ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 477 "Tracking and Tracking"

Chapter 477 "Tracking and Tracking"

Just when a group of people are talking.A fast horse galloped towards the execution ground.

"Report" A soldier kicked a pair of legs, quickly passed through the heavy guards, and when he saw the people on the stage, he knelt down and reported urgently: "A group of fishermen have been caught."

"What is the reward for catching a group of fishermen?" Daerba was furious.

"Wait." Jin Caiye blocked it with a big hand, rushed forward and called to the soldiers: "Bring the fishermen."

"Yes." The soldier who came to report hurriedly left immediately.

"My lord, get rid of this big man."

"Hmph." Daerba was extremely angry, he waved his big hands reluctantly and roared: "Put the Li and Lu families in prison, and release the rest."

"Yes," the group of soldiers below responded, and rushed forward to detain Daqian who were on the verge of death.

As soon as Daerba finished speaking, the wailing and weeping sounded suddenly louder: "Thank you, King Dali, thank you King Dali!" Many generals and their families wept with trembling hearts.I escaped a catastrophe, woo, I was almost chopped into meat and fed to chickens.

The criminals retreated, and a small group of soldiers who were searching immediately rushed to the execution ground with a group of tied fishermen.

A weak fisherman who was inexplicably arrested.Frightened, Gulu's eyes were full of fear, seeing the gloomy and mighty Furious General in front of him, he immediately knelt down in front of Daerba, kowtowed and begged for mercy.

Daerba, who was very annoyed, was overwhelmed by this group of bloody dead fish, and shouted angrily: "Shut up all of them."

"Yes, yes, yes." The fishermen who kept begging for mercy heard the frightening roar, trembling with their mouths tightly shut, and paralyzed in fright, waiting for the general in front to speak.

Seeing this group of people frightened, Jin Caiye stepped forward and asked kindly, "Where are you from?"

"Big week."

"Where is Da Zhou from?"



The fishermen gave different answers.

Hearing that he was from Da Zhou, Jin Caiye squinted his eyes and said, "You were fishing in the northern bay, have you ever saved anyone?"

"No." Everyone shook their heads.

Heart clenched, he took a deep breath: "Did you salvage the corpse yesterday and today?" After asking, everyone held their breath tightly.

Hearing this question, all the fishermen looked at each other and shook their heads neatly.

Seeing them shaking their heads, Jin Caiye felt relieved, and said with a sigh of relief: "Our general fell into the sea yesterday morning, but he failed to salvage it repeatedly. I wonder if you can help us?"

All the fishermen swallowed their saliva seeing that the master was polite and friendly, and carefully said: "Yesterday morning, the sea wind direction was southeast. If the general who fell into the sea can swim, he must have been swept by the waves towards Leizhou." The fierce masters on the stage lay down on the ground and said: "If you can't swim, you will be floating in the middle of the sea, and you won't come up until tomorrow."

Hearing this, everyone immediately glared at the walking dead Li Nengwu.

"Young master can swim, can swim." Tears have already burst from the eyes, thank God.

Jin Caiye breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that he would swim.Curiously asked the fisherman: "Why is it so strange?"

Seeing the people in front saying that the general who fell into the sea could swim, the fishermen breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately replied, "Anyone who can swim will automatically float up in a clear river without salt, let alone in a sea full of salt."

Jin Caiye couldn't wait any longer, and immediately asked Li Yuewu: "How is your young master's game skills?"

The delighted Li Nengwu nodded repeatedly, and cried, "Young master often says that he is a little dragon in the sea, and I have also witnessed him floating on the lake without moving."

As soon as he finished crying, the fishermen also nodded excitedly and said: "This is the air in the lungs of people who can swim. Even if they fall into the sea unconsciously, they will not panic. Calmly lift your body and float up gently."

People who didn't understand these things were immediately pleasantly surprised when they heard what the fishermen said.

"Floating to Leizhou?" Jin Caiye carefully testified.

"The wind direction at sea yesterday was indeed southeast."

After the old fisherman returned, the young man beside him muttered, "Father, Yutou and the others were fishing near Zhonghai yesterday morning."

Jin Caiye heard the whisper, and immediately asked: "Who is this fish head? Where is it from?"

"Master, Yutou is from our village, and they were fishing in the central sea yesterday." Speaking of this, the young man gave him a careful look and said: "Yesterday they came to the central sea to fish, and today they returned Sleep until the sun is three poles. Therefore, we think that there are a lot of fish in the central sea area, so we invite them to come.”

"That's right, that's right, when the fish head returned last night, he was wearing brand-new and luxurious clothes for the Chinese New Year, so we thought they caught a lot of fish in the middle of the sea, and they sold them for a good price," the old man added.

Jin Caiye was listening quietly, and suddenly something flashed in his mind, and he immediately followed up and asked, "What is the style and color of Yutou's clothes?"

"A purple sable clip, a strange silver python with a golden wild dog embroidered on the lower end of the python."

Hearing the wild dog, Jin Caiye immediately called out to Li Nengwu who was beside him with trembling hands: "Hurry up and get the young master's purple jade ermine clip."

How could Li Nengwu still get his turn? Hearing the purple sable clip, he had already rushed to the emperor's palace.

While waiting anxiously, Li Nengwu rushed to the place, sweating profusely, holding a purple jade sable clip.After getting off the horse, he handed the mink clip to the fisherman in front of him with trembling hands, and hurriedly asked, "Is the one on Yutou exactly the same as this one?"

After taking over the mink clip, the fisherman just flipped it over and nodded again and again, "Yes, yes, exactly the same." Pointing to the Tengyuntian mastiff on Diao's chest, he shouted: "At that time, I asked Yutou what kind of dog this dog is."

When everyone in Tubo saw that the old man called their sacred mastiff to a dog, everyone's face suddenly grew long.

Jin Caiye heard that it was true, and immediately pulled Daerba over and asked: "Master, he should be in Leizhou now, so quickly send a fast horse to the court to inform the queen, saying that the king has been found. There is no problem with the king. Then I will send a secret letter to the front Inform the queen about the future."

Knowing the king's whereabouts, Daerba's anger disappeared, and he asked in doubt: "Why do you have to take so much trouble?"

"Don't let all the officials know what happened to the king, or I, Tubo, will panic. If Dazhou and Liao know about it, the consequences will be unimaginable. And the king must not want the princesses to be sad. So this is the best arrangement."

"Okay, I will immediately send a fast horse to the court day and night."

"The whereabouts of the young master have been found out. Immediately announced that the king has been found. The king is fine and is on his way back to the royal court. Hurry up and withdraw the team to appease the hearts of the people." Such a big commotion, the navy of the Zhou Dynasty must have been on guard for a long time.

"Okay, okay." Daerba nodded again and again, and said anxiously: "I will go to Leizhou with you."

"No." Jin Caiye shook his head, "There shouldn't be too much movement. Li Nengwu and I can just search for it."


Daerba was still in Juyuan, but Jin Caiye firmly persuaded: "There is so much movement in the northern bay, the officials of the Great Zhou must know, if our brigade enters the border of the Great Zhou at this time, it will cause unnecessary trouble, If we let them know what we are looking for, the young master will be in danger."

"Okay." Da Zhou is no better than Tubo, and Daerba also knows this truth, nodded immediately and said: "You must find the king back."

"Do not worry."

Firmly committed to Darba, Jin Caiye immediately pulled Li Nengwu, who was in a daze, and said kindly to the group of fishermen in front: "Can you take us to the fish head's house and ask?"

"Of course." Hearing that they could go back, none of them were more than happy.

"Thank you all."

"Please sir."


Without delay, Jin Caiye immediately took Li Nengwu's hand and rushed to the seaside with a large group of fishermen.

The blue sea and the blue sky, the sky and the sea reflect each other, the blue is fascinating and heartbreaking.

Jin Caiye and Li Nengwu, who were standing on the bow of the boat, watched them getting closer and closer, their hearts were filled with anxiety.

As soon as the boat landed, the fisherman invited without delay: "You two gentlemen, follow me quickly."

"Thank you." The urgent two walked anxiously to the dilapidated small fishing village not far away.

When the old man led Jin Caiye and Li Nengwu to rush into the village, Zhang Dabing, who came back from the city, called out from a distance with a smile on his face: "Old man He, how is it, did you catch any fish?"

Hearing this call, the old man who led the two stopped and looked towards his eyes.

Before he could respond, Jin Caiye and Li Nengwu immediately drew their swords from their backs with a swipe, and shot towards the face of the young master sable.

As soon as Yutou finished shouting happily, his face immediately changed drastically, and he wanted to turn around and escape, but his body was lifted up immediately.

Then Li Nengwu shouted and asked, "Where is my young master?"

"Your young master?" Looking at the fierce face in front of him, Yutou was frightened with a heart stuck in his throat, and cried back: "I don't know your young master."

"." Li Nengwu gritted his teeth and cursed, as if to kill this man with a knife, he pulled the purple jade sable clip on his body and shouted: "I don't know, where did you get the sable clip on your body?"

"This, this, this" has only been a bandit once, and he didn't expect to find him so soon.Yutou was so frightened that he was trembling all over, but he couldn't speak.

Uncle He, who came in a hurry, was shocked when he saw Yutou was so frightened, and the two men who brought him were so vicious, he hurried forward to persuade him: "You two gentlemen, why are you doing this? "

"Neng Wu, put him down first." Jin Caiye called rationally.

"Hum..." Li Nengwu, furious, threw the pancake face tightly held in his hands on the ground, staring at him with angry eyes.

"My little brother, the clothes you are wearing are not affordable by ordinary people, and they are not sold in the market." Squatting kindly in front of this big pie face, he said comfortingly: "We don't make it difficult for you, but you have to take the cause Explain the matter clearly. Otherwise, my senior brother will kill someone."

"I, I, I..." Yutou, who was guilty of guilt, was so frightened that he couldn't speak, and fell to the ground with his heart trembling.

Seeing his expression, Uncle He knew that the matter was not simple, and immediately urged: "Yutou, are you talking about it?"

"Say." Jin Caiye's expression changed, he ruthlessly pulled Yutou's skirt, and asked sinisterly, "Are you murdering yourself for money?"

"No, no." Hearing about murder, Yutou burst into tears, "He's still alive, he's still alive."

"Huh..." Jin Caiye, who was holding his heart tightly, felt relieved when he heard this, and immediately asked again: "Where is my young master?"

"In Datan Village."

"Datan Village?" The muttering Jin Caiye grabbed him, "Take us there quickly."

"Yes" Yutou choked up with tears streaming down his face, his heart almost stopped in fright.Staggering footsteps led the large group of people to rush to the adjacent village.

Old man He saw two menacing men dragging Yutou towards Datan Village, and rushed into Yutou's house in a panic, shouting anxiously: "Old man Chen, old man Chen is not well."

Yutou's father was cooking a sumptuous dinner, when he heard the calls, he closed the pot with a guilty conscience, and rushed out to ask, "What happened to old man He?"

Seeing old man Chen, old man He stomped his feet angrily, "What did you guys do when you went to sea yesterday?"

Hearing this, old man Chen was startled, and guiltyly argued: "No, no."

"Still saying no." The old man He who stomped his feet violently grabbed him and shouted: "Everyone has come to the door, and you still said no."

"What?" With a jump in his heart, old man Chen quickly asked, "Old man He He, what's going on?"

An exasperated old man He told the whole story of the horrible things they had experienced in Li Chao.Finally, he shouted anxiously: "there are hundreds of thousands of soldiers on the sea, and all of them are vicious. If you take something from him, return it to others quickly, or you will lose your life by then." For a while, until now he is still shivering, this old man Chen is too bold.

The pale old man Chen turned pale with fright and shook like a leaf in the wind. He turned coldly and went back to the house, rummaged through the box, and put the 3 taels of silver notes and the gold chain into his arms.Headless flies rushed to Datan Village in a panic.

When I arrived at the grass where I threw people yesterday, there were no traces of people, and the surroundings were desolate.

Seeing no one, Yutou burst into tears immediately, and cried out at a loss: "I obviously left him here, how could there be no one, how could there be no one."

Seeing no one, Jin Caiye felt certain.Fortunately, no one was there. If there was someone, the young master must be dead.

"Humph," he groaned heavily, and picked up Yutou, who was kneeling on the ground and crying, "Where is Datan Village?"

"That" Yutou, who kept trembling with fear, pointed to the distance behind him.

"Let's go." Dragging him, Jin Caiye and Li Nengwu immediately rushed towards Datan Village.

This small fishing village is not big, and it is full of net fishing everywhere.In the evening, the curling smoke rises from the chimneys.

After walking for nearly half an hour, they finally arrived at this small village.

As soon as he entered the village, Jin Caijin immediately ran towards an old man sitting outside the house, and politely asked, "Grandpa, did any officials come to your village yesterday and today, and did any homicide happen?"

The old man who was sitting leisurely outside waiting for dinner, looked at the polite young man in front of him, shook his head and replied: "No."

Seeing that he didn't even think about it, Jin Caiye said no, and asked very carefully: "Master, please think about it again."

"Our Datan Village is only this big, if someone from the government comes, they will know immediately."

"Huh" heaved a sigh of relief, Jin Caiye and Li Nengwu looked at each other, clasped their fists together as a thank you, and then asked, "Master, are there any strangers in your village the day before yesterday and today?"

"Not today, but a gentleman who is as polite as you came to stay last night." The old man replied truthfully.

Jin Caiye and Li Nengwu were overjoyed when they heard that a young master came to stay overnight last night.Immediately asked: "I wonder if the old man can tell us about the appearance of this young man."

The old man who didn't want to tell the story looked at the two people in front of him and asked, "Do you know Lin Azhen?"

When the two people who listened to this name heard the name, they were immediately overjoyed...

(End of this chapter)

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