ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 559 "Tired"

Chapter 559 "Tired"

Seeing that the envoy of Great Zhou had sat down, Ah Congqiu stroked his chest and bowed: "Foreign minister, A Congqiu, on behalf of my Liao Kingdom Holy Majesty, I would like to wish the Tubo Emperor good luck and longevity."

"The envoys of the Liao Kingdom are free of courtesy." Ah Zhen is like Maitreya Buddha, with a kind smile that shines brightly, "The Emperor of Liao and the Emperor are close friends." Speaking of this pointing to the north, he sighed: "In the past, the Emperor and the Emperor The Emperor of Liao joined hands with the lamp to tour the grasslands for thousands of miles, and it feels like yesterday."

Ah Congqiu spit in his heart, this uncle is too hypocritical, "Thank you, Tubo Emperor."

"How is Hong Lie doing? Is your body still in good shape?" He was so hypocritical under the eyes of everyone, but his face still didn't blush and his heart didn't beat.

Ah Congqiu sighed in his heart, he was diligent, diligent.Brother Zhen's face has improved to a higher level. "The Holy Majesty is very good. He often speaks to his foreign ministers. It is a great pleasure in life to talk with the Tubo Emperor."

"Okay, okay." The flowers of laughter bloomed, and Ah Zhen shouted happily: "Set up a seat for the Liao Kingdom."

"Thank you, Your Majesty Tubo." A Congqiu got to sit down, and followed Shibu up the steps.When he sat down, he glanced at the round and fat ball beside him, and watched silently.

Watching this false scene silently, Daba and Yingying pursed their lips. Although their faces were expressionless, they spit on Ah Zhen in their hearts.Can't believe he's so fake, it's really eye-opening.

Ah Zhen saw that Congqiu was seated, looked at the nondescript envoys from other countries with a smile, and asked with a smile, "Where are you from?"

The six or seven foreign envoys who were panic-stricken saw the Tubo emperor's inquiry, and hurriedly knelt down and said: "Seljuk, Tianzhu, Laos, Thailand, Burma, and Bangladesh have met the Tubo emperor, and wish the Tubo emperor longevity and prosperity." .”

"Have a heart, have a heart." Ah Zhen narrowed his smile again and again, raised his hand and called softly: "All envoys, excuse me, quickly excuse me."

"Thank you, Tubo Emperor."

Ever since Prince Tianzhu saw Ah Zhen, he immediately thought of the scene in the Xiaohun Tower, and finally figured out why he said goodbye in a few days.Hearing that the king of Tubo is young and handsome, but he did not expect to be so young, so he doubted the veracity of the rumor for a while.

Arousing them, Ah Zhen said with a smile: "The emperor is celebrating his birthday, and the banquet will be held in Jingyang Palace." The words fell to Yi Na who was below and shouted: "The prime minister led the envoys to Jingyang Palace first, and the emperor will follow." We'll be there."

"Yes." Inaci bowed and invited with kind eyes, "All envoys and princes please."

"Don't dare, dare not, please, Prime Minister." The foreign princes and envoys respectfully bowed to Ah Zhen again, and then followed Ina down the second stage.Seeing them leaving the palace gate, a large number of officials under the rank immediately followed them to Jingyang Palace in joy.

A Congqiu and Murong Xi saw the Tubo King standing up, and immediately stood up to congratulate him: "I wish the Tubo King a happy birthday."

"You two don't need to be formal." Ah Zhen, who was extremely happy, raised their clasped hands, each of them held the other hand and asked with a smile: "Murong Xi, when did you arrive at the royal court?"

Mu Ranxi's hand was held, unable to bow down, she responded with a smile: "I arrived last night."

"It's a coincidence that it's better to come early." Ah Zhen pulled the two of them to Daba and introduced with a curved mouth: "The emperor, this is the Taibao, the prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty." After introducing Murong Xi, he compared his big hands to A Cong Qiu introduced: "This is the famous wise king of the Liao Kingdom."

When Daba heard the introduction, he immediately narrowed his hypocritical smile, nodded and said, "It really is Yingjie."

"Thank you, the Supreme Emperor of Tubo, the foreign ministers are terrified." A Congqiu and Murong Xi bowed in horror, it turned out that this extremely majestic old man was the Supreme Emperor Daba of Tubo, and he really looked like a bandit.

"Hua Fu, lead the two of you to Jingyang Palace first." After giving the order, he clasped the two of them tightly and smiled and said, "The two of you come to the banquet first, and I will have a drink with the two of you later."

"Thank you, Your Majesty Tubo." Polite, courteous, and humble.Everyone came here so hypocritically.Although they are familiar, the etiquette cannot be discarded.

In an instant, everyone walked away cleanly, and Daba immediately became upset when he stepped into the inner hall. "Bastard, you dare to change your name without discussing it."

Ah Zhen knew that he was going to have a seizure, so he automatically closed his ears, dug his ears without pain, and shouted: "Isn't it just a name? What's the matter?"

"What's the matter?" Daba was angry, staring at the tiger's eyes angrily, and shouted in displeasure: "I, Tubo, have been called the Great King for thousands of years, how dare you change it privately." His chest heaved, and he roared even louder: "Finally you Is it even changing the name of the country?"

When Daba roared, Yingying, Wan'er and others in the hall automatically shielded their ears.I don't understand why these two people fight when they meet.

Hearing the name of the country, Ah Zhen nodded immediately, "The name Tubo is too ugly, I wanted to change it a long time ago." He said, happily embracing Daba's old shoulder and excitedly giving an example: "Tang Dynasty, Song Dynasty, Qing Dynasty. Old man, you Pick one."

"You..." the inconceivable Daba stared wide-eyed, unable to believe that he wanted to change the country name, a word choked in his throat, unable to utter a word.

Seeing that Daba was angry like this again, Yingying sighed deeply and called out: "Okay, stop arguing." She gave Ah Zhen a hard look and reprimanded: "Don't be angry with your father anymore."

"Hahaha" Ah Zhen patted Daba's back lightly, gave up laughing and said, "Okay, I'll call it Tubo. Old man, calm down."

"You" Daba knew that he was being tricked, and immediately became even more furious, and the murderous light immediately glared at Ah Zhen fiercely.

Seeing that he was so angry, Ah Zhen explained in a surrendering manner: "Just now everyone shouted long live, and for a while, Ai Qing came out. I couldn't change my words, so" shrugged, spread his hands, and wanted to kill You can cut whatever you want.

The loud roar of "Bastard" made the hall tremble three times, everyone's eardrums were tingling, and everyone became deaf except for the buzzing sound.

Outside Jingyang Palace, huge long tables are neatly spread across the jade slabs.The crystal snowflakes falling from the sky draw clear arcs in the air.

On the raised stage in the center, dozens of dancers fluttered and waved their silk belts. They twisted their waists and waved their colors to the rhythm of the Chinese music, and dedicated their most charming dances to the officials and gentlemen around them.

Ina and other dozens of cabinet ministers sat on the left side of the stage, while A Congqiu, a group of foreign envoys, sat on the right side, and the positions were arranged in an orderly manner according to the size of their official positions.

Ah Zhen, who was sitting upright on the main hall, smiled slightly, Daba sat on the left, and Yingying and his beautiful family members sat on the right.

In front of the huge horizontal table in the hall, Ah Zhen always maintained a kind, gentle and festive smile from the beginning to the end.But the smiling eyes were sizing up the ministers and envoys below who were smiling and drinking.

After a dance, the maiko bows and retreats.

When the music stopped, Ah Zhen nodded in satisfaction, held up the cup on the table and smiled at the people below: "The year is over, thank you for your hard work."

After appreciating the music, all the ministers stood up beamingly, and replied with congratulations: "The emperor's words made the ministers terrified, and I wish the emperor a long life."

The hypocritical etiquette made Ah Zhen want to vomit, Gao Bei held a cup in his hand and said with a smile: "Please drink this cup together."

"Thank you, the emperor" the orderly voice of thanks fell to the ground, and hundreds of courtiers drank the wine in their cups brimming with joy, then sat down and looked up at the heavenly emperor in the hall.

After drinking a glass of wine, Ah Zhen raised his glass again and respected the envoys on the right: "Thanks to the congratulations from all countries, the emperor asked himself what virtue and ability." Hypocritically shaking his head and sighing, he stood up and walked out of the table , raised his glass to the Daqian envoy and said with a smile: "The emperor has already said that he is willing to be friends with the world. All the envoys and princes, on behalf of the emperor, I would like to express my gratitude to the king."

Nearly ten envoys from other countries on the right heard this, and quickly stood up and said in unison: "The emperor of Tubo has made great contributions to the inside and outside, and is good at the five states. The foreign ministers thanked the emperor of Tubo on behalf of the monarch."

The so-called etiquette is hypocrisy and artificiality.Ah Zhen understands, everyone understands, and everyone in the world understands.But where the ceremony comes, it cannot be abolished.

"Okay, okay." He held the cup in his hand very happily, and called out loudly: "Please drink this cup together. May the world be peaceful and healthy inside and outside."

"Thank you, Your Majesty Tubo." A large group of envoys did not hesitate to hold a cup with both hands and the uncle above, and drank the wine in the cup that was full of hype, and pigs would laugh when they heard it.

If it was in the past, Ah Zhen would definitely talk about it, but facing this group of hypocritical people, he spit in his heart and his stomach tightened.After a few nonsense words, he waved his hand to call for the populace of singing and dancing, then turned around and sat down, allowing these people inside and outside to enjoy precious and luxurious food, fragrant and pure wine.

Seeing him depressed, Yingying who was sitting on the right asked in a low voice, "What's wrong with you?"

As soon as Ah Zhen sat down, seeing Yingying's concerned question, he smiled and shook his head and said: "These people can be fake, I'm tired of talking with them."

"Is your husband tired?" Wan Jun, who was sitting next to Yingying, was full of concern, hesitantly whispered: "Otherwise, my husband, let's go back to the hall to rest first."

"Yes." Qianyun and the others who were sitting in the front row were full of distress, and persuaded softly: "The envoys from various countries have been received, and my husband can leave first."

Smiling Ah Zhen saw how caring they were, and smiled softly in his heart: "No problem." After speaking, he gestured and urged: "These jade dishes were selected by Yingying, you can use them quickly."

After contemplating him quietly for a while, everyone saw that although he looked tired, he was fine.Nodding reassuringly, they said in unison: "My husband, please have a meal."

"Okay, okay, let's use it together." Picking up the chopsticks made by Yuzhu, Ah Zhen stopped talking, silently using Yingying's specially selected jade meal for him.The melody in his ears was beautiful and exciting, but the sudden exhaustion made him lose interest. The delicious luxury food was chewy, and he didn't even cast a glance at the Lingbo Xu dancers on the stage.

Golden bells and jade drums, silver Xiao and green strings.The melodious rhythm overflows, and the girls dance in the snow.

Such an auspicious day, but Wanchao worshiped the sect, but Ah Zhen couldn't arouse his interest.Shaking and flickering, I feel tired and depressed.He who had reached the peerless peak was suddenly nothingness.A feeling of unwillingness and dissatisfaction, rushing rapidly and violently throughout the blood in the body.A kind of emptiness is like a bottomless pit, devouring the five viscera and six lungs at an astonishing speed, making it weak and tired.

"Husband, what's the matter with you?" Yingying, who didn't feel right, nudged Ah Zhen who was next to her in doubt, and asked with concern, "Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"Oh." Suddenly regaining consciousness, Ah Zhen shook his head and replied with a smile: "It's okay."

Immediately after the response, he fell into the world of meditation again, very confused and incomprehensible.He's reached his peak, hasn't he?But why does he seem to be bound in a small chrysalis cocoon, so depressed, so boring?

Yingying saw that just after waking him up, he immediately fell into his own world.She looked at the man next to her very puzzled, not knowing why he was troubled, what she was thinking about so preoccupied.

The old Daba on the left narrowed his eyes slightly, and lightly kicked Ah Zhen, "Bastard, what are you doing?"

"Eh?" Withdrawing from his daze, Ah Zhen turned his head to look at Daba, and replied without interest: "It's nothing."

"All right?" Old Daba frowned.Under normal circumstances, he should be able to tease him now, but why is it that he just responds lightly and is fine? "Really all right?"

"Hmm." Ah Zhen spoke lazily, and after lightly responding, he stopped talking and silently ate the Chinese food in the golden bowl.

Seeing him so unhappy, Daba and Yingying looked at each other suspiciously. "Husband, otherwise you should leave first."

"Not too good?" Ah Zhen who was eating stopped holding the chopsticks in his hand, shook his head and said, "Everyone is here, how can we leave first."

Seeing him like this, Daba couldn't help being worried.Ban Xialian hummed: "Go to sleep with your big head, there are me and Huang'er here."

"Oh..." Ah Zhen sighed tiredly, nodded and looked at the two people on the left and right, "Okay." He said, and stood up.

When Wan'er and the others saw him standing up, they all looked at him with concern, "Husband"

"You guys have dinner with Yingying here, I'll take a rest first." Ah Zhen smiled and comforted his wives who cared about him.

Everyone saw that his face was full of exhaustion, and he bowed his head obediently: "Then husband, go quickly."

"Yes." The Chinese music did not turn off, and the officials did not disperse.The exhausted Ah Zhen turned around and walked towards the hall wearily, and disappeared in the eyes of everyone singing and dancing in an instant.

The snow is slightly teasing, and in the cold wind, there is a faint fragrance of plum blossoms.

Ah Zhen, who was lost in thought, passed by the lakeside in the imperial garden, and walked on the winding road paved with hard warm jade.The secluded path, the fragrant fragrance, the exquisite green bamboo, and the elegant jade Hongqiao are all beautiful.

However, the pensive man walked across the bridge and walked slowly towards the gate of the palace without even glancing at the beautiful scenery around him.

In front of the magnificent halls, beside the gates of the palaces.They all greeted that handsome figure, the royal guards standing guard, with their puzzled eyes, followed the emperor who was drifting away, not understanding why he left before the banquet was over.

The silent Ah Zhen wobbled and returned to his mansion exhausted.Under the suspicious eyes of the guards, he wandered up the steps and walked into the hall in a daze.

Hua Rui, who ordered the maidservants to wipe the table and sweep the beams, saw the young master came back, rubbed her eyes in disbelief, and saw that it was really the young master.Immediately ran out of the hall quickly, and called to Ah Zhen who was walking slowly: "Master, why are you back?" After asking doubts, Gulu's old eyes looked behind him, and asked blankly: "Where are the mistresses?" ?”

"Eh?" Suddenly regaining consciousness, Ah Zhen was shocked to see that the person who asked was Hua Rui, and asked in confusion: "Hua Rui, why are you here?"

"Ah?" The bowed Hua Rui was speechless, staring blankly at her young master, "The servant has been in the mansion all this time."

Hearing the inside of the mansion, Ah Zhen turned his head and looked around suspiciously, and suddenly realized that he had returned to the mansion unknowingly.

Seeing him stunned, Hua Rui whispered worriedly: "Young Master"

"I'm a little tired, so I came back first." He waved his hand and smiled at the dedicated old slave: "The banquet is not over yet, and the mistresses are still in the palace."

"So that's how it is." With a firm heart, Hua Rui whispered worriedly: "It's windy outside, young master, hurry up and enter the hall."

"Don't be too busy, I'll just go to sleep for a while." Patting the weak shoulder of the worrying old man beside him, Ah Zhen sighed softly, stepped into the hall with his hands behind his back, and walked towards Nei Wan's garden.

(End of this chapter)

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