ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 447 "Fire Burning Red Mountain"

Chapter 447 "Fire Burning Red Mountain"

The generals who had killed them with great joy were called back, their faces were beaming, and they stood in front of Ah Zhen excitedly, and they were even more in awe of him for a moment.

Looking at the happy generals in front of him, Ah Zhen ordered with a cold face: "General Yan, General Li. Order you two to lead your troops and horses to tie the road ahead and set up checkpoints, no one is allowed to enter or leave."

"Yes." Now, I am even more swearing by the words of this god.

"Okay, the other generals led everyone to rush to Hongshan immediately to assist General Pan in defeating the enemy."


After that, a large number of soldiers followed their respective generals and ran towards the red mountain not far away.

The [-] soldiers and horses who were besieged on the mountain were impatient, especially the general Qi Gong.

Watching the black smoke billowing from the foot of the mountain, people are in chaos.With an order, [-] soldiers rushed down the mountain in unison to kill.

The soldiers who were originally imposing, had not yet collided with the encircled enemy soldiers at the foot of the mountain, and looked down in fear at the cold spearheads waiting for them, all of them were stunned for a moment, and a large number of them stopped After the sound, the terrified [-] soldiers shook their heads and looked over, but no one dared to take another step forward without risking their lives.

In the silent confrontation, Qi Gong's heart was burning, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he yelled at the soldiers who refused to step forward: "Come on, rush down for me."

Looking at the densely packed soldiers at the foot of the mountain, they faced each other with cold guns.Listening to the general's yelling, 6 people swallowed in fear, and retreated back up the mountain instead of advancing.

After the camp was broken, the generals who were ordered to come to aid also arrived at this time.

Seeing them coming, Pan Hua, who had surrounded the mountain with water, was immediately overwhelmed with excitement. He pulled the general who had just arrived and asked anxiously, "How is it? Did you succeed?"

The general who was pulled had a bright smile on his face, nodded repeatedly and said: "We won, and it was a complete victory."

"Really" everyone who heard the good news was very happy, and the king of Tubo was indeed wise.

As soon as Ah Zhen, who was walking on foot, arrived, he saw Pan Hua, who was sent by him to surround the mountain, smiling brightly in the spring. He was immediately infected, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but also rose high.

"King of Tubo"

"King of Tubo"

Along the way, the soldiers surrounding the mountain all gave way one after another, all of them respected him extremely, but also feared him immensely.

As if he had entered the land of no one, he walked up to Pan Hua with his hands behind his back, and side by side with him, he looked towards the terrified soldiers on the mountain.

Suddenly he was stunned, looked at the frightened shrimp soldiers and crab generals with weak legs not far away, and murmured with a dull old face: "Are you so scared?"

Seeing him coming, excited Pan Hua immediately asked: "King of Tubo, shall we rush up?"

"What's the rush?" The group of shrimp soldiers and crabs above were so frightened that they couldn't even hold their guns. Isn't this rush trying to scare them to death?
"Who is the general of this army?"

"Pray for the arch."

"What a Qigong." These soldiers are as soft as snot. It seems that this Qigong should not be very good.

"Set fire to the mountain." Only the third child with a broken skull would rush up, and smart people would choose to become arsonists like him.

Pan Hua stared at Ah Zhen in a daze, and immediately respected him even more.Unexpectedly, there is such a method. Only the king of Tubo can think of such a method that can wipe out all soldiers without casualties.Burning mountains, yes, burning mountains.

"Set fire to the mountain."

Immediately, his roar came from the fear, and all the soldiers with burning tools on their bodies became arsonists for a while.

More than 6 people on the mountain were blown up instantly when they saw the fire below the mountain.

"General, it's not good, the enemy army has set fire to the mountain." A deputy general knelt down at Qi Gong's feet, his whole face was black as if his whole family had died.

"The enemy army is burning the mountain, run away."

"The fire is coming up."

On the mountain of riots, [-] soldiers fled all over the mountain in embarrassment, but there were raging fires all around, and countless cold guns were aimed at them below. Apart from Yan Dian, where could they run?



The fire was fierce, and billowing black smoke shone in the pre-dawn sky, covering up the rising dawn tightly, as if darkness had struck again.

Standing at the bottom of the mountain, I watched the soldiers on the mountain who were on fire and ran away with their heads in their arms.I saw a large number of soldiers on fire, rolling on the ground, crying and howling.Ah Zhen's cold eyes flickered.

Countless soldiers who couldn't stand the heat rushed down the mountain at risk, but what followed were sharp weapons bursting out of their bodies and dying.

Although Ah Zhen's hands were already bloody, but seeing such a miserable situation, his heart suddenly became hidden. "Put down your weapons, and those who surrender will not be killed."

Pan Hua, who was extremely happy, suddenly heard this, and turned his head to look at Ah Zhen in a daze, "King of Tubo, who are you?"

The heart of side concealment was greatly moved, and Ah Zhen roared firmly: "Send the order, put down the weapon, and those who surrender will not be killed."

Seeing that he was so furious, Pan Hua, who was suspicious, did not dare to disobey, and immediately shouted at his soldiers: "Whoever puts down his weapons and goes down the mountain will not be killed."

Seeing the general's order, the soldiers surrounding the mountain shouted in unison, holding cold spears in their hands.

"Those who lay down their arms will not be killed"

"Drop down your arms and don't kill"

"Those who lay down their arms will not be killed"

The 10 people shouted in unison, and suddenly the mountains shook and the ground shook, and huge waves surged into the sky.

When the enemy soldiers surrounded by flames heard the shouts, they didn't dare to hold the cherry guns. They all threw the weapons in their hands on the ground and rushed down the mountain to flee for their lives.

Qi Gong, who was at the end of the situation, had red eyes, and saw groups of soldiers around him surrendering with their arms tied, and shouted in horror: "Come back, come back quickly."

Who cares about you, stay and hide in the sea of ​​fire.The unheard-of soldiers were like a colony of ants, throwing away the weapons in their hands, hugging their big heads, and scrambling to flee down the mountain.

Qi Gong's eyes were red with anger, bloodshot eyes appeared.

"General Qi," the lieutenant beside him, was terrified.

Qi Gong clenched his fists and looked at his lieutenant with red eyes and shouted, "Why don't you run away?"

Suddenly seeing the bloody eyes turned around, the deputy general was startled, and took a big step back in terror, "General."

"Run away, run away for me." With a bang, Qi Gong drew out the sharp sword at his waist, and approached his deputy step by step in a sinister manner.

"General" the trembling lieutenant general was scared away. He looked at Qi Gong who was getting closer and closer, his weak legs could no longer support his body, and he knelt down on the ground.

"Run away, why don't you run away?" Qi Gong who was near was holding a sword in one hand and pulling his lieutenant's hair with the other, shouting with red eyes: "Run away for me."

With his hair pulled, the lieutenant general had tears in his painful eyes. He stared at his general with his black face up and shouted, "General!"

The surrounding fire was blazing, and all the soldiers around him turned their backs and surrendered.Qi Gong, who stood upright in the fire, was scorching hot all over his body, his blood red eyes lost focus, his bleeding ears suddenly became transparent, and he became deaf in both ears.

Qi Gong, whose spirit was greatly stimulated, went crazy, and his red eyes seemed to be bleeding.

Suddenly, a cold light flashed across, and the blood-colored Changhong sprayed in the raging fire all around.

The lieutenant kneeling in front of Qi Gong had his neck cut off, his kneeling body was still upright, but the head on top was gone, and a large amount of blood was spurting wildly upwards from the severed neck .

"Hahaha" the crazy Qi Gong held a sharp sword in one hand and the bloody bloody head of the lieutenant in the other, standing in the raging fire and laughing wildly.

The out-of-focus blood eyes looked at the empty surroundings. He was holding a blood skull, his armor was blackened, and the fire around him was like a tiger, constantly engulfing him.

"Honghe, the source of my upbringing, the strongest father." After laughing and roaring, there was another burst of Tongtianche laughing in the fire.

As soon as the laughter fell, the old body trembled for a moment, slowly raised his sharp sword, and put the sword on his dirty black neck with trembling hands. "After 18 years, come again to avenge my shame."

Ah Zhen looked at the group of enemy prisoners scrambling to be the first, running down the mountain with their heads in their hands.I was in a normal mood, but suddenly I heard someone on the mountain laughing wildly.I was stunned for a moment, is there anyone who is not afraid of death?

Soon he vaguely found the source of the sound in the firelight.Intense black smoke was billowing, and only an extremely vague shadow could be seen vaguely. This shadow stood in the middle of the fire, holding a weapon in one hand, and seemed to be holding something in the other.

Prompted by curiosity, he asked Pan Hua next to him, "Who is this?"

Pan Hua, who was looking at the source of the sound together with him, squinted his eyes and tried hard to see the blurry shadow clearly, but with such a long distance and such black smoke, how could he see clearly.Shaking his head, he probably replied, "Maybe it's General Qi Gong."

"Qi Gong?" Hearing this name, Ah Zhen was stunned. Seeing that blurred figure raised the sharp sword in his hand and rested it on his neck, the subsequent action was a big pull. fell to the ground.Then he could no longer see the tall and straight shadow in the gunpowder smoke.

Looking at this great general from a distance, he swung his blade and killed himself. Ah Zhen, who thought he was not very good, immediately admired this Qi Gong, and sighed deeply, "The first white tiredness is like a journey against the road, and a glass of wine Ying Chuchi. Yujing star tower is gone, no one sings the song of the wind."

The early sun is rising slowly, and the wilderness in the morning is full of birds and insects. The north wind has stopped, and the mild south wind has begun to lightly dawn again like a hypnotist.

After being defeated and retreating quickly, Li Yue led his remnant troops to retreat to Hanoi, thirty miles behind the Red River.

Hanoi is a small city by the Red River. The walls are not high and dilapidated, but the environment is as secluded as a fairyland on earth, with singing birds and fragrant flowers everywhere.

The castle is so small and the walls are so broken, how can it resist the vigorous enemy army.Therefore, Lao Qi resolutely chose to station his troops on a flat basin five miles in front of Hanoi.

After setting up a large company camp, the tired and hungry soldiers began to boil water and cook food. Everyone was broken, with blackheads and faces, and exhausted.It will no longer be the arrogance of the previous battles and victories.

An angry Li Yue sat at the handsome table, looked sideways at his subordinates standing on both sides, slapped the table angrily and shouted: "How did Qi Gong monitor him? 15 enemy soldiers came across the river in mighty force." , How dare you conceal it and not report it. It’s really a crime worthy of death.”

Seeing that he was so furious, all the generals were silent like a cicada, not daring to speak out.

After the roar, Li Yue raised his eyes, looked sideways at these subordinates standing like pins and needles, and asked murderously, "Where is Qigong?"

The generals on both sides raised their lowered heads lightly, looked at each other, and fell silent.

Pan Xiao, who was standing at the front, saw that no one dared to speak, so he clasped his fists weakly and said, "Seventh Prince, General Qi has not returned yet."

"Humph" Hearing that, Li Yue hummed heavily.When he comes, he will behead him.


Just as he finished humming, a soldier was covered in burns all over his body, and a group of soldiers who were smothered in pitch black by the gunpowder burst in frightenedly. He fell to his knees and cried, "The enemy army burned the mountain, and General Qi has killed himself." At Hongshan, all the troops and horses have surrendered to the enemy."

When Li Yue, who wanted to kill someone and prayed for him, heard about this, his heart was shocked, he couldn't sit still and jumped up, he was shocked and asked: "What's the matter, report it quickly."

"Yes." With the pain all over his body, the little detective knelt on the ground and cried truthfully: "At midnight, there was a thick fog on the river. Taking advantage of the dense fog, the enemy sneaked across the river. As soon as they landed, the enemy army was on the ground." They were divided into two groups. One group was mainly engaged in burning and killing, and the other group, led by Pan Hua, led tens of thousands of soldiers and horses to besiege Hongshan. After the prince led his troops to retreat, Tubo King Ming Yan and Li, two enemy generals led tens of thousands of horses to block the road, and then led the generals to reinforce Hongshan. Crying on the ground, he said: "In less than three quarters of an hour, most of Hongshan has been burned, and all the soldiers surrendered. Only General Qi refused to surrender, and committed suicide in the fire."

All the generals who listened quietly heard that Qi Gong was dead, and their expressions changed drastically.Li Yue staggered a big step in shock, his mind went blank.

"Worthy of being a god of war, it is so compact and well designed." Li Yue clenched his fists and beat the middle table with regret. He gritted his teeth and drank tears: "I shouldn't have retreated at that time. I should have regrouped and fought back." Shaking his head in defeat, he murmured, "It's all my fault. Fearing the might of the king of Tubo, he ruined the lives of more than 6 soldiers in vain."

The generals, whose hairs stood on end, were terrified.The King of Tubo's move was really unusual. He originally thought that Li Long only had a group of old and cowardly remnants, so there was nothing wrong with it.But I didn't expect this group of old and cowardly soldiers to be so brave in the hands of this god. It was really sensational and shocked inside and outside.

After the shock, Pan Xiao and Qin Shu saw that the Seventh Prince was so defeated, they stepped forward to persuade them: "Seventh Prince, don't be like this. Although our army is newly defeated, we still have strength, so we must." After a glance, he was not angry enough to say: "We will definitely defeat the king of Tubo."

The Seventh Prince, who hated to hit the table, heard such weak persuasion, and knew that his generals had no confidence, so he immediately packed up his discouraged mind, stood up majestically, stared at the group of people and said: "Victory or defeat is the common sense of military strategists. , you generals don’t need to lose your ambition. No matter how great he is, the king of Tubo, Li Long’s group of weak and scattered soldiers alone may not be able to recover.”

"The Seventh Prince said very well. "The generals who nodded repeatedly regained their confidence. The great king of Tubo is naturally wise, but Li Long's crippled soldiers will certainly not be able to make full use of the plan of this god.

"Hmm." After regaining everyone's confidence, Li Yue's face became serious, and he called to the tent guard: "Invite Mr. Li."


Li Yong, who had returned with his soldiers, was terrified when he learned that the king of Tubo had moved so quickly.The king of Tubo clearly promised to give them time to take the exam, but why did he break his promise and suddenly attacked.

Li Yong, who was sitting in his tent in a daze, couldn't figure it out no matter how hard he thought, until the soldiers came to invite him, he came back to his senses, and hurriedly followed the Seventh Prince's tent soldiers to the handsome tent.

(End of this chapter)

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