ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 478 "Bad Trick"

Chapter 478 "Bad Trick"

"Heaven bless you, the young master is fine. God bless you." Li Nengwu was sobbing so hard that he knelt down in front of the old man and kowtowed to thank the sky.

The old man suddenly saw this cruel young man kneeling on the ground, and kowtowed to thank heaven.Suspiciously standing up, he asked, "Are you from Mr. Ah Zhen?"

"He is my young master." Jin Caiye was overjoyed, he held the hands of the big boss in front of him tightly, and thanked him again and again: "Thank you, old man, for taking my young master in."

Hearing that these two people were courteous Ah Zhen Pu Cong last night, the old man was also overjoyed, and hurriedly urged: "He just left in the morning, you go to Leizhou to look for it."

"Fish head, fish head..." Jin Caiye hadn't uttered his words of thanks when an urgent call came from afar.

Hearing the call, the frightened Yutou immediately got up from the ground and staggered towards the old figure running towards him.

The old man's eyes were not good, and he didn't see the person clearly until the old man approached, and immediately cursed in doubt: "Xiao Xia, you are flustered, like a headless fly, what are you doing in such a hurry."

The two villages are close to each other, and both live from fishing.The old man didn't know the younger generation, but the old man Chen recognized the old man in front of him, and immediately flushed with embarrassment, he went forward and bowed and said, "Uncle Rong, you are always here."

"Hmph," Li Nengwu groaned coldly when he saw the person coming.

Hearing this loud hum, old man Chen's heart trembled, he turned around and knelt down towards the two people in front, and took out all the things he had found from his arms tremblingly, and begged: "The villain did something wrong all of a sudden. , please spare your lives, the two uncles."

Without even thinking about it, Li Nengwu immediately took back the things that did not belong to them, pointed at the fish head and shouted: "Take off the clothes for me." Did he wear this suit?

"Yes, yes, yes." He quickly untied his sable clip, the fish head was in broad daylight, and all that was left in public was a pair of rough obscene clothes.

The old man who watched this scene was very puzzled, "Xiao Xia, who are you?"

Rolling up the young master's clothes in his arms, Li Nengwu snorted without giving them any face: "These two actually became bandits while my young master was drowning. How daring."

The father and son kneeling on the ground heard the heavy hum, their hearts trembled, and they kowtowed repeatedly to beg for forgiveness: "Please forgive the villain, sir."

Before Li Nengwu could speak, the old man blew his beard and stared at old man Chen angrily and cursed: "Xiao Xia, you are such a bastard that you did such a nasty thing."

"Uncle Rong..." The dejected old man Chen knelt on the ground, not daring to lift his embarrassingly flushed old face.

"Shut up." The old man glared at the two people on the ground angrily. This old man Chen could be regarded as something he had grown up with since he was a child, and he couldn't ignore his emotions and reason.

"You two young masters, can you forgive Xiao Xia for making a mistake?"

"Since the old man begged for mercy, then this matter is over." Looking at the father and son on the ground with cold eyes, Jin Caiye and Li Nengwu put their fists together and thanked the old man in front of him, "Thank you, old man, for taking my young master in. Let me say goodbye. "

"Go slowly, both of you." The hospitable old man didn't stop the two who were anxious to find their young master, and kept waving his hands at the figure who turned and left.

The two were so anxious that they missed his young master wholeheartedly, knowing that he was fine.After An Xin felt extremely exhausted, she went looking for Leizhou in the distance with the setting sun on her back.

Shrinking the cat was on a desolate road from the back door of a luxurious mansion, and Ah Zhen was woken up several times by the cold one night.

In the cold autumn night, Ah Zhen, whose teeth were chattering, heard the howling of wild cats and dogs in the distance.Hugging herself tightly, curling up on the narrow door frame stone, she continued to sleep.

The day was slowly rising, and the sky was dyed with a trace of gold.

"Squeak!" There was a small sound of opening the door.

The shrunken Ah Zhen was caught off guard, and Gulu rolled and fell towards the opened small door.

"Huh?" There was a light hey in doubt.

Ah Zhen, who Gulu rolled into the door frame, fell on all fours, and his head hit the stone slab with a big lump.

"Grass" cursed softly.He was woken up by the cold several times a night, and he, who had been mad for a long time, knocked his head out of his head in a daze. No matter how gentle he is, he must have a temper.

"Who are you? Why are you sleeping here?" The little girl who came out to buy vegetables was very puzzled.

Hearing the sound, the hand rubbing the pus on the head froze, turned his head in a numb manner, and saw that it was a delicate little girl, Ah Zhen immediately stood up, cupped his fists politely and bowed to apologize: "I'm sorry, no Excuse me." Don't tell him Chan broke into the mansion.

Seeing such a handsome young master, the little maid blushed and asked softly, "Did you sleep here all night?"

"This" the old man's face was stunned, and he spread his hands, "I'm homeless." It's all come to this point, and there is nothing to be ashamed of.

Hearing what he said, the little maid looked him up and down in disbelief for a while, then frowned slightly and said, "You are a big man, you have hands and feet, how could you be homeless?"

"This..." Ah Zhen was tongue-tied.

Although he was handsome, but a big man curled up and slept outside, he must be a lazy person.

"Let's go, don't stand at the gate of our Dragon Mansion." Looking at the man contemptuously, the little maid drove him out, closed the back door, and walked towards the market without paying any attention to him.

Ah Zhen's face turned blue and red from embarrassment.This little girl is right, he is a seven-foot man with hands and feet, so miserable.There is nothing to be afraid of in just five hundred miles.

With such a slap in the face, he immediately swept away all the sorrow and resentment in his heart, and walked towards the end of the alley with great confidence.The super wisdom that only belongs to the 21st century is spinning rapidly in his mind.

It was daylight, and the crowds began to crowd, and the bustling noises filled the Leizhou city.

Since the lifting of the ban in Leizhou, merchants have gathered in this rich seaside place.Throughout history, the sea road has always been the prosperous Silk Road, with prosperous business, old shops and famous shops with flags and banners on display, cloth markets, pearl markets, restaurants and tea houses, and people's voices.

But in such a lively city, there is an even more lively place.

That was the martial arts competition of the Long family to recruit relatives. Since the Long family held a competition to recruit relatives three days ago, they have repeatedly fought against all the heroes in the world, but no one can defeat the chief executive of the Long family, Long Tianxiang.

Ah Zhen, who had just arrived, naturally didn't know such a grand feat. He was full of thoughts on how to make money. After walking out of the alley, the huge market street suddenly magnified in front of his eyes.

He, who was dressed in coarse linen, did not know that Jin Caiye and Li Nengwu had already arrived in the huge Leizhou City, otherwise it would have been easier.

"Today is the last day of the arena. Friends from all walks of life are invited to come to the stage to give advice." It was already dawn, and there was a loud roar at the gate of the Longjia Mansion, where the arena was held for three consecutive days, and a strong man on the stage came to him one after another. The crowd roared wildly: "If anyone can beat my eldest lady, my eldest lady will agree with her body. Don't go to the elderly, don't come to children, and stay away from the disabled." rise.

Ah Zhen, who was hungry, was growling, hugging his thin body, and bursts of yelling came from his ears.He snorted disdainfully, "This young lady of the Long family must be an extremely ugly waiter, otherwise why would I have to set up a ring to recruit relatives?"

If Ah Zhen used to be the first to join in the fun, but he is hungry, how could he join in these things.Walk lightly on foot to both sides of the arena, and walk to the small stall that works hard.

Ah Zhen walked from the beginning to the end, and then from the end to the beginning.Holding my hungry belly, I approached the stall with the largest oranges.

"Boss, how much is a catty of your oranges?"

The owner of the orange stall, who came to set up a stall before dawn, saw customers coming, and immediately replied with a smile on his face, "Eighty grains a catty."

Hearing that it is eighty grains per catty, Ah Zhen nodded.Looking around for a while, I saw many rich young masters wearing fancy clothes and waving fans around the edge of the ring to join in the fun. With a sly look in their eyes, they leaned into the ear of the stall owner and said, "I'll sell you one hundred dollars per catty." Wen, how about the rest belong to me?"

Hearing this, the stall owner squinted his eyes and looked at the young man in front of him. He said doubtfully, "Eighty grains per catty is extremely difficult, but one hundred grains." After being silent for a while, he asked in disbelief, "Can you do it?" ?”

Seeing his distrustful eyes, Ah Zhen turned back: "It's my business whether it's okay or not. If you sell it, you will make money. The reserve price is one hundred grains. If you don't sell it, you will not lose money."

The stall owner thought for a while, and felt that his words made sense, "Okay, one hundred lines, any more will be yours."

"Okay." Ah Zhen nodded, and called excitedly: "Get a pen and paper."

The stall owner, who didn't understand what he was going to do, squinted his eyes and looked suspiciously at Ah Zhen in front of him, unable to figure out what his scam was.Alyssa took out three coins from her bosom and said to him: "There is a seller of calligraphy at the corner of the street, you can find what you want to write." It is only three coins, if you are cheated, you will be rewarded to a beggar .

Reaching out to take the three grains of money, Ah Zhen promised the stall owner who believed in him: "For your actions, I will give you 120 grains per catty."

Although the stall owner didn't think he could sell something worth 120 yuan for [-] yuan, he laughed happily, thinking that the opening of the market was just a good luck.

Ah Zhen took the only three grains of money and hurried to the calligraphy and painting sellers on the street. "Write me a few notes." With a bang, the three papers immediately fell to the table where the characters were sold.

Accept the three grains of money.Xianshu who bought the characters immediately asked, "What characters do you want to write?"

"If you don't know the king of sweet oranges in your life, it's useless to eat them all over the world." Ah Zhen blurted out.

The man who sold calligraphy was taken aback, and it was the uncle who paid the money, so he brushed and started writing without hesitation.

Satisfied, Ah Zhen saw that he had finished writing, and immediately said again: "Write another one, King Ganju."

"Okay." The gentleman who was brushing and writing should be, and immediately wrote three huge characters on the paper.

"Sweeter than first love."

The calligraphy seller frowned slightly, and wrote down one by one following his words without saying a word.

"Okay." Ah Zhen, who was overjoyed, held three pieces of paper. Ah Zhen nodded with satisfaction, and quickly ran to the orange stand next to the stage.

The stall owner, who didn't think he would come back, saw him rushing in high spirits, and asked suddenly, "Brother, do you really want to buy 120 oranges?" Isn't that too exaggerated?

"That's right." Ah Zhen, without thinking about it, put the note with Ganju King on top of the orange.Then hang the other two long pieces of paper horizontally on the orange frame.

After everything was ready, he immediately stepped forward and opened his throat and shouted: "Kanju King, you can pay half a catty, no bargaining."

The stall owner, who watched the scene suspiciously and coldly, fell to the ground with a bang when he heard the shout.The man's crazy expression was all over his sweaty face.

"Little brother." Getting up from the ground, the owner of the stall yelled in disbelief, "It's too expensive." No one wants to buy it with eighty patterns, so who will buy it at five hundred patterns.

Ah Zhen, who shouted with Zhang Yang's throat, said confidently: "You wait to collect the money."

After finishing the words, he stopped being wordy, and continued to raise his huge throat, yelling at the big ticket crowd around the ring: "King Ganju, pay half a catty, don't come to bargainers, don't come to poor people." Don't ask for the best. OK, but the most expensive.There are so many young masters in fancy clothes here.How can half a tael of silver be unaffordable.He just wanted to make them feel that he was a classy person. An orange with eighty lines would not usually look at it, but a king of oranges with five hundred lines, no matter how you say it, was superior to others.

"If you don't know the king of tangerines in your life, it's useless to eat them all over the world." You said loudly, and then yelled: "The poor don't come here, half-way money is not bargained."

All the small stalls in the surrounding area dropped their eyes when they heard the shouts, and they all looked at Ah Zhen with the expression of thinking about money and going crazy.

But what made them lose their eyes even more was that someone actually went up to buy it.

Those who came to watch, or those who wanted to compete in martial arts, turned around curiously when they heard the shouts, and looked at the picture hanging in front of the orange frame in doubt, "If you don't know the king of sweet oranges in your life, it's useless to eat them all over the world." The calligraphy and paper view go.Curious about why Orange King bought it so expensively, they all gathered around to watch.

Seeing several young masters dressed in fancy clothes approaching, Ah Zhen immediately raised his contemptuous eyes and shouted at the group: "The poor go away, don't look at it if you can't afford it."

This group of sons and brothers are all worth tens of thousands of taels, how could they bear to be suddenly despised by this young man in sackcloth.Without thinking about it, he immediately smashed the silver and said: "Give me a catty, and I will reward the rest."

As long as there is a start, the other people next to him will start booing and throwing silver vigorously.

"Give me a catty."

"Weigh up."

"Don't look for it."

I think they are all rich sons and gentlemen, how can they be looked down upon by these common people.It's useless to say that you don't know the king of sweet oranges in your life, and it's useless to eat them all over the world. It's just ridiculous and generous.

The stall owner, who thought it was impossible to sell, took a large amount of broken silver in disbelief, and panickedly called his eighty-striped oranges, one catty per person.I was uneasy, he was selling only oranges, so what kind of orange king is there?

The smiling Ah Zhen saw so many people coming to buy, he couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear.Immediately after sending away a batch, he shouted harder, "King of sweet oranges, the best choice for the rich." Then he shouted: "The poor stop, only sell to the rich." Then he shouted: "Pink memories, first love smell."

The curious onlookers heard the sound of yelling, and the Chao stalls with uneven wealth and wealth competed to watch.

Mixed among a large number of people in the market, those second sons, prodigal sons.Considering himself superior to others, he dropped the silver without hesitation, "Come here for a catty."

"Wow" as the rich son smashed the silver vigorously, the ordinary people watching from the side sighed in unison, and all cast envious eyes at the big fool who smashed the silver as "the boy of the rich family".

The elder brother who showed that I was very rich, raised his head and chest, proudly accepted the eyes of everyone, and walked away arrogantly carrying the big orange that was a catty.

"Weigh on"


"Hurry up"


One after another, one after another.The stalls are in full swing.Ah Zhenyou drank so vigorously that the boss's hands cramped when collecting money.The superior rich family is happier buying less, the stall owner is happier collecting money, and Ah Zhenyou is happier drinking.Everyone is happy.

(End of this chapter)

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