ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 473 "The Gentle Sea"

Chapter 473 "The Gentle Sea"

An excited finger pointed directly at the huge sea in front, "Nengwu, in front of us is Qiongzhou of the Great Zhou." The finger moved lightly, "There is Leizhou." Islands."

Li Nengwu, who didn't understand these things, followed his fingers one by one, feeling embarrassed.Where there is anything but the sea is the sea.There is no end in sight.

"We have our own bay, our own port, and we will soon have a navy that can penetrate deep into the sea." Excitedly holding Li Nengwu's hand tightly, Ah Zhen burst into tears of joy. "The sea, my invincible road to connect Tubo with the whole world."

Li Nengwu, who didn't know why he was so excited, was taken aback. Looking at the happy man with tears in his eyes, he whispered, "Young Master." Make it audible.

Standing on the edge of the sea, Ah Zhen faced the fierce sea wind, opened his hands wide, closed his eyes and breathed the salty moist air to his heart's content, and heard the sound of huge waves hitting the reef violently under the sea cliff , and the chirping of flocks of seagulls flying in the sky for food.

Unable to breathe enough of the salty air by the sea, Ah Zhen, who was silent and speechless, was enjoying himself.And Li Nengwu behind him stood silently, waiting patiently.

Da da da

The sound of horseshoes came from the quiet sea.

When the disturbed two heard the sound, they immediately turned their heads, and saw that the person who was getting closer and closer was actually Lu Yao, with suspicion on their faces.

Knowing that he came here, Lu Yao rode a horse to the edge of the sea cliff, got off the horse slowly, and approached him blushing.

"Lu Yao? Why are you here?"

Lu Yao, who was approaching, carefully glanced at Li Nengwu next to him, and said shyly: "The king told the poor slave last night that he would come to the seaside today, so the cheap slave came to look for you."

"Uh." Ah Zhen, who felt as if something was wrong, was very puzzled, staring at Lu Yao who came alone and asked curiously: "What's the matter with you?"

"Youyou" looked shyly at Li Nengwu next to him, Lu Yao's face suddenly turned red, and she leaned over shyly, "I didn't come."

The sea breeze was huge, and Ah Zhen couldn't hear the mosquito's voice so cautiously, so he asked in a daze, "What did you say?"

"That one, that one didn't come." The beautiful red face said it again a little loudly, glanced at Li Chaoneng who was at the side, and lowered his head shyly.

Somewhat clearly, Ah Zhen, who was confused, saw her shy like this, frowned slightly, and asked, "Why didn't you come?"

As soon as he finished yelling, Lu Yao, who was flushed with shame, immediately stomped her feet and shouted loudly: "King" and gave Li Nengwu a shy look.

Seeing her abnormal behavior, Ah Zhen, who muttered about not coming, suddenly realized, clasped the pair of small shoulders in front of her with her powerful hands, and blurted out: "You mean?"

The whole face of Lu Yao, who was stamped by the "big king", blushed, carefully looked at Li Nengwu who was beside him, then bowed her head silently, extremely shy.

Seeing her frequently casting her gaze at Li Nengwu, Ah Zhen, who was eager for an answer, had no intentions, and immediately called to Li Nengwu: "Nengwu, you go away."

Li Nengwu, who watched this scene with a cold eye, saw how dangerous the sea cliff was, and persuaded him worriedly: "Master, this is not a place to stay for a long time."

"Let's talk for a while and go back." Ah Zhen blurted out.

"Yes." Looking warily at Li Long's wife in front of him, Li Nengwu turned and backed away submissively.

Seeing Li Nengwu leaving, Ah Zhen who held her shoulders immediately asked, "Why didn't you come?"

Lu Yao, who was bowing her head, glanced carefully at Li Nengwu in the distance, bit her lip and kept silent, shaking her head slightly, feeling sad and contradictory in her heart.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Ah Zhen, who was so anxious, shook her weak shoulders and asked again: "Tell me, why didn't you come, you won't be pregnant with my child?"

Hearing about the child, Lu Yao thought of the youngest son born to herself and her husband-in-law who was still in the baby basket.Sadness came from his heart, he raised his head abruptly, his face was full of tenderness and shyness, and he replied with hatred in his eyes: "Even if I die, I can't possibly conceive the child of you, a shameless villain."

Ah Zhen who heard this suddenly was stunned.She was tender and tender last night, and she was shy just now, why did she become so vicious in an instant?

Lu Yao who got out was not afraid of anything anymore, she stared at the black eyes in front of her with her eyes full of hatred, and sneered coldly: "Stop being sentimental, who would fall in love with you, an evil wolf. My husband and I grew up together, and he is everything to me. But you deceived your husband and sought his throne, I wish I could drink your blood and gnaw your bones."

Cold sweat dripped down his forehead, Ah Zhen, who was standing on the sea cliff, forgot that Lu Yao in front of him was just a woman, looked at the pair of black eyes full of resentment, and retreated closer to the edge of the cliff with guilt in his heart.

Surging waves crashed violently under the coast, raising waves of sea flowers.The sea wind roared, blowing away the words of the two people on the coast.

Li Nengwu, who didn't dare to leave the distance, could not hear what they were talking about, but he could see the young master's frightened expression in the distance, and his steps retreating towards the seashore.Immediately, his black face turned into a white face, he hurriedly pulled out the steel knife behind his back, and rushed towards the two people beside him.

Lu Yao, who was on guard against Li Nengwu, saw the lingering guard running forward, immediately clamped the tall body in front of her with trembling hands tightly in her soft arms, and shouted: "Today I will die with you, To avenge my husband and son-in-law's position." He resolutely fell down to the huge sea.

"Stay" Ah Zhen's words escaped from his mouth, and his tilted body fell into the abyss uncontrollably. The rumbling sea breeze passed by quickly, and his mind was suddenly empty.

"Bang" the huge waves carrying the two rushed towards him, Ah Zhen before he fell into a coma, and the last thing he saw was Lu Yao who closed his eyes tightly in front of him, and then he fell into a dark muddy pool.

The heart-piercing roar of "Young Master" came out of Li Nengwu's mouth. Seeing Li Nengwu who was too late, his eyes were red, he ran to the edge of the edge, looked down, and couldn't see the figure, so he fell to his knees and wailed. cry bitterly.

Li Nengwu, who didn't cry for a while, didn't want to believe that the intelligent young master died like this, so he quickly stood up trembling and ran towards the horse. After getting on the horse, he rushed towards the hundreds of thousands of troops in Li's mansion.One person's strength is limited, even if hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses fill this sea, they must find the young master.

"The King"

"The King"

There are countless large and small boats floating on the northern bay, a huge number of military and civilian ships, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers have faded the blood from their faces, looking for the king who fell into the sea in the vast ocean.

Daerba, Duan Tai, Ante, and Li Nengwu roared in the monstrous waves with their huge throats.But except for the roar of the waves and the low cry of Haiou, the sea was dead silent.

After searching for two hours and still not finding any trace, Daerba growled palely: "Damn Li Chao, I will not give up until I kill everyone."

Everyone's faces were pale and powerless, their eyes were red, and their faces were full of murderous intent.

"Found it, found it"

Tens of thousands of salvage soldiers, bare shoulders and bare shoulders, pulled a rope tied around their waists, and climbed up to the ship with a dead body on their hands.

The anxious people heard the roar from the distant ship, their hearts jumped, and they shouted nervously: "Pad over."

Hundreds of boatmen paddled their oars in unison, rowing vigorously towards the boat that called out to find someone.

Before the boat approached, the anxious people quickly jumped into the small boat and hurriedly rushed to surround it.


Daerba's eyes were red with anger, and he immediately slapped Mr. Qian, who was shouting in Gaocheng, to the ground with his thick and powerful palm, and roared loudly: "When you find this woman who killed a thousand swords, what are you shouting for? Where's the king?"

Mr. Qian, who was slapped heavily by the "big big big king", knelt on the ground, trembling all over, unable to say a word.

Li Nengwu and others looked at Lu Yao, who had been dead for a long time with red eyes, and her whole body was swollen and white. They roared loudly, "Hurry up and look for it again." A giant foot immediately kicked Boss Qian, who was kneeling on the deck, to the ground. The land is extremely bad.

"Yes yes yes" the headless Mr. Qian didn't even dare to say a word, stood up in a panic, stomped his feet and shouted at the soldiers in their group: "Go to the sea and look for it, hurry up!"

"Pu Tong" hundreds of soldiers tied ropes around their waists, without hesitation for a moment, they immediately jumped into the sea, continuing to search for the unknown king.

Duan Tai was extremely anxious, and the hands that were holding the eaves of the boat were white with sweat still overflowing.

"King Dali, I found the thief woman, but I didn't find the king. Maybe"

His words might not be finished yet, Ante immediately answered cautiously: "Maybe the king is fine and swam to the shore, or was rescued."

Li Nengwu recalled, after thinking for a while, he murmured: "When the thief woman rushed the young master into the sea, the young master oppressed the thief woman. The first person who was hit by this fall must be the thief woman, and the young master who was on top of her was hit hard." The impact force is greatly reduced.”

Daerba listened to each of them, a trace of surprise flashed across his face, he grabbed Li Nengwu and asked anxiously, "Is what you said true?"

"I saw it with my own eyes."

"Great." The old face that had been tensed for several hours finally eased up, but he still didn't dare to be careless and shouted at the hundreds of thousands of soldiers who were searching for people in the sea: "Find it for me. You must find the king." , but I prayed in my heart that God would not really find the king.If the king dies, apart from her own life being lost, Ni'er will cry to her heart's content.

Huge waves crashed into the sand, and the ocean rolling as far as the eye could see violently.

People who can swim and people who can't swim usually can't see the difference, but in the water the difference is huge.

Lin Azhen's hometown is in Quanzhou. At the age of eight, she became a small underwater dragon in Quanzhou Bay.Lu Yao gave him back after the fall, and although he fell into a coma after reducing the impact, the oxygen in his lungs operated naturally, carrying him up and down the thick seabed, floating up and down on the surface of the sea.But Lu Yao is a landlubber, and there is no such floating oxygen in her lungs, so she fell heavily.Only when it rots and swells will it sink halfway in the middle of the sea.

The sky is blue, the salt sea is very salty, and the seagulls are leisurely.

The turbulent ocean waves wave after wave, the waves rolled up the body floating on the sea level, moving farther and farther into the distance, until the coast was no longer visible.

The sea is a very gentle uncle, if you don't offend it, it will always be so gentle.But if it is offended, the rage that devours the world will not be able to bear it.

Today, Hai Hai just passed her menstrual period and is in a gentle and supple state.The waves in the middle of the sea are not like the waves on the edge of the reef. The waves here are calm and the waves are surging. From time to time, small waves splash and wet the face of the man on the floating surface.

On the northern bay near Leizhou, there is a fishing boat operating in the rippling blue sea.

A father and son on the boat pulled a long fishing net and paddled their oars to chase the fish and shrimps under the sea. They were busy and leisurely, and they felt no danger at all in the distant sea.

"Father, what do you think is that?" The sharp-eyed son pointed to the distance strangely, and asked the old father shaking the net.

Hearing his son's question, Douwang's father raised his head curiously and followed his fingers.

I saw something floating on the surface of the sea where there should be nothing, "It's strange, how could there be something?" The confused old man muttered to himself.

The son was very adventurous, propped up the paddle and rowed excitedly: "Father, let's go and have a look."

"Crack" was hit on the forehead immediately, and then the old man said: "When you encounter unknown things at sea, never be curious. How many times have I told you?" Before they finished speaking, the eyes of the two people on the fishing boat stare.

"Yes, it is a person." His forehead was scratched, and the son stared at the body washed up by the waves, speechless.

"Sigh..." the old man slapped his son's forehead again and jumped his feet angrily, "You just don't believe the words passed down from your ancestors. Look. You have met a drowned corpse."

The stunned son turned his face away from the pie, and asked mournfully, "Our ancestors also said that if you encounter drowned corpses at sea, you must rescue them to the shore and bury them, and burn incense and beg them not to come looking for them. will sink in the sea." His mournful eyes were full of what to do.

"See, see." The old man stomped his feet vigorously, not daring to disobey the thousand-year-old rules by the sea, and gritted his teeth, "Row up and fish it out."

"Understood." The son paddled with strength and strength, and rowed towards the thing floating on the sea level.

When the fishing boat approached, a cautious father and son knelt on the board of the boat, folded their hands together and bowed three times to the drowned body floating beside the boat, muttering: "Don't come looking for me, my lord, I will help you to be transported to the seaside for a long rest. Adults can reincarnate with peace of mind."

After reading, the father and son immediately cast down the fishing net, and caught the drowned body floating on the sea with one net.Untied the fishing net and placed the drowned body on the bow of the boat. The two people who agreed that Ah Zhen was dead did not dare to bump into the drowned body. Don't blame me."

After bowing, the old man was furious, and slapped his stunned son again, "Hurry up and go back and bury your lord."

"Understood, Dad, stop knocking." The son stroked the back of his head complainingly, and rowed the oar.Bah, too bad luck.

A small boat carrying three people rowed towards Leizhou in Dazhou.But the sea was still gentle and fast, and the boat docked before the horizon was dyed.

As soon as the fishing boat docked, his son jumped to the shore first, then pulled the thick boat rope, and tied the rope to the tree waist with all his strength.Then he turned around and helped his father get out the drowned corpse in the boat.

"Huh..." Just as Ah Zhen was put on the ground, the son stared at the gleaming gold chain hanging around the neck of the drowned corpse, and immediately called out to the old man next to him, "Dad, it has gold on it."

The old man who was mumbling beside him heard his son's yelling, and immediately knelt down and asked, "What did you say?"

"Jin Jinzi." The son's hand didn't dare to touch the dead body and pointed at Ah Zhen's neck.

(End of this chapter)

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