ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 471 "Those Things That Broke the Palace, Part [-]"

Chapter 471 "Those Things That Broke the Palace, Part [-]"


The general, who was about to finish having a good time, was suddenly thrown by the giant palm and rolled aside from the young woman. A little sausage was unwilling to leave like this, and shook violently a few times in reluctance.

The general who was dumped was furious. Just as he yelled out the word, he suddenly stopped talking.With frightened eyes staring at him, he turned over and knelt on the ground, begging for mercy repeatedly: "King of Tubo, please forgive me."

"Bah" spit out a mouthful of liquid at the black head knocked to the ground in front, then turned to the young woman hugged in a ball with a gloomy iron face and asked, "Who are you?"

The general who kowtowed did not dare to look at him, and immediately responded when he heard the question: "She is Li Yue's little concubine."

"It really happened to me." Throughout history, such things abound.But he just couldn't get used to it and couldn't stand it.

"Get out of the palace immediately." After shouting, he stopped talking and continued to walk towards the road of the main hall.

Seeing him leave, the general who escaped his life was frightened and softened. How could he dare to act like a beast again? He lifted his pants and didn't even look at the young woman next to him, and fled towards the gate of the palace like a ghost go.

Before Ah Zhen stepped into the hall, a strong smell of blood immediately came to his nostrils.

Walking into the hall, he was immediately dumbfounded, seeing blood everywhere in the hall, and the corpses of those officials criss-crossing.Except for Li Long and the soldiers, there was no one alive in the hall.

"Third brother, what are you doing?" A huge roar sounded, Ah Zhen's face turned green.It is unbelievable that this idiot killed all his ministers.

Li Long, who was happy with his hatred, was in an incomparably happy mood, when he suddenly heard this roar.Turning around in a daze, "King of Tubo, it's great that you're here." Excitedly gesticulating the masterpieces all over the floor, "It's really satisfying to kill this group of second ministers and thieves."

Clenching his fists, the veins on Ah Zhen's forehead twitched violently.Before shouting, "He is so kind. Save him a lot of trouble." The slogan "Ah"

The horrific cry came from the back of the hall to everyone's eardrums.

"." Ah Zhen, who knew what these generals were doing, ignored Li Long, and rushed towards the back of the palace like a gale, exhausted both physically and mentally.

Located in the inner hall of the main hall, the doors of the harem were tightly closed.A large number of tragic wailing came from each wing room.

In addition to the screams in the tightly covered wing rooms, there were also a lot of wailing and crying in the gardens on the left and right.

Ah Zhen, who just broke into the harem, was dizzy for a while, and couldn't help but stare at the dazzling array of places.

Except for the wing.Gardens, steps, courtyards, lakesides, etc., only what you can't think of, nothing you can imagine.A large group of Qianhu, Bingzong, and each leader.Dozens of hundreds of people are casually unbuttoning their trousers under the bright sky, oppressing this group of women who are constantly resisting, doing obscene and beastly things.

"He, stop everything for me." Huge shouting suddenly broke out.

"Eh?" The cool people stopped their movements in a daze. Seeing that the violent person was the king of Tubo, the little bird was frightened and weakened. He quickly pulled up his pants and knelt down on the ground, not daring to breathe hard. .





In addition to the crying outside, the wailing from the closed door was even more tragic.

Ah Zhen gritted his teeth and breathed out, the one with the small tail was fucked outside, and the one with the big tail was fucked inside.It's him, that's great.It's so polite, and the cooperation is really a joint wrath between humans and gods.

With no demeanor, he held his breath in his chest, ran up the steps, lifted his feet, and kicked the tightly closed doors one by one.

"bang bang bang"

Numerous compartment doors were kicked open, and many doors were smashed.





The compartment doors that fell to the ground broke open one by one.These big-tailed generals, who were trivial and upright, cursed loudly.

With a livid face, Ah Zhen kicked open all the doors, and immediately roared: "You guys, get out of here."

The sound of cursing stopped abruptly when encountering this burst of cursing.

Then there was the rustling sound of dressing, and the sound of pedaling and running.General Li Chao, who was in a hurry, held up his trousers, and ran out of the door in a panic.

Pan Huacai was only half refreshed. After running out with his trousers in hand, he saw the Tubo King was livid with blood, swallowed his saliva and asked, "Tubo King, who is this?"

Seeing his fury, Li Long who rushed from the main hall asked in a daze, "King Tubo, why are you so angry?"

"Hmph" Ah Zhen hummed heavily with a cold face, his veins throbbing with anger, and he pointed at the dozen or so generals in front of him and roared, "He should all be killed."

"Yes yes yes" the generals nodded their heads again and again and backed away, waving their hands in horror: "no no no"

"This..." Li Long's heart skipped a beat, he didn't know why he did this all of a sudden, so he stepped forward and asked obsequiously: "King of Tubo, why did this happen all of a sudden."

"A woman who has no strength to restrain a chicken is no different from a beast."

Hearing his words, Li Long breathed a sigh of relief.Of course he smiled back: "The king of Tubo made a big fuss, it's just a few women."

, suddenly turned around Ah Zhen stared at Li Long fiercely, tilted his neck and raised his eyebrows and asked, "That's all?"

"That's right." Li Long, who took it for granted, said with a smile: "I think it was the same when Li Yue defeated me and ascended to the dragon. They are just reciprocating courtesy, why not?"

"Is it possible?" Ah Zhen, who was muttering to himself, was confused, and shouted without thinking: "Of course not."

Li Long's face was full of bewilderment, his hands paralyzed, "What's wrong?"

"I" Ah Zhen, who was speechless, became angry for a while, thinking that he could even send his wife to sleep with others, and suddenly couldn't find any words of justice.

Seeing that he had nothing to say, Li Long, who was laughing with him, invited him flatteringly, "My lord of Tubo, we broke Shenglong, we should celebrate, leave them alone, let them go and play on their own."

"No." Ah Zhen, who blushed and had a thick neck, quickly searched for an explanation in his mind, pointed at the people in front of him and scolded: "There is no respect, no big or small. I haven't chosen yet, and you guys make up your own mind. It's really a crime." Forgive me."

Hearing what he said, Li Long thought about it.It makes sense.If there is no king of Tubo, how can they break the dragon, and the king of Tubo is the biggest, and the king of Tubo should be satisfied first, but this group of generals, who are not big or small, don't even wait for the king of Tubo to choose first, so they can make their own decisions. .Not to mention the Tubo king, he even felt angry.

After thinking about it for a while, he immediately yelled at his subordinates with great agreement: "Damn you, you are so anxious. Hurry up and apologize to the king of Tubo."

Finally understanding how they offended the Tubo King, General Dagan immediately clasped his fists and begged for mercy: "Please forgive me, Tubo King."Sure enough, I made a mistake, and I can't blame others.

"Forget it, you can bring your troops back to the camp and take out the stronghold." He waved his hand, and said a word to this group of low-level people lazily.

"This..." Li Long asked in surprise: "The king of Tubo wants everything?" Isn't this too fierce?Li Yue's wife has more than a dozen people, can he do it?

Knowing what he was asking, Ah Zhen turned his old face angrily, and asked with a straight face: "Can't you?"

"Let's go, let's go" Huwei, the king of Tubo, and a dozen daughters at night, why not.

"Hurry up and go back to camp."

Clang clang clang, the armors of the people who were running away knocked, and their hearts were filled with surprise.Can the king of Tubo control so many women?Is he so mighty?
Shenglong gradually returned to calm amidst the turmoil and excitement.

The bloody smell in the hall dissipated, and Li Long invited to the sandalwood chair with a smile on his face: "King of Tubo, please sit down."

Ah Zhen, who should decline, sat down on the high-slung sandalwood chair as a matter of course, twisted his waist and said to Li Long who was stunned: "San, this chair is not easy to sit on."

Li Long, who was not feeling well, replied with a sour smile on his face: "Of course, it can't compare with your king's chair."

"Yeah." Holding the rough faucet on the chair with both hands, he twisted it uncomfortably, raised his legs and said, "Okay, I will help you regain the throne, my old man asked when you will enter the court to meet him .”

"This" was a very good promise at the beginning, but once the capital of the country was won, I was not very willing in my heart. "My Li Dynasty has not yet settled down. How about entering the court after I personally kill Li Yue?"

Ah Zhen and Ye nodded in response: "Of course." Soon he would be able to kill his own brother with his own hands, not less than an hour and a half away.How could he not know what this stupid pig was thinking.

Seeing that he agreed, Li Long was extremely happy.

But before he was happy for a while, Daerba and Duan Tai came in vigorously carrying Li Yue who was only breathing.


Throwing his giant palm to the ground, Daerba glared at Li Long who was at the side, and immediately reported to Ah Zhen who was sitting on the throne: "My lord, if the deserters don't surrender, they will all be killed, and Li Yue has already been captured."

Li Long, who didn't understand why, had been stunned for a long time. He couldn't believe that the dying man who fell to the ground was his younger brother.Before he was completely surprised, his eyes immediately protruded, he gasped, pointed at the head in Duan Tai's hand and asked, "Is this Liang Chuan?"

Ignore Li Long's Duantai, seeing that Daerba has finished reporting.He stepped forward and lifted the head that was tightly grasped in his hand, and said: "My lord, Liang Chuan resisted, but his subordinates have already beheaded him."

Ah Zhen looked disgustedly at the fierce eyes in Duan Tai's hand, blood was still dripping from the severed neck, his brows were furrowed tightly and he said: "Take it out and bury it."

"Yes." Pulling the head with his hand, Duan Tai narrowed his eyes and glanced at the frightened Li Long beside him, then turned and left in a vicious manner.

"Okay." Standing up from the throne, Ah Zhen gestured, "Give Li Long the sword."

Li Nengwu pulled out the steel blade from behind, stepped forward, and handed the piercing cold knife to Li Long, who was stunned, "Third Prince, please."

Swallowing, Li Long didn't expect Li Yue to be captured so soon. He glanced at the smiling king above him in fear, took the steel knife carefully, and frowned at his dying brother.

"Li Yue." The ruthless Li Long squatted down and grabbed Li Yue who was on the ground, gritted his teeth and cursed: "I never thought you would have today."

"Li Lilong, you are a stupid pig." The heart of the king of Tubo is known to everyone, but he is still kept in the dark.

"Shut up." Li Long blushed and yelled at him with a thick neck, staring at Li Yue in front of him fiercely, feeling strange in his heart.Why did the Tubo king sit on his throne without shyness?Why did he keep saying that it was their Li Chao's business, but in the end he killed Liang Chuan and captured Li Yue in front of him?Although he still didn't understand it until now, he vaguely understood it.

"Hahaha" covered with injuries, the exhausted Li Yue laughed so hard that tears flowed down his face. He struggled to support his body with his broken leg, and asked Li Long, "Where is your throne? Have you sat on it yet?"

Li Long, who was dumbfounded by "I", was speechless when he was asked, and carefully glanced at the Tubo king standing in front of the throne, and saw that he still had a kind face and a smile on his mouth.But this same smile as in the past is no longer so kind in his eyes, but it is filled with innumerable chills.

Seeing that he was speechless, Li Yue, who was in tears, laughed again, shook his head and asked again: "How is the soldier general? Do you have the ability to fight again?"

"Shut up."

"The King of Tubo has seen through my strategy, why didn't he raid Thang Long with less casualties, instead he made a big taboo for military strategists and waited for me to return to the division before attacking violently?" Asked here crying and laughing, he dragged Li Long and shouted : "How many remnants are left? The 20 Tibetan tigers and wolves who belong to the unknown border have crossed my Red River. Wait outside, you stupid pig. Hahaha"

"This" was flustered by his thorough words, Li Long turned his old face in fear, and asked Ah Zhen who was standing above smiling: "The Great King of Tubo."

"Heh" gently raised a smile.Ah Zhen stepped forward to the hall, looked at the pair of brothers who were holding each other tightly, and said calmly: "Last night Li Yue killed the faithful and others, but today Li Long killed the opposition. Shaking his head and sighing softly, he concluded: "There is no one left in Li Chao."

"You..." The shocked Li Long looked at Ah Zhen in disbelief, threw his younger brother to the ground, and pointed his white fingers at the hypocritical king in front, "You want me, Li Chao."

"That's right." Turning around suddenly, Ah Zhen smiled, and said word by word: "If you want Li Chao to surrender, why do you need me to come in person?" He even said clearly: "The mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole follows. From today onwards, the Li Dynasty will no longer exist, and there will only be my Li Mansion in Tubo."

"You" was so angry that Li Long put his hand on his chest and shouted outside: "Come on!"

clang clang

A large number of armor hit masterpiece.Then Chai Ji and Zhang Or led a large number of soldiers into the hall.

When Li Long saw his subordinates, he was sure of his mind. He turned his face fiercely, glared at the smiling man in front of him, and said viciously: "Please take back what you just said, King Tubo. Always make friends."

Ah Zhen was not afraid, with a smile on his eyes and mouth, he asked briskly, "What if I don't take back what I just said?"

"Then don't blame me for leaving Tubo King as a guest in my Li Dynasty." Li Long responded fiercely.

"Oh." Ah Zhen nodded with his hands behind his back, and said with a firm smile, "I won't take back what I just said, Li Chao will be renamed Li Mansion from now on."

Li Long, who thought he would agree, was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that the king of Tubo was not afraid of death.Wanting to tear up the smiling face in front of him, he yelled, "Tie me up."

Ah Zhen smiled leisurely and looked at Li Long who didn't know the situation in front of him, waiting for someone to tie him up.

After the order, Li Long staggered a big step, pointed at Chai Ji and Zhang He at the door in disbelief, and shouted in shock: "Do you want to rebel? Hurry up and tie the king of Tubo."

"Seventh Prince, the general situation is over." After Chai Xiao finished speaking, everyone bowed their heads silently.

Ah Zhen's smiling face faded, and he called out majestically, "Back off."

The soldiers rushing forward were like puppets pulling strings. Hearing his orders, they turned and left, leaving the main hall to these people.

(End of this chapter)

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