ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 537 "A Wife Comes Out From Undercover"

Chapter 537 "A Wife Comes Out From Undercover"

Yaoyue, Hanshuang, Hanxue, and Hanbing stared in disbelief. They couldn't believe that the king and queen of Tubo would do such shameless things in the boudoir under the eyes of everyone.

On the contrary, other people have long been immune, rolling their eyes in no surprise.Admiring that old man's ability to lie to the dead without paying for his life, he made great efforts, flew in, made great progress, and rushed forward.

"Well..." After the ultra-french deep kiss, Yingying panted, her face flushed and she scolded shamefully, "Spoof."

"That's only because you are poor." He happily pecked at her pink cheek and whispered, "Because we are both people of the 21st century."

"Understood." Pushing away this pestering husband, she glared at him with pink cheeks, and looked at the dumbfounded four people in front with embarrassment, and finally her eyes stayed on Yaoyue's face.

"Huanyue, how are you going to deal with this situation?" This invitation to the moon is so beautiful that it will be hard to escape her husband's clutches sooner or later if she stays here.

Huanyue also had a headache. If she told them to go back, they would definitely not go back.But if he stayed, wouldn't he fall into the wolf mouth of that ruffian king?

"Hey" sighed deeply, and asked Chao Yaoming, who was very big around the moon: "Do you want to go back, or want to stay?"

"Subordinates should follow the young master."

Sure enough, Huanyue sighed lightly and said to Yingying: "It's hard."

"Yes, it's really difficult." Yingying glared at her dear husband beside her bitterly, and Yingying also felt a headache.

Ah Zhen saw that these two women were staring at him, and shouted in displeasure: "Hey, do you just look at me like this?"

"Otherwise, what do you think? You are always like this." Yingying responded naturally, pointing at Yaoyue and humming: "Can you promise to let her go?"

"Of course." He nodded vigorously without even thinking about it, "I'm not a stallion."

"Really?" It's not surprising that the sow climbed the tree, but it's surprising that his nonsense can be believed.

"It's a good promise now. After eating it in the end, who can do anything to get you." Yingying snorted, stared at Ah Zhen fiercely and said: "The only way is to eunuch you, so that future troubles can be eliminated forever."

"You woman, you always want to castrate your husband." Ah Zhen was speechless, turned around and walked towards the entrance of the hall, "You don't believe your husband, I don't care."

Seeing him turn around and leave like this, Yingying quickly waved to Huanyue and said: "Huanyue, you can deal with it." Then the impatient and angry man shouted: "Husband, wait."

In an instant, the fox-like couple disappeared from everyone's eyes. Huanyue saw the two people leaving on their own, rubbed their temples and asked at Yun Richu: "Richu, there seems to be an abandoned building next to your house. Is it official?"

Before Yun Richu could speak, he nodded vigorously to Shaoyun, "Do you want Huanyue to be a neighbor?"

"Well. There are fireworks here, so don't stay longer." Turning to Yaoyue, he asked, "How about moving to the south of the city?"

Yaoyue replied docilely: "Young master can be the master." With the young master around, there is no room for her to speak.

Yun Richu looked at the four beauties with a smile, and said with great joy: "This office has only been sealed for two months, and the contents inside have not been copied by the Liansi. Please let me know and you can move in."

"Yeah." Sighing deeply, Chaoyun Richu blessed his body and said, "Richu, let them live in your mansion temporarily tonight, and I will ask the king tomorrow, you think it's good."

"Of course." After inspecting the four beauties, Yun Richu let go of his previous suspicions, "Since he is a person from Huanyue, he is not an enemy. The four of you can stay here with peace of mind."

"Thank you, Mrs. Xiang." Yaoyue didn't expect that she would become her own family in the end, which was something she had never done before.

"Okay, it's late at night, let's go." Huanyue took Yun Richu's hand, shook her head helplessly and walked with her towards the hall door.

Yaoyue, Hanshuang, Hanbing, and Hanxue followed closely behind Huanyue, while Xiang Shaoyun and Sand Wolf glanced at each other, shrugged and followed quickly, he was really interesting tonight up.

Torrential rain poured down from the sky.

A group of people who turned enemies into friends passed by the forbidden door holding umbrellas.

The sand wolf following behind saw the forbidden door, and looked towards the lotus green figure in the rain.Hesitantly shouted towards the person walking forward: "I'm going back."



Different doubts, but also stopped.

Xiang Shaoyun frowned deeply, looked up and down at the sand wolf standing in front of the forbidden gate, "If you want to go back, go back, why are you shouting so loudly?"

There were blushes on his dark face, his cold eyes glanced at Hanshuang, and he shouted in embarrassment: "I'm going back."

"You need a beating, don't you?" The sudden roar startled Xiang Shaoyun, and he glared at the nervous sand wolf unhappily, "If you want to go back, get out, and I can't buy you a supper."

Huanyue, who was stunned, saw the sand wolf so hesitant, and suddenly realized that she glanced at Hanshuang, "Hanshuang."

"Young master." Hanshuang's face was pink, she certainly knew what Xiaosha meant when she repeatedly called to go back.However, the current Xiaosha is different from the previous Xiaosha. Although she was cheated, the marriage certificate was indeed signed, so how can she deny it?

At first, he didn't understand what Sand Wolf was going crazy, until Huanyue called softly, and Xiang Shaoyun suddenly remembered that Sand Wolf already had a wife.Immediately opened his mouth and joked: "What? Is Sand Wolf so impatient for a bridal chamber?"

"Husband" just as he started speaking, Yun Richu gave a warning.

The sand wolf was extremely ashamed, standing in the heavy rain at a loss.I think he is 28 years old, and his lover has never touched a girl except his right hand.Unexpectedly, the coach gave her a stunning beauty, both in figure and face.In any case, Hanshuang is already his wife, so it's only natural for a wife to sleep with her husband, isn't it?

Huanyue looked at Hanshuang who was holding an umbrella and bowed her head, afraid to miss her marriage and asked, "Hanshuang, do you like sand wolf?"

"This..." She likes that simple and honest little Sha, and the cold sand wolf in front of her is so different from the previous little Sha, how should she answer.

"Young master, I don't know." Hanshuang didn't know what to do.She doesn't know the little Sha in front of her.

"Alas" Huanyue sighed deeply, "You have signed the marriage certificate, and the marriage certificate is in the hands of the king, no matter what, you are already the wife of Sand Wolf." After shaking her little hand, she said earnestly: "Whether it was before The little Sha in front of me, or the little Sha in front of me, are all Sand Wolf itself. Don’t think that Sand Wolf is acting, Xiao Sha’s simple and honest nature is part of Sand Wolf’s temperament.”

"Yes." Hanshuang nodded in agreement.

"En." Huanyue patted her little hand lightly and said, "Go, Sand Wolf is upright and will not treat you badly."

Seeing that the young master wanted to drive her away, Hanshuang murmured with great reluctance: "Young master, I"

Knowing what she was hesitating, Huanyue said with a smile: "I also live in Linfu, so you can get closer to me, can't you?"

"Does the young master and Xiaosha live in the same mansion?" Yaoyue asked urgently in surprise.

"Yes." Huan Yue smiled.

When Hanshuang heard that there was such a thing, the hesitation subsided immediately, and she readily accepted the identity, "Okay, then the young master will be served by the servant."

"It's fine to serve your husband and son-in-law well, but I have nothing to serve you." Shaking his head dumbly, he turned around Hanshuang's body and teased, "Go, tonight is your wedding night."

"Uh!" Hanshuang's pink cheeks were ridiculed, but she didn't expect the young master to be unruly sometimes.

The sand wolf waiting quietly was drenched in the heavy rain, and saw Hanshuang coming shyly.His own face was also stained with blush, and through the heavy rain, he was shy to see Da Ganren smiling maliciously.Regardless of Sanqi 21 pulling the approaching Hanshuang, Gudi buried himself in towards the forbidden door.

"Hahaha" Seeing his embarrassment, Xiang Shaoyun laughed out of joy, it really embarrassing him as an eagle, to make such a stupid move.

"Okay, let's go." Huanyue also smiled deeply, shook her head, turned around and continued walking towards Xiangfu not far away.

Hanshuang's little hand was held, and she hurriedly followed the husband-in-law who was rushing to reincarnate, and the umbrella that couldn't follow the heavy rain that couldn't hit, and after a while, his whole body was soaked. "Hey, hey! Won't you slow down?"

The shy Sand Wolf strode like the wind, and when he heard the protest of the woman behind him, he slowed down his pace without saying a word, and walked side by side with her.With indifferent eyes, he quietly peeped at the newlywed wife beside him.

Silently, Hanshuang held a small umbrella and stared at the newlywed husband who was watching her.She sighed deeply and said, "Do you really want to marry me?" How could this man's play be so real, he deceived everyone, it's a pity that she once felt sorry for him.

"Hmm, um." Sand Wolf didn't get along with women before, and she was such a beautiful woman, so he didn't know what to say for a while.

Han Shuang looked at this embarrassing face, even though he was a different person, this shy expression was still familiar. "Has your tongue been bitten off by a cat?"

Sand Wolf was extremely ashamed, timidly recalled the courage of his life, raised his head to look at Hanshuang's beautiful face openly, held her little hand tightly and stammered: "I, I, I want to marry you."

With a puff, Hanshuang stared at him with a clever smile, raised her small hand and thumped him lightly on the forehead, "You are already married, you don't need to marry again." With a smile, she muttered and teased: "A big man hurts you." What a shame."

"Heh" Silly caressing the forehead that was hit, Sand Wolf tilted his neck and said, "You suddenly wonder why you hit me on the forehead."

"What's so strange?" Hanshuang raised her eyebrows, looked at her sluggish husband-in-law, squinted and smiled, and then tapped his forehead lightly, "What's so strange."

Sand Wolf scratched his forehead, tilted his neck and stared blankly at Hanshuang, squinting and smiling, "You smile very charmingly, and you seem to have something in your mouth when you speak."

With puffed cheeks, Hanshuang squinted a deep charming smile, tilted his eyes to stare at the shy man beside him, and muttered and scolded: "?????"

"Boom?" Sand Wolf didn't know what she was talking about, but she was really beautiful and charming like this. "Han Hanshuang, what did you say?"

"Idiot, idiot." Knowing that he didn't understand, she puffed up her cheeks and approached him, holding the two of them under an umbrella while walking, saying, "I'm from Korea, have you ever been to Korea?"

Sand Wolf stared blankly at the beauty beside him, shook his head and said, "I haven't been there before." He said urgently, "But I have heard of it."

"Yeah." Hanshuang nodded with a smile and said: "We Shouyuebao people are basically Korean. When I was very young, I was sold to the Liao Kingdom as a slave, and finally I was taken in by the castle owner to practice martial arts."

Sand Wolf, who listened quietly, nodded, "I was originally from Dazhou."

"Da Zhou?" Hanshuang asked in surprise, "Then how did you come to Tubo?"

"Because of Da Sima." Sand Wolf recalled the past and began to say: "I used to be a herdsman on the border, but I was always bullied by the Liao Kingdom, so I took refuge in Da Sima."

While walking and chatting, the two unconsciously got closer and closer, until finally they cuddled tightly. After hearing this story, Hanshuang, who didn't know anything, nodded and asked clearly: "Then do you feel homesick?"

"I sold all the sheep and horses, and I have no home for a long time." From shy to talkative, it was only because of a woman.

"Oh." Hanshuang mourned for him, hugged his arm, and said nothing more.

Seeing her suddenly sad, Sand Wolf changed the subject and said, "Han Shuang, you speak Korean beautifully, please talk more."

"I was sold when I was very young, and I don't remember much." After speaking, his little face flushed, and he looked at Sand Wolf shyly and muttered: "????"

Seeing her sudden shyness, Sand Wolf asked confusedly, "What is Chalanghe?"

"Boom!" How could the shamed Hanshuang explain to him that I love you? After scolding a fool, she buried her shameful head on his tickle, sweet and ashamed, and stopped talking.As the young master said, no matter how cruel Xiaosha is, that simple and honest nature is still his nature, she is not considered cheated, is she?

The lanterns in the Lin Mansion are red, because when Ah Zhen was captured by Yingying and brought back to the palace for interrogation, she ordered Shagou to change the lanterns.Therefore, in the heavy rain, the rippling red of the Lin Mansion shines brightly.

Lai Li, Sand Dog, and several vulture captains stood at the gate of the mansion with their chests folded and waited for a long time.

Seeing that the sand wolf in the distance really came with a beautiful woman, everyone immediately opened their mouths and called out: "You thief wolf, I sent you to go undercover, and there is a beautiful woman undercover."

"Eh?" Hearing the sound, Sand Wolf looked towards the gate of the mansion through the rain, pulled Han Shuang with a changed face, turned around and said, "Han Shuang, let's go to the inn tonight."

"Oh." Not understanding why he was so flustered all of a sudden, Hanshuang looked at this shy face suspiciously, and followed him back to the forbidden door in a daze.

Seeing that the sand wolf dared to turn around and walk back, the sand dog and Lai Li all stared furiously, and with a bang, braved the heavy rain, they all chased after the person who was trying to "run away" in a hurry.

Four punches were no match for palms, Sand Wolf and Hanshuang were captured by a large number of team leaders.

Hanshuang was fine, no one dared to be rough on her.But the Sand Wolf was not having a good time, his whole body was tightly bound by the team captains with special cowhide ropes, like a silkworm chrysalis, he fell to the ground and wriggled non-stop.

"Damn Laili, let me go quickly." The sand wolf who was forcibly bound blushed and fell into the rain with a thick neck and cursed.

"You white-eyed wolf." Seeing that he was still so arrogant, Li Lai lifted the sand wolf with his strong arms and dragged him towards the gate of the house, "Tonight is your wedding night, don't let the brothers play , don't think about the bridal chamber."

Hearing the word bridal chamber, Sand Wolf blushed a little, and cursed heartbrokenly: "It's not fair, I haven't troubled you before, you dare to try to trouble me."

Walking to the gate of the mansion, Lai Li threw the sand wolf on the ground with a bang, pointed at the silkworm chrysalis and teased the team leaders beside him: "This kid is so arrogant when he is about to die, what do you think he should do? "

Followed into the gate of the mansion, Hanshuang put away the flower umbrella, looked at her husband's brothers with beautiful eyes, and really wanted to know how this group of cruel non-human beings would play with her husband.

(End of this chapter)

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