ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 396 "Benny's Unconcealable Political Talent"

Chapter 396 "Benny's Unconcealable Political Talent"

Coming out of the palace, Ah Zhen walked to the mansion very quickly.

In the dark night of the Lin Mansion, the lights were still brightly lit, and the lanterns swayed gently in the night wind. Under the salutation of a large number of guards at the gate, his uncle swaggered into the mansion.

The hall after the banquet was quiet and empty, and it was well organized.These little women ran to sleep without waiting for their husbands to come. After being surprised, he shook his head with a light smile, and walked towards the main courtyard with his hands behind his back.

The moonlight is like water, and the garden of insects is filled with the fragrance of flowers.

Beni, who was drowsy and drowsy, saw a huge black shadow under the slightly shaking candlelight, and the watery eyes on her cute and sweet face immediately opened, seeing that the black shadow was her husband, Can't help but let out a cry.

"Lang Jun is so late and hasn't gone to bed yet?"

Seeing that she woke up, Ah Zhen, who was undressed, walked to the bed with the lining on, lifted the quilt and stuffed himself in, and stretched his accustomed arms, hugging this cute and sweet person in his arms.

"Didn't I say that I want to accompany you tonight?"

The extremely tired Bernie had heavy eyelids, but now that she was lying comfortably in his arms, she felt more sleepy.He muttered: "It's very late at night, sir, can we talk about it tomorrow?" After saying that, he fell into a long lethargic sleep.

Hugging this delicate body, the sound of deep sleep came from his chest, and the faint body fragrance rushed into his five internal organs and six lungs. Ah Zhen, who was distracted, was dumbfounded. He raised his head and gently touched her slightly opened Sakura. Kiss and bite on the lips. "Sweet Dreams PayPal."

"Yeah." The sleeping Keren gave a coquettish exhortation, rubbed her little head against his chest like a cat, and fell into a colorful dreamland.

Majestic and flying, Pingfeng Daili, the forest is lush, the Lin Mansion, located next to the imperial palace, wakes up in the green chirping, clear and beautiful morning.

Under the blue sky and white clouds, in the huge and deep part of the mansion, the Vulture Squad and the Skyfire Troops are practicing among the mountains in the mansion.

"Captain, the target has arrived, but it is impossible to detect where the sky fire is."

Sand Tiger raised his hand, staring at the cabin in front of him with cold eyes like a wolf.The goal is right in front of him, but there is no movement from Tianhuo, what is he going to do?
Nearly a hundred vultures lay tightly on the ground, waiting for instructions with indifferent faces.

"Back." Shahu raised his hand back.

When everyone saw the oath, they moved back slowly like a snake.

At the other end of the wooden house, everyone from Skyfire buried themselves deeply in the pile of grass leaves, and Gulu turned his two exposed eyes, patiently waiting for the prey to enter the ambush circle.

The people who had been waiting for a long time could not wait for the prey to arrive.

Another hour passed, and the man with the scar swayed slightly and raised his hand, "What's the matter with the vulture?"

"Head, there's no sign of the vulture."

The scar on the scar man's face trembled slightly, turned over and squatted on the ground, and raised his big hand forward.

Nearly a hundred Tianhuo people gestured like gophers, and they all got out from the rotten and smelly dead leaves, and walked towards the small wooden house in front of them.

The vulture retreated nearly a hundred feet, staring at the cabin in front of it, calmly waiting for the prey to appear. The coach said that only those who can remain calm can succeed.

After a long time, a vulture crawled over from a distance, "Captain, one mile ahead, I found a trace of Tianhuo."

When Shahu heard this powerful information, he gave a sinister smile, waved his big hand forward, and everyone immediately crawled forward.

The man with the scar saw that the wooden house was getting closer, and a gust of wind blew by, which made him feel very strange. After he raised his hand, the crawler immediately stopped.

"Send a team forward to investigate."

Something is wrong, what trap does the vulture have?He turned his head and looked around, and all he could see were tall trees and dead grass. It was deserted and very quiet.

"Find the target, be on alert" A Tianhuo who went up to investigate, saw the vulture crawling like a snake, immediately became very nervous, waved his hand, and immediately retreated.

The walking sand tiger saw Tianhuo's spies waving their hands, and didn't know what to say, but when they saw these hands, they immediately understood that this was Tianhuo's sign language, and without delay, they raised their bows and shot at the enemy lying on the ground without even aiming. shoot away.


A sharp arrow pierced through the wind, and the member of Tianhuo who came forward to investigate felt a pain in his head, and lay motionless on the ground helplessly. He was dead.

The man with the scar saw that the spy who came forward was shot dead, his face was terrified, and he waved his hands left and right.

Seeing the gesture, everyone turned over, squatted and moved, retreating to the left and right.

"Damn the man with the scar, I'm going to let you see how powerful I am today." Shahu, who shot and killed the enemy detective, gritted his teeth and waved his hand.

The vulture obeyed the order and suddenly rioted.

A large number of people scattered left and right, some stayed in place, and some climbed up the treetops.The dead leaves that had been orderly for a while were ruined and messed up.

"The target appears, seven people on the tree."

Following the words of the front team, countless sharp arrows flew towards the vulture climbing up the tree.

Before the arrow arrived, the vulture on the other side saw the shadow of the enemy and immediately shot back.



Countless arrows flew in the dense forest at the waist of the peak, and the heads and throats of the fallen people were all stained with purple ink.

The man with the scar didn't see him for a while, and his team headquarters was nearly half broken, and he roared under countless pressures: "Advance to the goal."

Shahu, who also suffered a heavy loss, turned blue. Gritting his teeth, he saw a sharp arrow flying towards him blatantly. Seeing that he could not escape, a team member beside him flew forward.

"Boom" left a purple ink dot on his chest.

"Good job." Sha Hu patted his subordinates who blocked the arrows for him, and gestured to the ground.

The person with the ink dot, seeing the captain's gesture, immediately lay down on the ground and pretended to be dead.

"Damn the man with the scar." Sha Hu was angry.

"Captain, Tianhuo is approaching the target soon." A vulture shouted urgently.

"Everyone shoot enemies who are close to the target, and never let them in the house."

Before he finished his words, a large number of vultures turned over and squatted, bent forward and ran forward to shoot.

Why are there so many vultures?The man with the scar who was watching from behind, Gulu's heart skipped a beat as he stared at the people who appeared and disappeared in front of him. "Everyone back."

The vulture pressing forward saw that the fire had subsided, Sha Hu frowned, and muttered to himself: "It should be almost the same?"

The rain of arrows shooting at each other couldn't find a stop after the sky fire receded.

The wind rustled the branches and leaves, and the vulture was fifty feet away from the wooden house, but no one dared to move rashly.

Tianhuo, who failed in the attack, didn't dare to move lightly. He clung to the dead leaves and the waist of the tree, raising his eyes and staring at the front.

"Head, we lost nearly 40 people."

"Well." There are not many people, whether the leader has a strategy, this is what the master told him.He still has more than 30 people, and he is not afraid at all.

"Captain, do you want to go forward?"

Seeing that the wooden house was right in front of him, Sha Hu hesitated, Tianhuo should have suffered countless casualties, but he still had combat strength, so he was afraid of being ambushed if he stepped forward rashly, but they just won with vigor and vigor.

"Do you know the number of casualties in Tianhuo?"

"There are still 31 people in Tianhuo."

"Go forward." He has more than [-] people in the vulture, and he will win this war.

Tianhuo, who didn't dare to move, saw the shadow appearing in front of him, and all of them looked tense.

"Head, the target is eighty feet ahead."

"Sixty feet hunting."

Following his words, the 31 people waited silently.


The vulture team members crawling ahead saw the dead leaves shake slightly when they were seventy feet away, their hearts jumped and they raised their palms and shook them vigorously.

The man with the scar who waited quietly saw the vulture team in front of him gesturing, and immediately shouted: "Attack." If these vultures are allowed to retreat, this opportunity will no longer exist.


31 arrows rained, and the vultures who had no time to retreat flew away neatly.


The vultures that entered the ambush circle were hit by a large number of arrows.

Sha Hu was startled, now that it was meaningless to retreat, his eyes turned cold and he shouted: "Forward."

It's time to die.

The fierce attack pushed forward the front and back of the nearly thirty-foot wooden house, and the rain of arrows coming and going was so dense that it was hard to breathe.


In a very short time, with the sound of two shooting arrows, the rain of arrows stopped.

Shahu was sweating all over, holding a bow in his hand, panting and looked around, saw the densely packed corpses, and was silent everywhere. After a while, he stood up slowly, holding the bow in his strong arms, and the arrow behind his back The bag is empty.

The man with the scar opened his eyes in disbelief, seeing all the brothers lying on the ground, he was stunned, his eyes lost focus, when he saw the captain of the vulture team in front of him walking towards him, his eyes turned cold Bow also stood up, and pulled out a large steel knife wrapped in cowhide from behind.

Seeing that he still didn't give up, Sha Hu stepped forward, his eyes turned cold, and he also pulled out the big steel knife from his back.

"Scarred man, your people are dead, and you lose."

"Hmph, who said he's dead? Your grandfather and I are still here."



With two loud shouts, the two people who were flying sand and walking stones fought in front of a large group of subordinates who were pretending to be dead.

A straw man is tied up in the wooden house, and a note is pasted on the head of the man with two large characters "Target" written on the note

"What a pleasant morning."

Ah Zhen, who was dripping with sweat, climbed up from Benny's lovely body, hugged her and kissed her lightly with satisfaction.

Panting, Bernie's hair was also drenched with sweat, and she puffed up her pink cheeks and shouted: "I want a baby."

"Maybe you have a baby in your womb." Ah Zhen who was holding her shrugged.

"Really?" Bernie broke free from his bear hug curiously, sat up, stroked her flat belly with her hands, and watched her naked body ignoring the wolf eyes next to her.

Her stunned reaction made Ah Zhen laugh dumbly, nodded and said: "We didn't prevent pregnancy, maybe we have."

"Really." The happy Bernie pulled him, the small twin peaks shook slightly, and happily shouted: "I want a baby as cute as Li'er."

"Okay, like a pear." He turned over and sat up, hugged her into his arms, looked for those pink lips, and immediately hissed in embarrassment.

Benny, who had been lying on the bed for a while, jumped out of bed excitedly and helped him with his clothes.In the silent wing room, Ah Zhen thought about it secretly, and then asked softly: "Ni'er, do you want to go back to Dali?"

"I don't want to." After answering, and gently tied his belt, Benny raised her eyes and asked: "What does your husband want to say?"

Seeing her being so caring, Ah Zhen sat on the chair with a smile and said, "Do you want to enter the imperial court?"

"How does Mr. Lang feel?" Benny tilted her neck and looked at him quietly.

Being stared at by a cute man wearing only apron, Ah Zhen felt distracted, pulled her over, let her sit on his lap, and walked restlessly on her lotus green apron, "I plan to What do you think about setting up a school?"

Beni, who sat quietly on his lap, pondered for a while, nodded and analyzed: "Of course it is a good thing for Mr. Lang to open a school, but there are advantages and disadvantages."

"Oh, let's hear it."

"Hmm." Seeing that he was testing her, Benny opened her mouth to analyze: "Your Majesty is thinking about the well-being of the people, but this well-being involves the interests of the ministers in the court. Tubo has not been interested in examinations for thousands of years. All the people studying in the schools are rich and powerful, if they are vigorously opened, then these schools will be impacted, and the rich and powerful will vigorously stop them."

Her clear analysis made Ah Zhen nod, and then asked: "These schools are useless. The people have lived in hardship for thousands of years, because there is no replacement of outstanding talents. If Nier asks you to decide how you will act?"

"The school should be opened, but it can't be drastic. It can be divided into three stages. In the early stage, the school will be added to give the princes and nobles more choices. This move can paralyze the powerful and blind them. In addition to the school's wide acclaim, Add more, and gradually cut down the private interests of the rich and powerful. Only at the end can we open Enke and vigorously promote it.”

"How long will it take?"

"Five years."

"How is five years?"

"At the beginning, five more schools will be opened, which will be around the royal court. There will be no promotion, no publicity, and no subjects. Two years later, when the schools are widely acclaimed, another [-] schools will be opened, and local examinations will be set up to select candidates. At that time The dignitaries are bound to rebound, but the situation forces them to do nothing. When the first scientific examination is held three years later, the husband will set up another palace examination to prevent the dignitaries from seeking personal gain. This is enough for five years."

Ah Zhen listened to her orderly words, tightened her arms, and praised: "Nier's calculation is accurate, I am really happy."

Benny was very happy to be awarded the prize, raised her naughty face, wrinkled her nose and said, "Of course, but it's not as intelligent as my husband."

Seeing her so naughty appearance, Ah Zhen couldn't help laughing, pecked her dimple lightly and said: "I'll test you again."

"Let Lang Jun test."

"Hmm." Ah Zhen looked at her and asked a question: "Last year I introduced planting technology in Tubo to improve people's livelihood, how can I go further?"

"Promote homework, praise and promote marketing, and teach for profit."

"Oh. Let's hear it." Ah Zhen is interested.

Benny laughed dumbfounded when he saw his expression. He knew it, but since she was being tested, she boldly said: "The grasslands with very little rainfall, plant trees. Medicinal materials from the land of the North."

"What about promotion marketing?"

"When the crops are harvested, there are many praises to promote circulation and improve people's livelihood. South-to-north diversion, east to west."

"That's a good way of doing business." After nodding, he asked: "What about teaching for profit?"

"Businessmen's interests come first, setting up cities and gatherings, allowing huge commercial teams to settle in, will surely reduce the waste of manpower in the country, and gather supplies on a wider scale."

Ah Zhen, who nodded again and again, smiled and said: "What a thriving Tubo, the national power has not only improved by one level."

"Lang Jun is not an ordinary person, he understands everything."

"My Ni'er is any chancellor, and she is more than prepared."

"Then I'm not interested. I just like to follow Yingying and watch the expressions of the ministers."

"Naughty." Ai Lian messed up her hair, tapped her nose and said, "Go do what you like."



"Lang Jun is great." After cheering, Benny gave him a big hug, and she could finally follow Yingying to fight those old foxes.

(End of this chapter)

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