ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 457 "Flooded Hanoi"

Chapter 457 "Flooded Hanoi"

The awakened Lao Qijiao just moved out of the bed, and his feet and legs were wet immediately.

He immediately woke up with a start when he got wet, and yelled at the door tent: "Come on, what happened?"

The tent guard standing guard outside the tent struggled to paddle the water into the tent with his legs.

Before the report was made, the generals who led the village rushed in rushing in splashing a lot of water.

The generals of the various villages who sprayed the mouthful of the old seven in front were impatient. "The Seventh Prince is not well, my village was flooded."

"Cough" Lao Qi, whose face, mouth and mouth were all wet from the spray, yelled at the dry man in front and asked, "Why did such a large amount of water suddenly pour into our village?"

All the generals shook their heads. "I don't know."

The flood was rapid, and it only took a while to submerge him to the waist.Pan Xiao panicked and said urgently: "Seventh Prince, the flood doesn't show any signs of receding, instead it's rushing towards our village from all around like a burst embankment."

"Humph" The flood hasn't drowned people yet, so what are you afraid of?Lao Qi, who was humming heavily, also walked with great difficulty, walking out of the tent with his webbed water.

If you don't come out, you're dead, and once you come out, no matter how strategic you are, your head will be covered.

I saw that the battalions had been submerged by the confused torrents, and the soldiers fled in all directions by paddling the turbid water that reached their arms, while the surrounding torrents kept rushing towards the village without retreating.

"What the hell is going on? Why is there so much water?" The creepy Lao Qi couldn't help roaring anymore.

It was only up to my waist just now, but now the water is almost up to my arms.The generals, who were almost completely submerged in the water, approached with difficulty under the water, and all of them said with sad faces: "Seventh Prince, let's retreat quickly."

"Retreat?" He has never done this kind of thing before he saw the shadow of the enemy soldiers.No!To be correct, no one has ever done it.

"Yes, the water is raging, Seventh Prince, let's evacuate quickly."

"Where to withdraw?" Even if you want to do something that no one has done, where should you withdraw? If you look around, there is water all around, where can you go?
"On the mountain, Seventh Prince, let's take shelter on the mountain first." Qin Shu pointed to the mountain peak in the distance.

Following his fingers, the confused Li Yue nodded and gave an order: "Everyone go to the mountain to avoid the flood."

"All went to the mountains to escape the flood."

The whole village roared loudly and continuously.

The soldiers who fled to the mountain rolled their eyes and hanged themselves, they were already fleeing, and when you realize later, ten lives are not enough to die.

The raging flood invaded the camp, and tens of thousands of people rushed up the mountain.

But the distance is so long, and the speed of running in the water is reduced, so you can go up the mountain if you want to.

When the flood flooded the roof of the tent, there were a lot of calls for help in the flooded wilderness.

"Help, Gulu" The floating and drowning soldiers didn't finish shouting, what they swallowed was a large amount of turbid black water.

"Quick, Gulu, Shan" Qian, Wanhu, Hou, Tong, the leaders of each village, are also drowning.And Dashui seemed to have formed a thousand-year hatred with them, and still fiercely attacked from all around.

In less than three quarters of an hour, the flooded camp became a pot of porridge.

Those who can swim will swim to the distant mountains, and they will be exhausted to death.

Floating on the water holding firewood in his hands that can't swim, being swept farther and farther by the onslaught of water.

In order to survive, morality and friendship were all thrown aside. For a small piece of wood, the soldiers who fought and killed each other in the water used their lives and blood to stain the turbid water even more turbid.

Dead bodies were floating in this flooded camp, the drowned, exhausted, and killed were all in a mess, and it was heart-wrenching.

All the people standing on the mountainside watching this scene with cold eyes were bursting with joy.

Only Ah Zhen couldn't bear it, staring at the several dead bodies washed down by the flood, his shoulders seemed to be pressed by a huge mountain in an instant, he was old and weak, and his life was gloomy.

"Your Majesty, a large number of soldiers from the Li Dynasty are fleeing to the mountain. Do you want to stop them?"

"Those who surrender, please spare their lives." If fire is a tiger, then water is a beast.

"Yes." After responding, Daerba confessed to the soldiers standing behind him.

Soon the three generals led their soldiers and rushed towards the dark heavy rain.

"It's my mistake, it's all my fault." Holding a piece of wood in his hand, Li Yue and others slid and swam towards the mountainside, and his face was already pale as corpses floated along the way.I originally thought that Pyongyang was more suitable for camping, but I didn't expect that hundreds of thousands of soldiers died.

Pan Xiao kicked the water vigorously with his legs, and softly comforted his master beside him with his heartbroken head. "The Seventh Prince does not need to blame himself, the disaster is unpredictable."

"Natural disaster?" Li Yue, who couldn't figure out why the Red River burst suddenly, muttered to himself: "Is it really a natural disaster?" After a flood, why did the Hongjiang River suddenly burst its embankment when he settled here?
A period of silence passed, and the sharp-eyed Daerba was overjoyed, pointing to the front and whispering: "My lord, is it Li Yue?"

"Really?" Ah Zhen squinted his eyes in surprise and looked down from the gap in the torrential rain. He saw dozens of people swimming close with their arms in their arms. He asked hurriedly, "Who else is there besides Li Yue?"

Looking at the group of people swimming closer and closer, Daerba was pleasantly surprised, "They are all generals."

"Get rich." Ah Zhen, who opened his mouth, immediately forgot his sorrow, and his face was full of surprise.Unexpectedly, this group of dumbfounded people didn't understand that this was a man-made disaster until now. Judging from their posture of fleeing into the mountains, this somewhat cunning Li Yue probably thought that the Red River had burst its embankment.

"Seventh Prince, be careful." After the backing, Qin Shu and others pulled Li Yue out of the water, and everyone's whole body was wet.

After swimming such a long distance, Li Yue sat on the dirt wearily, shook his head and sighed, "Oh, I thought I was smart, but I didn't expect that I was mistaken for being smart."

The dejected generals didn't know what to say anymore, they all sat beside them tiredly, waiting for dawn when the flood receded.

In the dark heavy rain, Ah Zhen smiled and walked leisurely towards Li Yue with his hands behind his back, and was misunderstood by the cleverness that no one could answer: "It's called a small difference, a thousand miles away."

The exhausted people suddenly heard the smiling words from the dark rain, they were all terrified, they all stood up and shouted: "Who is it?"

"I am your king."

As soon as the words fell, a group of people who stood up and stretched their teeth and claws suddenly saw walking in the dark, stepping into a large group of soldiers.

Li Yue, who was in a state of embarrassment, stared hard at the handsome young man approaching in front with a pale face, and asked with certainty, "You are the king of Tubo."

Presumptuously, he actually asked directly. "The majestic Ah Zhen stepped closer, smirked, looked up and down the interrogator, and asked the people around him: "Is this Li Yue?"

"Back to the king, this person is the seventh prince of the Li Dynasty." Duantai, who was beaten by him, reported it coldly.

"En." Hearing the confirmation, Ah Zhen turned to look at Li Yue, and said lightly: "He looks good."

The horrified generals were panicked when they heard that the handsome young man in front of him was the mythical king of Tubo.

Li Yue gritted his teeth tightly, and after he figured out the cause and the future, his ashen face turned pale in an instant, and he gnashed his teeth and asked, "Was it the king of Tubo who wanted to come to Dashui's masterpiece?" Although it was a question, but the words But very sure.

"Not bad." Nodding his head lightly, he called out with a smile: "Duantai"

"The subject is here." Duan Tai, who knew what the king was going to do, walked up to Li Yue in the same coarse sackcloth, and asked with a sneer, "Li Yue, do you still remember me?"

When "you" met Duan Tai again, everyone was shocked.

Li Yue murmured, "Are you the tent guard of the Tubo king?" But how could such a small tent guard follow the Tubo king.

Hearing the question, Ah Zhen, who had succeeded in his treachery, turned cold and shouted: "Presumptuous, how dare you call this king's general a tent guard." After speaking, drink again: "Bold, to call this king's general as an envoy in public Hitting with sticks indiscriminately, the crime should be beheaded."

Seeing him so furious, the group of people who had nowhere to escape were scared out of their wits for a moment, and all the rain on their bodies was wiped off by cold sweat.

Gritting his teeth, Li Yue heard that this vulgar person was not a tent guard, but a general, so he surrendered and stepped forward to apologize, "Don't blame the general, I lost my eyes for a while, please forgive me."

"Hmph" hummed heavily, Duan Tai turned around and walked behind Ah Zhen without saying a word, and the task was successfully completed.

"Humph" Ah Zhen, who was humming heavily, looked at the groveling Li Yue in front of him, and sneered coldly: "I thought you, Li Yue, were not afraid of the sky and the earth, and even dared to beat the king's courtiers. I didn't expect it to be nothing more than that." .”

Li Yue, who bowed his head, had a pain in his teeth, and he clasped his fists and bowed back obediently: "The king of Tubo is wise, please forgive me." Today's shame will be reported in the future, and if the green hills are left, there is no fear of lack of firewood.

Looking at the generals coldly, Ah Zhen waved his hand, "Since you are begging me, then you can go."

"Thank you Tubo King." Li Yue, who escaped his life, could not wait any longer, and immediately shouted to the general behind him: "Let's go."

"Great King" Daerba and Duan Tai were in a hurry, they managed to catch them, why did they put them back.

But before they talked, Ah Zhen yelled, "Wrap me up."

Hearing this, Li Yue's heart trembled, he quickly turned around and clasped his fists and bowed: "Why did the king of Tubo go back on his word?"

"This king once said a word, ten horses are hard to follow, how could he go back on what he said?"

Wary of the sharp spears that surrounded them, Li Yue rolled his eyes, "If so, what is the reason for this, King Tubo?"

"Hmph, you will be wrong about this king." Pointing his finger at all the generals behind him, he said coldly: "This king let you go, but you are so bold that you want to lead everyone away." Here, I intentionally questioned: "What? Is this king's intention, can you, Li Yue, change it?"

"This..." Li Yue's face was red and white, his body was stiff and cold, and he stared at him unwillingly.

The very leisurely Ah Zhen was domineering, and asked with wide eyes: "What? Are you upset?"


The angry Li Yue hadn't finished speaking when Ah Zhen's domineering order came.

"palm mouth"


"Pa" Before General Li Chao could say his begging for mercy, Daerba rushed forward excitedly, raised his giant palm, and slapped Li Yue's face with a big slap.

The generals of Li Yue, the "King of Tubo", saw that the seventh prince was slapped in public, and felt sad. They all knelt down and begged for mercy for their master.

The side of Li Yue was slapped, and Li Yue's face was bleeding from the corner of his mouth. His face was no longer that of a normal person. When he saw his generals kneel down to the king of another country, he was furious and yelled: "All to you!" I get up."

"Huh, it's still a bit bloody." Approaching with his hands behind his back, Ah Zhen pinched his cheek viciously, and asked in a bloody way: "Do you want to leave, or do you want to die?"

"Scholars can be killed, but not humiliated." Li Yue, who gritted his teeth, spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Okay." Nodded, let go of Ah Zhen's hands and spread out, "Since you have said so, I will help you to have a grand burial, so you can go with peace of mind."

Seeing that the King of Tubo wanted to kill the Seventh Prince, the kneeling generals thumped their heads and begged for mercy in unison: "The King of Tubo is kind, please let the Seventh Prince go."

Seeing the general's actions, Ah Zhen raised his handsome eyebrows slightly, and hummed to the stiff Yue Li: "If the generals hadn't interceded for you, today will be your death day next year." Turning around, he raised his hand :"roll"

Li Yue, trembling with anger, stared fiercely at the king whose back was turned to him. Xu Xu glanced at his generals, swallowed his anger, and said in a heavy voice with meaning: "King of Tubo, we will meet later."

Ah Zhen, who had his back turned to him, didn't even look at him, and replied solemnly: "A bereaved dog, if it wasn't for the begging of the generals in the tent, his life would have already been lost, and he dared to yell at the king." Turning around viciously, He said fiercely, "If you fall into this king's hands again, you will kill yourself, don't dirty my hands."

"Humph" Li Yue, who was defeated, waved his sleeves and walked into the distance in the heavy rain without saying a word.

"Thank you Tubo King." All the generals kneeling on the ground watched their master go away alone, their hearts were extremely desolate, falling into the hands of Tubo King, I am afraid that it will be difficult to serve this master again in this life.

Ah Zhen, who watched Li Yue leave coldly, turned his head and called out to the people on the ground: "Get up, generals."

"Thank you, King Tubo." The trembling group of people climbed up from the mud with each other, bowing their heads silently, not daring to look forward.

Looking at the group of people, Ah Zhen said softly: "I am helping you to quell the civil strife. In order not to increase innocent casualties, you generals, please come to Tubo for a visit first, and let you return after the civil strife is settled."

Thank you Tubo King. "The defeated generals, how dare you speak bravely, the battlefield is far away from them."

"Hmm." Satisfied, Ah Zhen gave an order to Duan Tai: "Duan Tai, lead these generals to Ante's place for a sit-down. Ask Ante to treat them nicely, and never make things difficult for these generals."

"Your servant takes orders."

Hearing this, all the generals clasped their fists in thanks and said, "Thank you Tubo king, the foreign generals are terrified."

"Go, your Li Dynasty will settle down soon."

Duan Tai stepped forward and gestured his hands to invite: "Generals, please!"

Everyone raised their heads and cast a glance at the godly king, and said in unison: "The foreign general will leave."

"Go." Standing in the torrential rain, watching the group of Li Chao generals who left for the border overnight, the corners of Ah Zhen's mouth were raised high. Li Chao will be waiting for tonight's battle.

(End of this chapter)

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