ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 479 "Playing Yin"

Chapter 479 "Playing Yin"

Long Xiangtian, the chief manager of the Long family who was competing in the arena to recruit relatives, stood on the arena and waited for a long time for anyone to come up to the arena.He frowned and looked towards the small stall not far away, not understanding why there were more people watching that small stall than them.

Puzzled, he frowned and approached the eldest lady who was sitting quietly, "Miss, no one is coming up to fight in the ring."

"En." With a cold and light reply, Long Wushuang said with a white silk scarf on his face, without showing any expression: "All friends from Jianghu received Lei Dingtian's post, and most of them didn't come. Come here The people in the arena are all savages with poor martial arts skills, and young masters with some martial arts skills."

"That's right." Long Xiangtian nodded and said, "None of these people want to take the stage first, but want to wait until the end."

After he finished speaking, Long Wushuang, who was sitting on the chair, didn't make a sound anymore, and silently listened to the bursts of shouting from afar.

There was a sudden silence, and Long Xiangtian heard those absurd and obscene shouts again, and his face turned cold.

"Boss Long, this man is very courageous." The quiet Long Wushuang came to a conclusion.

"What does Missy mean?"

Sitting on the chair, the eldest lady of the Long family had no expression on her face, and said coldly: "A catty of oranges sells for five hundred grains, and you dare to yell that only the rich can afford it, and you will attract local ruffians."

Hearing something, Long Xiangtian was slightly stunned, looked at the eldest lady with a silk scarf on her face, and asked doubtfully, "Miss, shall we help him?"

"Neither relatives nor relatives, I would rather offend a gentleman than a villain. His ambition is so great, so he has to bear it." After speaking, his cold eyes shook slightly, his face was still cold, but I'm very curious what will happen to the oranges in the end.

In less than an hour, the stall earned more than 100 taels.The owner of the stall looked into his pockets frequently, his hands trembling with excitement.

"Go away, go away"

There was loud shouting from the crowded crowd, and then a dozen or so rogues scattered the ordinary people who were watching around, and walked to the orange stand.

As soon as the group of hooligans approached, Ah Zhen's smiling face suddenly disappeared, and he asked in a cold voice to the hooligans who took out the oranges from the stall and peeled them, "What are you doing?"

"Bah" the local ruffian boss who was eating oranges spit out the oranges in his mouth on the ground, crossed his arms and took three or seven steps and said, "I'm not a rich man, but here I am. What's sweeter than first love, I ate a little Not sweet either."

Ah Zhen raised his handsome eyebrows coldly, and said in a low voice to the evil forces: "If it's not sweet, it's not sweet, what do you want?"

"How is it?" The old ruffian boss looked up and down at Ah Zhen in front of him, and yelled at the ground, "I feel uncomfortable after eating your oranges. I will pay you 100 silver, and let's forget about it."

Hearing his words, Ah Zhen snorted softly.But Yi replied with no expression: "100 taels is a bit expensive, but ten taels for a doctor is about the same."

After hearing this, more than a dozen local ruffians immediately gathered around fiercely.

The gangster boss blocked it with his big hand, and Gulu looked up and down at Lin Azhen in front of him with his thieves' eyes. He put his big hand on the side of the orange stand and turned it over suddenly.The entire orange stand was scattered on the ground, and the big oranges rolled all over the ground.

"Did you come here to ask for money?"

The owner of the small stall was overwhelmed with fright, and squeezed behind Ah Zhen with a sad face, obediently daring not to breathe vigorously.

Looking coldly at the ruffians who overturned the small stall to the ground, Ah Zhen felt angry, "Guys, human flesh is not edible. We are in a small business, and you will pay a hundred taels when you come, even if it breaks our bones." Not so much."

"He." Hearing his words, the legs behind the gangster boss were full of anger, and he was about to rush forward.

The rogue boss blocked it again, and snorted softly with a smile: "You guys bought it so expensive, don't you have 100 taels?"

"One catty is considered one or two, how much can you have? How can you not sell a hundred catties, let alone only five hundred grains per catty."

Hearing his words, the hooligan boss thought about it for a while, and felt that what he said made sense.As he said, human flesh is not to be eaten, and it is useless to kill them if there is no benefit.

"Okay, sir, I will lower the threshold, 50 for two doctors."

"No problem." Even a strong dragon can't beat a local snake, not to mention that he is still a strong dragon.Ah Zhen turned around very Alisha, and called out to the stall owner behind him: "Give me 50 taels."

"Okay." The trembling stall owner, trembling all over, reached into his arms and took out a large amount of broken silver, counted them and handed them to this very capable brother.

Holding 50 taels of silver in his hand, Ah Zhen didn't feel distressed at all, handed it to the ruffian boss, and said coldly: "Small business is not easy to do, let's make friends with everyone."

The gangster boss gestured behind him, and one of his legs immediately carried the silver bag and put the broken silver in his hand into it.

After collecting the money, the gangster boss still refused to give up, looked at Ah Zhen in front of him and said, "I said you sell oranges so expensively, and I sell so many oranges, what should I do?"

"What do you mean?"

"Go back down."

"Okay." Without thinking about it, Ah Zhen looked at the group of hooligans in front of him coldly, the flame in his heart was burning fiercely.

"In the future, the tricks will be bright." Putting down his harsh words, the gangster boss turned around and left with a large group of legs, swaggering through the streets and alleys, as if Leizhou was their toilet.

The stall owner, who was about to die of fright, let out a sigh of relief when he saw the group of vicious men finally leave, and cried out, "Little brother, what should we do?"

"Without strength, it's best not to provoke these beasts." Turning around and patting the boss on the shoulder, Ah Zhen asked, "How much money did we make in total?"

"It used to be 120 taels, but instead of 50 taels, there are only 70 taels left."

"Okay." Ah Zhen nodded and said: "The beast has let go, this business can no longer be done, or it will cause bad luck. Let's divide the money and let it go."

The stall owner took out the silver from his pocket, overturned his original words, and said eagerly, "Half for each person."

Hearing what he said, Ah Zhen was furious, he had no faith at all, and the money was in his hands, so he couldn't tear his face apart.

"Okay, half of you and half of me." Longyou was teased by shrimps in the shallows, and bullied by dogs in Huluo Plain.

Seeing that he agreed, the stall owner was overjoyed immediately, and quickly handed him half of the broken silver, "Brother, if you have any good ideas in the future, just come to me."

"Yeah." Empty Glove White Wolf earned 35 taels in less than two hours, but Ah Zhen was not happy at all.

"That's right." When he turned around and was about to leave, he turned around and asked, "Where did that group of people live just now?" If he didn't take revenge, would he still be Lin Ahzhen?
The boss, who was happy to pick up the oranges on the ground, heard this question, and immediately replied without thinking: "This man opened a restaurant in the east of the city, called Jucailou."

"Jucai Building?" Ah Zhen lightly poohed, what kind of name would such a kind of person choose.

After muttering to himself, he stared at the boss who was squatting on the ground to pick up oranges, and asked coldly: "You are so unfaithful, aren't you afraid of retribution?"

Hearing this, the owner of the small stall picking up oranges looked up at Ah Zhen with disdain, and said coolly: "What retribution is not retribution, as long as you have money and get retribution, so what, ask retribution to come to me."

"Hmph." The cold Ah Zhen glanced at him again, and said nothing.Turn around and walk east of the city.Retribution is coming soon, just wait.

There were people coming and going along the way, and Jin Caiye and Li Nengwu split up the city to search for it just after dawn.When Ah Zhen stepped into the east of the city, Jin Caiye stepped out of the east of the city on another street and passed Ah Zhen.

At noon, Ah Zhen was standing in front of a two-story restaurant, looking up at the plaque upstairs.Disdainfully chanted: "Jucailou." Is 50 taels so easy to earn?Wait.

The Sanye Medical Center was opened by Leizhou's father and several uncles.After inquiring about this matter from the strangers who came and went, the corners of Ah Zhen's mouth immediately raised.No matter how arrogant he is, I will have to eat this loss today.

At lunch time, Ah Zhen stepped into the medical hall with a very hungry stomach, pulled a servant and immediately asked, "Where is the doctor?"

When the servant saw the guests coming, he replied without thinking, "Masters are eating in the living room."

"Call someone out quickly, I have an emergency." The tone was very anxious.

"Okay, okay." The emergency representative had a re-examination fee, and the servant's eyes gleamed with money, and he rushed to the dining room without delay.

Soon, an elderly doctor rushed into the hall in a panic, and quickly asked Ah Zhen, "Brother, what is your emergency?"

Ah Zhen looked around carefully, and said in a low voice: "Doctor, please take me to your quiet place, let's have a talk."

Seeing that he was so careful, the doctor immediately nodded and invited: "Brother, please come to the inner curtain."

"Okay, doctor please." With gestures, the doctor immediately followed the doctor to hide behind a small curtain in the inner hall.

After walking a long distance, before the doctor could ask any questions, Ah Zhen whispered as soon as he entered the inner curtain: "Doctor, it's like this." He went to the front and whispered: "My little brother contracted some illnesses when he went to the brothel, so he dare not say anything about it." Come while you are eating."

"So that's how it is." The doctor's face suddenly realized, it's no wonder that such a private matter.

Seeing that he understood, Ah Zhen immediately whispered again: "My little brother has a face, and his parents are here again. So I dare not invite the doctor to the house. When I bring him here later, you don't need to ask, start to treat it immediately, how to treat it?" ?”

The doctor heard that this person's face was so pale, he immediately nodded in agreement without saying a word. "Of course, of course."

Seeing that he had promised, Ah Zhen heaved a sigh of relief, cupped his fists and said: "Thank you doctor, please wait a moment, doctor, I will bring my little brother here immediately."

"Okay, okay, go and get it, I'll wait here." The treatment of this kind of disease is very profitable, and even if he suffers a loss, he doesn't dare to say it out loud. He already planned to pay ten taels of silver in his heart.

After leaving the hospital quickly, Ah Zhen ran towards the Jucai building with a hungry stomach.

After a soft sneer, he concealed his calculating face, stepped into the lively restaurant, and approached the counter.

When the shopkeeper at the counter saw a man in coarse linen approaching, he raised a smile and asked, "What do the customers want?"

"I am a servant of the Sanye Medical Hall, and I am here to order a noble lunch by the order of my master."

Hearing that it was the Sanye Medical Center, the shopkeeper immediately smiled even more happily, bowed his waist and replied: "We have all kinds of high-end ones here. Brother, what kind of lunch does your master want?"

"My master said, no more and no less, you have to make a high-end lunch of 100 taels, wrap it up, and ask your mistress to follow me to the restaurant to get the money."

"Of course, of course." The grinning shopkeeper bowed again and again, held the menu high with a full face, asked and gestured: "Brother, can you read these?"

Looking along his fingers, he saw all the things flying in the sky, things walking on the ground, and things swimming in the water gathered.Ah Zhen nodded indiscriminately, "I don't understand either. My master said that your building is doing well, so you can make up your mind."

"Okay, okay." The shopkeeper bowed and said, "Brother, wait a moment, I will give orders right away."

"hurry up."

"Yes yes yes. Soon, soon." Lian Lian Ying Nuo, the shopkeeper, swayed his fat body happily, and ran towards the kitchen.

Ah Zhen leaned against the counter and waited hungry, secretly smiling.He doesn't want to play dirty, who can play with him if he wants to play dirty?
A long time has passed, and there is an endless flow of people from the restaurant to the welcoming restaurant.Just as he was feeling sleepy while waiting, the shopkeeper called out in surprise, "Brother, what you asked for is ready."

With a trembling of his feet, Ah Zhen immediately woke up, and saw that the little second hand next to him was holding a frame of bamboo basket, and inside the basket were countless Chinese food wrapped in oil paper.

With a blank face, he immediately asked, "Is it all?"

"It's all, it's all." The palm shop nodded again and again, and the 100 taels of silver was about to be credited.

"Then let's go." After a faint reply, he walked out of the restaurant first.

Seeing him leaving, the shopkeeper quickly called out to the waiter who was stunned in front of the store: "Follow this little brother, and come back quickly after collecting the money."

"Yes." The waiter nodded in agreement, and hurried out of the restaurant, chasing after the little brother who was going forward.

When the servant saw that the younger brother waiting for the master came with his younger brother, he immediately stepped forward and said, "The master has been waiting for a long time, go in quickly."

"En." Leading the waiter into the hall, Ah Zhen looked at the table and said to the waiter: "The things are here, go in quickly."

"Okay, okay." The silly waiter happily put the bamboo basket on the table, and excitedly followed the servants of the medical hall to run to the inner curtain of the inner hall to get money.

When they both turned into the living room, Ah Zhen immediately sneered.Lifting the bamboo basket, without looking back, she stepped out towards the gate of the medical hall, hiding in the bustling crowd of people.

The servant leading the waiter stood respectfully outside the inner curtain and called: "Master, someone has brought it."

The doctor who had been waiting for a long time was very anxious, and when he heard that he was coming, he immediately called out, "Call him in quickly."

Lifting the inner curtain lightly, the servant of the medical hall invited Xiaoer, "Go in."

The shop clerk who didn't know the situation was suspicious, he just wanted to get the silver taels, why did he seem to come to see a doctor?Confused, he buried his head in the curtain.

The doctor looked at the little brother in front of him for a while, and thought that his elder brother said he was shy, so he said without asking anything: "Take off your pants."

"What?" The shop clerk was stunned, pulled his trousers tightly, and said in a panic: "Give me the money, so I can go back and explain."

"Huh?" Hearing this, the doctor frowned, "What money? Quickly take off your trousers and show me."

The waiter in the shop didn't expect this old man to be so perverted, he clenched his trousers and yelled: "Look at your mother, don't you have it yourself?"

"Nonsense, take off your pants quickly when you have rouge disease." The doctor's expression was very unhappy.

(End of this chapter)

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