ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 548 "Dismantling the City Gate"

Chapter 548 "Dismantling the City Gate"

"You" bleeding from the corner of the mouth, Ah Zhen was shocked.Just when he leaned up, his pupils suddenly changed color, and he shouted in horror: "Stop!"

Yaoyue, who was kneeling on the ground, heard the heart-piercing roar, and Yuedao hesitated slightly.

As soon as Qian Jun shot, Ah Zhen turned pale and threatened and shouted: "If you die, I will die with you, and your young master will be heartbroken, and the pain will be so painful that he will live like a corpse from now on."

"Woo..." the beautiful face was covered with tears, Yaoyue, who wanted to die, knelt down miserably on the ground, her face was full of sorrow, she turned her neck and cried to the owner on the bed: "I am a human being."

"It's my fault." Cold sweat poured down on the handsome face with palm prints on it, and he gently moved out of bed in fear.Slowly approaching the emotionally unstable Yaoyue, he stretched out his arms and persuaded: "Let's forget about the unhappiness tonight, okay, be good, give me the knife."

"Woo..." Hesitant Yaoyue pressed the knife tightly on her neck, sniffed her nose miserably and sadly, looked at the master in front of her with beautiful eyes that were more sad than heartbroken, and cried out in pain: "I am a human being."

Although she is a servant, she is not a cargo.It will be sad and painful.He is the master, he wants her, even if he is unwilling, she has to give it.What if his life is his body?Just give it, but why are you still playing tricks on her.She didn't ask for his respect, nor did she dare to extravagantly ask for his love.But at least give her some dignity and personality as a person, even if it is a little bit, she will silently endure it.

"Why?" With heartbreaking grief, the whole tearful face mourned, "Why don't you give me even a little dignity?"

Ah Zhen was in extreme shock, his outstretched arms shrunk in shame, and he apologized with a broken heart: "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. It's all my fault. I didn't know you were so sad, and I didn't know that you had been suffering in silence. " With a wry smile, he laughed at himself, "Because I am handsome and noble. Most women will like me when they see me, even if they don't like me at first, they will like me later." Stretching, with a sore throat, he smiled at Yaoyue, "I assure you, it will never be like this again." Heartbroken, he raised his hands to the sky, "I swear."

"Woo..." the weeping Yaoyue hangs down the dagger on his neck through the mist of tears, weeping and shaking his head, "It's the servant who is wrong, but the master is right."

Seeing Xiao Mian's hand holding the knife drooping down in her desperation, Ah Zhen rushed up to snatch the dagger without any delay, threw it far away in horror, and then heaved a sigh of relief and slumped on the ground in shock.

Kneeling and sitting on the ground to invite the moon, seeing him collapsed on the ground, wiped the tears from his eyes, straightened up and knelt down and kowtowed: "I know I'm wrong, please master punish me."

"Get up, get up." Ah Zhen, who had a false alarm, naturally wanted to reach out to help her, and suddenly remembered that he had promised to respect her.With one palm withdrawn urgently, "Don't be like this, Yaoyue, get up quickly."

Yaoyue bit her lips lightly, stared at the suddenly changed master in front of her, nodded as she should and stood up.

Ah Zhen who stood up at the same time shivered for a while, the sudden cold reminded him that the two of them were naked.

"Hurry up and put on your clothes." Heartbroken, she turned around and hurried to the bed, hurriedly picked up the obscene underwear she had put on the bed just now, and dressed in a flustered manner.

His sudden shyness and embarrassment made Yaoyue feel shy too, biting his lips and quickly picked up the clothes on the ground, and put them on as quickly as possible.

With his back to Yaoyue, Ah Zhen was in a panic.He tied up the obscene clothes with knots indiscriminately, then quickly picked up the outer clothes, and tangled them in a mess.

The rustling sound of each dressing was quiet, Yaoyue quickly tidied herself up, looked towards the master beside the bed, saw that his hands and feet were not enough, cursed in a low voice, and bit her lip lightly Stepping closer to him resolutely.

"Master, let the slaves come." Xiao Mian gently turned his body.Yue Yue was surprised.How can you dress like this?
Ah Zhen, who was at a loss, bound his hands and feet, and was sweating profusely from being led by a large group.Seeing Yaoyue asking for her own life, she said weakly, "Thank you."

"Master, you don't need to be like this." Suddenly, Yaoyue thought he was teasing her again, and felt humiliated.Biting her lips lightly, she silently adjusted his clothes.

Ah Zhen carefully looked down at the chin-length woman in front of her, bursts of fragrance came from her body into her nose.He really liked her, liked her very much.

After deftly tidying up the messy clothes of the master, Yaoyue picked up the pendant from the bed, hung it up for him lightly, then stood in front of her with her head bowed and whispered: "Master, it's done."

Immersed in inexplicable loss, Ah Zhen looked at the woman standing in front of her with her head bowed, and suppressed the urge to embrace her.

After a long time without hearing a response, Xiao Mian's hands that were clasped on the hem of her skirt became tighter. Yao Yuezhen lowered her head and took a peek from under her eyelashes. Seeing him staring at her blankly, she quickly lowered her head and called :"Owner"

"You, I..." My heart was very empty, and Ah Zhen asked in a low voice shamelessly: "Let me hug you again," swallowed in fear of being rejected, "Is that okay?"

Xiao Mian's hands, which were resting on the skirt, clasped even tighter when they heard this sentence.Yaoyue was stunned, her body was given to him, why should she ask for a hug?Master is humiliating her, right?

There was no response for a long time, and a kind of inexplicable loneliness and emptiness quickly rushed everywhere in Ah Zhen's body.No matter how thick-skinned he was, he couldn't help being so ashamed.Because he is so pleasing, he thinks that all women should love him.Why is he?Since when did you have this kind of arrogance?
With a sour wry smile, he concealed his embarrassment: "It's me who is getting more and more rebellious. Don't take Yaoyue to heart. Let's go to rest early at night."

Hanging her head, Yaoyue heard the loneliness in his words, her shoulders trembled slightly, she was extremely suspicious.Why is there sadness in his language?Isn't the master humiliating her?
After Ah Zhen finished speaking, he still didn't say anything when he saw her.The forced smile froze on his face, and then his whole face seemed to be on fire. He didn't dare to stop and walked around her, and hurriedly walked towards the door frame behind the screen as if fleeing.

The sudden sound of footsteps caused Yaoyue to raise her head suddenly, and whispered softly, "Master"

"Eh?" Just as he was about to walk past the screen, when he heard this soft call, Ah Zhen hurriedly stopped, forced a smile stiffly, turned around and asked this sentimental little face, "Yueyue, what's wrong?"

Looking up, Yaoyue's face was pale, seeing the master's forced smile, she approached him lightly in surprise.She leaned her head obediently in his arms and let him hug her.

Yaoyue throws herself into her arms suddenly, which makes Ah Zhen startled.

"Inviting the Moon" Ah Zhen's throat was hoarse, and she slowly raised her stiff hands, sadly hugging the woman in her arms for the last time.He shouldn't be so rude to her, but he just couldn't help it.Even though he had promised to respect her, he still couldn't help the longing in his heart.

Not daring to hug her vigorously, remembering this moment painfully.With red eyes, he took a deep breath of her unique fragrance, and then pulled her away with extreme reluctance.

"I'm sorry, and thank you." The trembling throat couldn't say anything more, and he turned and opened the door resolutely, and fled quickly into the misty rain in the dark night.

Because he is the master, even though Yaoyue hated him so much, she had to give him a hug in the end.He is a beast!When did he become so bad?Hurt others recklessly, take for granted, disregard others' feelings, and use supreme power to force the loyal and loyal Yaoyue.

Ah Zhen ran in the darkness in pain, tears of guilt and sadness poured out of his eyes.Clutching her hair tightly, she wanted to run far away, escape from this shameless place to stay any longer.

Just when Yaoyue was surprised at how gentle and sympathetic this hug was, she was suddenly pushed away.Before he knew what was going on, he heard the door open.When he nervously chased to the door frame, the owner had already hidden into the darkness despite the rain.

Standing in front of the door in a daze, looking out into the dark misty rain, recalling with a heavy heart the words of sorry and thank you that the master choked up.Without knowing it, he glanced at the empty distance again.Finally, shaking his head lightly, he closed the compartment door.He should spend more time with the mistresses, as long as he doesn't force him to stay in her room overnight, she will obey him.

"Beast!" Walking on the curved stone road in the mansion, Ah Zhen's whole body was soaked by the rain, and the freezing cold couldn't refute the sadness in his heart.

"Lin Azhen, you shameless beast." A spitting suddenly ignited in the quiet rainy night, and then he knelt weakly on the wet stone path, holding his brain in his hands, and wept bitterly on the ground.

For a moment, the sound of a large number of hurried steps sounded in the quiet forest road, and dozens of yellow-robed guards, holding waist knives, rushed towards the man who had scored twice but died.

The patrol captain who had just arrived frowned, and when he saw someone lying on the forest road in the rainy night, he drew out his waist knife vigilantly and shouted: "Who is it?"

A truly painful mourning for a lost love heard the chirp.A trace of blush was dyed on the face mingled with tears, and he put away the torrential rain of tears urgently, got up and cursed, "Damn it, didn't you see that I was looking for something?"

Through the misty rain, all the patrolling guards saw that it was the king, they immediately knelt down and shouted urgently: "Your servant knocked on my face." What are you looking for in the middle of the night?
"You" pointed to the face of the big man in front of you and asked, "Did you see a little cat?"

The chief guard was slightly stunned, shook his head and said, "I've never seen it before."

"This little cat has white hair and black spots, go find it immediately."

"Yes. The servant will leave." After responding, a large number of guards quickly retreated. It turned out that the young master was looking for Xiaohuamao.Uh, the Mingming patrol captain just let out a breath and was stunned again. Do they have cats in their mansion?
Seeing the large group of people receding, Ah Zhen wiped off the water stains on his face and cursed: "He Lin Ah Zhen, you are crying. An old man is still acting like a boy with a hairy head. What's the big deal about falling in love." After cursing, his face I was fascinated by the water again, and impatiently wiped off a lot of water stains on my face. "God, you are such an asshole, it's okay to rain so much and dry the birds."

After cursing, Ah Genti stepped forward.The blur was still floating, and the fine dew drops fell on his hair, forming layers of glistening ice crystals.The wet road was difficult, and the man who was striding forward slipped and staggered a few times.It seems to be protesting that he can't poop because the center of the earth has no gravity, why is it raining so much?
The night of the third watch of "Ha Chirp" was so cold that people shivered, and the whole body was drenched. No matter how sad Ah Zhen was, he would never become a brave Bumpman. The relationship is getting longer and longer.

In the middle of the night, everyone in Lin's mansion was dead, Ah Zhen rushed out of the mansion like a hot wheel, and the hurricane-like handsome figure almost swept down the drowsy guards.It wasn't until the violent gale swept away that Dagan's guards blinked and looked at each other, with countless question marks appearing neatly on their heads.It will be dawn in more than an hour, but the uncle didn't go in the direction of the palace gate, but ran towards the forbidden gate instead.Suspicious, very suspicious.

In the freezing rainy night, the soldiers at the Forbidden Gate stood guard above and below the city.

A hurricane, a violent hurricane, was violently rolling towards them at a speed of hundreds of miles per second.

The lieutenant, who was on standby, stared at the man running from the darkness with thick eyebrows and big eyes.As the figure got closer and clearer, the deputy general's frown became looser and looser.

The lost Ah Zhen buried his head and ran wildly, and the accumulated water on the road splashed all over his trouser legs as he paddled.It made him even more embarrassing to decorate him who was already unseemly.

The "big" lieutenant stood by the city gate, opened his mouth in horror, and shouted in fear: "big king!"

"Bang" Ah Zhen, who was running wildly, was in a state of wandering spirit. With his eyes unfocused, he was like a hurricane, ignoring the road and the front, and finally bumped into the forbidden city wall made of white marble.

When the old man hit the city wall, hundreds of soldiers inside and outside the Forbidden City were stunned, and then a big sweat fell from their foreheads.He ran so fast that he didn't even look at the road.Your Majesty's skull is broken.

In the originally silent night, it suddenly became even quieter, and even a needle dropped to the ground could be clearly heard.

"He." A violent curse burst out from the mouth covering his nose, and hundreds of soldiers suddenly choked their hearts.

Ah Zhen, who hit the city wall with his brain, shed tears in pain.Crouching on the ground, clutching his nose tightly, he cursed: "He, who moved this damn city wall here."

The lieutenant general guarding the gate heard the curse, suddenly recovered from his astonishment, ran to the wall fifty feet away from the gate in cold sweat, and whispered tremblingly: "Your Majesty."

"Say." Ah Zhen was furious, stood up abruptly from the ground, and shouted at the frightened lieutenant with a distorted expression, "Who moved this damn city wall here!"

"Ugh!" The deputy general knelt down after being yelled at, and stammered and mourned: "It was originally here." For thousands of years, the Forbidden City has been in the South City, so no one has moved it.

His nose was red from being bumped, and he sucked in his nose.Angrily roared and asked: "Why is the gate of the city leaning towards the road for dozens of times?"!A straight road has to make a turn.he!Which goddamn thing came up with it.

The lieutenant-general was so frightened that he knelt on the ground tremblingly and said: "When the inner city was built, in order to prevent outsiders from seeing the appearance of the inner city, a bend was added so that the city gate was fifty feet away from the straight road."

"He, dismantle it for me." Ah Zhen is upset no matter what he hears now, and finds fault with nothing to do when he is full.

"Huh?" Hearing this, the kneeling lieutenant was stunned.Did he hear correctly?Your Majesty wants to demolish the city gate?
Angrily glaring at the white jade city wall blocking the way, Ah Zhen angrily pointed at the wall and yelled, "Move the city gate here immediately." It's a good road, if you have to turn a corner, it's hell .

How could the deputy general of the Little Forbidden City bear his burning rage, and he finished crying with tears in his eyes.The terrifying hurricane in front immediately blew out of the city again.

"Quick..." The lieutenant, who was almost scared to death, got up tremblingly from the ground, stomped his feet and cried to the soldiers who helped him, "Go and tell General Zong. Quick!" The king actually wanted to demolish the city gate.Wasn't it good for his old man to come in and out before?Why do you suddenly find the city gate not pleasing to the eye?

(End of this chapter)

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