ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 446 "Wisdom Crossing the Red River"

Chapter 446 "Wisdom Crossing the Red River"

As soon as he left, Li Yue said to the general who was sitting silently by the side: "Brother Three Emperors could have been defeated in less than ten days, but the king of Tubo would force his way in. Do you have a good plan?"

Unable to be reused by the third child, Qin Shu, who turned against the seventh child, got up and clasped his fists vigorously and asked, "Does the seventh prince think that there are lies in the words of the king of Tubo?"

"Whether the king of Tubo is sincere or not, Bingjunzhi filter must not be thrown on a floating ladle." After finishing speaking, he looked at the generals under his command and asked: "How? Do you have a good plan to defeat the enemy quickly?"

Sitting next to Qin Shu, Pan Xiao looked at the helpless generals, stood up and clasped his fists and said, "God helped our army to blow the north wind for three days, but we only made an advance once. If the king of Tubo didn't come, Li Long was afraid that there would be only remnants of soldiers and generals left, and he would have killed himself in the Red River. What a missed opportunity."

"Tibetan King Huwei, he has come and the morale of the remnant army is sharp, and he is determined not to fight against him. He can only take his time." Li Yue, who also felt that it was a pity, was not discouraged. He raised his morale and said: "Don't worry, generals. Compared with Li Long, I am a hundred times better than him. The wise king of Tubo must also know the truth, so he received Mr. Li so kindly. Even if he can't win in the end, I agree to Tubo's request, and the third brother will die."

"Yes, yes." The worried generals were reassured by his remarks. The strategy of the seventh prince is far superior to that of the third prince. Wait until the Seventh Prince refuses before sending his troops across the river.

Knowing what this group of people were thinking, Li Yue narrowed his eyes and said, "Even so, you generals, don't forget that there is Li Long, so you must not relax your mind and keep on guard at all times, you know?"

"The final order."

"Okay." Li Yue, who nodded, asked again: "Do you generals know the king of Tubo, what is the significance of setting up a camp like this?"

"This" According to the report of the general who was stationed in Hongshan to spy, the original ridiculous one-character camp shape has been changed into a three-two-three shape, but what is the meaning of the three-two-three shape, and I can't think of a reason for it.

Li Yue, who is proficient in the art of war, saw that everyone under his command didn't understand, and was confused for a while, because even he couldn't figure it out, so he asked the general stationed in Hongshan suspiciously: "General Qi, you can only see clearly." The front tent and the two rows of tents in the back can’t be seen clearly. But you can vaguely see a large number of trees on the mountain in the distance decrease?”

"Yes." After being called, General Qi stepped into the hall, Huhu hugged him back and said, "Although we can't see the situation of the last two battalions clearly, we can clearly find that a large number of trees on the mountain have disappeared."

After General Qi reported, Qin Shu stood up and cupped his fists and said: "The third prince's boat is small and broken. They cut down a lot of trees, and they may be building a boat."

"Yeah." Li Yue, who also knew that they were building a ship, nodded and said: "What General Qin said coincides with me." After agreeing, he immediately asked the general stationed in Hongshan solemnly: "General Qi must not relax, be careful Investigate, if you find any abnormalities, come and report immediately."


"Hmm." Looking at these generals, Li Yue thought secretly.Although the third idiot doesn't know the direction of the wind, who is the king of Tubo?He must understand.This season is when the wind blows from the south to the north, and it will take a month or two for the west wind to come. Even if they build a ship against the wind and attack with fire, no matter how wise the king of Tubo is, he may be powerless , from now on remove the undefeated god name.

After some careful consideration, although Li Yue felt that the group of people on the other side of the river was unable to attack for the time being, he was still extremely cautious and told his generals: "Generals, be careful, but don't be careless."

"Yes." The generals who responded again stood up in unison.

"Report immediately if there is any abnormality, and return all of them."

"The general will retire." Everyone majesticly clasped tiger fists, stepped out of the curtain, and the crowded tent instantly became empty.

After all the soldiers had their dinner, the whistling north wind gradually subsided, and then the heavy rain came. The heavy rain without thunder washed the forest and the ground, and the water level of the rolling Red River rose shallowly. The water carries the rain flowers and flows to a larger and wider ocean.

Ah Zhen, who was lying soundly asleep in the inner tent, heard the heavy rain patting on the roof of the tent when he was in a daze. With his eyes closed, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He hugged Pu and was turned over by Gulu, lying on his side and continuing to be him. That nosebleed, lively and fragrant dream of the heroine country.

Before the Yin time passed, the heavy rain gradually became lighter, and finally there were only fine raindrops floating in the air. It was not until Mao time came that the bright yellow moon showed its shy little face from the dark clouds.

The rising water level slowly began to drop with the turbulence of the river, and when the yellow moon appeared, the earth and space were in a kind of misty moisture.

The rippling and turbulent Red River was filled with fog for a while, and the rising thick fog hid the rolling waves, making people unable to see the shape of the waves clearly.

Ah Zhen, who was awakened, had a heavy head and was dazed to be dressed by Li Nengwu. Feeling the dampness in the air, he asked with a heavy sleepiness: "Is there a heavy fog on the Hongjiang River outside?"

After tying the belt on him, Li Nengwu replied in a daze, "Master, how did you know?" It's amazing, you can know that there is fog on the river while sleeping?

"Well, this season is either the north wind or the south wind. The combination of cold and heat is prone to fog. As soon as the sun rises in the morning, the south wind will start to blow again." He has eaten rice grains for 28 years. I haven't read it in elementary school, so I should know it.

Listening quietly to what he said, Li Nengwu had wasted the rice of the past twenty years, and replied with certainty: "The river is shrouded in thick fog, and the waves can no longer be seen clearly."

"Okay." After dressing, Ah Zhen lifted the curtain of the inner tent, saw Daerba and Duan Taizao waiting, and immediately opened his mouth and said: "Today's breakfast, I'm afraid we have to go to the other side to eat."

Daerba and Duantai, who had been dug up in the middle of the night, were yelling and shouting frequently. Hearing this sentence, their sleepiness disappeared immediately.

"My lord, do you want to forcefully cross the Red River at this time?"

"You don't need to force it, you can get over it with ease."

"This" Daerba and Duan Tai looked at each other in blank dismay, and said doubtfully: "But, is there no westerly wind now?" Didn't they mean to wait for the westerly wind to come before crossing the river?

"West wind?" With a raised eyebrow, he said with a half-smile, "The west wind won't blow for another month or two. I can't wait so long."


Still speaking, he waved his hand and ordered: "Go and call me the third child and all the generals, quickly and quietly."

The two people, who were full of doubts, saw that he was so cautious, so it was inconvenient to ask more questions.

Li Long, who was dreaming of being an emperor with his pillow in his arms, was dug up when he was sleeping comfortably, and stepped into the Tubo king's tent while cursing again and again. He was deeply sleepy, and when he entered the king's tent, he was stunned. The generals are already sitting in their chairs, waiting for orders.

Ah Zhen, who was sitting on the king's seat and drinking tea, saw that the fool had finally arrived, pursed his lips and said, "Third brother, you are too late."

Seeing that everyone was there, Li Long's drowsiness disappeared, and he asked in a daze, "King of Tubo, who are you?" In the middle of the night, he called everyone here, what the hell are you doing?

"I'm going to attack Lao Qi on the other side now."

"What?" Hearing that Lao Qi was going to be beaten now, Li Long was shocked, looked at the sitting generals blankly, and said doubtfully, "But it's not Xifeng now."

Rolling his eyes, Ah Zhen sighed inwardly, this youngest is really as stupid as a pig, isn't it because of West Wind that he can't fight?Why must we be attached to West Wind?
"If it's not West Wind, it's not West Wind." Comparing to his seat, he said, "Sit down quickly, the time waits for no one."

Hearing this, the bewildered third child didn't dare to ask any more questions, walked quickly to his seat, sat down, and listened quietly.

Looking at the generals, Ah Zhen said with a stern face: "All the generals ordered the soldiers to put the torches on the ground, carry inflammable materials on their bodies, and push all the wooden steps just made in the afternoon into the river and cross the river."

"Yes." All the generals responded.

"Remember, be quiet, kill the one who speaks, and kill the one who makes noise."


Nodding in satisfaction, he picked up the iron order on the table and called out: "General Yan, General Li."

"The foreign general is here." The two generals are striding forward, and Xiongxiong stands upright.

"The two of you lead the front team with [-] troops. When you reach the other side, set fire immediately."

"Yes." The two generals, feeling extremely excited, finally stopped their endless retreat and faced the attack directly.

"General Pan."

"The foreign general is here." Pan Yue was also elated in his heart, attacking has a chance of winning, blindly retreating will only speed up death.

Hand over the iron order to the general, "Order you to lead the two generals, Zhang and Wu, to immediately encircle Hongshan as soon as they reach the opposite bank." Speaking of this, he narrowed his eyes and said cautiously: "Remember, you can only surround the mountain, absolutely Don't attack, just like the enemy soldiers on the mountain attack, fight bravely."

"The foreign general took the order."

"Okay." After giving the order, Hu looked at the other generals who had not received the order, "The rest of the generals will follow me across the river."

"Yes." The morale-boosting generals clasped tiger fists together, and a glimmer of light finally appeared on the face of losing streak.

In the dark night, in the empty camp, countless torches were pinned to the top of the camp tent and inserted under the soil.

The 15 soldiers didn't dare to make a sound, didn't even dare to pant loudly, and walked lightly towards the river with huge logs.

Just halfway through the Mao hour, there were already a huge number of logs floating on the foggy river. Every log boat was filled with densely packed soldiers. These soldiers held cherry guns and waited quietly. Follow the order.

Helped into the fast boat, Ah Zhen looked towards the misty river, and saw tens of thousands of huge logs full of soldiers, his eyes blinded by the fog, farther away were hidden deep in the white In confusion.

"Don't fall behind, move forward"

Following his words, he yelled in a low voice, and the sound resounded on the floating logs by the river.

The majestic and huge 15 soldiers abandoned the ships that lured the enemy and paddled the river hard. In an instant, a large number of logging was hidden in the mist.

The billowing black water was rushing, and the waves splashed on the armor of this group of soldiers who dared not make a sound. It was equally cold and cold.Ah Zhen, who was sitting in the small boat, squeezed his hands tightly, and listened to these voices standing on the logs, exclaiming softly, with his heart clenched in his throat.

, What kind of soldiers are these? He has already ordered them not to make a sound. He didn't expect to fall into the river and shout so loudly. Is he afraid that Lao Qi will not know that they are coming?

After crossing a long period of fog and sitting quietly, he saw the lights in the distance, and his face was overjoyed. It seemed that they had crossed half of the river, and here I am, Lao Qi.

The Lao Qi camp, which was sleeping soundly, was equally peaceful and quiet.

Soldiers on duty by the river held their guns, sat by the grass by the river, watched the huge thick fog, and listened to the rushing sound. No one could have imagined that 15 soldiers and horses hidden in the thick fog had already attacked them .

After a while, the overjoyed Li Long whispered happily: "King of Tubo, we are almost there."

Without his share of joy, Ah Zhen, with a flat expression, responded little by little, staring at the approaching lights, with a smirk on his lips, "Lao Qi, without West Wind, Lao Tzu also came, and everyone came. "

It was only a few hundred feet away to reach the land. At this time, the soldiers on duty by the river rubbed their blurred eyes in disbelief, seeing so many enemy soldiers rushing in from the thick fog.

All of a sudden, Luogu was loud, and everyone shouted anxiously: "The enemy soldiers are coming, the enemy soldiers are coming."

But it was too late, the soldiers who had crossed the turbulent river rushed towards the shore with arrows in their bows like rain.

Soon, before Lao Qi could react, 15 soldiers landed one after another, and suddenly became murderous. Some of them rushed to Hongshan with their generals, and some rushed into the camp to set fire to kill.

"The enemy soldiers are coming, the enemy soldiers are coming." In the Lao Qi camp, where the soldiers were in chaos, there were loud screams and roars.The soldiers who had no time to put on their armor just ran out of the village, and what awaited them was cold and sharp spear heads.

The generals who were raided were terrified, rushed into the camp of the third child, and shouted loudly against their old faces blackened by thick smoke: "Seventh Prince, it's not good, the enemy soldiers are coming."

Lao Qi, who was dressed urgently, was heartbroken, and hurried out of the camp without even tying his belt.Looking at the soldiers fleeing all over the mountains and plains.All over the mountains and plains, there was a raging fire.Gritting his teeth, he roared: "King of Tubo, you came quickly."

The generals who were blackened by the billowing black smoke were extremely anxious, "Seventh Prince, retreat."

Once the general situation is gone, it is irreversible. Li Yue, who is well versed in the art of war, turned cold and said, "Withdraw."

"Back." One after another, they shouted loudly and kept ringing in the burning camp.

Soldiers and generals who killed extremely happily were both murderers and arsonists.Hearing the sound of the opponent retreating one after another, his face was overjoyed.Shout loudly: "Kill!" The enemy is about to retreat, if you don't kill them, you won't have to kill them.

Li Long, who has been defeated since the beginning, danced excitedly, ran over here to watch, and ran over there to have a look. He was overjoyed and said, "Chasing, killing, I killed them all."

Standing by the river with hands behind his back, he watched the camp burnt by the raging fire and the enemy soldiers fleeing in embarrassment.Suddenly seeing the stunned man next to him so excited, he rolled his eyes and ordered to the person next to him: "Go and call all the soldiers back, don't chase after them."

"Yes." A group of people around them pulled the stolen horses, turned on the horses and ran all the way, roaring all the way: "The king has ordered, there is no need to chase, all the soldiers will retreat quickly."

Li Long, who was so excited that he wanted to plunge into the river, heard the roar, and ran to Ah Zhen's side with joy, bowing his body tightly as if worshiping a god, "King of Tubo, you should be victorious and kill all these rebels." .”

"Poor Komo"

Before he could finish talking, the dancing third child immediately shouted: "Are you afraid of Li Yue's ambush?"

"Uh!" The slightly stunned Ah Zhen looked at the youngest who was robbing him of the right to speak, and nodded blankly, assuming that he was right.

"Yes, yes." Seeing him nodding, Li Long, who was extremely excited, couldn't stop running forward happily, and shouted loudly following his soldiers: "Don't chase, all come back."

The speechless Ah Zhen watched his movements coldly, sighed and shook his head.He didn't think that Lao Qi, who was evacuated by the raid, had the time to set up an ambush, but why kill so many people?But this youngest is really too good-for-nothing, he just won a battle and he is so excited that he doesn't know where to put his hands and feet.

(End of this chapter)

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