother Zhen was not walking around, so he hurried forward and dragged him tightly, shouting: "Brother Zhen, go back home."

Ah Zhen, who was "rolling off" drinking, only said this sentence.

Liu Fengyang and Li Ningzhi looked at each other, just when they didn't know what to do.

There was a loud noise, and the two of them turned their heads to see that he was suddenly weak after drinking heavily with the jar, and the wine jar fell to the ground and broke into pieces, while Xiang Shaoyun was hugging and supporting him who fell into a coma.

"Xiang Shaoyun, how dare you chop Brother Zhen?" Liu Fengyang was speechless, and when Brother Zhen woke up, this kid would be dead.

Xiang Shaoyun said with a worried face, "Help him back quickly." Does he want to do this?It's not itchy, but with so many people watching, he can't let him go on like this.

In an instant, the servants of Da Ma Mansion took over, and the old grandpa clasped his fists in thanks, and rushed towards the mansion with the sleeping young master.

In the dark sky, in the late morning, the drizzle is still drizzled, dripping on the green buds, in the garden of Da Sima Mansion, brocade flowers are overflowing with spring fragrance, sweeping away the haze.The willows are caressed gently by the cool wind, showing an unstoppable beauty.A pool of spring water is dotted one after another, and the fish that surface the water try their best to breathe, disturbing the calm and clear pond.

The proud and fragrant peony stands gracefully like the king of flowers, exuding the incomparable fragrance of many flowers.The chirping birds stood on the branches of the drizzle, rubbing their wings and laughing at each other in joy.

Ah Zhen, who was knocked unconscious by Xiang Shaoyun, slept in the room with her clothes on, and the lonely and tearful candle had been extinguished with the rising dawn, leaving only a table of torch tears.

The beauty of the morning light poured in through the half-closed window lattice, sweeping towards the haggard and haggard person on the bed.



A white dove suddenly flew in front of the lonely window, as if it could feel the sadness of its owner, the white dove walked slowly towards the half-closed window with two feet, and a little dove followed it. The neck kept nodding.After pecking at his own wings that were stuck by the drizzle, he flapped his wings and flew towards the person lying on the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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