ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 474 "Living"

Chapter 474 "Living"

Looking at the son's finger, the father's face was complicated, looking at the golden light, he murmured: "It's really a gold chain." This light is too dazzling, there is nothing that can replace it except the gold chain.

"Father" whispered softly, and his son's son looked around, and when he saw the deserted people, he immediately moved closer to him carefully, "I haven't eaten meat for a long time, why not?"

"But" also looked around with his head.When the old man heard the meat, he swallowed and fell silent.

After a period of time, the old man who finally couldn't resist the temptation knelt down beside Ah Zhen, kowtowed solemnly and said: "My lord, if you don't bring it with you when you die, you can't take it with you when you die. Little people will help you bury it, you have the right Have pity on us, please don't come looking for us."

Seeing that his father had made up his mind, the son also knelt down and kowtowed vigorously along with Pun Tong.

It wasn't until the two of them knocked their brains and foreheads purple that they made a move.

"Wow!" As soon as he pulled the gold chain out of the wet lapel around the drowned's neck, the son couldn't help exclaiming: "What a big gold pendant." What jumped into his eyes was a large piece of gold that was shining and dazzling.

"Quick..." I have never seen such a big piece of gold in my life, and my father's voice suddenly became hoarse.

Without delay, the son immediately lifted Ah Zhen's head up, and the hand holding the gold chain was about to go around his head when he stopped immediately.

"Father, he's alive." The pulse from his hand was unmistakable.

"What?" The unbelievable father heard that it was a living person, and immediately stretched out his old hands to touch Ah Zhen's body.

The warmth from the palm surprised my father even more, "It's fine if it's not a dead person, it's fine if it's not a dead person." The dead are afraid of coming to claim their lives, but the living can be unaware, without feeling guilty at all.

An old palm recklessly touched Ah Zhen's clothes, reached into his bosom and fiddled vigorously.With joy on his face, the old man took out the large stack of oil paper he was holding tightly in his palm, and immediately smiled.

The son looked at the large stack of banknotes in his father's hand, and was dumbfounded, "A lot of banknotes."

"Get rich." The overjoyed old man counted with saliva on his hands, shaking his hands in disbelief and murmured: "Three or thirty thousand taels."

"We've done it." The son was so excited that he held the gold chain bulging from Ah Zhen's neck, and said unwillingly, "Father, this man is dressed luxuriously, and this set of clothes must be worth a lot of money. "

Hiding the 3 taels of silver bills in his arms, the old man looked at Ah Zhen.Old Ma Shitu nodded and said: "I went to the imperial city before, and saw those rich and powerful men wearing this kind of sable armor."

Hearing what his father said, the son immediately started to untie the purple jade sable cape on Ah Zhen's body, and said with certainty: "It will definitely be worth 80 taels."

If Ah Zhen could hear this sentence, he would be so angry that he vomited blood.All his purple jade sable armors were produced by century-old purple foxes on the snow, and all the stitches were made of pure gold threads polished with fine gold.One hundred and 80 taels?Humph, I can't afford even a dime.

"Quickly" became a thief for the first time, and my father was so scared that the thief's brain was shaking around, and he kept urging.

"Okay." Taking off all valuables, and emptying Ah Zhen's arms, the father and son, carrying a lot of things, drove the boat away from the crime scene at high speed, paddling as if fleeing for their lives, and headed home. drive away.

Autumn is cold, and when the sunset rises, the sky is filled with sunset glow.Lin Azhen who was robbed without knowing it was lying quietly on the deserted grass by the sea.

A gust of cold evening wind swept by, and the man who was gradually waking up let out a chirp, his cold teeth chattering, and he opened his eyes.

"Ha chirp chirp... chirp..." People are used to sneezing, but this old man can even sneeze with his own characteristics.

Ah Zhen was confused, hugged himself tightly, looked around in confusion, with a dull expression on his face.

", I fell into a beauty trap." It took a while to hear this dazed man curse this sentence. After getting up from the ground, he couldn't figure out why he was so empty with nothing but his obscene clothes on his body, looking at this strange world. , the whole person was stunned.

"Hahaha" Lin Azhen was stunned for a while, then raised his throat and laughed. When the laughter gradually died down, he shook his head and murmured mockingly: "I didn't die when I crashed, and I didn't die when I fell. He really, Is it true that the protagonist will not die?"

With sore body and numb limbs, Lin Azhen picked up the Wujin dagger that was thrown on the ground, and his clever head turned rapidly.Soon, he knew why he was here, and how his whole body was shaved like a pig that had shed its hair.Looking at the small dagger in his hand, he came to a conclusion without a smile: "This bandit is stupid, he doesn't even know the Ujin King Sword that cuts iron like mud."

Even though I don't know where it is, Ah Zhen belongs to the cockroach family, as long as it is not dead, it has a reason to live.Along the way, there are no villages or shops behind, and the gray land is gradually darkening.The water stains on his body were dried by the autumn wind, but Shan Pu's obscene clothes still couldn't resist the cold that hit him along the way.

Tired and hungry and thirsty.He repented as he walked.Immediately felt sorry for Lu Yao, who was determined to kill him. Such a loving woman was something that stupid Li Long didn't understand to cherish.And he himself was wrong, he shouldn't take it for granted, he was caught in a beauty trick but he didn't realize it, and he even acted like a beast.Forget the truth that with great power comes great responsibility.

"Alas" a sigh escaped from the exhausted Lin Ahzhen's mouth.Skynet is sparse but not leaky, it seems that even God can't stand him belittled by others, belittled himself, and be born.

Walking slowly, his whole body was cold, he did not know how long he walked.When he was about to lose his hold, he suddenly saw lights flickering in the distance.Seeing this, the infinite vitality of the cockroach immediately became active, and the human potential exploded suddenly.Just now I was panting even when I was walking, but now seeing the lights, it is like a thirsty traveler in the desert seeing an oasis, pulling out his involuntary legs and rushing forward immediately.

This is a small village, and the village is full of strong fishy smell. There are long ropes pulled at the door of each house. There are many kinds of fishing nets hanging on the ropes, and the meshes are also of different sizes.

Lin Azhen, who was like a beggar, quickly glanced around, and finally fixed his eyes on the mouth of a well in front of a thatched hut, and immediately rushed forward without even thinking about it.

He picked up the iron bucket by the well, pulled the rope, and immediately lowered a bucket of clear water, then buried his head deep in the small iron bucket, and drank it.It wasn't until my belly was full that I quenched my thirst and pulled out my head from the small iron bucket, feeling like I had come alive.

"It's good to have a village, it's good to have a village." He muttered to himself, put down the bucket, strode forward, and knocked on the small hut with the closed door.

Before knocking for a while, there was a shout in the house: "Who is it, here it is, here it is."

An old man opened the room, looked at the young man in the clothes, and asked with a slight frown, "Who are you?"

Just when he was about to say who he was, Ah Zhen looked at the old man's clothes in disbelief, and his mind was confused for a moment.Tongue-struck, stunned at the door.

The old man frowned, seeing the young man staring at him blankly, he asked again: "Master, what's the matter?"

"Young master?" Ah Zhen was dumbfounded, he knew that only Da Zhou could be called son, and the old man in front of him was indeed wearing Da Zhou's clothes.

"Master, where is this place?" He asked quickly.

The old man who opened the door raised sick eyes when he heard him ask where it was, and replied calmly: "Leizhou."

The wind and waves at sea were so strong that the cows were blown up.

Sweating profusely slid down his forehead, and the quick-witted Ah Zhen immediately used his three-inch tongue, as pitiful as he said: "Master, I'm not sick. It's just that I'm going to Qiongzhou by boat in the morning, but I didn't expect the boat to capsize." When I was finally rescued by a group of people." Speaking of this, weeping and shaking his head, he said: "I didn't expect that these people turned out to be bandits. After robbing me of my whole body, they threw me into the sea again."

"This..." The old man who listened quietly was very puzzled. It can be seen that the young man with excellent singing voice in front of him didn't seem to be lying, so he immediately said: "There are no pirates on the sea road from Leizhou to Qiongzhou."

Ah Zhen heard that there were no pirates, so he reacted quickly and said: "You don't know something, old man. These people are not pirates, but bandits who are going to Qiongzhou on the ferry to become bandits."

"I see." Looking up and down at the young man in front of him, the old man believed it.Immediately expressed 12 sympathies for him, moved his feet to the side of the room and invited: "The autumn night is cold, if you don't mind, young master, you can rest in Xiaomao for a night."

"Thank you, old man, thank you very much, old man." He clasped his fists and bowed again and again, stepping lightly into the mottled thatched cottage.

It was difficult to welcome visitors for a long time, and the originally hospitable fishermen on the seashore were very kind.The old man, who regarded Ah Zhen as a guest, gestured at a chair and invited: "Sir, please take a seat."

"Thank you, old man." The polite Ah Zhen has a handsome face, and his face is even more humble and polite.It is simply loved by people, and flowers bloom when they see flowers.The old man who provoked was overjoyed and nodded with satisfaction.

"That's right." The old man suddenly thought of something, and rushed into a small cave dwelling with curtains.Soon he led an old lady with gray temples out, and happily introduced: "Young master, this is a bitch."

Ah Zhen pretended to be shocked, quickly got up and clasped his fists, bowed his body into a ninety-degree bend, and said to him, "I have seen my mother-in-law."

Seeing that he was so polite, the old lady met her husband and son-in-law, and immediately replied: "Young master, please be polite, and treat Xiaoshequan as your own home."

"Thank you mother-in-law, thank you old man." The attitude is humble and polite, gentle and elegant, even if people don't like it.

The laughing old man was overjoyed, he immediately helped up the polite young man who was bowing tightly, and asked with a smile on his face, "My lord, what's your name?"

"Grandpa, mother-in-law. The junior's surname is Lin, and the first name is Ah Zhen. You can just call the junior Ah Zhen."

"Okay, okay." The old man who nodded repeatedly handed him the clothes in his hand and said, "My son took his wife back to his natal family to visit his family. If you don't mind, please wear a commoner."

"This..." Ah Zhen immediately opened two eyes full of emotion, gratitude, and gratitude, and sadly clasped the old man's hands tightly, crying and thanking: "It turns out that I have died for myself soon, but I didn't expect to meet the benevolent one." Kind old man, I" whimpered and shook my head and said, "How should I thank you."

Seeing how moved he was, the terrified old man felt a warm current flow through his heart. He took his hand and approached another cave dwelling with curtains, "Ah Zhen, the autumn night seeps into people, quickly put on your clothes."

Holding the clean coarse sackcloth in his hand, Ah Zhen sincerely thanked: "Thank you, old man."

"Heh" the happy old man stopped talking, pushed him into the cave, lowered the curtain, and immediately commanded the wife behind him: "Old lady, quickly bring the best things from our house to entertain guests."

Ah Zhen who was standing in the room felt extremely warm when he heard the voices.The people are always the purest, and they are always so hospitable.Thinking of this, I sighed softly, thinking that I was too thoughtful, afraid of being kicked out, to deceive the simple and simple old man so much, how could the old man be so hospitable and drive him out when he is living in a different place, but it is best not to let them know that he is from Tubo good.

It was extremely difficult, and Ah Zhen, who was sweating profusely, tossed about the clothes of the ancients, and tied his belt in a hurry.Walking in front of the most valuable bronze mirror in the room, he straightened his hair, patted his face and muttered: "You can look handsome in anything you wear. It's an eternal truth."

"Ah Zhen, I'm out for dinner." An enthusiastic shout came from outside.

"Okay." After responding, he looked firmly at himself in the bronze mirror, and took a deep breath.He whispered: "The target is five hundred miles away." As long as he reaches the territory of Tubo, he will be safe.

Although it is the best, it is only a few green vegetables, two oil cakes, and a salted fish.

Ah Zhen, who was extremely hungry, didn't care if the food was good or not. After thanking the two elderly people beside him, he started to gobble it up.

It wasn't until he swallowed the last bite of the cake that he thanked the two old people who were watching him eating in embarrassment: "Thank you, old man and mother-in-law."

"Are you full?" the old man asked concerned.

"I'm full, I'm full." Although I was still very hungry, I no longer had the feeling of the large intestine eating the small intestine.And the people are poor, how dare he say that he is not full.

"Well, then Ah Zhen, you should go to bed early." The son went back to visit his relatives these days, and did not go fishing.They two old bones can't pull the net, even if he says he's not full, there's nothing left to entertain him at home.

"Okay, old man, mother-in-law, good night." Ah Zhen got up and bowed again and again to thank him.

"Go to sleep." The old lady liked him very much, and treated him as her own son, very loving.

Ah Zhen, who was greatly moved, thanked again and again before turning around and walking into the small cave dwelling.

As soon as he lay down, a light outside suddenly went out, and the whole world fell into darkness again.

Having experienced poverty, he remembered what Wan'er said before.The people are poor, and candles are wasted if they are not used. Use them when they are needed, and extinguish them when they are not used. Over time, unnecessary expenses can be saved.

In the dark, he was lying on the rough bed. Although the quilt covering his body was broken, it was extremely warm.His dark eyes looked at the dark sky above.Suddenly I thought of Wan'er, and the strange sadness immediately moistened my eyes.

Self-awareness and self-discipline are the most important things in people.Thinking of the words Yingying had been muttering all day long, he felt deeply regretful and his heart was very soft.Yingying is right, there are so many beauties in the world, how can he want them all.He was almost assimilated by this rotten world, and it became more and more absurd.

Ah Zhen, who closed his eyes and didn't think too much, flashed the beauty of the wives one by one in his mind, and he should be happy and satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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