ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 570 "The Stallman Hanging a Sheep's Head"

Chapter 570 "The Stallman Hanging a Sheep's Head"

Before You woke up, Ah Zhen and Yingying had a hearty and nourishing dinner in the imperial study.Moreover, he was forced to eat a large tiger penis and deer penis in a very disgusting manner.Until "Ah" just poured down a lot of soup in disgust, Ah Zhen immediately jumped up from the chair in horror, and jumped ten steps away from Yingying.Pointing to the bowl of blood with a fishy smell in her hand in horror, she shook her head violently and shouted, "Don't even think about it."

After receiving the turtle blood from Huafu, her delicate face is soft and tender.Standing up amorously, Jiao Didi called softly: "Husband~ I only have a small bowl, try it~"

She took a small step closer, and Ah Zhen immediately took a big step back in horror, his head kept shaking, and his hands kept flying. "No, don't, don't."

"Come on~" Yingying, who used the beauty trick, put down the bowl of turtle blood softly, approached him softly, snuggled into his chest and said coquettishly, "Drink it, it's delicious."

Jiao Didi's beauty is enjoyable in her arms, but Ah Zhen can't feel it now.A pair of grunting copper bell eyes slammed into the bowl of terrifying liquid on the imperial table, swallowed in fear, and shook his head vigorously: "No!"

The beauty trick that threw herself into her arms was unsuccessful, Yingying immediately lowered her face in displeasure, pulled Ah Zhen's arm, and pulled him to the imperial table, threateningly: "Give me a drink."

Suddenly seeing Jiao Didi's beauty turned into a dominatrix, Ah Zhen was startled and wanted to escape, but she pulled her arm violently.Staring at the bowl of scarlet blood in front of him, the foam in his throat suddenly became very thick.

"No, no!" The shaking head was in extreme panic.The harm between the two powers is the lightest one. Although Yingying's anger is terrible, compared with that glass of food, he would rather anger this tigress.Because compared with the third leg being maimed, people with IQ will choose to keep breathing.

Seeing his disobedience, the furious Yingying raised her eyebrows, and immediately resorted to the trick of changing faces in Sichuan opera.A delicate dimple instantly recovered from tightness and softness, biting her lips lightly and raised her small cotton palm to gently rub his chest, and her small head fell into his socket and rubbed lightly, making it unbearable The whiney voice said: "Husband, drink up." The land father-in-law, whose little feet were still stomping lightly, cried out that his back hurts.

Seeing that she sacrificed so much to achieve her goal, Ah Zhen immediately dropped her jaw to the ground.As she stomped her feet lightly, her scalp became choppy.Let him die, judging from the current posture of this super invincible King Kong, he is sure to drink this bowl of turtle blood.After all, she has achieved this level, if he doesn't show face, the consequences will definitely be disastrous.The left and right are dead, and they will definitely die immediately after drinking that bowl of food.If you don't drink?
Thinking of this, Ah Zhen shuddered immediately, with a big mournful face, curled up his small mouth, and said to death with tears: "Bring it!" To die immediately, or to die after being tortured, of course he chooses to die with a knife up.

Seeing that he had followed, Yingying, who was lying on his bedside and acting coquettishly, immediately picked up the bowl of turtle blood from the table happily, handed it to his mouth carefully, and said sweetly: "Drink it quickly."

"I'll do it." With Gulu's big eyes open, Ah Zhen took the bowl retchingly with one hand and pinched his nose with the other.

"Gulu" choked on the huge smell of blood, and vomited a little bit unbearably.

Seeing that he paused, Yingying immediately raised her hand to press down the blood bowl in front of his mouth, "Don't stop, let's go all out. Husband, you are awesome!"

The hand that paused was pressed, and Ah Zhen, who was extremely disgusted, lost his spirit. Gulu swallowed the bowl of scarlet blood, and then
"Kang Dang"

"vomit" there was a crisp sound of the bowl falling to the ground, the victim who drank the turtle blood covered his mouth, squatted beside the imperial table and retched violently, his mouth was covered with bright red blood, the smell of salty Smell and smell entwine and permeate all five tastes and six senses.

Yingying was delighted that he had finished drinking. Seeing him throwing up violently on the ground, she quickly picked up the water on the table, knelt down and called out in concern: "Come, drink a bowl of water."

Without turning his head, Ah Zhen quickly copied the bowl in the hands of the people around him, and poured it vigorously until the peculiar smell in the cavity faded a little, then he sat down on the ground, panting fiercely and roaring: "Damn woman, how dare you let me I drink that horrible stuff."

"Okay, okay." Satisfied, Yingying saw him settle the score after Qiuhou, and gently helped him up and said, "Forget my fault."

"Only once, next time is no exception." Ah Zhen, who was suspicious, was cautious.

"Okay." She nodded meekly.She has never been an exception, but this is always an exception, which is hard to say.

From death to life, Ah Zhen wiped the corners of his mouth, sat back on the chair unhappily, pointed at the plate of steamed fish in front of him, and said very angrily: "I want to eat fish, pick out the bone spurs for me."

"Yes." Rolling her eyes, Yingying sat back beside him in a good mood, softly raised the fishbone for him, and continued to serve this young master like her own son.

On the night of Xushi, surrounded by Lanshan lights, although the boundless night sky is bright, the stars are just twinkling.

Ah Zhen, who was out of the palace, was staggering. Every time he took a step, the muscles on his thighs immediately jumped up in protest.Stretching his gray footsteps, he dragged mournfully towards the dying Lin Mansion in the distance.

"Huh?" Xiang Shaoyun, who had just returned from Xingqing, walked to the gate of the Lin Mansion, and immediately saw Ah Zhen staggering in the distance, with two thick eyebrows slightly frowned, and towards the old man who was leaning on the wall and dragging his feet. Shout: "Brother Zhen"

Ah Zhen, who was walking softly, heard the teasing cry, raised his head gritted his teeth and looked forward, seeing that it was Xiang Shaoyun, his old face was embarrassed.Then he turned around and walked back as if fleeing. "Damn Xiang Shaoyun, he won't come back sooner or later, but he just came back at this moment."

Shouting happily, Xiang Shaoyun saw him turn and walk back, his two thick eyebrows turned upside down immediately, and in suspicion, he raised his giant feet and chased after the unsteady old man.

"Brother Zhen." With two flips and three jumps, Xiang Shaoyun quickly caught the uncle who wanted to escape, and put his arms around his shoulders and asked inexplicably, "What's wrong with you?"

God, the plague god is here!
"It's okay." With his shoulders clasped, Ah Zhen put down his veteran hand holding the wall, puffed up his chest and said bravely, "You're not dead yet."

Hearing the familiar ridicule, Xiang Shaoyun replied invincibly: "Isn't my little brother reluctant to part with my real brother?" After saying that, he put his arms around his shoulders and twisted his body forcefully, striding forward. "Brother, I'm going this time"

"Ah, lightly." Ah Zhen, who was being hugged and walked forward vigorously, screamed again and again, panting, and cursed with cold sweat on his forehead while the two stunned were speaking: "Damn Xiang Shaoyun, don't you?" Be gentle!"

"Huh?" Xiang Shaoyun screamed happily, and then he was scolded by the uncle.Immediately stood still, tightly supported the old man in front of him who might fall at any time, with fish eyes on the surface of the water, he looked suspiciously at this old man who had irregular menstruation.

"Brother Zhen, you?" Seeing his trembling legs, Xiang Shaoyun was shocked, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay." Ah Zhen, who was about to hang up, bent over and let out a very weak breath.

"Is it all right?" The idiot knew something was wrong after seeing it, squinted his eyes at Xiang Shaoyun, put his hand on his chin and watched him carefully, and asked thoughtfully: "Brother Zhen, did you come out of the palace?"

Seeing that he was about to guess the answer, Ah Zhen's old face was stained with a blush.He scolded in embarrassment: "Roll!"

Suspicious Xiang Shaoyun saw that he suddenly became angry with embarrassment, his old face was still slightly flushed, and the same man immediately called out the answer.

"Wahhahaha" burst into laughter, Xiang Shaoyun seized this very rare opportunity, and vigorously teased: "Brother Zhen, when I went to Dali last time, I got a gun that has survived countless battles." Medicine." She raised her raised eyebrows maliciously and said, "According to your weak state, it is very necessary to take some."

"Xiang Shaoyun" Ah Zhen's old face was bloodshot after being ridiculed vigorously, and he stared angrily and said: "Believe it or not, I sewed your mouth."

"I won't tell, I won't tell." Xiang Shaoyun saw that his uncle was furious, he waved his hands, put his palms around his waist, and quickly supported him, with a deep smile, and asked with pretended concern: "Really?" Brother, is the queen alright?"

As soon as the words of feigned concern fell to the ground, Xiang Shaoyun immediately received a pair of big copper bell eyes, and quickly shook his head and said, "It's okay, it's okay." It's just that the smile in the words betrayed his full of banter.

"Huh..." Ah Zhen, who glared at him fiercely, put his hands on his neck, dragged his sore steps and hummed: "Under Lao Tzu's ferocious onslaught, even the old bustard who has experienced many battles will have to go limp, not to mention It's Yingying."

"Yes, yes, yes." Stretched out his big free palm, and gave Shaoyun a thumbs up in admiration: "Amazing."

"Of course." Putting the corners of his mouth down, Ah Zhen quickly turned his old face and shouted: "Don't go into the mansion, go outside the city to rest for a while." According to the current state, how could he have the face to go back to the mansion.

Hearing this, Xiang Shaoyun, who was about to step up the steps, immediately turned around and helped his uncle walk towards the forbidden door.

"Brother Zhen, there is a stall outside Nancheng." Said and blinked, "Let's go make up."

"Staller?" Ah Zhen, who moved to the Forbidden City, saw his swaying eyebrows, and immediately narrowed his eyes and asked, "What kind of stallholder?"

"Hey" Zei Nao looked around and saw no one around, so he whispered: "There is a sheep's head hanging on the stall."

Hearing that there was a sheep's head hanging, Ah Zhen immediately understood. "I'll go." He licked the corner of his mouth, stared at Xiang Shaoyun in embarrassment and said, "The empress banned eating dog meat last year. Don't you want me to commit a crime?"

"If you are caught, at worst, I will pay you a fine of one tael of silver." The empress ordered a ban on eating dog meat, but this official document seemed to be in vain. There were not a lot of people who ate it, and no one from the government came out to arrest him. Take it, even if it is an arrest, it is only a punishment for the shop owner. These diners have never been arrested or punished.So there is no sense of guilt at all, even if it is found out, it is only a fine of one or two silvers, and no one can die.

"Damn!" Ah Zhen swayed from side to side, licked his lips, hesitating

Seeing that he wanted to shit but didn't want to take off his pants, Xiang Shaoyun persisted and said: "Brother Zhen, the smell is really delicious, let's go!"

"It's delicious! It's definitely delicious." Standing here, he could already smell the delicious smell of meat, he gritted his teeth, stomped his feet, and shouted with determination: "Let's go!"

"Let's go!" Xiang Shaoyun greedily ran out to protest, and immediately supported the uncle to challenge the queen's imperial list.

Out of the Forbidden City, Xiang Shaoyun supported Ah Zhen and walked northward.

Although the night market in the north of the city is not as good as that in the west of the city, it is still bustling and lively.This place is different from the west of the city. The west of the city is a stretch of brothels and courtyards, showing the scent of flowers and flowers by the Luoyue River.However, in the north of the city, there are many juggling and singing performances. The theater troupe setting up the stage is beating in the distance, and the miscellaneous troupe setting up stalls and performing arts are inviting guests to watch.Punching the Nanshan Nursing Home and kicking the Beihai Kindergarten, the big men held their fists and invited the elderly and children to fight on the street stalls.

These are not important, what is important is the prohibition of meat.

When turning out of the north gate of Nancheng, Ah Zhen was immediately attracted by the restaurant not far away with a sheep's head hanging on it.

"So that's what it's like to sell dog meat on a sheep's pedestal." Staring at the big eyeballs, Ah Zhen, who was overjoyed, didn't need to lead the way to Shaoyun. After finding the target, he pulled the person who helped him to move closer to the small restaurant.

A small shop, with two small stoves at the alley-like entrance, and a huge iron pot next to the small stoves.Obviously those things have been processed and placed in the big pot long ago, and the small stove is only used for heating.

When Ah Zhen stood in front of the stove, bursts of tangy fragrance immediately wrapped around his ears, nose and mouth, and the foam in his mouth almost flowed out of his big mouth.

"Quick, give me a big pot." With cramped fingers, he pointed directly at the big iron pot, and the saliva dripped down the corner of his mouth uncontrollably.

The boss who was about to inquire just now heard the big pot, and his sharp face was stunned immediately, "Master, how many of you are there?"

"Two." The impatient Ah Zhen gestured at himself and Xiang Shaoyun.

Boss Xiaoguan also saw that there were only two of them, and nodded with a sharp thief face, persuading him: "The two uncles can't eat so much, how about two catties?" After finishing speaking, he hurriedly added: "If two catties After eating, there will still be some barking." Tonight he slaughtered two dogs, each of which weighed more than 30 catties, and it is still early, if they waste it, he will not be able to explain to those old men who came here to eat.

"Okay." Ah Zhen felt that it made sense, and hit it off.

"Okay!" Boss Xiaowan bowed happily and asked, "Sir, are you taking it away? Or are you using it here?"

"Use it here, use it here."

"Then sit down first, it will be hot right away." The young man gestured with his big hand into the tent set up at the entrance of the store, immediately lifted the lid of the pot, spooned out the fragrant dog meat and put it into the small stew pot and got busy.

"Fragrant." After taking a deep breath of the scent, Ah Zhen moved under the tent, sat on a low stool, and praised endlessly: "Shaoyun, how do you know that there is forbidden meat here?"

"Lai Li and Sha Hu invited me here." Xiang Shaoyun, who was also salivating, didn't hide it at all.

Hearing these two people, Ah Zhen opened his mouth wide and said, "They actually knew the law and violated the law. If Dan didn't arrest him, he invited you, the chief of the inside and outside with a knife, to commit the crime together." Isn't this group of people too daring?
"Brother Zhen, your old lady is serious." Xiang Shaoyun laughed with a guilty conscience: "Actually, dog meat is very good. Eating dog meat in winter can strengthen your body and withstand the cold winter." Speaking of this, he murmured suspiciously: " Why doesn't the queen allow others to eat dog meat?"

"Of course not." Hearing him talking to himself, Ah Zhen shook his head vigorously and said, "Dogs are man's best friend, they are the most intelligent primates after man, and they are the most loyal servants of man. How can we eat them?" they."

Xiang Shaoyun didn't understand this, he shook his head and said, "Brother Zhen, people all over the world are eating it. Even after the ban came down last year, not many people secretly ate it. What's the matter?"

"What's the matter?" Seeing Xiang Shaoyun's indifferent expression, Ah Zhen snorted and said, "You have eaten your most loyal friend, and you still feel nothing?"

(End of this chapter)

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