ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 395 "The Lin Mansion After the Dinner Party"

Chapter 395 "The Lin Mansion After the Dinner Party"

In the dead of night, there were whispers outside the hall.The eunuch guarding the door poked his round head in, looked left and right furtively, and observed the situation in the room.

"Eunuch, this is a matter that the king entrusted, if it is delayed." The guard at the gate of the Lin Mansion did his best. He was originally a guard in the palace and was sent to stand guard in the Lin Mansion. He knows how important the Lin Mansion is to the King. Not at all daring.

The father-in-law who was urged replied: "I know, it's just that the king and queen just fell asleep not long ago." He also hesitated in his heart, not knowing whether to call or not.

"This is something your majesty told us. If something important is delayed, we can't bear it."


The eunuch gave in, shaking his old legs, tiptoed and carefully stepped into the room more quietly than quietly.

The queen just said that no one is allowed to disturb, but the king confessed again, what has happened.

The eunuch was very sad, walked carefully to the side of the bed, knelt down beside Ah Zhen's bed and whispered: "King"

"Big" was about to call out again, when the frightened eyeballs turned and murmured, and he saw the queen move.

Yingying, who had just fallen asleep, frowned when she heard the sound, turned her back, and saw the eunuch kneeling beside Ah Zhen's bed in a daze.

Seeing this, he woke up immediately, sat up and asked coldly, "Hua Fu, what are you doing?"

Seeing that the queen was woken up, Hua Fu kowtowed and cried in fright when he saw the queen's stern face: "The people in the palace Beppu said that the king ordered him to wake him up, the queen spares his life, the queen spares his life!"

Confused Yingying thought about it for a while, and sure enough there was such a thing, so sleepy she yelled and said: "Then you continue to yell." The first fell, and continued to sleep with her.

Hua Fufu fell to his knees in tears, opened his mouth wide and saw that the queen continued to fall asleep, wondering whether he should call or not.

After a long period of silence, he slowly closed his mouth, looked carefully at the queen who was sleeping next to the king, swallowed his saliva and called softly: "king"

The uncle who slept comfortably still did not testify.

Frightened, Huafu called again with a louder voice, "King"

After calling, he quickly raised his eyes to look at the queen, seeing that she was not moving, his heart slowly fell back into his stomach.


After re-emphasizing his voice, he stared at the queen with frightened eyes, and then his heart sank back into his stomach.


He exhaled silently, and the heart that was brought up again fell back into his stomach.


Woo, what is this called an errand?

Hua Fu, whose heart was lifted up and down, was extremely sad, staring with terrified eyes, and seeing the queen sleeping next to the king still not moving, tears fell down, his luck is too good, right?

Following this call, Yingying couldn't stand it and turned over and sat up and shouted: "Damn Huafu, you can't wake him up by calling like that."

Originally a fragile heart, frightened by this Hedong lion's roar, he fell to the ground, dared not say anything, and knocked his head loudly.

"Get up." Yingying lacks sleep and is very irritable.

"Yes." Hua Fu, who kowtowed, stood up quickly in shock, not daring to move.

"Your chirping like a bird can't wake him up." Yingying pointed out the fact that this man is extremely difficult to wake up after a deep sleep.

"Then" Hua Fu didn't know what to do.

"Drag him out of bed, or splash him with a basin of water, and he might wake up."

I heard that Hua Futong knelt down on the ground, "The queen should spare the servant." "The king of dragging, the king of throwing, his old mother didn't give him such courage.

"come here."


"Wait a minute, don't say I woke up, you know?"

Hua Fu, who didn't know what she was going to do, nodded blankly.

Seeing him nodding, Yingying looked at the man sleeping comfortably next to her, narrowed her eyes, and raised her legs.

"No..." Seeing that she was going to kick the king, Hua Fu made a sound like a chicken being strangled by someone's neck.


Hua Fu, who had no time to save him, his frightened eyeballs rolled around. The moment the king fell, his urine almost came out, and his heart felt as if someone had thrown it into an ice cellar.

After Yingying kicked Ah Zhen out of bed, she pulled up the quilt and buried her head in the pillow, and continued to sleep comfortably.

When he was sleeping comfortably, he fell to pieces all of a sudden, not to mention Ah Zhen who was angry to get out of bed, even ordinary people would definitely not feel too happy.

"What's going on." After the sound of gnashing of teeth sounded, Ah Zhen who fell to the ground stood up and turned his head to look around.

It wasn't until the target was set on a sissy body not far away that he asked gloomyly, "Say, what's going on?"

"Oh, my lord, please spare me." Hua Fu was almost frightened to death, how dare he say that the queen kicked him, he lay on the ground and continued to kowtow, begging for mercy.

Seeing his appearance, Ah Zhen narrowed his eyes and looked at his position on the bed, and then looked at the sissy position, and came to a conclusion: such a long distance, and the position where he fell off the bed, cannot be the same What he did, the only possibility is that the woman sleeping next to him kicked him down.

Thinking of this, she immediately turned her head and stared at Yingying. Seeing that she was sleeping so soundly, without any sign of waking up, she became suspicious. Did he kick Yingying off in her sleep?

Shaking his head in confusion, he continued to focus on the sissy kneeling on the ground and kowtowing.

"Who allowed you to come in, and what are you doing here?" You wouldn't steal while he was sleeping, would you?

Hua Fu was crying with snot all over his face. Hearing his calm tone, he quickly knelt down and said, "The guards of the imperial palace Beppu are here to call you."

Ah Zhen, who was woken up by the fall, thought for a while, he was sure that he had ordered the guards in the mansion to do so, nodded to calm his anger and waved, "Go down."

"Yes." Hua Fu, who was lucky enough to escape his life, was so frightened that he rolled and crawled and flew out. It was terrible. The queen wanted to kill him. Sure enough, listening to the queen is the kingly way, and he just didn't listen to the queen. Only then will this catastrophe happen.

Yingying, who was sleeping comfortably, didn't think as much as he did. She just wanted to wake him up. With her eyes tightly closed, she quietly raised one eyelid when she heard the sound of dressing.

Seeing that he is really putting on clothes, he feels bitter in his heart, is he so eager to return to his dear little cutie's arms?

Ah Zhen, who suspected that Yingying was not asleep, looked in the mirror, saw the person on the bed wriggling, and turned his head quickly
Yingying, who was thinking bitterly, was so embarrassed that she was caught.

"It was you who kicked me out of bed." Ah Zhen turned his head and raised the corners of his mouth, very proud.

"No, I just woke up." Yingying decided not to admit it.

"Still said no." Raising his eyebrows, Ah Zhen walked to the edge of the bed and sat down, pinching her cheek and saying: "The position of falling off the bed is wrong."

"How can there be, what position is it?" Playing stupid to the end.

"If I fell off the bed by myself, it should be right next to the bed, but my body is still some distance away from the bed, so "the finger pointed at her with absolute certainty: "You kicked me out of bed."

Her man is too smart, she can't accept it, Yingying calmly said, "How about I kicking you out of bed?"

"You admit it."

"That's right, you are so eager to find your dear little cutie." I'm starting to get jealous.

A jealous woman is unreasonable, so Ah Zhen chose to remain silent.

Seeing that he was silent, Yingying calmed down the anger in her heart and said, "After I give birth, you must come to accompany me often."

"Of course, I am closest to you and my favorite."

"Be like my three-year-old child." She is sweet in her heart, but her mouth is very tough.

"Of course not." Ah Zhen exclaimed, hugged her in his arms and kissed fiercely: "You and I are also from the 21st century, who can replace this feeling."

After hearing this, Yingying smiled, and reprimanded: "Poor mouth."

Seeing that the rain was over and the sky was clear, Ah Zhen wiped off his sweat, and kissed this beautiful face that had just woken up with a cracked smile, "My wife, you are the one I love the most."

"Let's go find your little cutie." He was pushed away by the comfortable Yingying.

"Who is more important than being with my precious wife, and I will be with you tonight." He said pretending to undress.

Confused by the sweet words, Yingying's heart was as sweet as honey, and she waved her hand and said, "Go, go, don't let people say that I am overbearing."

"Alas" After taking off half of his clothes, Ah Zhen pretended to sigh and put on his clothes without taking off his clothes and said to himself, "That's right, why do I marry so many wives when I'm full?"

Yingying, who knew him very well, raised a smile and teased: "Don't be hypocritical, you passed the test tonight, go quickly."

After hearing this, Ah Zhen feigned panic, bowed and knelt down and shouted: "The minister orders the queen Yiyi, the queen will live forever, and the fairy face will last forever."

"Excuse me, get up."

"Zun Yi."

After standing up, Ah Zhen threw herself onto the bed, hugged her who was happily playing, and held her in her arms until her lips became even redder when she was ravaged, then she reluctantly let go and said: "The queen's taste is really good."

"The king's taste is also very good."

"Come to accompany you tomorrow night, good night."

Yingying obediently let him kiss her forehead, and after seeing him finish kissing, she responded happily: "Good night, my king."

"Go to sleep." Help her cover the quilt, look at her with extremely reluctant eyes, and then stand up and leave.

Until he walked out of the room, he broke into a smile, sighed and shook his head and said to himself: "Women, emotional animals."

Hua Fu, who was standing outside, saw that his robe was half-covered, and he stepped out in a mess tied with ropes. He stepped forward in horror and said, "It's cold at night, my servant will help you get a coat clip."

"No need." It was very hot in July, and he didn't feel cold even when he was naked.


After a while, Hua Fu tied all the knots for him before saying: "The guards are still waiting outside the hall."

"Well, don't go in and disturb the queen, you know?"

"Yes." Even if you beat him to death, he wouldn't dare to go in again.

After finishing the order, Ah Zhen happily stepped down the stone steps, walked out of his palace, led the guards out of the palace, and walked towards his own mansion.

After the noisy party was over, a large number of maids and servants rushed in and out, and after taking care of everything quickly, they stood quietly in the hall to wait.

The exhausted Wanjun took Xueshuang's hand and returned to the room, and the two had a heart-to-heart talk.

"I am so happy that Xueshuang can come out to face everyone today."

"Mistress, Jin Suo has always worried you." As long as your husband doesn't dislike her, she has nothing to fear.

Wan'er nodded, glanced at her complainingly and said: "My husband has made you a concubine, why do you call yourself Jinsuo."

"My lord loves me. Although I'm made a concubine, Suojin is still a concubine's room, and I dare not call myself a concubine."

"Xueshuang is so knowledgeable and courteous, what should I say?" Wan'er stroked her hair gently, the distress in her eyes was beyond words.

Xueshuang was so moved by such a gentle and caring mistress, she held back the tears she was about to shed, and said with a smile: "The mistress treats Jin Suo like this, how should Jin Suo deal with herself, alas"

Wan'er shook her head, hugged her broken body, and lovingly hugged her in her arms, "Silly Xueshuang"

Qin Yu, Bei Ni, and Qian Yun hadn't chatted for a while in the hall, when waves of drowsiness overwhelmed them, and the three walked towards the main courtyard together, followed by a large group of maidservants silently.

Huanyue followed behind Qinyu, but her eyes frequently looked at Benny next to Qinyu. Tonight she saw from the beginning to the end, Ah Zhen and the ladies all looked like gods and were well-educated, but this Ni She has finally seen the ability of the mistress. She is worthy of being the clouds on Namtso Lake. She does not need to tell her wisdom. What is terrible is her ability to never forget. Is there anything in the world that she does not understand?

Until Qin Yu returned to the room, she screened all the maidservants away, leaving only Huanyue.

"Huanyue, I'm tired of you tonight."

"Slaves are not tired." Huanyue shook her head, she studied a lot tonight, and communicating with people has always been her weakness.

"What slaves are not slaves? Didn't we agree?" Qin Yu smiled and took her hand and sat down.

Hearing her words, Huanyue called out in a sour voice, "Qinyu."

"That's right." Holding her hand, Qin Yu said with a silent expression on her face: "I don't have any friends here, but fortunately, Huanyue will accompany me to talk with me." Thinking of the banquet, she doesn't even know What should she say, what can't be done for her husband, she feels that she is very incompetent.

The clever Huanyue knew what she was thinking, took her hand and comforted her: "Qinyu, you have done a great job tonight, don't blame yourself."

"My husband gives you a heavy responsibility, and everyone works hard to shoulder it, but I am clumsy in speech."

"Your Majesty doesn't think that way. As long as you are happy, your Majesty's happiest thing is. If Qinyu is not happy, then the meaning of your Majesty's establishment of a women's college will no longer exist."


"Yes, the king is afraid that the mistresses will be bored, so he wants to build a school so that the mistresses can have a favorite homework."

"Well. That's what my husband meant." Recalling that he told her that when he was in Liao.

Seeing that she understood, Huanyue lit up her eyes and said: "So, if Qinyu is unhappy, the king's first wish to build a school will come to nothing."

"Well, fortunately there is Huanyue." After thinking it over, Qin Yu happily took her hand.

"After the school is built, you will be very busy, won't you?" Huanyue looked at her with sly eyes.

Qin Yu blushed, "I'm not as smart as Benny, my skills are not as good as Qianyun, my poetry and books are not as good as Xueshuang, and my female workers are not as good as Wanjun. What can I do?"

Huanyue shook her head and said with a smile: "Although you are not as good as other mistresses, but etiquette and restraint are not as good as you."

"This" Qin Yu blushed and said: "Huanyue, you are too flattering. Benny is smart and has a photographic memory. Why should I beat her?"

Speaking of Bei Ni Huanyue, she also nodded, but then shook her head and said: "Mother Ni will not go to school, she wants to go to the government."

"How can this work, my husband will not agree." Qin Yu exclaimed, it is not appropriate for a woman to enter the court.

"The king doesn't care about etiquette, and the queen is already involved in politics. The queen wants Mistress Ni to follow her around, and she has intended to let her interfere in politics long ago." Such an obvious thing, the ruffian king can't understand it. I mentioned it, but he just talked about it, neither agreeing nor refusing, and his intention was already obvious.

Qin Yu recalled everything, nodded silently, and murmured pity: "Thanks for your hard work, Benny."

"Mistress Ni likes it." Huanyue smiled lightly and said nothing, will she feel hard?I'm afraid it's happiness.

After chatting with her for a while, all of Qin Yu's confusion and sadness disappeared, and she held Huan Yue's hand and said, "It's nice to have you by my side."

(End of this chapter)

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