ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 340 "Clear Identity"

Chapter 340 "Clear Identity"


Bursts of cooing noises woke Ah Zhen up. After turning over and sitting up in a daze, his neck was sore and sore. Looking at the dimly lit wing room, all the memories came to his mind, thinking that his Shuang'er had died away, Two clear tears flowed from his gray eyes, Shuang'er, his Shuang'er.

"Coo coo coo" The white dove standing next to it tilted its neck, wondering what its owner was crying for, and slowly looked at him with two pairs of blank little black beads.

Ah Zhen, who was fascinated by tears, heard the sound of the pigeon, and when he turned his head, he saw that the pigeon was the white pigeon he had flown to the Jinsha River Navy in Tubo. .

"My lord, my servant has successfully received the concubine and concubine side." Ah Zhen looked at the word "concubine side", and after a moment, he quickly wiped away the tears that covered his eyes, and looked again seriously, "Da Zhouhe sent a murderer and was shot by the last general." Retire, although Princess Side is seriously injured, her life is not in danger, and she will be safe after recuperating for a while, please don't worry about it, Your Majesty."

Although it is only a few short words, these are the most uplifting words Ah Zhen has ever seen in his life, and he muttered to himself in disbelief: "My Shuang'er is not dead." He jumped off the bed instantly in joy On the ground, I carefully read the creed in my hand again, and it was still the same.

"My Shuang'er is not dead." Overjoyed, he ran around the room, "Everyone is fine, that's great."

After the surprise, Ah Zhen was also tired from running. He sat on a chair, picked up the cold teapot on the table, frowned after taking a sip, the tea was cold.


As he opened the door with a squeak, the guards guarding outside the garden rushed over.

"Big Sima." Yesterday he looked like he was heartbroken, why is he so radiant today?
Ah Zhen was stunned by the blank eyes of the guard, and suddenly remembered yesterday's madness, his face turned red instantly.Shuang'er played too much, although his face was super invincible and thick, but after all, he was not the face made of iron when he became King Kong.

Thinking of the insidiousness of the old man, Ah Zhen couldn't help gnashing his teeth. , It is extremely sinister to touch Lao Tzu's family members.

"Get me a cup of tea." He ordered the guard with a stern face.


A little bit of spring, fascinated by the drizzle is more hazy, and more tender.He stood by the pool with his hands behind his back, looking at the fish sticking out of the water in the lack of oxygen, and fell into meditation.

The old man can do anything for his great Zhou. Only Tubo knows that Xueshuang didn't die, and he resigned on the spot. He scolded the old man in the golden palace that he can't be a king. The old man didn't cut him off. It is because of Tubo.He was not arrested because of popular sentiment.Now if he wants to figure out Jinling, it will be as difficult as climbing the sky.Thinking of this, Ah Zhen narrowed his eyes, now he knows better than anyone else that he seems to be free, but he is under house arrest, and the huge Jinling is his prison cell.

The news that Xueshuang was fine made his already clever head start to turn.If the frontier loses power, the power of the Liao Kingdom is like a broken bamboo, and if Zhending and Hejian are lost, it is bound to be difficult for Taiyuan to hold on.Liu Wanyang has become a prisoner of the Liao Kingdom, and the northern border of the Great Zhou Dynasty is in danger.Since Yingying taught Liao the strategy of blooming on trees, she must have reached some kind of unknown agreement with Liao.If others can't see through, it is impossible for him not to see through.There are no permanent enemies in the world, only permanent interests.Regardless of the life-and-death fight some time ago, nothing is impossible under the pressure of interests.

There is no need to doubt that Yingying taught Liao Kingdom to blossom on trees for him.What is Liao Kingdom for?The answer is obvious, the border of Dazhou.

They are all herdsmen on the grasslands, but the economic system of the Liao Kingdom is similar to that of the Great Zhou Dynasty. What does Tubo have?Nothing at all.No matter how they look at it, their ambitions are directed at Da Zhou.

Looking at the dotted pond, Ah Zhen shook her head blushing. It seems that his crazy behavior yesterday was not completely useless.As the great Sima, he won the hearts of the people.Yesterday's commotion must have caused a hurricane of panic to blow in Da Zhou.After Yingying heard about it, she would definitely block the news that Xueshuang was still alive, and then send people to negotiate with important people.If the expectations are good, the Liao Kingdom should also send people.And how would the old man use his card?

The clever brain kept turning, thinking back and forth, and after thinking through all the details, he muttered to himself: "Old man, what can you do? What can you do?"

In a daze, Ah Zhen turned around hungry and walked towards the front hall. He didn't eat all day yesterday, so of course he is hungry now.

The old man who was in charge rushed over in panic and almost collided with him by the arch.

Seeing him staggering, Ah Zhen urgently supported him, "Grandpa Manager, what are you doing in such a hurry?"

"Master, are you alright?" The old man in charge looked at his young master in fear with his old eyes.Wu, his young master didn't want to commit suicide, did he?There used to be a girl in my hometown who lost her husband. She cried so heartbreakingly, but she calmly went about her housework the next day. It was not until the next day that everyone found out that she had hanged herself at home.

Thinking of this, the old man in charge fell to his knees with tears all over his face, hugged Ah Zhen's trouser legs tightly and cried, "Master, if you want to open up a bit, don't seek death."

Ah Zhen was dumbfounded, quickly helped him up and said in doubt: "I am living well, why should I die?"

"Master, you have to mourn." The old grandpa didn't believe it at all, and what he cried was tears and snot.

Seeing that he couldn't be persuaded, Ah Zhen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and patted him on the shoulder comfortingly: "Mr. Grandpa, it's okay, don't be blind, I'm alive and I won't seek death."

"Really?" Ruowei asked softly, unwilling to believe it.

"Of course." After nodding his head cautiously, he touched his belly and opened his mouth and asked, "Is there anything to eat? I'm hungry."

"Hungry?" The old grandpa was stunned, then nodded repeatedly in surprise, "Master, come with this old slave."

"Let's go." In a happy mood, he put his arms around the old man's pale shoulders and walked towards the hall.Is he a suicidal person?

Before going to the hall, go to the inner hall first, and after drinking a cup of tea, the maidservants and servants will bring you an extremely rich pearl oar.In the hot air, Ah Zhen salivated, picked up his chopsticks and ate like no one else was around.After swallowing a mouthful of fine porridge, he closed his eyes in extreme relish, and savored it carefully.

The maids and servants waiting beside him were stunned seeing his appearance, and couldn't believe that the young master who was crying yesterday and was about to die was in such a good mood today. , I don't understand what kind of head their young master has.

"true brother"

Just when the group of people were stunned, Liu Fengyang's rapid long voice passed through the sky.

Ah Zhen, who was eating happily, heard this term, and immediately turned his old face into a special feature. This Liu Fengyang came here so early to eat, did he collapse the Burning Willow Villa?
When Liu Fengyang broke into the inner hall, he saw that he was eating breakfast, and he was stunned for a moment.I couldn't find anyone in his room just now, and I heard from the servant that he came to the inner hall for dinner.He didn't believe it at first, but now he saw it with his own eyes.

"Feng Yang, what's the matter, Brother Zhen?" Liu Fengyang, who was following Xiang Shaoyun, who was yelling, lost his voice, and shouted in an emergency.Brother Zhen wouldn't run to the inner hall to hang himself, would he?

After thinking about it, he also broke in sweating, and when he saw him sitting firmly and eating, his blank expression was exactly the same as Liu Fengyang's.

Ah Zhen, who stopped talking, opened his mouth wide, as if swallowing eggs raw, and jokingly raised his eyebrows, "The fly flew in."

With his teasing, Liu Fengyang and Xiang Shaoyun were stunned and looked at each other when they came back to their senses.A series of question marks popped up in his head?
"Come and sit?" After Ah Zhen waved to them, he turned his head and told the old man in charge, "Give them bowls and chopsticks."

"Yes." The old man was very happy and ordered the maid to get the bowls and chopsticks quickly.

Liu Fengyang and the two were dumbfounded, sitting in front of him anxiously, and asked weakly: "Brother Zhen, are you alright?"

He buried his head in hard work and asked casually, "What will happen to me?"

Liu Fengyang and Xiang Shaoyun saw him making a fuss in his madness yesterday, but today he looked peaceful, as if nothing happened.Did he forget that Xueshuang died?
"That" Xiang Shaoyun stretched out his neck in fear and asked weakly: "Xue Xueshuang"

Seeing his frightened look, Ah Zhen was still swallowing saliva, thinking that this guy had knocked him out yesterday, and at the moment new hatred and old hatred raised his black face.

Xiang Shaoyun just said Xueshuang's name, and saw Brother Zhen raised his head vigorously, his face darkened.Two gasps of astonishment sounded immediately.

Liu Fengyang under the table stomped on Xiang Shaoyun, this kid can't open any pot and carry any pot.Brother Zhen finally calmed down, and this kid actually tore brother Zhen's scar.

Thinking of him hacking him, Ah Zhen felt his neck hurt again for a moment, raised his hand and rubbed it, and asked Shaoyun with a sullen face: "Shaoyun, it seems that someone knocked me out yesterday?"

Liu Fengyang and Xiang Shaoyun were stunned immediately when they heard his words, and after looking at each other, Xiang Shaoyun said weakly with a smile: "Who dares to hack Brother Zhen, isn't that courting death?" Absolutely don't admit it, he wants to run away .

"Is there no one? Strange." Ah Zhen stared at Xiang Shaoyun and muttered to himself, "Could it be that the one who knocked me out was not a human?"

"Yes, yes, it's not a person." Xiang Shaoyun obediently said that it was not a person, and after he realized it, he shook his head and said, "It's a person, it's a person."

"Oh." Ah Zhen raised his eyebrows and asked: "Since he is a human being, you must have seen Shaoyun. Tell me, and I will chop him up."

When Xiang Shaoyun heard that Brother Zhen was going to chop him into pieces, he shook his head like Bo Langgu in fright, "It's not a person, it's not a person."

"If it's not a human, then it's an animal?" Ah Zhen laughed heartily.

Three black lines slid down from Xiang Shaoyun's forehead, his face was worried, and he nodded reluctantly in the mourning: "Yes, yes, it is a beast."

When Liu Fengyang saw Xiang Shaoyun scolding him for being a beast, he opened his mouth for joy, and spread out his fan with a snap and said in admiration, "Brother Zhen, Fengyang admires you so much."

Seeing him shaking his fan even while eating, Ah Zhen scorned him fiercely, "Feng Yang, why are you here at my house so early?"

"This..." Liu Fengyang concluded, fearing that he would be hurt again, he said weakly, "Brother Zhen, Fengyang came to see you."

"Damn, I'm not a mother, why come to see me." Ah Zhen was shocked, with a look of embarrassment.

His exaggerated expression caused everyone in the hall to crack their mouths. All the servants and maids wept with joy. Their young master really came back.

Liu Fengyang muttered on his face, and asked embarrassingly: "Brother Zhen, what are you going to do later?"

"What to do?" After whispering, he shrugged and said, "I have nothing to do."

"How about we go to the south of the Yangtze River?" Liu Fengyang suggested, Brother Zhen is so hurt, he should go out to relax.

Seeing that he really cared about him, Ah Zhen couldn't help but be moved, and said with a laugh, "No, just go out lazy." Except for Jinling, he can't go anywhere now.

Just as they were talking, a servant hurried in and reported: "Young master, someone is coming from the palace."

Ah Zhen raised his thick eyebrows after hearing this, did he come fast enough?After standing up, he patted Liu Fengyang and Xiang Shaoyun's shoulders and said earnestly, "You two take care of yourself." Today's farewell, I don't know when we will see each other again.

Liu Fengyang and Xiang Shaoyun looked at him blankly after hearing his tone of farewell, "Brother Zhen, what are you?"

"Use your brain more in the future." Ah Zhen patted Liu Fengyang's shoulder with a smile, turned and walked out without saying a word.Recalling the scene of meeting him in Sui County, recalling the scene of drinking with him in Wan'er's dilapidated home, recalling the scene with him in the brothel after Jiangnan put down the rebellion, recalling the scene of teaching him to roll dice, I couldn't help but twitch my nose sour.He is the king of Tubo, and he is a wealthy family of Da Zhou.Since then, I'm afraid it will be difficult to see you again.

For the past two days, Wang Yu's heart has been stuck in his throat, and he was stunned when he saw Da Sima coming out of the small door in his heart.

"Da Da Sima." Wang Yu called out in a low voice, didn't he say he was crazy?Even if he is not crazy, he should be heartbroken. Why is he acting like nothing happened?
"So it's Wang Yu." Ah Zhen waved his hands and said, "I'm no longer Da Sima, so call me Tubo King."

Seeing him smiling, Wang Yu suddenly felt horrified, clasped his fists and bowed and called out, "I have seen the Tubo king." Da Sima resumed his status as the Tubo king, it seems that he is no longer attached to everything about Da Zhou.

"What?" Ah Zhen pointed to his gauze-wrapped forehead and said, "Is it hurt?"

"Oh, big, no! King of Tubo, it's hard to say." He gently touched the white gauze wrapped around his forehead, accompanying the king like a tiger.

Seeing his sissy look, Ah Zhen smiled and said: "Let's go, your Majesty Zhou must have been waiting for a long time."

"The king of Tubo invites you." Wang Yu bowed and invited.His words, "Your Majesty of the Great Zhou Dynasty", made Wang Yu feel very strange in his heart.

"The great Sima has come out."

"Big Sima"

There was a crowd of people not far from the gate of the mansion. Seeing that the middle gate was opened, everyone looked at the group of royal guards and dared not take a step forward. They whispered one after another and breathed a sigh of relief.

Ah Zhen raised his eyebrows and saw so many people standing at the door, he smiled and walked towards them, raising his hand to say hello, "Hi everyone."

For a moment, "Da Sima" was worried that his crowd would explode with shocking joyous sparrows.

"Everyone go back." He vaguely remembered that they had surrounded his mansion since yesterday, seeing the large group of ladies blushing and peeking at him fearfully, the corners of his mouth were raised higher.

"King of Tubo, please." Seeing that he was not in a hurry, Wang Yu bowed and urged him again.

Ah Zhen gave him a bad look, turned around and walked towards the sedan chair without saying a word, and got into the sedan chair without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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