ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 482 "Another Weak Chicken Jianghu"

Chapter 482 "Another Weak Chicken Jianghu"

On the contrary, Lei Dingtian, who was holding a hydrangea ball at the side, was overjoyed, and with a tight face, he approached with a smile and said, "Mei Long, since he already has a wife, let's let this matter go." The hydrangea in Yang's hand, "I will marry you."

"You are dreaming." Long Wushuang turned his cold eyes and stared indifferently at the laughing Lei Dingtian, "If Feng can hear your words, he must be very happy, Mr. Lei, please go back."

"Long Mei, you and me." The tongue-tied Lei Dingtian was overwhelmed and begged bitterly: "Long Mei, it's really not like this, I was wronged."

As early as just now, Ah Zhen felt that the name Feng Ruoneng was very familiar.After thinking for a while, he suddenly realized, and shouted at the two people who were arguing: "Is the Feng Ruoneng you are talking about the red bellyband in the ruined temple?"
Lei Dingtian, who was in a hurry to explain, closed his mouth, and shot blankly at him who didn't know what to be excited about.

He frowned and asked: "What ruined temple? What red bellyband?" Why do these words sound inharmonious?
Seeing the two men shooting towards him, Ah Zhen spoke incoherently excitedly: "Feng Ji, the wind energy is like her father's Feng Ruoneng?"

Hearing the name Feng Ji, Lei Dingtian nodded in a daze: "It's Feng Ruoneng, the host of Feng Lou, do you know him?" Would this kind of ordinary people know Feng Ji, the host of Hai Feng Lou?
"Four big castles, five big gangs, seven buildings, and four gentlemen." Ah Zhen, who was muttering to himself, suddenly realized that these were the famous families Qianyun had told him that day, but he did not expect to enter this weak Jianghu again.

A bead of sweat slid down his forehead, Ah Zhen saw the two expressions of disbelief in front of him, raised his head and said, "Of course I know, that old man Feng Ji is as stupid as a pig, but if Feng can grow well."

The two people who didn't believe that he really knew Feng Ji, heard him call the Louzhu Fengji a stupid pig, and immediately scolded: "Bold, how dare you scold the Louzhu Feng."

"What kind of bullshit Fengzhu, stupid as a pig." After thinking about it, even the others scolded: "Not only Fengji, but also Chenghui, Hongju, and Yinxie are all like stupid pigs."

Long Wushuang was stunned, his face was equally cold, and he scolded: "Shut up, how dare you scold Master Cheng, Master Humboldt, and Lord Yin."

This is the famous family of Jianghu.

Looking at their expressions, Ah Zhen was very disappointed in Jiang Hu, shook his head and sat on the chair, raised his legs and sighed: "You two, I scolded them because they are really stupid. If you don't believe me, I will tell you listen."

The two people who were extremely angry, saw that this person was blatantly speaking wildly, raising expressions of distrust.Lei Dingtian glared angrily at Ah Zhen who was crossing his legs, and snorted: "You are a common man, how do you know the affairs of Jianghu, if you want to talk about it, if you don't know, I will never forgive you."

"Don't worry, it's all secrets, only this one has no duplicates."

As soon as the words are finished, the mouth is like a river, like a torrential river.

"Have you heard that the emperor sent Da Sima to the Liao Kingdom that day?"

"It's such a big event that everyone in the world knows about it."

"Okay. Good to know." Satisfaction nodded and continued: "The Liao Kingdom sent 3000 people to escort Da Sima, but these four people led the people from the fortress and broke into the Liao Kingdom barracks with red flags, trying to intercept Da Sima. .”

"Da Sima is my great Zhou's hero, even if he dies, there is no complaint." Lei Dingtian said naturally, he didn't catch up that day, otherwise he would have been a part of it.

"Rescue as soon as possible, but hundreds of people broke into the heavy soldiers with big red eyes, and went to save them without any shyness and blatantly." Spreading his hands, "Aren't you stupid?"

"What do you mean?"

"Send someone to pretend to be a Liao soldier, enter the camp to inquire about the tent, and then sneak in. There is no need for so many people, three or four masters can do it." Speaking of this, he waved his hands, "This is not their most stupid Deeds."

The two who were listening quietly raised their brows lightly. "Oh, is there any secret news?"

"Of course." The overjoyed Ah Zhen smiled and said, "They are going to rescue Da Sima, but they are trapped in heavy soldiers, and finally Da Sima is going to rescue them. Don't you think this group of people are stupid?" Said Ah Zhen laughed out loud at the end, extremely happy.

Seeing that he knew the ins and outs, Lei Dingtian's expression changed, he stepped forward and grabbed him tightly and yelled, "Who are you?" How would the people know?Could it be a spy from the Liao Kingdom?

Ah Zhen knew what he was thinking, patted his hand away and said, "Don't worry, I'm not a spies of the Liao Kingdom."

"If it's not a spy, how would you know?" Lei Dingtian didn't believe him at all.

Seeing Lei Dingtian's appearance, Long Wushuang, who was listening quietly, immediately understood that what this person said was true, and hurriedly asked: "Why do you know so clearly?" What is the identity of this person?
Ah Zhengulu rolled his eyes, and immediately asked: "Hong Feng, Yin Yin, Cheng Xing, you should know each other?"

"Of course we know each other." Lei Dingtian and Long Wushuang answered quickly without even thinking about it, their eyes narrowed.

"I know them very well." Ah Zhen was concise.

"Nonsense." Lei Dingtian yelled, he was listed among the four gentlemen, and they were called brothers. If the three of them had someone who was familiar enough to tell such inside stories frankly, how could he not know.

"It's definitely not nonsense." Ah Zhen stared at the iron-faced Lei Dingtian and said, "Is Cheng Xing still swinging around with a huge sword on his back?"

"That's right. Everyone knows that his sword was broken. It's not a secret."

"How many times has he been broken?"


"Second time."

Lei Dingtian and Long Wushuang spoke in unison, and then Long Wushuang looked at Lei Dingtian from a different place, "Has Cheng Xing been broken twice?"

Ah Zhen didn't wait for Lei Dingtian to answer, and said, "That's right, I was cut off twice. One was cut off before the temple was destroyed, and the other time was cut off by chasing the witch who snatched ginseng."

Hearing such a precise answer, Lei Dingtian looked at Ah Zhen in disbelief, and murmured, "Who are you? How do you know so clearly?"

Ah Zhen smiled at the corner of his mouth, stood up and looked at the two people in front of him, "Aside from the fact that I know them well enough to talk about everything, what else can I explain?"

"Impossible." Shaking his head, Lei Dingtian murmured, "Your martial arts are so poor that people and gods are all angry. If it wasn't for Long Mei's rescue, you would have died by my sword just now. How could it be possible to fight with Brother Hong, Brother Cheng, and Brother Yin?" We are so familiar with each other."

"Speaking out will scare you to death." Ah Zhen, who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, said calmly: "Cheng Hong even wanted to give me the Jitian cheat book, but I didn't even read it, so I threw it back to him."

Hearing the secret book of Jitian, Lei Dingtian and Long Wushuang were horrified, "Cheng Hong gave you the Eighteen Ways to Capture Dragon?"

"Catching dragon hands is just a juggling, okay?" The indifferent Ah Zhen shrugged his shoulders, pointed at the two people in front of him and shook his head in contempt: "If it weren't for my trouble now, I would lightly lift one finger and call Come out with the worst martial arts, and you can settle these so-called famous families of the world."

Lei Dingtian and Long Wushuang were immediately angry when they heard him speak so loudly.

"Fart, what ability do you have, I can take off your dog's head within a few strokes."

"Yes, yes." Ah Zhen looked at Lei Dingtian disdainfully, and lazily said: "Huluo Plain was bullied by dogs, and now I am in trouble, you can do whatever you want with me."

Thinking of how he had never been so despised by others, he immediately yelled without thinking: "Call out your guards, I will defeat him within three moves."

"Hum..." Looking at the thunderbolt sword in front of him with disdainful eyes, Ah Zhen said provocatively: "My people must be looking for me everywhere now, but how could they find me when I'm locked up here."

"You said."

"Put an arrow at the gate of the Dragon Mansion with a sharp red arrow." This is the badge of the vulture on a mission.

"Okay" Lei Dingtian immediately agreed without thinking about it.

"Wait." Long Wushuang tightly held the furious Lei Dingtian, looked at Ah Zhen coldly, and said indifferently: "What kind of trick are you planning?"

"I just want people who are looking for me to come to me." He raised his eyes lightly and said coldly, "Why? Don't you dare?"

Long Wushuang, who was pulling Lei Dingtian, replied coldly: "I won't be fooled by you."

"Okay." Shrugging his shoulders, Ah Zhen pointed to the little hand holding Lei Dingtian, and asked suspiciously: "Didn't you say that you would never marry him if you died? Why are you holding his hand so warmly now?" Woolen cloth?"

Long Wushuang looked along his fingers suspiciously, saw that he was holding Lei Dingtian's arm, a shyness flashed in his eyes, he quickly let go, and glared at the speechless man in front of him.

The indifferent Ah Zhen rolled his eyes, sat back on the chair, pointed at Lei Dingtian, raised his legs and questioned: "If you can quarrel over that Feng, does it mean that he has something to do with that Meimei?"

Lei Dingtian's face changed slightly, and he shouted angrily, "It's none of your business."

"Maybe I can help you sort it out, maybe." He tapped himself on the head, "Because the bystander knows."

After thinking about it for a while, Lei Dingtian was at a loss, how could he explain to Long Wushuang that she didn't believe it, and he was like a living doctor.With a blushing face, he said, "When I was in Guiyang, I met Brother Yin by chance. In the middle of the night, I suddenly saw Brother Cheng and Ruoneng coming to stay together." Having said this, he took a careful look at Long Wushuang next to him, and sighed deeply, " Then I drank a few cups with Brother Cheng, and when I got up the next day and went to look for him in Brother Cheng's room, Brother Cheng was no longer there, only Feng Ruoneng was sleeping soundly naked."

Ah Zhen asked: "Then Miss Long happened to pass by?" Isn't it too old-fashioned?

"No." Lei Dingtian sighed and shook his head, "Brother Yin went to my room to say goodbye to me, but he couldn't find me. Following the instructions of the waiter, he came to Chengfang's room."

"Then he yelled loudly, Feige reported to the old lady?"

Lei Dingtian nodded, then shook his head again, "No, brother Yin has always been on good terms with Ruoneng, he saw that I bullied Ruoneng and made me responsible, and after we broke up, Lord Fengbao gave the dowry to him not long after. delivered."

"So that's how it is." Ah Zhen, who understood, asked, "Where's Cheng Xing?"

"I don't know." Shaking his head and sighing, "I was also sending people around to look for him, but I couldn't find anyone."

After listening to the ins and outs, Ah Zhen stood up, expressed 12 sympathies to Lei Dingtian, and sighed, "You are so unlucky."

"Yes, it's really unlucky." Lei Dingtian was also extremely defeated.

Long Wushuang on the side snorted softly, and said sourly: "It's not bad luck, it's Qingxing."

"Miss Long, this is your fault." Ah Zhen spoke up for Lei Dingtian disapprovingly: "Everyone in the world knows that if Cheng Xing and Feng can have an affair, and Lei Dingtian has his heart attached to you, how could it be possible?" Having an affair with another woman."

"The whole world?" The stunned Lei Dingtian looked at Ah Zhen in front of him in a daze, grabbed him and asked urgently, "What else do you know?"

Shocked Ah Zhen suddenly saw his expression, and asked in a daze, "You don't know?"

The two people in front shook their heads.

Seeing these two silly expressions, Ah Zhen sat back on his chair and announced the matter to the public, "If this Feng can care about Cheng Xing, but Cheng Xing has never expressed his opinion. The two of them are not just having an affair, Rather, it is greatly tainted."

There was a thunder on the ground, and the two people who were speechless asked anxiously, "Why did you say that?"

"Let me tell you." Lowering his voice, pretending to be mysterious, he said, "As early as last year, if Cheng Xing and Feng Neng could have had an affair, they might have secretly given birth to a child outside."

"Impossible?" The two who listened carefully exclaimed.

"I'm lying to you, I'm a puppy." Pointing to his own eyes, Ah Zhen said with absolute certainty: "I saw them almost naked, hiding in the ruined temple and touching them." As he talked, he started to learn. At that time, Feng Ruoneng's tone said: "Brother Cheng, don't want to be here, it's so dirty, you will be seen by others." Then Cheng Xing's tone of evil smile blurted out, "Sister Feng, it's okay to have clothes down here , there's no one around, it's all right."

The two people who listened carefully saw him touching his body while talking, their heads burst into blood for a moment, and goose bumps fell all over the floor.

"And then?" Lei Dingtian asked dryly.

"Shut up." Long Wushuang bit his lips in embarrassment.

Hearing these two different voices, Ah Zhen stopped moving, looked blankly at the two faces in front of him, and asked, "Do you want it? Or don't you?"


"Do not"

They all spoke in unison again.

Seeing that Long Wushuang's face was flushed, Ah Zhen shrugged his shoulders, stood up and said, "Forget it." He came to a conclusion and said, "It's not Lei Dingtian, but Cheng Xing who has anything to do with the wind."

Many days of explanations are not as good as his few words, Lei Dingtian wished to make a vow with him, his deep hatred and resentment dissipated, he slapped him on the shoulder, and shouted in shock: "That's right, that's how it is." Qian Lima finally met Bole up.

Long Wushuang, who did not believe in Lei Dingtian, bit his lip lightly.The indifferent expression on his face had already cracked, he carefully cast a glance at Lei Dingtian next to him, he remained silent, not knowing what to say.

Lei Dingtian saw that she was so sorry, he held her little hand in surprise, and swore to the sky: "Longmei, as he said, if I have any relationship with the wind, let Lei strike me to death."

"Ding Ding Tian." Knowing that he misunderstood him, Long Wushuang Wuyan faced him, lowered his head, and sighed lightly.

Hearing this sweet name from her mouth again, Lei Dingtian smiled from ear to ear, took her hand and thanked Ah Zhen: "Thank you, what's your name?"

(End of this chapter)

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