ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 456 "The Continuous Autumn Rain"

Chapter 456 "The Continuous Autumn Rain"

"Hahaha" the laughing Ah Zhen has a sinister face, although the methods are different, but he just wants to use this trick of flooding the Seventh Army here, how about it.Without going through the era of the Three Kingdoms in the official history, no matter how conspiratorial he is, Li Yue would never have dreamed of it.

Hearing that the king laughed so cheerfully, the two people in the audience also looked at each other and laughed, the wisdom of the king is indeed unparalleled in the world.

"Yeah." A lingering smile remained on the corner of his mouth, and Duan Tai said quietly: "Even so, but avoid entering the tongue, Duan Tai, you go to the old seven camp."

"Yes." Duan Tai, who didn't understand, stepped forward and asked, "What does the king want his servants to do in Li Yue's village?"


"Urging." Duan Tai, who couldn't figure it out, stared at him suspiciously.

Knowing that he didn't understand, after walking off the stage with his hands behind his back, he went to Duan Tai and taught him: "Go and change into coarse sackcloth, and then go to the old seven battalion to scold him and ask him how long he will take the exam." , smiled and said again: "You must behave rudely, and your attitude is extremely domineering. It is best to let Lao Qi beat you severely and drive you out of the camp."

"Yes." A beating is nothing, Duantai is under Alisha's orders.

"go immediately."

"Your servant will leave."

In the Laoqi Battalion stationed five miles in front of Hanoi, the soldiers patrolled rigorously, and the surrounding area was also orderly.

Li Yue, who was discussing things with the generals, heard that the Tubo king's messenger had come, and immediately stopped his official business, and said, "I invite the messenger."


As soon as the tent soldiers retreated, the confident Li Yue sat on the top seat. Since the king of Tubo sent an envoy, it seemed that he believed that he was going to take the exam.

His hair was disheveled, and he was dressed in the rough sackcloth of the poor.Duantai's arrogant court soldiers snorted heavily, and strode into Lao Qi's camp.

Li Yue, who was sitting quietly on the handsome table, saw such a lowly person, he was puzzled for a moment, and asked coldly: "You are the envoy of Tubo?" His eyes were full of doubts, why did the envoy of the king of Tubo dress so badly? , and unkempt?It can't be fake, right?

"Didn't you see it all?" As soon as the arrogant Duan Tai came in, without waiting for his invitation, he took an empty chair next to him and sat in front of Li Yue with a naked face, his rude eyes were even more disdainful. Looking at Li Yue in front of him.

Li Yue, who originally didn't even want to look at this humble servant, saw how polite he was, and how contemptuous he was in his eyes, and the unknown fire in his chest suddenly burned.Thinking that he is a majestic king of a country, how can he bear to be so despised by this servant who doesn't know what kind of dog he is.

Crossing his legs and swaying, Duan Tai spat thick phlegm to the side, and the ruffian asked: "I said Li Yue, my king asked me to ask you, how long are you going to hang around?"



Not only Li Yue, but even the dozen or so generals beside him stood up and shouted angrily.

"Huh little Li Chao is a big ass, my pigsty is bigger than yours." Standing up in a loud murmur, Duan Tai walked up to Li Yue, exhaled a big mouthful of stench and then Ask: "Tell me, I have to keep the account."

Li Yue, who didn't know his identity, was still a little hesitant, but when he heard that he was going to guard the tent, he immediately jumped into a rage, slapped the tent table preconceivedly and shouted: "The little tent guard dares to be rampant in front of this prince, come on!" People, drag them out and chop them up."

"Kill me, the king of the family will not spare you." Following the roaring Duantai, he said the lines taught by Ah Zhen one by one.

The generals, who were extremely angry with this little tent guard, thought of the Tubo king after hearing his words.My heart skipped a beat.

"Wait a minute." Hurry up to stop the guard who was about to drag someone out to chop, Qin Shu cupped his fists and stepped forward and said, "Third prince, although this person is rude, he is an envoy sent by the king of Tubo, so it is not easy to kill him rashly."

Li Yue, who was stunned for a while, heard the tent guard mentioned the king of Tubo, and after calming down, he felt that it would be better to kill him.Why bother to offend the king of Tubo for a small tent guard.

Contemptuous eyes scorned the Tubo tent guards under the table, and Li Yue yelled angrily: "Bring me out of the village with sticks."


More than a dozen guards held wooden sticks, dragged the successful Duantai, and beat them outside the camp with sticks.

"Li Yue, you little boy, my king will never forgive you." The beaten Duan ran across the stage, followed the steps to perform the scene to the fullest, and the yelling made all the soldiers in the old seven camp stunned. .

"Roll" after knocking him out of the village, Li Yue's tent guard kicked Duantai into the dirt.

After eating a mouthful of muddy Duantai, his whole body ached. After getting up from the muddy floor, he regained his majesty as a general, and said coldly and majestically to the dozens of guards who beat him, "Remember my face!" .”

"Bah" is also a guard, what can he do.Li Yue's guard tent is very disdainful to people who eat a mouthful of mud.

"Hum..." Duan Tai, who didn't speak anymore, turned around and left resolutely despite the pain all over his body.

Hearing that the Seventh Prince Ou beat the Tubo envoy, Li Yong's heart twitched in fright, and he rushed towards the handsome tent with hurried steps.

"Seventh prince, why did you want to attack the Tubo king's envoy?" As soon as he stood still, he asked impatiently.

Just after beating that vulgar person out, Li Yue looked at Li Yong who was rushing towards him, feeling uneasy, and said softly: "This envoy is extremely rude, how dare he yell at me, and didn't kill him?" It’s already considered for the sake of the Tubo King.”

Hearing such insignificant words, Li Yong's old face was filled with grief, and he repeatedly bowed and mourned, "No, the third prince can't."

"It's too late to beat Mr. Li."

"Seventh Prince, you..." Li Yong was angry, his old eyes seemed to see Tubo's million cavalry, trampling through the dilapidated mountains and rivers of his Li Dynasty.

The generals saw him paralyzed to the ground in fright, and Pan Xiao, who was overwhelmed, stepped forward to help the old man up, and comforted him: "Don't be like this, Mr. Li, this envoy is just a small tent guard of the king of Tubo, no problem. "

"A small tent guard?" Li Yong, who ate more salt than this group of people, swung his head and had a lot of tears in his eyes, "General Pan, I hope you are right, he is just a A small tent guard." Even if it is a small tent guard, the Tubo king sent him, and this little tent guard represents the Tubo king.They beat the king of Tubo, can they still think they are safe?Even Liao, a country of tigers and wolves, had to be careful with the King of Tubo.Is this group of self-righteous generals as brave as Daerba, Chu Ningheng, Situ Zong, Wang Man, and Tu Baba?

"Woo" heartbroken, Li Yong, who shook his head, cried out in horror, "I am the former emperor of the Li Dynasty." I will stop talking to this group of people, and walk out of the camp on old legs. What should be seen are the thousands of people howling under the iron hooves, the dead bodies all over the mountains and plains, and the millennium Li Dynasty hiding in the sea of ​​fire.

The generals who didn't understand why Li Yong was so sad looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

Li Yue's face was ruthless, and he hated seeing Li Yong who left by himself, and immediately became murderous.

"This..." Pan Xiao was at a loss, seeing Li Yonglanshan stepping out of the tent, turned his head and asked the master above in doubt: "Seventh Prince, why is Mr. Li so sudden?"

Hiding the murderous intent in his eyes, Li Yue said with a smile: "Li is too old to make a big fuss. You generals don't have to be suspicious." Even if the king of Tubo wants to seek revenge for a tent guard, why should he be afraid?And he, the king of Tubo, burned and killed people for a tent guard. If it spreads out, it will be laughed at, and all the officials will do their best to stop it.And the king of Tubo, who is wise enough to reach the sky, must understand the truth of this.

Duantai, who was beaten and injured all over his body, returned.

Ah Zhen from the Wang Tent saw him, and hurried to the stage, patted him on both shoulders and said: "General Duan is doing well, I should make the first contribution."

"Xie Dawang." Although he was beaten all over his body, Duan Tai was happier than anyone else when he heard this affirmative word.

"Okay." Turning around and returning to the throne, Ah Zhen turned around and gave orders viciously, "As soon as it gets dark, the two of you will each lead two thousand soldiers, bring digging tools, and quietly dig through the river to block the river mouth."

"Yes." The two below took orders in unison.

"Well, go down and rest."

"The servant retired." After the worship, the two left the king's tent hand in hand.Thinking that Lao Qizhi would become a fish and turtle, he was immediately overjoyed.

During the continuous autumn rain, there is heavy rain and little rain.

After getting ready, Ah Zhen waited quietly, going to the Red River to watch the surging water from time to time.

Li Nengwu, who held an umbrella for him, followed him to look at the rolling red-yellow river, and called carefully: "Master, the rain is getting heavier and heavier, so you should return the account quickly."

Ah Zhen, like an old monk in samadhi, had long been wet on his shoulders and trouser legs, and watched the surging river with his hands behind his back, watching the countless raindrops bury himself deeply in the river, and blended with the river.

"Nengwu, the river has risen by more than ten inches in just three days. If we continue at this rate, once the Mid-Autumn Festival is over, we can get things done."

Li Nengwu, who had heard about it, questioned, "Master, the river has risen so much, it should be enough."

He didn't answer, and muttered to himself, "Enough is enough, if there are a few more inches, it would be even better."

On the eve of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the rain has become heavier and denser for several days.

Ah Zhen was sitting in the tent and eating dinner at ease, when he suddenly heard a loud clatter, raised his eyebrows, and raised his eyes in surprise to look outside the rolled curtain.

I saw heavy rain pouring down, fiercely smashing the ground with fury.

Seeing this, he happily put down the chopsticks in his hand and ran towards the tent door.

The sky was pitch black, with no stars and no moon, and the dense and large raindrops washed the earth. A large number of water stains accumulated in the village, and the slow-flowing rainwater continued to flow down to the lower places.

"Neng Wu" roared suddenly in Wang Anxiang's camp.

Hearing such a rapid roar, the soldiers standing on both sides of Wang Ying stared blankly at him, their whole bodies were drenched by the rain.

Li Nengwu, who came out of the kitchen with delicacies, was startled when he heard the roar, and rushed towards Wang Ying with his body covered in rain.

Li Nengwu, who had just arrived, searched around Tiger Eye and found that there was no danger, so he asked Ah Zhen who was standing in the hall: "Master?"

"Call me Daerba, Duan Tai." Ah Zhen, who didn't let him speak, quickly gave the order.

"Yes." With such an urgency, something important must have happened.Li Nengwu didn't dare to take mistakes for a moment, and quickly rushed into the heavy rain.

Da'erba and Duan Tai quickly followed Li Nengwu and ran into Wang's tent in rain and wind.Seeing him, he immediately went up to pay homage, "I have seen the king, but I don't know what the king is calling for?"

Ah Zhen, who was sitting upright, saw them coming, immediately put down the teacup in his hand, stood up and said excitedly: "Heavy rain is coming, tonight is a good time for fishing."

Upon hearing this, Daerba and Duan Tai were overjoyed.Look at each other and ask for your life immediately.

"My lord, let the ministers go down." Duan Tai said first and won first.

Seeing that the guy next to him was so shameless, Daerba strode forward and said fiercely: "My lord, I'll go."

"Stop arguing." When Duan Tai was about to refute, Ah Zhen stepped off the stage and said with a smile: "Let's go together."

"Uh!" Hearing what he said, the two people who were arguing shook their heads vigorously and said in unison, "It's raining continuously, and it's better for the king to rest in the tent."

"It's" tricked him, and now these two people want to kick him away, how can Ah Zhen give in.

"Okay, you guys hurry to dig the mouth of the river and let the water pour into Lao Qi's camp." After finishing speaking, he stopped talking nonsense, and after breaking out of the tent, he ignored the heavy rain and walked towards the gate of the camp.

Li Nengwu, who followed closely behind, was drenched by the torrential rain, and stood with him at the gate of the village holding an umbrella that could not catch the rain.

The torrential rain poured down from the sky, and Ah Zhen was even wet. He looked at the various generals and Wan Hu who were leading the army, and said forcefully: "I have been here for so long, and I haven't fought any battles. Tonight is When hunting, the whole army must keep silent."

Except for the sound of rain falling, the ten thousand soldiers will not say a word.

Yixing stood in front of this group of people, turned around and looked into the distance, waiting patiently.

Daerba and Duantai who each led two teams to dig the mouth of the river were bathed in water and their legs were covered in mud. They rushed towards the king at the gate of the village with palpable excitement.

"Your Majesty, the mouths of the rivers have been opened, and the waters are pouring into the old seven camps in all directions like ferocious beasts."

"Okay." Seeing that the matter is done, Ah Zhen shouted: "Let's go."

The silent soldiers firmly grasped their spears and spears, followed the elders in front neatly, and walked towards the deep mountains and old forests in the torrential rain.

The road was full of potholes, and the soft soil was soaked in water like a sponge.

Following the two old horses who knew the way before walking the dog, everyone walked on the soft mud with great difficulty.

"Careful" exclaimed, and Li Nengwu beside him tightly supported Ah Zhen who had fallen into the mud cave with one leg.

"Let me go" pulled out a whole mud leg, Ah Zhen cursed softly, and looked at the river-like roads around him, you are going to be in bad luck, old seven.

After an hour's journey, they arrived at the last mountainside.

Daerba looked at the lit mountain below and said: "My lord, below is Lao Qi's camp."

Ah Zhen, who was overjoyed, looked down, and was so happy for a moment, his big cracked mouth extended to his ears.

Camped in low-lying Pyongyang with no trees and no mountains, the peaceful rainy night was no longer peaceful.

The soldiers sleeping soundly on the straw mats were woken up by the torrential flood, and after drinking a lot of water, they wondered why such a flood suddenly came.Not feeling any danger, they slowly put on their armors and walked out of the village with spears in hand.

Immediately tens of thousands of soldiers were dumbfounded, they saw that they were all submerged in the turbid water, there was a lot of beating and drumming in their ears, and the camp was in chaos for a while...

(End of this chapter)

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