ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 412 "A Natural Talent"

Chapter 412 "A Natural Talent"

Without saying a word, Yingying scolded Lin Ahzhen for her hypocrisy in her heart, but she didn't point out her. She continued to keep silent and lowered her head to review the memorial. With him around, she could rest easy.

"You guys continue to discuss, I'll just listen." Ah Zhen, who was sitting on the chair, waved his hands, very amiable.

"This" group of officials all looked at each other, and finally the Minister of the Household Department gritted his teeth and came out to report: "My lord, the princess said that half of the only 3000 million taels left in the treasury should be given to the craftsmen who opened the mountain. The ministers think it is absolutely impossible. "The 3000 million taels was obtained by the king from the Liao Kingdom. The autumn harvest has not yet arrived, and there is not much silver left in the national treasury. This is very bad.

"My lord, there are currently 5 craftsmen, and each of them has a monthly salary of five taels of silver. This monthly salary is already extremely high, and there is no need to increase it." The minister of the Ministry of Industry also agreed with the statement of the Ministry of Households.

"Yeah." Seeing that everyone reported to him, Ah Zhen saw a bead of sweat on his forehead, sat up straight and turned to Bei Ni and said: "What the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of Industry said is very true. There is not much silver in the national inventory. And the monthly salaries of the craftsmen are already very good."

When the ministers saw that the king agreed with them, they were immediately overjoyed, but they didn't expect that the king is not a foolish king who favors his concubine frankly.

Benny listened to his two-faced words, stepped forward with two big dimples and said: "My lord, the Ministry of Households is in trouble, and the Ministry of Works can't see the whole situation. Although what these two people say makes sense, they see it closely. "

The two third-rank ministers were told in public by a little girl who was nearly 30 years younger than them that they were short-sighted, and they were embarrassed for a while.

"Princess, the old minister is thinking about my Tubo, and the princess must not do this." The household department carried out the old minister to Ah Zhen sobbing.

Ah Zhen couldn't understand the foreign language of these old foxes, so he scolded Bei Ni with a straight face: "Bei Ni must not be unreasonable, the servant of the household department has devoted all his heart and soul to Tubo, why is his eyes so shallow?"

"Yes, the concubine made a slip of the tongue, and I hope the servant of the household department will forgive me." Bei Ni obediently bowed to the servant of the household department.

The Minister of the Household Department was very pleased to see the princess giving such a big gift, but he also acted in panic, and bowed back: "The princess has beaten the servant."

After apologizing, Bei Ni went forward and said: "My lord, there is no war or disaster in Tubo, and there are more than 3000 million taels in the treasury. Why don't you take it out and dispatch it?"

Hearing what she said, the Ministry of War immediately jumped out to cast a negative vote, "My concubine's words are wrong. Although there is no war and no disaster in Tubo now, Liao and Dazhou are still on the border of our country. It must be prevented, and the disaster is more serious than Tiger, this disaster is coming, how can the treasury be empty, how can we not plan for a rainy day."

"The Minister of the Ministry of War is right, Benny, you owe it to me." Ah Zhen voted for these veterans.

The ministers felt particularly empowered when they saw the king supporting them again and again, and there was no pressure at all to argue with the princess.

Seeing that her husband had repeatedly turned against each other, Bei Ni showed two dimples and said without hesitation: "The minister of the Ministry of Industry is alarmist. My king is intimidating all over the world. The Liao Kingdom is ready to invade Zhou at the border, and Zhou is making a big move at the border. I am deeply afraid that I, Tubo, will invade. Although disasters are fiercer than tigers, I don’t want to empty out the main treasury. 2000 million taels are enough to deal with various disasters.”

The Ministry of Industry was blocked, and Jin continued to refute: "The princess made a big mistake, the battle situation is changing rapidly, and the way of warfare is weird. The Liao Kingdom sees it as an invasion of Zhou. If it is waiting for an opportunity, what should we do if we invade Tubo?"

As soon as this remark came out, Bei Ni glanced at the gentleman who was sitting in front of him, and retorted with a smile: "The Ministry of War is wrong. If the Liao Kingdom wants to invade Tubo, it will not pay money to send the king back to the country on the same day. Although they are big, they dare not cross the border, and the Liao Kingdom is still eager to fight against them. How can the Great Zhou step on our border?" Although it was a question, the Ministry of Industry was speechless, unable to speak and returned in the crowd.

When the ministers saw that the old fox in the Ministry of War had been knocked down by a little girl, the Ministry of Industry immediately went out to report: "The current monthly salary of craftsmen is already extremely high, and the princess must not increase her salary. time, next time?"

Seeing that she had knocked down one person, Ah Zhen continued to agree with the minister, nodded and said: "The minister of the Ministry of Industry is right, so I, Tubo, will have to spend a lot of money to hire workers from now on, and the treasury will be even more empty."

Yingying, who buried her head in silence, listened to his idiot's words, and cursed in her heart with disdain.Unexpectedly, this Uncle Lin Ahzhen is so hypocritical. As a business student, can he not understand the serious relationship?How dare you act like an idiot in full view.Although she scolded him in her heart, Yingying still didn't open her mouth, she was very curious that Benny could see it to that extent.

Although Ah Zhen said something against his will, he was also looking forward to what kind of brilliant ideas the little girl in front of him would have. If Tubo wants to develop, it must follow the bourgeois route, but how high can this route be set? ?

Seeing that her husband voted against it again, Bei Ni caressed her body and said, "My lord, the monthly salary of the craftsmen is not high. Mining in the mountains is heavy work. There is a lot of food and a lot of mending, and all craftsmen have For the family members, the monthly salary they earn at most is just enough for food and clothing, how can it be considered too much?"

"It's good enough to have enough food and clothing. Does the princess still want them to wave Zhai?" The Ministry of Finance naturally stood up and retorted.

Ah Zhen and Yingying, who could see his rebuttal clearly, immediately despised the dead old man from head to toe, and then despised the internal organs and lungs from the feet.

"This..." Ah Zhen hesitated on his face, and said with a sigh of injury: "My people in Tubo are already poor, and it is not bad to be able to earn enough food and clothing."

I have seen hypocrisy before, but I have never seen such hypocrisy. Seeing his hurt expression, Benny suppressed her laughter, almost getting internal injuries.

"Ministers, please listen to me." Benny turned around and bowed to all the ministers present, and said at the end: "This is an extremely serious domestic demand problem. The only way to improve my Tibetan plight is to start with these huge projects. .”

The ministers didn't understand how to improve the people's livelihood if they took the initiative, and they didn't understand what domestic demand was. For a while, no one dared to speak out, fearing that they would be guilty of wronging the country.

Seeing that Benny could see this step, Yingying immediately stopped the pen in her hand, raised her head and stared at her.

Ah Zhen was also surprised. Although he was sure that his dear little cutie was a capable political minister, he didn't expect her to be so advanced, and he was shocked for a while.

In the originally noisy room, following her thunderclap, it was suddenly very quiet.

"Increase the monthly salary of craftsmen, not only to let them get enough food and clothing, but also to let them have money to spend." Speaking of this, Benny looked at these incredible ministers and continued: "Everyone, don't be fooled by appearances, just look at them." to the practical point.”

When she paused, Yingying, who had been silent all this time, squinted her eyes and asked: "Tell me and listen."

"What is the purpose of our mining? To build ships and cannons, we can sell them to Liao or Dazhou or other countries at a high profit. As long as there is a high profit price, we will sell it."

When the Ministry of War heard that the concubine wanted to sell cannons, he stood up in horror and begged urgently: "Your Majesty, please don't do it. If other countries are allowed to have such powerful weapons, they will directly threaten us."

"Retire. "Ah Zhen, who is sitting upright, has no time to accompany this group of people to make false claims. Without further ado, he immediately called the Minister of the Retirement Department, "Benny, you continue to talk."

All the ministers saw that the king who had repeatedly approved of them just now suddenly became so majestic, they didn't dare to say a word, and stood silently listening.

"The Ministry of War's filter is not unreasonable." Seeing that her husband finally supported her, Benny raised two very cute dimples, turned to the ministers and said: "The majesty of our artillery is the strongest, and it is sold to other countries. It will be inferior, the worst, and the lethality is extremely weak."

"For example, the gun barrel is made of defective products, which will crack after two or three rounds. The bullets used are the worst. They may explode when they fly out, or they may not explode. It may be fried outside, it may be blown in the tube, or it may be blown in the air, it’s hard to be sure.” Ah Zhen said sinisterly.

After hearing his words, all the ministers saw countless black lines on their foreheads. Who would dare to buy this kind of artillery?Don't you incriminate yourself if you buy it?The bomb exploded in its own camp before it was fired, it was just asking for trouble.

Yingying saw that he had finally revealed his insidiousness to the world, nodded and added: "In order to prevent other countries from taking medicine from the shells for research, the shells must be made of the strongest rare iron, and they will heat up and explode under heavy knocking." She was also insidious.

When Ah Zhen heard that the fever exploded by itself, he was surprised for a moment. He turned his head and asked the woman sitting on the imperial table: "Queen, did you research that the fever exploded by itself?"

"That's right." This is the principle of air extrusion, and those masters who are familiar with gunpowder took another big step forward after her suggestion.

"That's great." Ah Zhen has been thinking about how to prevent theft, but Yingying helped him solve it. He happily looked at the dull important minister and said to Benny: "Benny, you continue to talk."

"Hmm." After listening to what each of them said, Bernie came back to her senses. She didn't expect that his husband and Yingying had intended to buy these new products a long time ago. Did she know too little?
"Use new products to earn a lot of silver, which is much higher than the salary subsidized to craftsmen, and then add an inner government to open up wasteland in the name of merchants."

Speaking of this, Benny has said all her thoughts these days in public.

"Originally, the poor craftsmen who just had enough food and clothing would not think about buying Zhai, but if they have money, they want to settle down. Those who don't have land want to buy and sell houses. Those who have land want to see everyone living in new houses. Renovation, in this way, craftsmen have to hire people to build houses, which will involve a large number of migrant workers. After the craftsmen have a new house, they want to marry a wife. The craftsman and his wife need to eat and drink, so the restaurant has another opportunity The restaurant needs to hire cooks and wash dishes, so the craftsmen's wives have the opportunity to find employment. A few years later, the craftsmen's children grow up, so private schools are popular for their children to become masters. The children want to play and eat Snacks, I like to be lively, and the small stalls are in the market again. If it continues to be healthy, my poor Tubo will become a prosperous country in a few decades, with continuous cash and silver circulation, and the people's life is happy, getting rid of the poverty of the herdsmen."

Her words made the eyes of the ministers who refuted what she said shine brightly, as if they saw the thriving Tubo decades later, as if they saw the people who were no longer hungry.

Ah Zhen and Yingying listened to Beini's incisive remarks, and their eyes were filled with admiration. Sure enough, this is a political talent, and that natural talent is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

The important ministers who objected at the beginning were extremely silent, and finally no one stood up to refute.

"The concubine's wise ministers are not enough." The prime minister sighed deeply and bowed to the wise concubine.

Bei Ni smiled back and said: "The little girl has no talent, and she can't work harder than the ministers."

All the ministers listened to her words, their faces became embarrassing for a moment, the prime minister retreated back to the crowd, not daring to say a word, his old face was as red as a monkey, it was because they were short-sighted.

Ah Zhen clenched his fists tightly, and almost couldn't hold back his laughter. He coughed and asked, "If the ministers don't increase their monthly salary just now, what will happen to my Tubo in the future?" This little girl actually shamed the ministers in public , is really lawless.But with a quick mind and far-sighted vision, he is worthy of being his dear little cutie.

Bei Ni glanced at the sitting gentleman, and gave another punch to the people who opposed him: "If you go according to the wishes of the ministers, and only let the craftsmen have enough food and clothing, then you will be full of poor people, and the businessmen will not be able to benefit from it." For investment, they will transfer the money to the Liao Kingdom and Dazhou, so my Tubo is still poor. The only hope is to cheat a woman, and then pray that God will let them have a beautiful daughter, and bless the daughter Marry the local rich or powerful, and then continue to be poor until the mines are dug, and I, Tubo, will be downgraded to another level, and the artisans will either go into exile, or the men will be robbers and the women will be prostitutes."

Good middle-class speech.Ah Zhen and Ying Ying nodded their heads repeatedly, since they came from the 21st century, they naturally knew the prospect of development. The strategy of the middle class.

The embarrassing ministers received the last blow from Benny, all of them blushed with shame, bowed their heads and knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, please decide."

"Hmm." Seeing that the group of people had finally succumbed to his cute strategy, he stood up and called out, "I'm going to take the exam, Zhu Aiqing, please."

Thank you, Great King. "The ministers who got up still didn't dare to raise their heads."

Seeing that the old ministers were humiliated like this, Yingying sighed deeply, lamenting that there is no one in the country, how can such short-sightedness manage the affairs of a country, no wonder she feels so tired.

"After walking out of the imperial study, you must absolutely keep silent about the matter discussed just now, and anyone who violates it will be executed immediately." Yingying issued the order with dignity.

All the ministers panicked and knelt on the ground and responded in unison: "Yes."

"Go down."

"The servants will retire, and the king will live forever. The queen, the concubine, and Xianrong Yongheng." After the obeisance, the eight people rushed out as if they were running away. The young concubine is ashamed, this old face should be put there, the talents of the royal family are really extraordinary, no matter the king, the queen is like this, the queen is like this, it is the luck of my Tubo, the blessing of all peoples.

(End of this chapter)

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