ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 549 "Crazy"

Chapter 549 "Crazy"

A nervous hurricane blows out of the Forbidden City.

The drizzle is still blurred, and the sound of running in the quiet south of the city echoes around.

Ah Zhen's clothes were wet, the hem was stained black, and soft snot stuck to the sleeves.The soaked hair was disheveled, a small palm print was placed on the left cheek of his pale handsome face, and his straight nose was flushed red from being bumped.

Although he was top-notch from head to toe, no matter how he looked at it, he was down and out and embarrassed.Especially on such an extremely cold rainy night, he actually wandered around the sleeping south of the city like a lonely ghost. If he was said to be a normal person, no one would believe him.

During the day, this street is the busiest.But on a rainy night in the middle of the night, even the three or two kittens disappeared.

A luxurious restaurant towering over the street ushered in a hurricane in this bone-chilling midnight.

"bang bang bang"

"bang bang bang"

Ah Zhen's mind was confused, and he didn't know what he was doing.He slammed on the door of the restaurant violently.

In the cold and silent night, the loud banging on the door was like an explosion, the sound was loud and empty.

"bang bang bang"

The misty rain didn't stop, and Ah Zhen, who was standing in front of the restaurant door, was sore from beating his hands, so he raised his feet and changed his beating to kicking.



The door that was kicked violently shook violently, but it still stood upright in the way without giving up at all, as if it had smashed against him.


There was a thunderclap, and then a large number of guards patrolling the city, holding weak torches, surrounded Ah Zhen who kicked the door.

Ah Zhen's mind was very confused, he didn't seem to hear the yelling, and he didn't seem to see the guards surrounding him, so he raised his foot and kicked the door panel fiercely. "Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

"Bold." The arresting guard saw that this person was not frugal at all, and his face was livid, and he rushed forward to pull Ah Zhen violently.

"Stop..." Before the guard could meet the brave man, there was a loud sound of panic like being strangled by the neck and pulling out the hair.

"Bang" Ah Zhen didn't hear what was going on around him, and only kicked the door panel with all his heart.

Zongtu, whose eyes were still wet, heard the loud knock on the door, his teeth ached, and he rushed towards the group of people in front of him, dripping with cold sweat.

Originally he was sleeping comfortably with his wife in his arms, but suddenly his subordinate came to report.It is said that the king wants to tear down the gate of the city, so where can I find sleep.He hurriedly put on his fleece and rushed towards the gate of the city as if his whole family was about to be killed.When he arrived at the city gate, he heard that the king left the city without his guards in the middle of the night, and immediately kicked the stuttering pig-headed deputy general in front of him to the ground in anger.If he, the king hits the city wall, he must lose his soul.And rushing out of the city with wet body, it must be a big deal.Also, he didn't bring any guards.Fuck him, if something happens, who can bear it?This group of pigs can't even feel that there are steel blades on their necks, and they didn't even send someone to protect them. They are really a bunch of stupid pigs.

The arresting guard heard such a terrified call, and dozens of people looked at the rushing person suspiciously, until they saw the person clearly, they all knelt down and exclaimed: "I have seen General Zong."

Zongtu, who was covered in rain and sweating all over his head, ignored the guards and ran to the uncle who kicked the door in fear, and asked cautiously, "Your Majesty, who is this?"

"Eh?" Ah Zhen, who was kicking the door, suddenly saw a person appearing beside him, stopped in surprise, turned his head to look at the bowed person, and called out in doubt, "Zongtu?"

"Yes." Zongtu replied in panic, "It's my servant."

"It's just in time." Ah Zhen said without any expression, pointing to the tightly closed door: "Quickly wake up the shopkeeper of the restaurant, I want to drink."

"Yes, yes" Zongtu bowed in response, his bent waist suddenly stopped, sweat dripping down the ground along with the wheel, and carefully raised his eyes to take a peek at the king.

Zongtu only glanced at it, almost paralyzed in fright.Not daring to say anything, he ordered to the guard who was kneeling on the ground: "Open the door."

Hearing that he is the great king, the souls of all the guards were scattered, so how dare he hesitate.He got up from the ground in panic, and slammed into the solid door panel without daring to say a word.

The quiet south of the city was disturbed, and within two rounds of hitting the door panel with Ah Zhen, he was finally declared dead.

After a loud bang, the door fell to the ground.The guards lined up on both sides in an orderly manner, all of them bowed their heads and stood respectfully.Zongtu bent over tightly, with cold sweat dripping from his forehead, he replied tremblingly, "Your Majesty, the door is open."

"I saw it." Ah Zhen's face was pale and blue, and his red eyes were like the blood eyes of a devil, and he stepped into the dark restaurant expressionlessly.

Zongtu didn't even dare to make a sound, saw him stepping into the hall, and hurriedly followed him, feeling at a loss.God!What the hell happened?Why is the king like this?

In fact, the shopkeeper and Xiao Er of the restaurant had woken up a long time ago. They huddled by the counter and kept praying to the sky for the arrival of the city inspector's arresting guards.This group of bandits dared to break into the door so boldly tomorrow, it seems that their lives will be lost tonight.

Stepping into the dark and gloomy building, Ah Zhen turned his head left and right, and finally walked to a wine table in the hall to sit down. He couldn't tell the difference between day and night and called out: "Little brother."

When the terrified waiter heard the call, he fell to his knees in fright, shaking like a broken leaf in the wind.

When Zongtu came in, he saw four people huddled by the counter. He hurriedly took out a torch and lit the lantern in the hall. He mentioned the frightened shopkeeper and said, "Don't be afraid, I'm the general of the Forbidden City, go and prepare wine and food for me."

Hearing this, the terrified shopkeeper gently aimed upwards with his eyes that did not dare to lift.Seeing that the person who came was really the General of the Forbidden City, he felt relieved immediately, and asked with a big mournful face, "General Zong, why are you doing this?" He kicked down his store door in the middle of the night just to drink, it was too suspicious .

The sweat on Zongtu's forehead was still dripping, and he urgently urged: "You will be compensated for the amount of money on the door panel, hurry up and prepare wine and food."

Hearing that this happened, the shopkeeper's old face became even more mournful, and said weakly, "The cooks are all back, what?"

After waiting for a long time to wait for the waiter, Ah Zhen suddenly had a seizure, and shouted at the restaurant: "He, the waiter, come here for me."

Zongtu saw that the king was even swearing, and his heart skipped a beat. He quickly picked up the food on the counter, and mentioned the waiter who was kneeling and trembling on the ground, "Go quickly."

The "treasurer" waiter was so frightened that he almost lost control of his urine, shaking as if he was about to burp while holding the menu.

The shopkeeper is very embarrassed, how to prepare dishes without a cook. "General Zong, really not"

"You have to change yourself, otherwise your whole family will die without a whole body." Threateningly mentioned the embarrassing shopkeeper, pointed at Ah Zhen lightly and threatened: "That uncle has great power, just blink of an eye, all of you will be killed." Get your head on the floor."

The face of the shopkeeper who was raptured changed greatly, although he didn't know if it was true or not.However, General Zong respected this person so much that he would not go in and out of it even if he thought about it.Trembling, he quickly urged his waiter, "Go."

"Okay, okay." The shopkeeper even spoke, and the shop waiter held the menu with a livid face, and rushed to the old man who was difficult for him.

Ah Zhen was upset, his heart was in a mess, his mind was in a mess, and his hamstrings were on his head, he yelled at the uneasy shop waiter: "Order something, bring up all the things." A large stack of banknotes was thrown on the table and shouted: "Are you afraid that I have no money?"

"Yes, yes, yes." The scolded person bowed repeatedly, and the waiter cried humbly: "Please wait a moment, sir, the food and drink will be ready soon."

"Quick." Raising his big hand, he sat back on the chair angrily, hugging his chest and humming heavily.

After giving orders to the shopkeeper, Zongtu swallowed the liquid, carefully moved to the side of the drenched king, tremblingly advised: "Your Majesty, the wine and dishes are being prepared, go to the side room and change your wet clothes first."

"Zongtu." Ah Zhenping, who did not raise his eyes, called out in a commanding manner.

Suddenly seeing the roll call, Zongtu felt stuck in his throat, and replied lightly in fear: "My lord."

"The dishes are to be prepared, but the wine is ready-made. Ask them to serve the wine first."

Zongtu, who wanted to persuade him again, suddenly saw these red blood eyes shooting at him, and almost screamed in fright.Don't dare to delay for a moment, deliver the best wine by yourself, and wait by your side.

Sweeping the small wine glass aside, Ah Zhen grabbed the jug, lifted the lid, and Niu took a sip and said, "You guys are so quarreling, give me all back."

The worried Zongtu was about to persuade the "big king", but his bloody eyes immediately glared at him furiously.Dun asked him to swallow a few more mouthfuls of foam, and nodded in fear, "Yes, yes."

Ah Zhen's bloody eyes were burning with fire, and he stared fiercely at Zongtu and confessed: "Don't speak out."

"Yes." Zongtu thought he was a tough guy, but when he met those ferocious blood eyes, his legs trembled uncontrollably.

Seeing that he promised, Ah Zhen turned his head back, picked up the flagon and took another big gulp, as if there was no one around him.

Not daring to disturb the old man, Zongtu sideways moved out the terrifying wine table, stepped out of the restaurant lightly, and whispered to the policeman guarding the door: "Don't let tonight's matter go."


"Okay, do whatever you need to do." After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked towards the gate of the city. He worriedly ordered his subordinates to guard the restaurant secretly in plain clothes. He couldn't figure out what was going on with the king tonight.
The cold winter morning came very early, and it lighted up slightly before dawn.When a brand new day comes, the dead south of the city begins to regain its vitality.The maidservants of Shenshen began to work for their master, and went out to make a living in the drizzle in order to make their lives happier.For the sake of the family, the young people are carrying the burden to fight against the cold winter tenaciously.

The misty rain adds some poetic flavor to the waking Wang Ting.

In front of the restaurant, occasionally a few people came and went in a hurry with umbrellas, and then they all cast sideways glances at the drinkers in the building.

After drinking from the fourth watch to the fifth watch, Ah Zhen was broken and drunk.He didn't even move the dozens of delicacies on the table, but the overturned wine jugs were empty.

"Yueyue Na" the person who poured bitterly, tearfully called out this heartbreaking name.He shook his head and took another big gulp. "What a shameless Lin Ahzhen."

Almost crushing the jug, Ah Zhen thumped the table with a blushing face.He shook his head and laughed shamelessly, thinking that Lin Ah Zhen would be so shameless.He should be pulled out and shot. Having married so many wives, he even forced a loyal Yaoyue. I don't know. If it wasn't for her loyalty, how could he have tasted the love.He thinks that all women in the world will love him, but he doesn't know that Yaoyue only endures him because of his mission.

Mumbling to this point, Ah Zhen suddenly stood up like crazy, pointed at the sky and cursed: "Lin Ah Zhen, you are shameless, too shameless. Obscene, too obscene. Beast, you are a beast."

The shopkeeper who was half awake and half asleep on the counter heard the curse and stood up in fright. He looked at the old man in the center with terrified bull eyes, and saw that he was in a drunken madness.Sighing slightly, he shook his head and sat back on the chair.General Zong has confessed that he can let him do whatever he wants, and he can't refuse or stop him.How much money will be counted by him at that time, if not!He didn't say anything later, but that gesture of scratching his neck was no joke.

After Ah Zhen scolded herself, her pale face was not sure whether it was because of embarrassment or the smell of alcohol, the red was green with shame.Dejectedly, he slid on the chair, raised the pot in his hand in shame and poured it non-stop, his bloodshot eyes were full of sadness.Rubbing her chest, she murmured: "Obviously I know that I am shameless and obscene. But why are you still so sad, so unwilling, and still think about her. Why? Why?"

"The autumn wind is clear, and the autumn moon is bright. The fallen leaves gather and disperse, and the jackdaws roost and startle again. Lovesickness will know when to meet each other, and this night is embarrassing." Sighing bitterly, he staggered and stood up with the flagon in his hand, walking slowly Falling down the morning streets.Under the misty rain, he walked towards the west of the city like a walking corpse. "Enter the door of my lovesickness, and know that my lovesickness is painful. Long-term lovesickness is long-term lovesickness, short-term lovesickness is infinite. If I knew it was so stumbling, it would be as if I didn't know each other at the beginning."

As soon as the fifth watch was over, the cities were the first to open to traffic, and servants and maidservants, all walks of life, were busy.As a result, the number of people on the street increased rapidly.Those who open shops to do business, buy breakfast, buy vegetables, and come into the city from outside the city to do shopping, from the dawn of the fifth day, there is an endless stream of people and vehicles!From South Street to Fumiao, and then from Fumiaoting to the Northeast and West Three Cities, all kinds of hawking and selling came and went, and the royal court showed incomparable vitality and vitality.

Slowly, holding the wine jug, Ah Zhen walked from the bustling Fumiao to the vegetable market in the west of the city. The misty rain soaked his slightly dry clothes again.

"Autumn orchids are green, green leaves are purple stems. The hall is full of beauties, and suddenly I am alone with Yu Xi. I don't say anything when I go out, and I don't say goodbye when I go out. When I ride the wind, I carry the cloud flag. Sadness is not sad, life is parting, joy is new friend."

"Alas" dragging himself exhausted, he sighed deeply after he finished moaning sadly.After taking a sip of the wine in his hand, he walked aimlessly through the vegetable market and walked towards the east of the city.

"La La, ah ah ah ah, ah," Erhu female hugs and sideways sang, the Ying language is empty, the swallow is sad, the beam is sighed, and she hummed the world's weakness, and the flowers drifted.Never sigh, the sad and resentful song "No Regrets" draws the blood and tears of the world.

The desolate Ah Zhen stood at the entrance of Xiangyang Tavern, his tired eyes were red, and he quietly looked at the erhu girl in the tavern who was kneeling beside the guests and singing.Listening to her sighs, the caring and tenderness of his beloved wives flashed through his mind one by one, his miserable pupils fogged up, and his clothes were soaked with tears.

They always accompany him silently without complaint or regret, not afraid of the scorching sun, or the bullying of the wind and snow.Because I love him, I follow him thousands of miles away.Because I love him, I keep silent in my empty boudoir.Because I love him, I swallow salty tears.because

Jun Wan's caring face flashed across his mind, and he came from the depths of Sui Village holding hands.

Qianyun's stunning face flashed across his mind, Qianyun tapped lightly, and the wind turned back to the snow.

Yingying's affectionate face flashed across his mind, thousands of troops, life and death follow each other.

Xueshuang Jinglan's face flashed across his mind, with acid blood and salty tears, looking through the autumn water.

Bernie's mischievous face flashed across her mind, her thoughts were locked in her mind, and she stopped at the end of the world.

Qin Yu's face flashed across his mind, abandoning his family and ancestors, swallowing tears and making up joy.

He is very happy, very lucky.

Ah Zhen wiped away the tears from his eyes. With so many caring and considerate wives, what is there for him to be sad?Why should he be sad?At the end of the song, there was a pause, and he took back his steps towards the east of the city.Turning back, he cast another glance at the singing girl in the tavern with reluctance, and then resolutely left.This woman has pulled out a peerless song.

(End of this chapter)

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