ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 480 "Been Calculated"

Chapter 480 "Been Calculated"

"Your mother just got rouge disease." The shop waiter who scolded before laughing asked for money: "Hurry up and bring 100 taels."

The stunned doctor was at a loss, looked at the little brother in front of him, and asked doubtfully, "When did the old man owe you money?"

"You ask someone to come to my building to order a luxurious lunch of 100 taels, give me the money quickly."

Hearing this, the doctor understood a little, stood up abruptly and called out to the servants outside: "Go and see if the little brother from just now is still there."

The sound of running ping-pong-pong left, and the sound of running ping-pong-pong returned again, "Master, little brother is no longer here."

The waiter, who was also a little clear, was tongue-tied, pointed at the doctor in front of him in disbelief and muttered, "You didn't send anyone to order lunch."

"Nonsense, the old man just had lunch, why would he send someone to order lunch in your building?"

The waiter's head was numb, and he couldn't believe that he was cheated.He yelled shamelessly: "Even if you don't have it, you still have to pay. My uncle is a ruthless master. If you don't give money, you can't even think about settling down."

When the doctor heard the cruel words, he became angry for a moment, and shouted loudly: "Presumptuous, the old man's son is the big head catcher in Leizhou, your uncle is here to make trouble." After speaking, he slapped his sleeves and shouted: "Come on, send me off!" guest."

"You..." the very angry shop waiter pointed at the doctor and said cruelly, "You just wait for me."

"Teach at any time." Ignoring the clamoring waiter and the doctor who had been waiting for a long time, he waved his sleeves, lifted the curtain and stepped out. It was a waste of time.

Carrying a bamboo basket of 100 taels, Ah Zhen rushed to the west of the city.Because he knows that the most dangerous place is the safest place.More importantly, there is the stall owner as a substitute for the dead ghost.

"Well, you are a greedy person." He hurried into the west of the city, and immediately entered the crowd invisibly, without even casting a glance at the ring, passed through the crowds, and instantly disappeared into the desolate alley where he slept last night .

Still sitting at the back door of Longfu, the unbearable Ah Zhen immediately unpacked the 100 taels of delicious food.

"Wow" after taking everything apart, the saliva immediately poured all over the floor.Use your hands and feet together to feast on it immediately.I mourn in silence for the owner of the orange stand.Such an untrustworthy and unscrupulous person deserves to be tricked by him.

Long Wushuang, who was sitting indifferently on the ring, had noticed the scene of the stall from just now. When he saw that obscene young man, he quickly resolved the disturbance from the hooligans, and then disappeared and left.

The arena where no one was fighting was still quiet, and Long Wushuang, who was sitting quietly, was bored and sleepy. While waiting for a long time, he suddenly saw the young man from the orange stand carrying a basket of things, walking through the floors like a thief. The crowd at the upper level hid in the alley behind the mansion.

The martial arts practitioners have sharp eyes, and with just one glance, they can recognize that this basket is from the Jucai Building opened by the hooligans.There was a flash of surprise in the cold eyes, and under the curiosity, he called the ring girl who was standing beside him, and said in a low voice: "Go to the Jucai building to see what happened."

"Yes." The maid bowed respectfully, and lightly walked Jinlian down the steps on the ring.

Being able to sell the oranges so expensively, and defusing the fight lightly, then disappearing, and reappearing so sneakily, there must be something wrong with the basket.

With a still expressionless face, the indifferent Long Wushuang waited quietly with his hands resting on the folded skirt.


"Forgive me, sir, forgive me"

There were bursts of fighting sounds in the distance, disturbing Long Wushuang who was meditating, lightly raised his cold eyelashes, and looked at Ju Tan.

I saw that the number of hooligans who left just now increased, all of them were fierce and old, like wolves, punching and kicking the stall owner who was lying on the ground.

The ruffian boss thought that he had been running rampant in the countryside for several years, and he had never suffered such a disadvantage.Angrily, he stomped on the chest of the lying Ju stall owner, and shouted viciously, "Say, where is he?"

"The little guy doesn't know him." The eyes of the orange stall owner who vomited blood were full of fear, and he didn't expect the retribution to come so soon.

"Bang" kicked violently with a big foot, the local ruffian boss made the stall owner vomit another mouthful of blood, and shouted viciously: "You are selling oranges together, don't you know?"

"Grandpa, please spare the villain." The pleading stall owner fell to the ground and burst into tears. "The villain really doesn't know him. He is the one who volunteered to help the villain sell oranges. The money he earns is equal to half of the money."

All the onlookers holding their breath rolled their eyes when they heard what he said.Who would believe such a false lie.

"Damn it." He yanked the owner of the orange stall, and the local ruffian slapped him hard. The veins on his forehead twitched violently, and he said through gritted teeth, "Don't tell me? You have something to say."

"Master, please forgive me."

"You don't want to drink a toast." The gangster who grabbed him didn't want to waste any more words, and yanked the owner of the orange stall, came and left angrily.

The maid who went to Jucai Building to inquire, walked up the steps, walked lightly to the young lady who was watching from a distance, and said in a soft voice: "My servant went to inquire, and I heard that after the two people who bought oranges just separated, the little brother not only went to Jucai Cailou, I have also been to the Sanye Medical Center."

Looking coldly at the scene in the distance, Long Wushuang frowned when he heard the Sanye Medical Hall, and asked lightly, "What is he doing at the Sanye Medical Hall?"

"It is said that my younger brother has rouge disease."

"Oh." Leng Wu, seeing the local ruffian dragging the old man away, Long Wushuang turned his indifferent face to look at the maid, "Tell me one by one."

"Yes." The respectful servant girl immediately told everything in a soft voice about how he lied to the doctor, how he lied to the restaurant, and how he succeeded in the end.

Long Wushuang, who was listening quietly, heard this and cursed softly: "It's extremely sinister." Then he murmured in confusion: "Why Sanye Medical Center?"

The maid at the side thought that her young lady was asking her, so she shook her head and replied, "I don't know."

After thinking about it carefully, the indifferent face suddenly realized, "The big catcher is from the Sanye Medical Center."

After muttering, he was puzzled again, "Why did you frame the old man at Ju Tan?"

The maid next to her replied softly: "Miss, just now this servant asked the person who witnessed the whole incident. When the little brother was about to leave, he turned around and asked the old man at the stall."


The maid who was at a loss told what Ah Zhen asked, "The little brother asked the stall owner: 'You are so unfaithful, aren't you afraid of retribution?'"

"How does the old man at the stall answer?"

"The old man at the stall replied: 'What retribution is not retribution, as long as you have money, so what if you get retribution, ask retribution to come to me.'"

After hearing these words, Long Wushuang immediately understood why this person did this.He praised softly: "Smart." It's a trick that kills two birds with one stone. This person is so sensitive, his mind is clear and analytical, and his traps are even more logical.

Since falling into the sea, this is the best meal Ah Zhen has ever had.Looking at the empty bamboo basket, he coughed in satisfaction.Wiping the greasy hands on the rough linen clothes on his body, he leaned back against the stone back door and closed his eyes, taking a leisurely lunch break.

From the east of the city to the west of the city, knowing that the young master likes to be lively, he carefully searched around the arena several times, but still couldn't find that handsome figure.

Dejected, Jin Caiye and Li Nengwu returned to the entrance of the inn and sat at the dining table, silently watching the food on the table, but they had no appetite at all.

"The young master has no money on him, where can he go?" Li Nengwu hated to beat the dining table, very frustrated.

Jin Caiye's complexion was not good-looking, and he remained silent until a while before he said, "Neng Wu, are we looking in the wrong direction?"

"The old man said he came to Leizhou, and Leizhou is the closest to Datan Village, so it's impossible to go in the wrong direction."

"Not in this direction." Jin Caiye narrowed his eyes and leaned closer and said, "All we ask others is whether we have seen a handsome and personable young master or young master. Is there something wrong with this?"

After thinking about it for a while, Li Nengwu suddenly realized, "The young master fell into the sea, and all his clothes were robbed, so the old man gave him coarse linen clothes."

"Yes." Jin Caiye nodded again and again, "No matter how handsome you are, after being robbed like this, the young master is penniless, his beard must have grown long, and he is in a state of poverty. How can he be so handsome and personable?"

"That's right." Li Nengwu got up suddenly and said, "We should look in the direction of poverty and homelessness."



The two suddenly realized that they rushed out of the inn together without even casting a glance at the delicious food on the table.Thinking of the young master huddled in the street like a beggar cat suffering from cold and hunger, his heart tightened.

Lie Yang was slightly to the west, and Long Wushuang, who had been sitting quietly on the ring for a long time, glanced at Qiu Yang above his head, and asked the maid beside him, "Is that little brother still sleeping at the small gate?"

"Yes." Ring Ya replied.

"Yeah." Today is the last day of the most competitive arena, Lei Dingtian posted a post to all the friends in the rivers and lakes, it seems that today will probably be as bleak as the previous two days.

A flash of firmness flashed across his cold and indifferent face, and he immediately called out to the manager sitting in the center of the ring: "Boss Long."

Long Weitian, who was cutting his eyelids for the flies, heard this faint call, immediately cheered up, got up and approached his eldest lady.

"Lei Dingtian intervened, so no one will come to the ring today."

"Alas" sighed softly, and Long Xiangtian murmured softly, "Why doesn't Eldest Miss marry Second Young Master Lei?"

"No." Standing up after sitting for a long time, Long Wushuang said coldly: "Arrange the hydrangea, I want to throw the hydrangea to recruit relatives." No matter how handsome and handsome the second gentleman of his Junzi sword is, let him be as domineering as his Thunderbolt sword, she is Do not want to marry him.

"Embroidered hydrangea ball?" Long Xiangtian's face was full of surprise, swallowing his saliva and persuading him: "Miss, it's not wrong."

Indifferently, as if he had never heard of it, he cast his cold eyes on everyone in the audience.Taking off the white silk that covered his face, his cold autumn eyes shot at Long Xiangtian who was beside him, and a wandering look appeared on his indifferent dimple.

"I know what you are thinking. Even if I die, I can't marry Lei Dingtian and accept your self-righteous thoughts." What these people are thinking is like a mirror. won.Lei Dingtian will definitely take part in the challenge himself and win the final victory.

When Long Xiangtian heard this clear sentence, he was stunned, and he didn't dare to go further than he bowed in response: "Yes, yes, this old slave will prepare immediately." The eldest lady is too smart, but what happened between her and Second Young Master Lei What's the matter?Make her so angry?Why did this pair of golden boys and jade girls who were originally blessed make such a fuss?
As Long Wushuang took off the silk gauze, the crowd of people who joined the fun in the audience were all silent, and the saliva flowed non-stop.

"The arena is over." Long Xiangtianchao, who was holding a hydrangea ball, stared blankly at his family's young lady and shouted.

As soon as he drank, the audience exploded immediately, and several young masters who had just come to join in the fun with a joking attitude, immediately rushed to the ring, staring at the serious and indifferent face in front of them.

"We haven't fought yet, so why is it over?" They didn't plan to go on stage at first, but seeing such a delicate and beautiful girl, they were all motivated to fight in the ring.

Long Xiangtian didn't know what these prodigal sons were thinking, so he yelled coldly, "It's over, everyone, go down."

"It can't end like this, we're going to fight in the ring." Everyone on and off the stage shouted loudly, unwilling to leave the ring.

Seeing these people rioting, Long Wushuang walked forward coldly, and cast a cold look at everyone on and off the stage, "Everyone, the ring is over now." Softly, Bingyu paused, and said Indifferently said: "The next thing is to throw the hydrangea ball. If you are interested, you can stay and wait to pick it up. I will marry whoever catches it."

"Okay, okay." The confident young masters of all walks of life immediately rushed to the audience, wishing that he was the only one in the whole city.

The indifferent Long Wushuang saw that the stage was empty, and called softly to the ring girl next to him: "Drive out the little brother who is sleeping in the back and front, and then ask Pu Cong to follow behind. When he receives the hydrangea, immediately carry him." Run to the mansion, and never let the hydrangea fall into the hands of others."

"Yes." Xiaohuanya respected Fushen and hurriedly left to make arrangements.

"Give me the hydrangea." A tender palm stretched out to the stunned Long Xiangtian beside him.

"Yes, yes, yes." Long Xiangtian, not daring to disobey, stood up and handed the red hydrangea to her.

Holding the red hydrangea in his hand, Long Wushuang took a light step forward.

The tense crowd in the audience was silent, and everyone held their breath and concentrated, ready to fly to the sky to snatch the embroidered beads at the first moment.

Ah Zhen, who was sleeping very well, was kicked out of the back door in a daze, unaware that he had been calculated and scolded and walked out of the alley.

Long Wushuang's erratic eyes followed him when his figure appeared, until that long and thin figure was getting closer and closer to the edge of the stage, his indifferent eyes stared quietly and quietly. Pay attention to that handsome face.

Ah Zhen, who was kicked out, scratched his head and gave a huff. When he walked to the side of the stage, he stopped suddenly.The hand that was scratching the old man's brain also stopped, and everyone who was stunned, who was originally lively, suddenly all stared at him viciously like a wolf.

"What are you doing?" In a daze, a red shadow suddenly appeared above the head, and the natural reaction was to scoop up both hands, looking stupidly at the red and hairy thing in his hand for no reason?

Before he regained his senses, he suddenly burst into surprise by his side, "My lord has made a decision, my lord has made a decision." Then, the world spun, and the whole person rose into the sky, and the wind whistling past his ears dazzled him , tongue-tied.I don't know what these people are happy about, and what "good" things have they done?

(End of this chapter)

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