ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 470 "Those Things That Broke the Palace, Part [-]"

Chapter 470 "Those Things That Broke the Palace, Part [-]"

"dong dong dong"


The boulder and the sharp arrow flew towards the strong city wall of Thang Long with the wind.

"The Enemy Comes, The Enemy Comes"

Alarm bells rang out in Shenglong City, and a large number of soldiers walked through the streets and alleys, roaring loudly.

"Okay, the enemy soldiers are coming"

"The enemy soldiers are coming, get up quickly"

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers exploded in the stronghold all of a sudden.Panicked soldiers, clad in armor and armed with weapons, rushed out of their tents one after another, rushing towards the gate of the city.In an instant, the ants-like soldiers squeezed the four small stone wall ladders tightly.

The frightened general narrowly escaped the flying stones that were not long-eyed, and the cold sweat on his forehead was involuntarily breaking out.

Li Yue, whose clothes were half covered, rushed to the city general and shouted, "What's going on?"

The city general raised his sword and roared when he saw him coming, and quickly reported: "The enemy soldiers are coming, the vanguard is 5 horses, and the catapults and archers are exhausted."

As soon as he finished speaking, he ignored Li Yue who was beside him, and yelled at the soldiers not far away in horror: "First kill the enemy soldiers who came up, pour oil, throw stones, hurry up!"

"What a great handwriting." Li Yue was furious, looked at the man who was leisurely straddling the horse in the distance, gritted his teeth and murmured: "King of Tubo, I will not give up until I kill you."

Looking at the soldiers from a distance, they climbed like caterpillars on the dense ladders, reaching forward with their long spears, and clashed with the rebels above.The boulders and arrows that you come and go are full of blood.Two of the giant logs that broke the gate have been broken, but the city gate is still strong.

"Houliangzhai, [-] soldiers and horses, step forward to help immediately." A cold-blooded order rang in the ears of the soldiers who were watching Jingcheng in front of them.

Li Long's heart skipped a beat, and he asked in a low voice, "King of Tubo, you have over 5 troops. It's too crowded to go up to [-]." All the soldiers and horses were exhausted at once, and the city was captured. , If they can't attack, they will be completely bruised.

"Don't worry, third child, you will win the Dragon Rise today." Don't look at these soldiers who are all up, but they are sleepless and mentally weak, how can they resist such a fierce attack.

Hearing this, Li Long was relieved, and immediately shouted after him: "Everyone, press me down."


All of a sudden, one hundred thousand soldiers and horses rushed forward like extremely hungry pheasants.

All the enemy soldiers, who were lack of sleep and mentally exhausted, were shocked and shocked when they saw the sudden crowd of enemy soldiers rushing up again.

Li Yue's face was pale, and he shouted loudly: "Hold on, you must hold on tight."

"It's too much." The astounded Liang Chuan's face was full of thrilling cold sweat, and he murmured in disbelief, "The Tubo king's handwriting is really extraordinary."

An hour passed, and the densely packed two armies were still fierce.

The whirling rain of arrows and the violent spears swung back and forth.

The sun was out in the sun, and the dazzling light shone on the soldiers in Thang Long City who didn't get enough sleep, making them more tired and tired.The soldiers attacking the city became more and more courageous, and the winner or loser of the situation had already been announced.

The anxious Li Long and all the generals held their breaths and watched.

The piled corpses have been piled up on top of each other, the city walls full of fire are everywhere, and blood stains are everywhere.The boulders and arrows raining back and forth did not stop, and the soldiers on both sides were exhausted, repeating the same steps as before.

"Quick Kill" The sweat on the armor of the enemy general in Shenglong City was dry and wet, wet and dry, his body was black with smoke, and the silk was sticky with sweat.The roar had already become hoarse.

Another long time passed.

Holding his breath, Ling Shen looked at the generals in front of Leicheng, and a fast horse was ushering in.

The fast horses galloped frantically from the flames of battle, and without stopping, the soldiers on the horses immediately roared: "Report, the city is about to be broken, and a large number of soldiers have already set foot on the city wall."

After the long roar, Ah Zhen immediately shouted: "Standby"

In an instant, the remaining 5 horses immediately stood upright, held their breath and waited quietly.

"Killing" already killed an unknown number of soldiers, wave after wave, climbing from the ladder into the high city wall.

"Kill" the surviving leaders of Qianhu, Zongbing, Wantong, leading soldiers crawling up like caterpillars, breaking the city in waves.

The hopeless rebels followed a large number of soldiers to the wall, all flustered and powerless to fight and resist.

When the first wave of people climbed up the city wall, the soldiers like fierce chickens were as powerful as a bamboo.

Unable to resist the menacing enemy, the rebels who were repelled down the city ladder shouted in unison: "Block the ladder, quickly block the ladder!" The city wall has fallen, and if the stairs are broken again, the city gate will not be safe.

The densely packed two armies squeezed the four small stairs airtight. The soldiers who stepped forward and swung their spears fell down, and the soldiers behind immediately rushed forward stepping on the corpses, letting the blood scatter everywhere, and their lives were like ants.

"drink, drink, drink"

"Bang, bang, bang"

Three huge logs, surrounded by hundreds of people.After one wave crashed, another wave slammed into the distance like a beast off the brakes.Even the shaking earth cannot withstand such abuse.


A loud and clear sound crossed the sky.

The soldiers blocking the door were flustered. There was a strong tiger in front and a fierce lion in the back.Everyone panicked.

"Kill" shouted everywhere.

The rebels who retreated from the stairwell were powerless to recover, and a tired heart was already full of holes.

"Report, the rebels on the city wall have retreated, and the city gate is cracked." Another urgent report came from the galloping handsome horse.

"Okay." Ah Zhen yelled, and quickly sent an order: "Go to Shenglong."

The [-] soldiers and horses on standby for "Roaring and Killing" were no different from Ye Zeng, riding their horses with fierce faces, galloping towards the cracked city gate.


After another loud noise, hundreds of soldiers who hit the giant tree broke through the door and knocked in a large number of soldiers blocking the door.

"The door is broken, the door is broken"

A large number of rebels shouted in panic, and the soldiers at the gate of the city retreated neatly in fear. Gulu's black eyes were full of fear and anxiety.

The iron cavalry who "killed" Pan Hua flew over, jumped over the broken city gate, and rushed into the city first.

A large number of soldiers immediately rushed into the city. The cold spears reached the enemy soldiers and ignored them. The cold-blooded spears pierced in and pulled out mercilessly.

Blood marks rise, people howl
The chaotic city of Thang Long is like a pot of mush porridge.The spear flew violently, and the tip of the spear surged.Howls were mixed with howls, and within the howls were roars, scolding, and misery.The dead bodies were lying all over the ground, and the horseshoes and soldiers' feet that trampled on the corpses were ruthless, sucking blood and grinding their teeth.Thang Long, the capital of the Li Dynasty, fell into a sea of ​​tragic and terrifying blood.

"It's hard to meet all the way, and there are few stars around. The mountains and rivers are broken and the wind is blowing, and the life experience is ups and downs. The fear is said on the beach, and the lonely ocean is sighing alone. No one in life has died since ancient times, and keep the loyalty to reflect the history."

The tragedy and tragedy in the distance continued, and Ah Zhen outside the city was riding on horseback.Behind them are ten thousand Tubo riders, and on both sides are two generals who have been washed by gunpowder.And in front of his eyes are the burning dragon and the corpses around the city.What came into my ears was a desolate wail, and the ground under my feet was bleeding everywhere.

Ah Zhen stared at the heroic scene with a long sigh, and said to the people beside him: "Father, Li Chao will become weaker and weaker after this battle."

Looking coldly at the sudden death of hundreds of thousands of soldiers from the two armies of the Li Dynasty, Daerba's figure was still tall, and he replied arrogantly: "The soldiers of the Li Dynasty are weak, even if they did not go through this battle, they would be like pheasants when they met our Tubo tigers and leopards. "

Ah Zhen frowned slightly, staring at the blood dripping in the distance, feeling uneasy in his heart, he sighed heavily: "There is no distinction between high and low in life."

Did he do something wrong to kill so many creatures?
Lie Yang, who witnessed this scene, couldn't help being sad, and quietly covered his face.Under the gray sky, corpses were strewn across the barren and vast loess of the city, the fragmented city walls connected to the boundless sky, and the autumn wind blew up dust all over the sky, covering the bleeding corpses.Xiao Suo and Yong Yong remember these heroic soldiers who shed blood.

The rising dragon was broken, and 35 soldiers died, those who fled, and those who surrendered.Li Yue and Liang Chuan had no way to return to heaven. With the desperate efforts of tens of thousands of soldiers, they highlighted the burned city and fled towards La city.

Daerba, who was watching coldly from the outside, saw a large number of soldiers and horses protruding from the entrance of the south city, and with sharp eyes, he urgently reported to the king who was beside him who was sad, "My lord, Li Yue is about to escape."

"I saw it." There were so many people fleeing to the distance, and he was not blind, so how could he not see it.

Daerba was stunned when he heard this, and said anxiously: "Your Majesty, you can't let Li Yue escape."

"Even if he escapes, it's impossible for the ashes to rekindle." At this point, he closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "If the defeated army surrenders, their lives will be spared."

He opened his blood-red eyes and yelled: "Darba, Duan Tai listens to the order."

"Your Majesty is here."

"Immediately lift Li Yue to kneel in front of me."


After Huwei's response, Da'erba and Duan Tai yelled, "Capture Li Yue alive."



Thousands of iron cavalry raised dust all over the sky, like evil spirits, raised their sharp spears, and aggressively pursued the defeated troops who were fleeing in front of them.

The army was defeated like a mountain.

Shenglong's defeated army put down their weapons and knelt down tremblingly.The densely packed victorious army pointed their sharp guns at them like wolves.

Seeing that Ah Zhen, who was about the same, led Li Nengwu, the two cavalry rushed into the city.

"Where are the old three?"

Seeing the wise Tubo king coming, all the soldiers cheered.

Hearing his question, a chief executive immediately replied: "King of Tubo, the third prince led his troops to the palace."

Ah Zhen heard that the third child had gone to the palace, so she stopped asking questions. With the sound of "drive", he immediately rode his horse and ran past the dense soldiers, towards the simple palace not far away.

"Third prince, woo"

In the main hall of the imperial palace, there were many officials kneeling.And Li Long's face was bloody, holding a bloody sword in a rage, he stepped over the body of the courtier he had just killed, and approached the traitor who was kneeling in front of him.

"Second ministers and traitors surrendered to Li Yue, and death is not a pity." Li Long, who was burning with anger, had been waiting for this moment for a long time, wishing to kill all these defecting courtiers.

"Third Prince, the subject is being punished, Third Prince, please spare me."

After crying, Gulu, an important minister in official uniform, looked at Li Long who was holding him tightly with his old eyes in horror, his heart almost stopped in fright.

"Hum..." Li Long, who was humming heavily, was furious, and without thinking about it, he stabbed the sharp sword in his hand into the body of the heavy-handed minister, and after throwing it away, he violently rushed towards more of his own courtiers.

When Ah Zhen broke into the palace, he didn't know what he was doing, and was immediately hugged by a maid who shouted for help, "Save me, please save me"

His thigh was hugged suddenly, and before he had time to react, he saw a fierce soldier rushing forward, stabbing the back of the maid holding his thigh with a sharp spear.

The word "Save" hadn't finished yet, and the pupils of the maid who raised her head were fierce, and her focus was suddenly lost.A large amount of blood was sprayed out of the mouth, and the neck softened, and he fell to the ground and died.

"Bold" watched the beautiful maid who hugged his thigh and cried for help die like this, Ah Zhen suddenly shook his body and trembled angrily, rushed forward and raised his big palm, which immediately slapped the arrogant soldier to the ground.

"You bastard, how dare you kill someone in front of this king." With one breath held in his heart, he yelled, "Come here, kill me."

"Yes" Li Nengwu drew out his big steel saber, stepped forward coldly, before the bewildered soldier could argue, with a flash of cold light, he immediately hacked the daring soldier to death.

"Forgive me, forgive me"

"Help, Help"

The fleeing court ladies shouted loudly as the soldiers chased them fiercely.

Ah Zhen, who was furious, saw a large number of soldiers holding cold spears, hunting and killing court ladies running around. His anger was already burning to the sky, and he yelled: "Stop!"

When the soldiers who had killed so happily heard the violent scolding, they all stopped their ruthless spears in fear, and looked at each other collectively, at a loss for what to do.

"The Great King of Tubo." A soldier ran up to Ah Zhen tremblingly, knelt down and kowtowed: "The third prince ordered that he be killed."

"Kill your old mother, if you dare to kill one person in front of this king, this king will kill you."

"Yes yes yes" Compared with the third prince, the order of the king of Tubo is the golden order.

"Give it all to me and get out."

"Yes." The terrified Bing Zong stood up tremblingly, bowed to him three more times, and then turned around and shouted: "Everyone evacuates the palace."

The ping-pong-pong soldiers let go of their prey, followed their soldiers in an orderly manner, and retreated to the bloody palace.

"Woo" survived, and a large number of court ladies who were limp on the ground wept bitterly, unable to utter a single word other than crying.

"no, do not want"

Just after crossing the water bridge, there was another wailing sound in the grass.

Ah Zhen's face suddenly turned cold, and when he heard these lines with blood and tears, he cried out that the sky should not answer, and the earth did not work. hurry away.

"Woo, woo!" A young woman, dressed disheveledly, with her skirt turned up, was trembling and sobbing with tears streaming down her face, unable to bear the abuse of the strange general on her body, and her voice was sad and mournful.

Ah Zhen, who hurriedly approached, looked coldly at the general who was raping the young woman, and urged the general who was doing dirty things in front of him coldly and gloomyly: "Are you alright? It's my turn, right?"

"Who?" The hard-working general immediately turned his head in panic when he heard someone behind him.

As soon as he turned his head, a huge black palm swung down from above.

(End of this chapter)

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