ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 558 "Birthday"

Chapter 558 "Birthday"

Yingxu's fairy music floated into the ears of the man sitting on the soft couch. Four pink warblers and four green swallows poured wine and handed fruit, and they served the old man with his eyes closed and listening to the music like a father.

Chinese music overflows in the quiet luxury cabin, and the surroundings are settled in a charming and soft atmosphere.

The door opened with a "squeak", breaking up the soft night and the quiet music.

Ah Congqiu, who had finished his work, had already tightened his belt.With a spring breeze and an old rosy face, he broke into the room and excitedly called out: "Brother Zhen"

Ah Zhen, who was listening intently to the music, was disturbed. He opened his closed eyes and saw Ah Congqiu's well-moisturized old face proud of the spring breeze. He immediately cracked a smile and joked, "Master Qiu, are you satisfied?"

Feeling refreshed physically and mentally, Ah Cong raised his eyebrows in a swaying manner, walked to the soft couch beside him and sat down, "It tastes really good, it's great." He said, and raised a big thumb. "If it wasn't for fear that Brother Zhen had been waiting for a long time, how could it be so fast."

"Hey." Ah Zhen picked up the jade pot on the table, poured him a glass of wine and said with a smile, "You can stay here at night."

A Congqiu, who was supporting the wine glass, shook his head vigorously, "How can that be done, it will ruin your reputation."

"You still have a reputation?" Ah Zhen asked in feigned shock.

Ah Congqiu was tongue-tied, picked up the wine glass and begged for mercy, "Brother Zhen, I would like to offer you a glass."

"Do it." As soon as the wine glasses touched, each other drank it down.

The pink warblers and green swallows beside them were as soft as water, and filled them up with wine in an obedient and sensible manner, and lay down in their arms as if limp, letting them rub round and flatten.

And the two men who are in the fandom are chatting freely, today they are just for the sake of love and moon, regardless of state affairs.Let the moon hang down to the west, let the rain drift down.

The eighth day of December.

In the solitary snowfall, the bells of the four cities rang three long and nine short.

In the misty morning light, Ah Zhen's whole body is full of extravagance, and he is hugged by all his wives and concubines to arrive at the mansion.

Pulling up the velvet cloak on his body, he slowly looked at the wives in long attire, and with a smile, he put his hands on Bernie's flushed face.

"When did you come back last night?"

Bei Ni was wearing a concubine phoenix bundle, Xia was wearing a phoenix embroidered crane, and her hair was covered by a high beaded crown. Although she was dignified but not harming her cuteness, she replied: "I came back at the third watch."

"Nonsense, I've been playing for nearly two months." Ah Zhen's handsome eyebrows were erected, and the big palm that stroked her cheeks lovingly squeezed this cold cheek, and said bitterly: "If it weren't for my birthday today, you Do you still plan to play for another two months?"

"No way." His cheeks, which were already red, became even redder after being pinched by him. Benny patted his hand and said coquettishly, "He's just going to do something, not play."

"Hmph!" An upset Ah Zhen raised one eyebrow, sighed and closed her phoenix cape and said, "Believe you, my head was kicked by a pig."

Looking at their wives with a smile, they all wore phoenix crowns and xiapei, dressed in grand concubine gowns. Although the colors of the concubine gowns were different, the solemnity and elegance showed the dignity of the heavenly family.

Jun Wan saw that Wang Huan had been waiting outside for a long time, looked up at the foggy sky, and gently interrupted the two chatting at the gate, "Your Majesty, the chariot has been waiting for a long time, get on the chariot quickly."

"Okay." Withdrawing his eyes from Bei Ni's face, Ah Zhen looked at the wives and concubines standing in front one by one, pulled their phoenix cloaks, and said with a warm smile in his heart: "Others have birthdays once a year, but your husband Twice, thank you for your hard work."

The five wives and one concubine apologized after hearing this, and they all replied neatly: "The concubine is not hardworking."

"Okay, okay." Helping up Wan'er who was standing in the middle, Ah Zhen led her down the steps.

The snow is lightly blowing, and Tianxi is confused.

Ah Zhen carefully helped each of the wives onto the phoenix chariot before turning around and stepping towards his royal chariot.

"Eh?" Stepping on the chariot ladder, feeling something was wrong, he stopped, and turned around in a daze to look at the vulture who came to meet Feihu and his companions.

Larry, who was ordered to meet him, led hundreds of flying tigers and bears to the left, while hundreds of vultures escorted stood on the right.The dense crowd closely guarded the seven chariots in the middle layer by layer.

This should be normal, isn't that what Feihu and Vulture look like?What's so strange about this?

It's not strange that everyone's straddling posture is not strange, and it's not strange to hold a waist knife in one hand and hold a back in the other.The strange thing is the clothes of this group of people.

Ah Zhen only took one look, and immediately recognized that the two troops were dressed in the clothes of the inner guards and Qianniuwei of the Tang Dynasty.On the left, Lai Li's hundreds of tigers are in the leading uniform of the inner guard, while the sand tiger on the right is wearing the heavy uniform of Qianniuwei.

"Shahu, are your clothes distributed by the queen?" Standing on the chariot ladder, Ah Zhen asked Shahu beside him clearly.

"Yes." Holding the waist knife in his hand, Sha Hu stepped forward and stood on the right side of the ladder to promise.

Ah Zhen nodded, turned his head to the left and asked, "Lai Li, are you too?"

Lai Li, who was also striding forward with a big tiger step and holding a knife in his hand, nodded.

Patting his forehead lightly, Ah Zhen got into the chariot without saying a word, shaking his head and sighing.During these days, he always played with A Congqiu, forgetting what the queen said.She said the day before yesterday that when there is no war, let the flying tiger guard the Forbidden City and the Imperial City alone, skip the Ministry of War and the military office, and seal its cabinet as Tiger Guard.He also ordered Xiang Shaoyun to be the leader of the Eagle Guard, and subordinated the Tianhuo tribe and the Wuying tribe to him all the time, and named him the Eagle Guard in the outer cabinet.

Thinking of this, Ah Zhen, who was sitting on the soft belt, patted his head again. He had been playing badly these days, and even forgot about this.

The eight chariots that Gulu turned slowly approached the She Temple, and the heavy armored guards along the way knelt down on one knee before the chariot arrived, shouting long live.

The Shege Hall was in full swing, and the huge Jade Hall was full of civil servants and generals who were ordered to come.

"The king is coming"

As Huafu's mother's voice shouted, the densely packed civil servants and generals knelt down and shouted: "Long live my king, long live, long live!"

Being helped out of the car, Ah Zhen stepped up to the second-floor palace steps without delay.

Seeing him coming, Yingying and Daba came out of the inner hall, and they gave Ah Zhen a hard look.

As soon as Daba came out, he immediately snorted at Ah Zhen, "Slowly, like a snail."

"Wow" being shaken in the face suddenly, Ah Zhen walked around Daba's old shoulder without pain, and joked: "Old man, you are so full of energy early in the morning."

Daba saw that this kid dared to take the civil and military ministers of the whole court like this, and he groaned even more unhappy: "All the ministers are below, how decent it is."

"It's okay, they are all kneeling and can't see." Ah Zhen shrugged indifferently.

Seeing the two cows coming and going, Yingying rolled her eyes and advised, "Okay, don't lose your dignity."

Putting down his arms around Daba's old shoulders, Ah Zhen opened his mouth and teased himself: "Others have one hour a year, but I actually have two hours a year. I really understand Hengfu."

Yingying pursed her smile, pulled him to sit on the golden chair in the center, rolled her eyes at him and said, "Sit down well, I have to receive envoys from various countries later."

"Understood." After responding, Ah Zhen stepped on the large row of mastiffs, held the huge faucet on the handle of the chair, and glanced at the unhappy old man sitting next to him.It wasn't until Yingying came to stand in front of Jun Wan that Ah Zhen called out majestically: "All ministers and concubines, please stand up."

Hearing these loud evocations, the hundreds of ministers kneeling on the ground and a group of beauties responded respectfully in unison: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

As soon as they stood up, Qin Tian Siyang beside him immediately raised his throat: "Come in!"

On the left, Prime Minister Ina is the leader, leading dozens of important ministers of the head of state.The one on the right, led by Yingying, leads Ah Zhen as a lovely wife.The two groups of people respectfully walked up to the Second Stage and waited silently.


Qin Tiansi shouted loudly, whether it was the number [-] ministers in the audience, or the two rows of important ministers and beautiful family members on the second stage, they bowed neatly to the extremely tall man above, and kowtowed three times respectfully.


After the three kowtowers had just stood up, Qin Tiansi blurted out his uneasy kneeling, and then looked around, and they were all ministers of civil and military affairs and beautiful wives and concubines who were short in stature.

Ah Zhen celebrated his birthday two months ago, staring at the dense crowd very familiarly, feeling sorry for those flowery beauties on the right side who kowtow.


Qin Tiansi kowtowed for the last time, and everyone immediately kowtowed three more times in an orderly manner.

After kowtowing, everyone stopped getting up, and knelt quietly in front of Piaoxue's hall, waiting silently.

"Everyone, please wake up." But there is no time to delay, Ah Zhen quickly roused this group of short ministers and beloved wives.

"Thank you, my lord, long live my king, long live, long live." A group of people responded in unison, and then got up neatly.

After kneeling and kowtowing to the uncle above three times, Yingying patted the snow on the skirt, silently leading his uncle's beautiful wives and concubines, and approaching him with rolling eyes.

When Wan'er brought her husband's four wives and one concubine to Ah Zhen's side, Hua Fu immediately bowed and said, "Please come to the inner hall first, all concubines."

"Grandpa Hua leads the way." Knowing that it is reasonable, Jun Wan put her head in her head, smiled and looked at the husband who was sitting upright, and brought all his wives to put their hands on their waists and blessed him: "I wish my husband blessings to the world, and the jade to carry the five mountains."

"Heh" Ah Zhen, who was sitting on the king's chair, chuckled lightly, and said in a low voice, "This birthday was announced, so you go to the inner hall to drink tea first."

Smiling Wan'er and the others got up meekly, looked at her husband again with interest, followed Hua Fu one by one into the shooting hall in a luxurious manner.

Seeing them leaving, Qin Tiansi quickly asked Wang Yi to recite to the civil servants and generals below: "Follow the heavens, and respect the king's edict: Since the foundation of the three emperors and the separation of the five emperors, the management of the holy king depends on enlightenment. The society will be safe, the harmony of the Li and the common will lead to the stability of the world, and the harmony of the Rong and Yi will lead to peace. The self-respecting king ascends the throne, abandons the traditional disadvantages, and takes the wisdom of the Li and the common. Blessed by the heavens, he is protected by the king of the calendar; The world is happy, the river is clear and the sea is Yan. The weather is smooth and the weather is smooth, and the world is peaceful. The heart is happy, and the heavens wish it, and we will celebrate it together with Li and Shu. This is it!"

When the imperial edict fell to the ground, all the silent officials knelt again, kowtowed again, and shouted in unison: "Long live my king, long live, long live."

"All ministers are exempt from courtesy." Ah Zhen almost vomited, he did such a false thing, and he did it twice in two months, people can't help themselves in the Jianghu.

Sighing deeply, Ah Zhen stood up involuntarily, and said to the civil and military officials below: "All the ministers are the pillars of my Tubo, and it is a blessing from God to have the help of all the ministers."

"Your servant is terrified." All the ministers responded in unison, and their bodies immediately became shorter again.

Ah Zhen's gastric juices constricted, and he called out to the pretentious courtiers with saliva, "Please rise, all loves."

As soon as the words "uh" fell to the ground, the drowsy Ah Zhen immediately realized that something was wrong, his old face was embarrassed, and a bead of sweat slid down his forehead.

Yingying and Daba were also taken aback when they heard this sentence of Aiqing, their eyes looked like they were looking at a monster, and they shot at the sweaty brow in front of them.

Whether it was the Prince's Chongge in the Second Hall, or His Highness's officials, they were all stunned.Sweat dripped on the foreheads of the suspicious people, not knowing whether to respond or not.Why did the king call them Aiqing?This is Tubo.

Just when a large number of people were hesitating, Jin Caiye shouted in the second entrance hall by analogy: "Thank you, Your Majesty, long live my emperor, long live, long live, long live."

"Uh" All the officials were stunned, and the old faces of all the people kneeling on the ground suddenly became numb.

Ah Zhen, Daba, and Yingying opened their mouths in disbelief, confused by the sudden situation.

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live." The Minister of Civil and Military Affairs, who was stunned for a few seconds, reacted quickly, King, no!The emperor is called Aiqing, so he is going to abolish the title of king and change it to the title of emperor, but why didn't he publish the announcement to inform the subjects of the world.

When Daba heard that all the ministers responded in unison, his old face was stunned.It's unbelievable that this bastard even changed his title of king in Tubo for thousands of years.

At this point, Yingying sighed deeply, lightly held the palm of Daba who was about to gasp, and carefully instructed Hua Fu behind him: "Immediately plan to call the subjects of the world."

"Yes." A sweat rolled down Hua Fu's forehead in astonishment. Why is this king always so sudden that he doesn't even prepare for it?

Qin Tiansi wiped the sweat from his forehead, saw the king, no!It was the emperor who turned around and sat down.Trembling with fear, he raised his throat and shouted, "Announce the presence of the envoys from all over the world!"

A Congqiu, Murongxi and the envoys from various countries waited outside for a long time, all of them were suspicious and weird.When did Tubo abolish the king and become the emperor?Although his uncle is qualified to be the emperor, why didn't they hear any news?

A large number of envoys from other countries walked into the jade platform of the main hall in heavy clothes, passed by the Tubo officials on both sides in an orderly manner, walked up to the second entrance platform in a row, and respectfully met them one by one.

"Foreigner Murong Xi, I met the Tubo Emperor on behalf of the Great Zhou Emperor." Murong Xi cupped his fists and bowed deeply to the old man above him sensitively.

"Okay, okay." Ah Zhen nodded with a smile, pointed at the dead fat man below and said loudly: "Looking back at those years, my emperor and Murong Xi met in the south of the Yangtze River, and today they meet each other! My emperor is very happy." He couldn't tell even if he was killed.

When Murong Xi saw that he mentioned his affairs in the Great Zhou in public, he admired him all over, "The foreign ministers also miss the Tubo Emperor very much." What does it mean that a prime minister can hold his stomach, and the Tubo King is one of them.He even confessed in public that he was a courtier of the Great Zhou without avoiding suspicion.

"Is Wenxuan healthy?" Ah Zhen asked with concern.

"Back to the emperor of Tubo, my emperor is healthy, and I always miss you."

"The emperor misses him very much." Ah Zhen, who nodded repeatedly, shouted with great joy: "Please sit down, Da Zhou."

"Thank you, Tubo Emperor." Murong Xi bowed and bowed again, chubby approached him, panting and sat down on the soft chair not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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