ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 481 "Dragon Mansion"

Chapter 481 "Dragon Mansion"

Throwing the hydrangea to that person coldly, Long Wushuang turned back home without saying a word.

Countless cold sweat slid down Long Tian's forehead, and with a trembling throat he shouted at the people who were still in a daze: "My uncle has been selected, thank you for your support."

Everyone who lifted them up in a daze retracted their eyes in disbelief, although they were unwilling, but Hydrangea was carried into the Dragon Mansion, leaving them no chance to snatch it, and they could only sigh why they didn't even hold the ring for three days. Come and fight, and miss such a good opportunity for nothing.

"What?" In a jade shop not far from the Dragon Mansion, there was a young and handsome young master sitting in the side room of the shop, but the young master who was drinking tea leisurely, his face turned black when he heard the report from the servant. , The veins on the forehead were throbbing violently, and he violently lifted the servant who came to report, and shouted: "What did you say? It turned into throwing a hydrangea to recruit relatives?"

"Yes, yes." Pu Cong clenched his heart in his throat, and said tremblingly: "When I heard about this, my servant immediately reported it, and before I entered the shop, I saw the crowd around the ring rush Back away. After much deliberation, the young miss has already been chosen." Before she finished speaking, seeing the staring eyes in front of her, she immediately silenced, not daring to offend the young master who was upright.

The ashen-faced Lei Ding was trembling all over, and asked the sky speechlessly: "Long Wushuang, what do you want from me?" After roaring like the wind, he immediately rushed to the Dragon Mansion not far away with a swoosh.

Ah Zhen, who had no clue, was carried into the hall of the Dragon Mansion. As soon as he stood still, he immediately hugged his chest and asked the servant in front of him suspiciously: "What are you going to do?" Could it be robbery?

All the family servants and ring maids were beaming with joy in their mouths, and bowed to the stunned person in front of them, "I've seen my uncle."

"Uncle?" Ah Zhen, who was speechless, looked at the feat in front of him. Before he could figure it out, he saw a beautiful girl with white gauze and long dress floating in front of him.

The moment the two looked at each other, Ah Zhen's teeth shuddered.So indifferent, so cold eyes.

"who are you?"

Jing looked at the man in front of him, and Long Wushuang Wubo's eyes flashed a little strangeness. Although this man was dressed in coarse linen, his handsome face was not inferior to that of Lei Dingtian.

"I will be your wife." The tone seemed to say that the chicken next door was slaughtered last night.There is no warmth, and there is no expression of a bride who is about to be a bride.

Lightning and thunder, boom boom, boom boom

Hearing her indifferent words, Ah Zhen raised his expression as if he had swallowed an egg raw, and stared blankly at the sick iceberg beauty in front of him.

Unable to digest the news, he opened his mouth wide and pointed at the iceberg beauty in front of him and asked, "What did you say?"

Zhen Ning's Long Wushuang was calm, calm and serene, and said without revealing any expression: "We are about to pay homage."

You heard me right.For a whole quarter of an hour, Ah Zhen maintained the posture of eating eggs raw, looking at the iceberg woman in front of her in disbelief.

But Long Wushuang didn't bother him, and stood quietly in front of him, waiting for him to accept this amazing thought.

"Uh." The unbelievable Ah Zhen recovered from his stupefaction, and immediately confronted the iceberg woman in front of her carefully, looked her up from head to toe, scratched her forehead blankly, and asked cautiously: "Girl , you don't have any hidden problems, right?" Although she looks a little cold, but she is of the glamorous type, with her figure and appearance, people who want to marry her should be able to line up to the gate of the city from here.Apart from the fact that there is a hidden disease, is there any reason to reasonably explain all this weirdness?
Seeing his doubts, Long Wushuang shook his head coldly and said, "I don't have hidden diseases, I'm healthy."

"This..." Hearing her saying that there is no hidden disease, Ah Zhen was even more at a loss, "We don't seem to know each other?"

"You received my hydrangea." She was concise.

"Hydrangea?" Ah Zhen, who was muttering to himself, suddenly realized that the red thing he was holding just now was a hydrangea.

Just when Ah Zhen didn't know what to say.

"Dragon Girl, Dragon Girl" an eager voice came from outside immediately.

"Eh?" The dumbfounded Ah Zhen stretched his neck curiously, and looked out of the hall.

I saw a handsome young man who was dressed in a fancy dress and was about the same size as him, jumping on the petals anxiously, and flew into the hall with an arrow.

Lei Dingtian, who had just flown into the hall, hadn't opened his mouth yet, Long Wushuang's already cold face suddenly turned colder, he turned around as if he was watching the murder of his father and enemy, stared at the person coming, and said coldly: "Lei Dingtian, You are not welcome in my Dragon Mansion, get the hell out of here."

"Long Mei, why don't you want to believe me, I'm really sorry" He begged repeatedly but couldn't get forgiveness, Lei Dingtian was about to go crazy.

"Our fate is over, Mr. Lei, please go back." The cold Long Wushuang silently turned around, unwilling to look at him.

Seeing that he was so determined, Lei Dingtian leaned forward anxiously, held his thin arms with both hands, turned around her body, and asked Zuobai: "Longmei, what do you want from me? Tell me."

Long Wushuang, who was turned around, was very indifferent. He stretched out his hand to pull away the shoulders that were being held, and replied coldly: "Mr. Lei, please respect yourself, do whatever you want, and do whatever you want with me."

"You..." Lei Dingtian was so angry, his chest was heaving, he felt that he was about to vomit blood, he pointed at Ah Zhen who was watching the show frantically and shouted: "Do you really want to marry him?"

Ah Zhen, who was watching the play, was enjoying it, when suddenly a finger was pointed at him, and he was taken aback for a moment.

"That's right, I just want to marry him." Long Wushuang, who wanted to piss him off, turned around and approached Ah Zhen, holding his arm with his small hand, and replied to Lei Dingtian: "I just want to marry him, you What can I do?"

"You" clutched your chest tightly, a mouthful of blood suddenly spilled from your mouth.

Seeing him vomit blood, Long Wushuang's body froze while holding Ah Zhen's arm, and his indifferent face cracked.

"Damn it." With a loud rage, Lei Dingtian, who was so angry that he vomited blood, raised his left hand, immediately clenched a green sword in his hand, and threw himself at Ah Zhen without thinking.

The advertisement is exciting, but suddenly a series is interrupted.It's okay to interrupt the series, but a Sadako crawled out of the TV.Ah Zhen doesn't have a god to protect her body, so how can she bear it.



Paralyzed in fright, Ah Zhen narrowly escaped Sadako's attack, turned his stiff neck to look at the table and chair that was split into two by the domineering sword energy, and the cold sweat all over his body suddenly fell like a waterfall.More than pouring.I fell in love with the floor so much that I refused to share a gap with the floor.

Seeing that the move was dodged, Lei Dingtian, who wanted to kill this person wholeheartedly, raised his sword hand, and the cold sword in the air seemed to tear the ground, and struck the fallen person again fiercely.

The dazed Ah Zhen collapsed to the ground, unable to fight back, he opened his eyes and watched the domineering sword energy attack, and couldn't believe that he was going to die in the city of Leizhou that he had occupied.


In the silent hall, there was a loud noise that pierced the sky.

The lightning-like Long Wushuang turned into two daggers from nowhere, holding a dagger tightly in one hand, with swallow tails blending together and lotuses intersecting, squatting in front of Ah Zhen, the two swords combined to help him block the dagger A domineering blade.

Blocking the cold sword, Long Wushuang shouted angrily: "Your surname is Lei, how dare you commit murder in my Longfu."

When the cold sword was blocked, Lei Dingtian flipped over in the air, and after standing still, he immediately took a big step, clutching his chest in grief, and murmured in grief and indignation: "Mei Long, you actually consider me your enemy."

Seeing his sad expression, Long Wushuang's heart twitched suddenly, but his face was still indifferent.Standing up, he replied coldly: "You want to act wildly in my Dragon Mansion, and you want to kill my husband-in-law who is about to pass through the door. There is actually a reason."

"Longmei" let out a frenzied roar, and Lei Dingtian, who took back his sword, shook his head sadly, staggered forward, held her shoulders tightly, shook her vigorously and roared: "What do you want me to do, what do you want me to say?" what."

"Go and ask Feng Ruoneng, what do you want me to do?" He waved away his clenched weak shoulders with a disdainful hand, not wanting to talk to him any more.

"The husband-in-law who kept saying that he was about to pass the door, but saw his husband-in-law fell to the ground and didn't even give him a hand. Instead, he was fighting with other men." He muttered disdainfully, and Ah Zhen was in a cold sweat He got up from the ground and patted his own face, wondering how familiar the name "Feng Ruoneng" was.

A man and a woman who were arguing heard him complaining, and the two chattering mouths immediately fell silent.With different expressions, they all shot at the person who got up.

Ah Zhen, who was muttering, patted the dust off his body, and when he raised his head, he saw that the two people who were arguing had quieted down. The eyes they cast on him were cold and sharp, and a bead of sweat slid down his forehead, "Why?"

"Damn it, what did you say?" Lei Dingtian was furious, it was really audacious for a street trader to dare to complain about Long Mei.

Suddenly hearing the violent roar, Ah Zhen asked in a daze, "What did I say?"

"You..." Lei Dingtian didn't expect a marketer to be so daring, he who was already irritable became even more furious, he raised his backhand, and immediately held the withdrawn green sword tightly in his hand.

Seeing him flashing his sword again, Long Wushuang stood up and reprimanded him, "Stop me, you surnamed Lei."

Lei Dingtian, who was angry with "Dragon Girl", felt that his patience was being lost bit by bit.

Seeing him flashing his sword again, the dazed Ah Zhen was really taken aback, and immediately kept silent and dared not speak again.Observers are under the roof and have to bow their heads to the rules.

The defeated Lei Dingtian turned pale and stared at Ah Zhen, unable to utter a single word in anger.

The silent Ah Zhen saw this expression as if he had stolen his wife, and thought he couldn't stay in this place any longer. Hey, he was just a little bit short of his life.

Abandoning the truth that silence is golden, he murmured in a low voice: "Huh? Where's the hydrangea just now?"

Hearing the word hydrangea, Lei Dingtian's face became even colder, and he and Ah Zhen fell in love.

Being stared at by such hateful eyes, Ah Zhen swallowed a big mouthful of saliva, glanced around, and immediately saw the hydrangea on the chair, picked it up in his hand without thinking, and looked carefully at Long Wushuang who looked at him coldly Take a look.

Just when everyone didn't know what to do with the hydrangea, he suddenly raised a slanderous smile, and the very angry Lei Dingtian asked: "This prawn, do you like your Longmei very much?"

When Lei Dingtian, with a pale face, heard this, he immediately yelled back without thinking: "I and Long Mei have been destined for three lives, you don't want to marry her." The imposing manner is all about me.

Long Wushuang's heart skipped a beat when he heard his domineering words.A little joy, a little bitterness, but his face was still cold and indifferent.

"Okay, okay, I know, I know." Ah Zhen nodded again and again, stepped forward cautiously, and handed the hydrangea slightly forward: "Since you are so determined to win it, then this hydrangea counts as 200 taels for you. Man, I got silver. How about everyone happy?"

All the people in the hall suddenly stared wide-eyed, and cast "You are very kind" to the old man in disbelief.

Lei Dingtian was stunned for a while, staring fiercely at the philistine in front of him, his brows were frowned, and he asked in displeasure: "Are you going to sell Long Mei?"

"Whether to sell or not, you are serious." Ah Zhen waved his hand indifferently, and said honestly: "I was going to go out of the city, but I was hit by a hydrangea, and I don't want to marry, and you vowed to get it. So Shrugging his shoulders, he asked solemnly, "Do you want it or not?"

"Yes." Without thinking for a moment, Lei immediately took out all the bank notes in his arms, stuffed them on him, and snatched the red hydrangea with one hand, and was immediately overjoyed.

When Ah Zhen saw that he didn't even look at it, he stuffed the bank note over, casually glanced at the bank note in his hand, it was only 200 taels, there were three or 400 taels.He frowned with a sudden smile, and said loudly: "Okay, the goods and money will be paid. You don't need to send it away." Without thinking about it, he immediately stepped forward.This person surnamed Lei is a big fool, and the one surnamed Long will not marry him, even if he bought a hydrangea, so what, but this is not important, what is important is that he has earned a lot of travel expenses.

"Wait a minute." A soft shout came out suddenly.

Before Lei Dingtian could finish shouting "Dragon", Long Wushuang came to A Zhen's side lightly, grabbed his collar, and asked coldly: "The ruffians outside are looking for you all over the city. Wouldn't it be a little risky to go out?"

As soon as he walked to the entrance of the hall, Ah Zhen, who had not yet stepped out, was grabbed.Then I heard this cold question.Countless black lines slid down his forehead, swallowed, and the man who knew the current affairs turned around and walked back to the hall. This man surnamed Long was right, the limelight is getting tight now, it is better to wait until dark before leaving the city.

Seeing him return to the hall, Long Wushuang glared at Lin Azhen coldly, and sarcastically said: "This little brother is really good at doing business, and he made hundreds of taels in an instant."

"Where, where." Ah Zhen waved his hand guiltily, "Small business, it's just a small business."

"Hmph." The expressionless Long Wushuang's originally cold face became even colder, and he scolded again: "You actually took me for business."

Looking at the indifferent face in front of him, Ah Zhen said honestly: "Miss Long, it's not that I won't marry you, but that I already have a wife."

Long Wushuang, who hadn't thought about this issue, heard him say that he already had a wife, so he scolded even more angrily: "You have a wife and yet you come to pick up my hydrangea."

Ah Zhen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said honestly with a sad face: "When I walked out of the alley in a daze, I didn't know what happened, and the hydrangea fell. I just got the hydrangea and didn't even say a word, and I was caught by your mansion. My servant rushed here like a piggy." He was also very wronged, okay?

Hearing his complaints, Long Wushuang suddenly remembered that it was her arrangement, and he couldn't blame him entirely.Biting her lip lightly, she never thought that this person would have a wife, and it is absolutely impossible for her to have a husband with someone else.

(End of this chapter)

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