ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 472 "Haikou"

Chapter 472 "Haikou"

"You..." Li Long, who collapsed on the ground, never imagined that the focus of his eyes was gradually losing focus, and his heart was sad.

"Let me tell you." Ah Zhen was still benevolent, squatting in front of him and said with a smile: "Last night I sent someone to ask the border garrison to sneak across the Red River and was on standby at Red Mountain. When we raise the army to attack tonight , my 20 soldiers and horses stationed closely by the river have already laid down in various places in the empty stronghold."

When Ah Zhen talked about this, his mouth suddenly burst open, and he shook his head and smiled: "When we broke the dragon and you were killing people happily in the hall. I ordered all the soldiers to go back to the camp. But when they just arrived at the camp , my 20 army was surrounded by soldiers." Shrugging his shoulders, he shook his head and sighed, "You Li Chao's soldiers heard that they were Tubo's tiger divisions, and they didn't even resist, they all surrendered."

"I, I,"

"Hahaha" When Li Long was speechless, Li Yue, who fell on the ground, suddenly raised his head and laughed wildly, and then cried out sadly: "My thousand-year-old Li Chao is lamentable, hateful, and hateful."

"Heh" standing up, Ah Zhen happily raised the corners of his mouth, raised his hand and raised his head with a smile: "The officials of the Li Dynasty were killed by you. Not only will you people in the Li Dynasty not blame me, but you will welcome a The new master rejoiced. The soldiers were exhausted, and they didn't want to start the war again, and they all silently accepted this change." Speaking of this, he was in a good mood and laughed, "The Li Dynasty has been broken for a thousand years, and it is also poor. Thousands of years. Finally, a new prosperous age is about to usher in."

Not reconciled, Li Long beat his chest and stomped his feet and asked angrily: "Your Tubo country has a vast territory, why do you want my poor Li Dynasty?"

"Of course I have my reasons." With a straight face, he hurriedly stepped onto the throne, turned around and took his seat.Holding the two faucets on the Shan wooden chair tightly with both hands, he sternly shouted: "Bold Li Long, how dare you call me by my king's name directly."


"Bold." Angrily slapped the faucet on the chair, Ah Zhen yelled, "Give me a slap."

"Yes." Daerba's relatives refused to recognize him, and Kong Wu's powerful palm slapped Li Long who was lying on the ground.The corner of Li Long's mouth was cut open immediately, blood was spattered, and he didn't dare to say another word.

Seeing Li Longan's identity, Ah Zhen stood up and proclaimed: "Confer Li Long the King of Youzai in the Southwest, grant a building to the royal palace, reward more than a thousand, and lead ten thousand households. I respect you!"

The holy attainment fell, but he didn't kowtow to thank him.

Ah Zhen winked at Daerba.Daerba understood, knelt down and pulled him, and asked dangerously: "Li Long, the king's announcement is over. Don't you want to accept it?"

The stunned Li Long couldn't hear what the people above were saying, but this terrifying giant face was magnified in front of his eyes.He had been taught before, his heart trembled suddenly, he turned over and ran to the ground in fright, kowtowed and thanked: "Yes, yes, Li Lilong is the leader."

A loud voice shouted angrily and asked, "What?"

A trembling voice resounded: "Your ministers lead you, Great King, I wish you all the blessings and longevity."

"Yeah." Ah Zhen was very satisfied, stepped off the stage to help Li Long, and said kindly: "I will send a cavalry to escort you to the palace later, so you can settle down in the palace. It's very lively, delicious and fun .”

"Yes yes" no matter how much you hate in your heart, but the power has been emptied, so what?
"Hahaha" Li Yue, who was crying and laughing, lay on the ground and watched all this coldly, feeling sad from his heart.He raised his voice and roared: "I am ashamed of the Liezu Liezong."

Frowning lightly, Ah Zhenpi smiled without smiling, looked down at the somewhat cunning old seven, shook his head and sighed, "Third brother, look at this old seventh, he is really unrepentant."

"Yes" kept silent, Li Long gritted his teeth and said, "Your Majesty, please be the master."

"Your hatred is so great, let you do it." Said and winked at Li Nengwu.

"King Youzai, please." Li Nengwu moved forward with the steel knife again.

Gritting his teeth, Li Long took the steel knife and pulled Li Yue up from the ground.Originally, Li Longxin was determined to kill him, but he couldn't do it at this moment.

Since he took the steel knife, Ah Zhen turned around, unwilling to watch the two brothers kill each other.But Li Yue must die, because he is a smart person, and a smart person will not surrender, only to be submissive.Only a fool would be willing to be foolish, muddling along.

Li Yue, who was raptured, saw that the steel blade had not entered for a long time, so he choked on Li Long, and laughed, "Li Long is an idiot, can't even kill people?"

A mouthful of phlegm was spat on his face, Li Long was furious, but the steel knife on his neck still did not move.

"I pooh..." Li Yue, who poohed again, held the steel blade with both hands resolutely, and forcibly pulled it over his neck.A long blood mouth spurted out blood immediately, and his own eyes were ferocious, and he took another look at the world with cramps, and then fell to the ground helplessly.

Hearing the bang of falling to the ground, Ah Zhen, who didn't want to see this scene, waved his hand: "Carry it down for a good burial."

The silent Daerba yelled, "Come here."

"Drag it out and bury it."

"Yes" the soldiers who came in a hurry immediately picked up Li Yue who was lying on the ground, and left quickly.

After the sound of many footsteps went away, Ah Zhen walked towards the throne, and after sitting down, he said, "Dalba, send a soldier to escort Li Long to the royal court immediately."

"Yes." With a big stride, Daerba pulled Li Long who was stunned beside him, and said calmly, "King Youzai, let's go."

Li Long was brought back to his senses, and cast another glance at the smiling but terrifying king above him, his heart was trembling, so he was taken out of the palace by Darbala, and walked away.

Sitting on the throne, Li Chaowu, who was next to Ah Zhenchao, said: "Send a fast horse back to the court to report to the queen, and ask her to send officials to rectify the affairs of Li's residence as soon as possible."



"Your Majesty is here."

"Call Ante here immediately."


In an instant the hall was empty, and he was the only one left sitting quietly in the empty hall. Li Chao finally won it, but why was he so depressed?

Ah Zhen, who was extremely tired, gave Ante a lot of orders, and under the exhaustion of his plan, dragged his body that was suddenly so tired for some reason, and fell into a deep sleep on the sandalwood bed.

In a daze, there was crying and begging in my ear.

After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, he turned over and sat up, and the pleading voice became clearer.

"What's the matter? Why is it so noisy?"

Distraught, Lu Yao entered Thang Long when she learned that her father had been killed by the rebels. She burst into tears, but she heard that her husband-in-law, whom she had not seen for a long time, had been made king and sent back to Hengfu, Tubo.

After thinking about it before and after, she felt that something was wrong, and she was so worried about her husband and son-in-law that she rushed to bed.I hope it can be confirmed by the mouth of the king.

Lu Yao, who was begging bitterly, suddenly heard this familiar shout, wiped away her tears in surprise and replied: "Your Majesty, you are a lowly slave."

Ah Zhen, who was sitting on the bed, heard Lu Yao's voice, frowned slightly and called, "Let her in."

Following his words, Lu Yao immediately passed without hindrance.

Stepping into the inner hall where her husband and son-in-law used to be, Lu Yao felt sad, and things were still there, but people were not.

"The lowly slave has seen the king."

"Get up." Calling her up, Ah Zhen looked at the beautiful young woman in front of him, narrowed his eyes and asked, "What do you want from me?"

"The lowly slave heard that the king sent Li Long to the royal court?"

"That's right, I will make him King Youzai, and he will be prosperous in the royal court."

Lu Yao was sure, a glint of haze flashed in her lowered eyes, but she still obediently unbuttoned her clothes, and without asking any more questions, she muttered: "The lowly slave waits for the king to go to bed."

"Huh?" What kind of plane is this woman doing?Could it be that he wanted to avenge Li Chao by stabbing him to death while he was asleep?

Watching the woman in front of her take off all her clothes, there is no weapon hidden on her body, the only weapon is the two huge human breasts on her chest.

Lu Yao, who cast aside her shame and flung herself into her arms, murmured shyly, "Your Majesty, don't doubt it. Although the lowly slave has a relationship with Li Long, Li Long is ruthless. The lowly slave has long since thought about it, and I only pray that the king will not take the lowly slave away." Send it to Li Long, a ruthless and unrighteous person, and leave the lowly slave in Li Dynasty, waiting for your long-time blessing."

Holding her delicate body in her arms, she listened to the tender words again.Even knowing that she has bad intentions, Ah Zhen is willing to die under the peony flower, and being a ghost is also romantic.

The wind and the clouds were surging, and after the cloud and rain Wushan passed, the two bodies overlapped each other and fell into a deep sleep.

Ah Zhen, who was extremely tired, got a full rest, and his exhaustion was swept away.When I woke up, it was dark.

He who thought there was a conspiracy, looked at Lu Yao who was sleeping in his arms, and couldn't help but froze for a moment.Her husband's throne was taken by him, but she was so happy with it.It's so strange, isn't this woman always putting her husband first?Why did you suddenly say something against your will?
Lu Yao, who hadn't slept much, immediately closed her disgusted and vicious contradictory eyes when he opened them. The cat was in his arms, pretending to be sleeping, feeling extremely hesitant, not knowing what to do.

Feeling uncomfortable with so many questions, the bored Ah Zhen gently moved the little head in his arm to the pillow, then slowly got out of bed and put on his obscene clothes.

"Your Majesty" when he got out of bed, Lu Yao pretended to wake up, rubbed her eyes, and asked doubtfully, "It's not yet dawn, why did Your Majesty get up?"

"I'm full of sleep, I can't sleep anymore." Sitting on the edge of the bed in obscene clothes, she looked at the beautiful face just waking up in front of her with doubts, and asked naturally: "You hate me, don't you?"

"Yeah." Lu Yao put down her hands rubbing her eyes, stared at the king in front of her, and murmured softly: "The lowly slave should hate you, and I must hate you." At this point, her face was confused, and she continued with doubts: " But for some reason, I want to see you."

Ah Zhen was speechless, and secretly thought, this woman won't fall in love with him, right?


"The lowly slave doesn't know either." Rubbing his heart with his hand, he said with a puzzled face: "I married Li Long at the age of 15, and this year is over. But I've never felt this way before."

"What do you feel?"

"I feel very happy and at ease with you. If you are not by my side, I will sleep or not." Xin Xin raised his eyes and looked at him shyly, and said softly and shamelessly: "I always think of you, and I have dreams. See you."

Sure enough, I fell in love with him.Ah Zhen, who has no resistance to women, doesn't even doubt it.That's how handsome he is. When he looks in the mirror, he can't help but fall in love with the mirror.

"I plotted against you Li Chao for thousands of years, don't you blame me?"

"Of course." Lu Yao responded as a matter of course. After bowing her head silently, she raised her sincere eyes and said honestly: "At the beginning, the cheap slaves kept crying when they heard that Li Chao had become the Li Mansion. Towards a better you, why did you do this. But then the lowly slave figured it out."

"How did you figure it out? What did you figure out?"

"You are a benevolent king, and you care about the people of the world. What you think about is all the people. It must be you who saw so many refugees in the Li Mansion and such hardships. You, who care about the people, can't bear it, so you want to improve the situation in the Li Manor. Thousands of people, let them all have food to eat and clothes to wear."

"That's right." Of course, this is only one of them, and he narrowed his eyes and asked suspiciously: "How did you figure this out?"

"Woo..." Lv Yao, who covered her small face tightly, burst into tears, and sobbed back: "When my father was alive, he often thought about the people. It is often said that Li Chao can have someone like a king to improve the government. It will."

Hearing this, Ah Zhen completely believed it.Because her father and Li Yong belonged to the faction of approval, and finally died in a wall under Li Yue's coercion. As the daughter of the prime minister, she must have been swayed by her ears since she was a child.

Ah Zhen, who believed in this woman, held her in his arms uneasy, and comforted her softly, "Okay, don't cry."

"My lord." With a puffing sound, her frail body slammed into the arms of the man in front, the green tears still didn't stop, the deep hatred in the eyes couldn't be washed away even by the clear tears.

The chill was deep, and the Tubo iron cavalry for two days and one night planted the mastiff flags unique to Tubo on the cities of the Li Dynasty, and the gate of Shenglong City had been demolished, and two big characters Li were written high on the gate of Xinche government.

The people who are hungry don't care who is in power, as long as they can feed them, they will support whoever.And the benevolence and virtue of the king of Tubo has spread all over the world, and the richness of Tubo is what they yearn for.When the emperor's list was issued, it was said that the Li Dynasty was included in the territory of Tubo and renamed Li Mansion.The people celebrating were even more excited than Li Long's enthronement.Li Long's accession to the throne will only continue the poverty that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, but the Tubo king will change the situation.The most important thing is that as soon as the king of Tubo came to the throne, he immediately distributed food and clothing, so that everyone would have enough to eat, and everyone would have brand-new winter warm jackets to wear.

The soldiers who had experienced more than three months of war also readily accepted the change and joined the Tubo army.All of them were sent to the mastiff armor, which is excellent in casting, better in protection, majestic and majestic, unique to Tubo.The most important thing is that they have since shed the name of pheasant and become tiger and leopard masters, and they have been listed as the most powerful countries on the map.

With his own Haikou, Ah Zhen got enough rest, so he couldn't wait to call Li Nengwu, and rushed to the seaside on the south side of Thang Long with great anxiety.

The wind is very cool, with the unique salty smell and humidity of the sea in the cool wind.

After running for more than an hour, wearing a warm purple jade sable cloak, Ah Zhen was still quite cold in the huge sea breeze.

"Ocean, I'm coming." Ah Zhen, who was so excited, stood on the horse and let the horse run wildly. He opened his hands and cheered heartily on this huge and secluded sea cliff.

When "Xu" arrived at Beibu Gulf, Ah Zhen pulled the horse rope.He quickly turned over and dismounted, and ran up to the edge of the sea cliff with his legs lifted.

"Young Master, be careful." The sea cliff was so high that the waves below beat against the rocks, and it was very difficult to survive the fall.

Ah Zhen, who ignored the danger, shook Li Nengwu's hand back excitedly, and looked at the huge waves, the endless waves as far as the eye could see, the blue sea and blue sky connecting into one.

(End of this chapter)

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