ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 539 "Bombing"

Chapter 539 "Bombing"

"Let's get back." He waved back the letter soldier.Zhen Ni was very upset, and turned around to look at Li Nengwu's ear-piercing smile.

Li Nengwu, who was laughing silently, suddenly saw his aunt twisting and glaring at him, with a row of cold sweat rolling down his forehead, he quickly closed his big mouth in a cracking smile, and asked, "Princess, what do you think?"

The unbelievable Zhen Ni raised her little eyebrows, turned around and approached the nearby cannon, pinched her chin with her hands, tilted her head to look at the big slender iron rod, and muttered to herself: "This iron rod is so powerful. Is it great?"

Li Nengwu, who was following her, nodded repeatedly, "Amazing, very impressive."

Looking up and down at this black, thick and long iron rod, Ren Zhenni couldn't tell how powerful it was, but when he thought that Jin Caiye had captured Zhangbali in an instant, he was immediately curious.

"Then try it?"

"The order of the last general." Li Nengwu was overjoyed, and carefully said to his aunt who was looking at the iron rod: "Please step back from the artillery, the princess."

"Okay." Zhen Ni nodded blankly, and retreated to a distance that Li Nengwu thought was safe to stare at them.

Li Nengwu looked at the crowd of generals in the distance with vigor, and saw that the eyes of these two stunned people were all wide open, as if he was afraid of missing any careful shots, and he felt extremely proud.


As the order came down, the second battalion standing beside a row of artillery waved the yellow flag in their hands and shouted: "Get ready."

The yellow flag was drawn down, and the artillery captains shouted at their own artillery at the same time: "Load, lock."

For a while, the soldiers standing by the artillery were busy, sweating profusely, suppressing bullets, sliding, and positioning.

"Team Ready"

"Second Team Ready"

"Team Three Ready"

After completing the necessary procedures, the captains shouted loudly with their huge throats.

Zhen Ni and a dozen generals stared blankly at the group of artillerymen, their eyes were dazed.Although I don't know what they are doing, their movements are orderly, skillful and graceful.It's like acting in a play, it's really beautiful.

"Hey" Li Nengwu laughed sinisterly, looked towards the dilapidated city wall in the distance, pointed coldly at the dazi soldiers stationed on the dilapidated wall, and shouted: "Boom!"

The "launch" battalion vigorously drew down the red flag on the right hand.

The captain of the "firing" team raised his huge throat and roared towards his ten cannons.




Ten long gun barrels fell following the order, and the giant bullets in the shells contracted one after another, spraying flames from the gun cavity, scrambling to shoot towards the distant city wall with lightning.

"Ah" Zhen Ni fell to the ground frightened by the huge bang, her little ears could not hear anything except the buzzing.

Li Nengwu, sucking blood and laughing, overlooked the burning Beiting City.As soon as I got up, I heard my aunt's screams.My heart skipped a beat, and I hurried towards my aunt who fell to the ground in shock.

A dozen or so generals were stunned, all dumbfounded, and their minds stopped.

Li Nengwu, who was rushed by the "princess master", saw his aunt's frightened expression, and her small face was dull.Shouting badly secretly, he quickly helped her up and shouted urgently: "Princess, princess"

The sound of shouting brought more than a dozen generals back to their senses, and at the same time they saw the pale face of the princess.In an instant, everyone was covered in cold sweat.

Everyone in the "princess master" was frightened, and Qi Fuwei Zhenni shouted nervously.


The little water eyes stared at the front blankly, as if they had lost their souls.Dazed, Zhen Ni's ears failed, and he stared blankly at the generals who didn't know what they were shouting in front of him, and he didn't know where they went.

Li Nengwu saw her so stupefied, his heart stuck in his throat in fright, he held her shoulders tightly, and shouted loudly: "Princess, princess!"

The continuous hum of "hum" gradually subsided, and the deaf ears slowly recovered, and the sound became clearer and clearer.

"Wow..." Zhen Ni didn't recover from his stupefaction until he heard the urgent roar of these generals.Immediately, she cried like her family members had just been bombed to death.

A large number of distraught generals suddenly saw their aunt crying bitterly, and they all collapsed from the ground in fright.

Li Nengwu was terrified and shouted in fear. The "princess" aunt won't be scared stupid, will she?
"You scared me to death." Zhen Ni, who was crying bitterly, yelled at Li Nengwu: "You scared me to death."

Hearing the cry of being safe and sound, all the generals breathed a sigh of relief.The collective looked at the ten guns that were still smoking in surprise, fierce, too fierce.Your Majesty is wise!With this thing, all opponents will no longer be opponents.

More than 4 men guarding Beiting stood nervously on the city wall.

Gulu, the general of the Red Banner, cast his eyes at the huge fan soldiers in the distance, and when he was wondering why the fan soldiers in front did not attack, he suddenly saw a row of flaming things flying towards them from the sky at high speed.

It's still not when everyone's horror comes back to their senses.



The horse, which can't even squat, fell to the ground alive, and it wasn't lying on its side.With an unbelievable miracle, the four legs kicked into the sky, and the horse's back stuck to the ground.The horse's face was dull.

Not only the horses, but also the people are miserable. The unknown thing that came from the sky is abusing this dilapidated fortress.

"Ah!" The heart-piercing roar was drawn out, and sparks flew out amidst the shaking of the mountains and the ground, and the city was suddenly surrounded by raging flames.

"bang bang bang"

Before the terrified screams fell, one after another shells exploded everywhere in the city.

For a moment, blood splashed with sparks.Those who were bombarded to death on the spot, swept away by the blast, lost their legs, had their heads blown off, or were bloody.

No matter what the state is, all soldiers in Beiting City will be in extreme terror.

Ten shells fell, the mountains shook and the ground shook, and the orderly Beiting was plunged into a sea of ​​red flames.The city is full of wolves, screams, and countless corpses.

"Ah..." Zheng Hongqi's general fell to the ground, blind in both eyes and deaf in both ears.Heartbroken stupefied.

"What, what exactly is it?" Then a lung-piercing roar suddenly rang out.

The lieutenants who hugged their heads and hid beside the city wall had cold sweat stains on their foreheads.When he realized that the mountains were no longer shaking, he stood up tremblingly in fear.


Everyone's eyes were protruding, and the eyeballs were covered with blood-red silk threads. They looked blankly at the wolf-stained city, at the blood-stained places, and howled and cried bitterly as the soldiers hugged their stumped limbs.

Just after firing ten shells, the second battalion general looked at the princess who was still crying bitterly with a darkened face. He dared not wave the red flag up high, and looked at the captains of the artillery who were ready in a daze.

A long period of time passed, and Zhen Ni was a little tired from crying, so she withdrew her wailing and changed to soft weeping.

Li Nengwu had an old face. Seeing that the crying was getting quieter, he swallowed the foam and asked carefully: "Princess, can we continue?"

Gently wiping away the tears, Zhen Ni glared at Li Nengwu bitterly, "You can't keep your voice down, it's too loud, and your ears are almost deaf."

Li Nengwu was speechless, with a profuse sweat on his forehead, staring blankly at the aunt in front of him.

"Uh. Princess, you just need to cover your ears." He is just a small commander, not a researcher, how can he make the artillery quieter.

Zhen Ni looked at Li Nengwu, then at the fifty iron rods, and hurriedly covered his ears with lingering fear, "Okay."

Seeing that his aunt was fully armed, Li Nengwu opened his mouth sucking blood, raised his eyebrows at the dozens of second-guesses standing beside his aunt, and quickly turned around and rushed towards the artillerymen who were staring at him. "continue"

After hearing the order, the Second Battalion lowered the red flag that had been held high for a long time, "Start."

The second team leader, who had been waiting for a long time, saw the red flag falling, opened his voice and roared: "Launch!"



The ten cannons of the second team continued to fly ferociously towards the Beiting, creating more corpses and more blood, with the usual bang bang bang, and the shells that spewed out flames were like beasts.


The ten teams of the second team had just finished, and the ten teams of the third team continued to create and kill in cold blood.

Li Nengwu yelled: "Boom!"

"Boom" continuous artillery, one after another, the unstoppable bullet-shaped shells flew towards their targets in an orderly manner.

The Red Banner General, who thought he had a tragic past, has just finished reorganizing his troops.The panicked soldiers stared at the bloody eyes and shouted in unison: "Again!"




The panic was not over, and the continuous bombing immediately made all the soldiers jump around.

If the ten rounds just now were already extremely miserable, then the forty rounds of intensive and continuous bombing now created a purgatory on earth here.

Houses are destroyed, walls are broken, soldiers are dead, the earth is burning, and the city is in pieces.Apart from weeping and crying, how can we fight this battle?They were defeated without seeing the enemy, and the defeat was really unreconciled.

After fifty cannons had finished bombing in turn, Li Nengwu approached the stunned generals with his mouth open.

"Princess, all the soldiers of the Northern Court have escaped from the city, order to capture the enemy."

"Huh?" Zhen Ni, covering his ears with his hands, looked at the fleeing dazi from a distance, and shouted excitedly: "Hurry up and catch the enemy."

"Yes." Jiao She was so excited that he didn't even want to leave, he raised his huge throat and shouted at the [-] soldiers who were waiting quietly: "I captured them all."

"Roar..." The [-] soldiers and horses who were full of enthusiasm couldn't hold back long ago, and heard the order.Like a runaway wild dog, he vigorously chased the escaping Dazi soldiers.

"It's so powerful, it's so powerful." Zhen Ni overturned the original words, ran to a big iron rod in amazement, jumped excitedly and sat on the gun barrel, caressing the big black iron rod lovingly with her tender hands, Unbelievable shouted: "I didn't expect this iron rod to be so powerful."

"The princess is in danger, come down quickly." Li Nengwu followed her carefully.I was so happy that my aunt finally knew how powerful she was.

Not seeing Li Nengwu's worry, Zhen Ni, who was sitting on top of the cannon, hugged the cannon barrel very fondly, and shouted happily: "With these iron bars, we are invincible in the world."

A dozen or so generals around her were afraid that she would break her neck, so they anxiously called out: "The guns are dangerous, the Princess, come down quickly." That's right, with these guys, they Tubo can stand out from the crowd.

"Oh!" Zhen Ni, who was admiring, was very reluctant, and slowly moved from the barrel to the ground.

"Princess be careful." Li Nengwu was careful and supported the aunt, his mood was clear.

Zheng Hongqi will be abused so badly, how can he bear it.When he led the soldiers to escape from the city gate, he was surrounded by a large number of foreign troops. They had no ability to fight back, and they were all captured in silence.

God!What the hell is it.Tubo can actually attract fire from heaven, how to fight this battle?He is just how can a mortal fight against a god.

The smiling Zhen Ni led the generals down the hillside, and approached the bombed Beiting city lightly.

"vomit" just stepped into the dilapidated city gate, with Wujiao's eyes widened, his stomach acid couldn't bear it, and he vomited to the ground.

The very happy generals looked at the burning city, the piles of corpses, and the shattered children.Suddenly seeing my aunt lying on the ground vomiting violently, they all squatted down anxiously and asked: "Princess, what's wrong with you?"

Zhen Ni's eyeliner who vomited violently did not dare to look at the miserable situation in the city, and shouted extremely disgustingly: "Why did they die so miserably?" Turning his small body around, he crawled out on all fours towards the gate of the city.It was so disgusting, all the intestines and internal organs fell to the ground, these people died so miserable, there is one piece missing here, and one side is missing there.

"Huh?" General Dagan's throat trembled, the battlefield is like this, what's so miserable?
When Li Nengwu saw his aunt crawling on the ground like a puppy, he sighed secretly and bent over to help her back out of the city gate.

"Clean the city quickly." Jiao She yelled at the soldiers entering the city, unable to figure out why the king sent a little boy who couldn't see dead bodies to lead them.

After receiving the clear water from Li Nengwu, Zhen Ni gulped a few mouthfuls before slightly suppressing the tumbling gastric juice, and raised Xiaoqian's eyebrows unhappily, and ordered: "In the future, don't kill people so disgustingly."

"Yes, yes" Li Nengwu felt like dying in an instant.

While they were talking, a military lieutenant hurried over and reported joyfully, "I have reported to Bawang Princess that General Dazi and several lieutenants have been captured."

"Really?" Zhen Ni, who scolded Li Nengwu, heard that the enemy general had been captured, and shouted happily: "Pull it over here and show me."


The lieutenant raised his hand excitedly, and dozens of soldiers immediately pulled the tightly tied Zhenghong flag to the aunt.

Gulu's small eyes turned to look at General Dazi in front of him, Zhen Ni laughed and pointed at General Dazi's helmet and laughed, "Why does it look like a turtle's head?"

General Zhenghongqi, who was inexplicably defeated, was stunned, and looked suspiciously at this little girl who only reached his chest. He couldn't figure out why there was a little girl on the battlefield?
After laughing, Zhen Ni glared at the person in front angrily, and asked unhappily: "Hey, let me ask you. Why are you bothering us Tubo?"

The general of the red flag was stunned, peeping at the vicious general beside the little girl, and asked instead: "Who are you?"

"Bold." As soon as he opened his mouth, he immediately roared, staring fiercely at the enemy general in front of him, and yelled loudly: "Quickly kneel down to Bawang Princess."

The soldiers who were detaining the enemy general, following Jiao She's rebuke, stepped on the enemy general's elbows and forced him to kneel down.

"Bang" the red flag leader couldn't bear the force, and instantly knelt down.

"Heh" seeing that the man was shorter than her, Zhen Ni happily swung his small hand to slap his helmet, "Say."

The general of Zhenghong Banner heard that the little girl was the princess, and he dared not make mistakes: "This is my emperor's wish. I really don't know why I am an enemy of Tubo."

Hearing what he said, Zhen Ni nodded in agreement: "It makes sense."

"Okay." After agreeing, the little hand waved, "Let him go."

The "Princess Lord" and a dozen generals were in a hurry.

Zhen Ni shook his head and smiled, "It's okay, we have a big stick."

"Uh! Oh." The generals who wanted to persuade them urgently thought about it, and it was true.He didn't die this time, and he will definitely be dead when we meet again next time, so it doesn't matter if he is released.

(End of this chapter)

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