ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 504 "Ramice"

Chapter 504 "Ramice"

The two people in front of them, who were eating quietly, saw the king suddenly spouting rice, they stood up in horror and asked concerned: "Son-in-law, what are you?"

"It's all right." Afraid of being caught by something bad, Ah Zhen hastily pulled his palm out of Benny's skirt, waved his hands and said apologetically, "I choked just now, it's all right, it's all right."

"Oh." Daerba and Benny's mother, who didn't understand what he was doing, were very puzzled, but he had already said so, so it was not easy to ask more questions.How can you choke if you eat so slowly?

After they sat down, Ah Zhen and Benny looked at each other, and Benny showed him the two dimples deep in the spring, and shrugged her shoulders lightly, then buried her head and continued to eat.

"Damn it." The desire in the body was like a beast, attacking non-stop.Unable to bear it, Ah Zhen sat back in his chair, blaring loudly, ignoring everyone's dumbfounded, fiercely rubbing up the table full of food.

Daerba thought he was the worst eater, but he couldn't help admiring this big-eating son-in-law.

Bernie's own mother had eaten with her before, so she knew he had a big appetite.But suddenly seeing him eating so fiercely, he couldn't help being shocked, swallowing like this would ruin his stomach.

Benny, who knew what he was anxious about, was speechless, and pressed his hand holding the whole dish worriedly, "Mr. Sir, this is a fish, you can't swallow it, you will choke on it."

"Oh." With his mouth full, Ah Zhen put the plate of fish back and looked for another target.

Are you in such a hurry?With shy eyes, Benny pulled him up without thinking, and said to the people in front: "Abba, Aunt, we are going to rest, you eat slowly."

The dumbfounded Daerba frowned lightly, "My son-in-law is not full yet."

"He's full." Benny put her arms around Ah Zhen's arm, rolled her eyes at the people around her, and led him to her boudoir.

"Mother-in-law, father-in-law, please eat slowly." The excited Zhen swallowed the food in his mouth, and instead of staying for a moment, he pulled Benny, and the old horse galloped towards the backyard knowing the way.

"This..." Daerba and Bei Ni's mother saw the two leave in an instant, Erzhang King Kong couldn't figure it out, why was he in such a hurry?

As soon as the door slammed loudly, Benny quickly put her small hand against the bullying mouth, "Mr., wait a minute."

"No, I don't want to wait any longer." He was about to explode at the border, and there was no inn after arriving in Kunming. The woman in his arms was so beautiful, how could he wait.

"Lang, uh..." Before Benny could say anything, her little hands couldn't support his strong head, and the sound disappeared in an instant.

"Hmm..." Benny, who was about to suffocate, was lying on her back on the tea table, and the man who was like a huge mountain was pressing on her body, and she felt that she was about to die.

After the "sweet" French-style deep kiss, the anxious Ah Zhen yanked the clothes on his body, instantly changing from a person to a hairless pig.

"Slow down." As soon as she stood up from the table, Benny saw that he was almost naked, and she hurriedly backed away in horror. It seemed that the man was going to eat people like this, it was too scary.

"You can't be slow, how can you be slow, you have to go all out." Pulling down the last pants, Ah Zhen was completely naked, and insidiously bullied the frightened person in front.

With her eyes wide open, Benny swallowed her saliva and stared at him incredulously, her little face was as red as blood. Although she had been honest with her countless times, there was nothing as huge as the one that frightened her this time. Can she hold it?

As soon as the words "no" came out, the small body was immediately caught in his arms again.

"Wen and Rou" Benny panicked, her invincible and weak body was thrown on the tea table in an instant.

The evil Ah Zhen turned Benny on the tea table, lay down and kissed her reddened ears, and murmured evilly, "Isn't Nier wearing underwear?"

"Yes, yes." The Miao skirt is so short, there's no way he can't wear it, and the gentleman lost his mind.

"Children who lie, you will be punished." After saying that, he raised her skirt with a big palm, caressed the silk brocade panties, and pulled them off with a smile.

"Ah..." In the bright sky, in broad daylight, no matter how generous Benny is, he can't stand it, "Your Majesty, go to bed."


"Then, clothes."

"I even want clothes and clothes." Don't let her utter a word, lean into her forcefully, hold her weak shoulders tightly, and punish this misbehaving woman to her heart's content.

"Ah" rubbing against the table, Bernie's brows were furrowed tightly, her little head was raised high, and the hint of being attacked suddenly floated from her cherry lips.

chirp, chirp

With the loud sound of the table moving, Benny couldn't bear such a violent impact, and moaned softly. She didn't want to moan, but for some reason, the moaning sound couldn't stop flowing from her tightly biting lips.

After thousands of troops and horses passed by, the burning room returned to its original tranquility, and Puyun outside was relaxed and light, the wind!Getting lazy.

Miao clothes, silk scarves, bells, and bamboo shoes were scattered all over the floor with the king's shirt, king's shoes, and belt between them, and the two bodies on the bed were entangled.

The dazed Benny's whole body was sore, and she lazily woke up from her sleep. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Langjun's handsome face, with a blush on her cheeks.

"Sex ghost." He touched the nose in front of him helplessly and happily, recalling his enthusiasm just now, and suddenly felt that the fire was burning all over his body.Smiling at the corner of his mouth, he cursed softly at the sleeping man: "You're a grinder, you're thick-skinned."

After waking up from sleep, Ah Zhen was refreshed and radiant.He just felt that he had never been so energetic before, he almost jumped off the bed, and then embraced the man who was dressed neatly and was standing in front of the cabinet without knowing what he was doing, into his arms.

Benny, who was arranging Lang Jun's clothes, was hugged full, turned around and put her small hands flat on his chest, her cheeks were dizzy and she called sweetly: "Mr. Wang, you are awake."

"Baby." Almost at the same time, Bernie just turned around, followed by his sensual deep kiss.

Cherry Lips was captured, and Bernie fell silent.

After a long time, there was a soft exhortation, and the small mouth was opened to inhale and exhale vigorously.

"Hahaha" Ah Zhen, who was full of energy, saw the person in his arms looking like he was about to die, and happily put his arms around her and asked, "Dear dear, what are you doing?"

Beating him lightly, Benny murmured, "Mr.

"It's just the two of us, there's nothing to be frugal about." The big mouth lightly pecked at her pink face, while the red palm roamed around the hem of her skirt, rubbing and stroking lightly without hesitation.

In an instant, Benny was rubbed all over by the big dog, and pushed Ah Zhen away comfortably, "No." But no matter how much she struggled, she just couldn't get rid of this entangled big dog.

"Mr. Hurry up, wash your face and change your clothes." Bei Ni with pink cheeks stomped her feet helplessly. It was already afternoon, and Duan Tai was coming to pick up the bride, and he couldn't finish his lust.

"Well, let me hug you again." Ah Zhen was reluctant, and hugged the warm jade in his arms tightly, and from time to time, he lowered his head and lovingly kissed her sweet hair.

Benny quietly let him hold her for a while, and began to feel restless. After opening the bear's arms, she picked up the Miao clothes in the closet and said, "Mr.

"Snatching a relative?" Ah Zhen was taken aback.

"That's right, the name of our Miao village is La Michai." Benny's mischievous eyes flickered, dimpled and said: "It's fun."

"Really?" Argenton was interested, "What is Ramice?"

Knowing that he likes to join in the fun, Bei Ni calculated, "It's fun, sir, don't go into the village when the time comes, wait for Duantai outside the village, and then enter the village with Duantai to welcome Becky."

Ah Zhen, who asked her to help her dress herself, saw her sinister smile, raised her eyebrows and asked, "Ni'er, what trick do you have?"

"No way." Putting on his belt, Benny smiled brightly, "When we enter the village, we, Mi Cai, will block the intersection, and then we will sing a duet with you Mi Cai, and we will give gifts if you find it right." When I got here, I smiled happily: "Pass one level after another."

"Wow, isn't that right?" Ah Zhen was curious.

"It won't be wrong." Bei Ni said truthfully with a chuckle: "Abba called Mi Duo and Duan Tai, who are proficient in antiphonal songs, to welcome the bride."

"It's okay. Otherwise, I'm sorry, it's really a sweat."

"Yeah." After putting on the Miao clothes for him, Benny pulled him to sit in front of the dressing table, "Do you want to play, sir?"

"Of course." Ah Zhen didn't even think about it, how could he miss such a fun thing.

Hearing that he was going to join in the fun, Benny's dimples sank even deeper. This time, she will definitely beat her husband all over her face.

Wearing a Miao suit, Ah Zhen was extremely awkward.

"Sir, don't pull it." Benny in front of the mirror warned him to straighten his body, smoothing the creases at his waist, "He is really a handsome little girl."

Hearing the sound of mido, Ah Zhen opened his mouth, turned around and pinched her cheeks, "Such a cute little Mi Cai."

"Let's go." The elated Benny couldn't stay still for a moment, opened the door and dragged him to the village.

Dali has been the seat of the Miao people for thousands of years. You can see Zhaibu, bamboo grasses, green trees all over the mountains and blue dresses cut down on the mountains, and the unique silver bells, big skirts, and Round bamboo basket.

Although it was cold autumn, the daughter of the Miao family had never worn long trousers, the ever-changing skirt and short jacket with a round neck.The men of the Miao family wear blue homespun clothes and trousers, with a green headkerchief.

The village is not big, but it is one of the 72 villages of Miao.

When Ah Zhen arrived at the gate of the village, the Wizard of Oz came into sight, and the scenery was so beautiful that it was fascinating.

Benny grew up in this fairyland of spiritual beauty since she was a child, and she said to the stunned man next to her unconsciously, "Your Majesty, you are wearing the clothes for welcoming relatives, stay at the door and wait for them."

"Can't I go in?" Duan Tai didn't know when he came, he saw the Miao people coming and going smiling.

"Of course not." Benny shook her head vigorously, if you go to the village before the groom comes, it will ruin Jixi.

After thinking about it, I also felt that it made sense, nodded and sighed: "Okay, I will enter the village when Duantai comes."

"Definitely." With calculations in his eyes, Benny stroked the hair on his shoulders, smiled back and jumped into the village.

With arms crossed, Ah Zhen was dressed in middot to greet the relatives, leaning against the gate of the village, with smiling and playful eyes coming in and out.

"Uh." After a while, Ah Zhen felt like a panda in a zoo.The old face pulled the specialty, and asked Li Nengwu next to him: "Go and see if Duantai and the others are here."

"Master." Li Nengwu felt unsafe.

"Dad is inside, it's all right."

"Yes." The helpless Li Nengwu stood with him and people crowded to watch. His old face was already flushed, and he rushed to the dirt road ahead to check.

"Hehehe..." The three Michai walked out from the gate of the village, Mi Duo, who was watching the gate of the village while walking, kept giggling.

"What are you looking at, I haven't seen a handsome guy before." Ah Zhen cursed in a low voice, squatting on the ground with her arms folded, her old face embarrassed, and her heart extremely upset.

The white clouds in the sky swayed slowly, and when his legs were sore from squatting, the people inside the village gate suddenly shouted in unison: "La Mi Cai is here, La Mi Cai is here."

Hearing the yelling, Ah Zhen stood up from the ground and looked into the distance. Sure enough, he saw a large group of people, happily carrying a lot of things, rushing towards the gate of the village.

Just when Ah Zhen didn't know why they were running as if they were being chased, a large number of girls in red Miao clothes suddenly poured out of the village.

"Rami Cai is here to rob people, close the gate of the village quickly."


Surprised by the loud noise, Ah Zhen looked at the closed village gate with an old face, not understanding what the group of women soldiers were going to do.
"Your Majesty." His head was sweating as he ran, and Duan Tai was also dressed in a Miao outfit, but his hood was red, so he could tell he was the bridegroom.

Suspiciously, Ah Zhen looked at Duan Tai, opened his mouth and smiled and asked: "You want to marry Becky in such a hurry?"

"This" Duan Tai blushed.

Seeing his embarrassment, Ah Zhen laughed loudly, patted him on the shoulder and said: "Okay, don't treat me like a king, today is your big day, everyone have a good time."


"Hey, it's Ramica, our Micha is not so easy to pull." A soft shout came from the village, followed by giggles.

After a while, countless sweats slid down Ah Zhen's forehead.

I saw that the gate of the village that was closed just now was opened, but a large group of Mi Cai stood guarding both sides of the road with bamboo poles, and the road leading to the bride was far from the end.

Duantai brought 16 people, and his face was more than half green after seeing this battle.

"Fight it." In Miduo's camp, everyone was excited and went to the female disaster calmly.

Duan Tai was also speechless secretly, and bowed to thank the sixteen Mi Duo who calmly went to death: "It all depends on Mi Duo, everyone."

"Let's go." Ah Zhen took the lead, led sixteen Mi Duo to support Duan Tai, and stepped towards the gate of the village.

They had just stepped out of the village, and Mi Cai, who was in front of him, immediately crossed the bamboo poles to block their way, with a malicious smile on his face, he sang with his throat: "My brother has a home, but I have no home, and I am walking alone in the sky! Elder brother is with me, I'm not, and the single thrush is chattering."

Just when Ah Zhen was still confused about the situation, a handsome young man stepped out from the mido crowd, and sang to him: "When the sun comes out, it is red and bright, and the moon is misty when it comes out; I don't love the sun and the moon, I just wait for my sister to fall into my arms." .”

"Good." Ah Zhen praised loudly.

All Mi Cai who were blocking the way with bamboo poles giggled jokingly.

When Mi Duo finished matching the song, the red envelope was forced into the hands of Mi Cai, who was singing the song, and Mi Cai, who was singing the song, felt ashamed when he heard everyone giggling like this, stepped on his foot lightly, and felt ashamed of the bell in his hand. Throwing it to Mido in front, he covered his face in shame and ran away.

(End of this chapter)

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