Chapter 1

Qimen is the orthodox of weather and solar terms, and it is not comparable to other numbers, so it is adopted in the prescription book.If you know the method of superconnecting and intercalating, you can determine the good and bad, and you will be accurate.Every time I see Fangben's Yanbo fishing old man's verses, such as sending four-dimensional dismantling, repairing and intercalation, all the methods are slightly unknown.Now, according to the book given by Qimen Zhen, I corrected it one by one, and it seems that the solar terms and seasons are correct, for reference.

Qimen is the bridge of choice, avoiding good and bad, which is related to good and bad, so the pattern of yin and yang and nine escapes are performed to clarify its good and bad tests.

Qimenke should be the standard for good and bad, and now it is recorded according to the strange books of various families for testing.

The gods of Qimen Zhanyan are all determined by nature and restraint, so they should not be used as a single one. Good or bad lies in the gods, and the knowledge is in the ears of the people.

The Eighteenth Bureau of Qimen was determined by Zifang, and the method of flying cloth was not explained in detail. Gufangben mistook the picture of Feigong as a live disk and pushed it, causing the star gate to be disordered.Now, according to the law of yin and yang, the diagram of the nine games of Feigong Paigong is performed to clarify its rotation and push cloth, and to test the good and bad patterns. However, it only engraves the two escapes in winter and summer, the second to the middle five, sending Kun and Gen. , and the four-dimensional pattern of good and bad luck in Liqiu Jikun, Lixia Jisun, Lidong Jigan, and Lichun Jigen, there are two diagrams and palace diagrams, which can be deduced by analogy, so it is not published.

The order of the hexagrams of the Qimen Bashen Duan Xing does not quite conform to the method of arranging palaces, so the Yin-Yang Bashen hexagrams are arranged according to the order of the order of the order of the palace for reference, without losing the Yin and Yang. , the law of the last nine days and two nine earths is also the law, and the rest of the palaces are presumed to be listed after the hexagrams.

Qimen Zhishi Fei Pai two palaces are used differently. Today, in the Pai Gong map, there is a method of inter-gong, and the upper and lower two plates are cut and supplemented. The sixty and eight gates are all worthy of their envoys. The layout is good or bad. Now, sincerity is the secret of the direct envoy's palace.

The role of Qimen is more important than the time and direction. It must be aligned with the true direction. If the jig is in the east of the earthquake, it should be straight to the east. , not to be careless.

The three deceptions are the hidden palaces, used by soldiers to ambush here, and no one knows, you must get a strange door to prove it.

Jiu Dunfan uses things to make things happen, but he is most afraid of torture in strange tombs.

Five falsehoods, false one's energy to use things, if it goes against one's energy and uses it, it will be fierce, especially avoid forcing the tomb.

The dragon and bird are the most auspicious patterns, and all kinds of schemes are all auspicious. For the rest of the pattern, there are patterns that are appropriate, and some patterns are suitable for one but not for the other. They should be used carefully and carefully, not far-fetched.

Fifth, if you don't meet the chosen day, this evil spirit is the most fierce. Even if there is a strange gate, it cannot be rescued.

If the character of dragon and bird meets Geng and Zhi Fu, it should be judged as evil, but if it encounters a fierce gate, then it is the same. The most suitable style of Qijia must be used by Jimen.

The odd tomb should be the most careful. If you want to use Jige, once the odd enters the tomb, you will not be able to use it. You must observe the palaces of the three odd and prosperous phases and use them accordingly.

Bingjia year, month, day and hour, Geng plus year, month, day and Geng as straight symbols are all cases, but they should not be used as ominous, and they can still be used at discretion in case of Xiu Kaisheng Sanjimen.

Compulsion, Yihe, Mensheng Palace, and Gongshengmen are auspicious if they meet auspicious gates; if Gongkemen and Menke Palace meet auspicious gates, it will be auspicious, and if they meet evil gates, it will be a disaster.

The Heavenly Three Gates, Earthly Four Households, Diprivate Gate, Tiangangfang, and Tianmafang all use the methods of the moon to benefit everything, and Jimen Jixing is especially responsive.

Notes on Yanbo Fishing Old Man's Fu
Xuanyuan Huangdi fought against Chiyou, Zhuolu endured years of hardships, Ou Mengtian gods granted talismans, ascended the altar to sacrifice gods and practiced, dragons and tortoises came from Heluoshui.Caifeng holds the book in Biyunli.

In the past, Xuanyuan fought against Chiyou in Zhuolu and was invincible, so he prayed to the gods and dreamed that Nine Heavens Xuannv would give him a talisman, which is the talisman of Hetu Luoshu.The books titled by Caifeng are also the books of Taiyi, Liuren and Dunjia.

Because of fate, it will be written later, and the Dunjia Qimen will begin from then on.

The emperor ordered the wind to be developed into a three-style essay, and there are formations for marching troops, doors for entering and exiting, and methods for advancing and retreating, so as to capture Chiyou.Those who escape are hidden, and those who are armored are ceremonies. It is said that Liujia and Liuyi are direct symbols of noble gods.Liujia is hidden in Liuwu, because Liuwu has the virtue of gods and the opportunity to hide and show, so it is named Dunjia, Jiaxu is hidden in Liuji, Jiashen is hidden in Liugeng, Jiawu is hidden in Liuxin, and Jiachen is hidden in Liuxin Liuren and Jiayin are hidden in Liugui, which is called Dunjia.Strange ones, B, C, and Ding are also strange.The door, rest, death, injury, closure, opening, surprise, life, and scene.The name Dunjia Qimen came from this.

At the time of 72, the Taigong deleted [-], caught Zhang Zifang in the Han Dynasty, and the [-]th round was Jingyi.

The method uses 360 days in a year as twenty-four festivals, one festival is divided into three yuan, one yuan has five days, and one festival is divided into fifteen days, a total of 180 hours. There are 24 320 rounds in 320 quarters, that is, 540 540 innings.Fenghou restricts 72 rounds of yang escape, 72 rounds of yin escape, [-] rounds in total.To the Taigong, there are [-] waiting, one waiting is made for one round, and one change is made every five days, then [-] rounds are deleted.In the Han Dynasty, Zhang Zifang was divided into nine games of yang escape and nine games of yin escape, making a total of [-] games, which is considered an eternal formula.

First arrange the nine palaces from the palm, and the fifteen vertical and horizontal palaces are among them.

The nine palaces are Yikan, Erkun, Sanzhen, Sixun, Wuzhong, Liuqian, Qidui, Bagen, and Jiuli.Arranged in the palm, let it fly vertically and horizontally.Fifteen, combined vertically and horizontally with the books, can form a number of fifteen, such as the ninety of the sun, the thirty or seventy of the Shaoyang, the sixty or forty of the Taiyin, the two or eighty of the Shaoyin, and the five times of the middle. All of them are fifteen, and the vertical and horizontal dimensions of this picture are ninety in the north, three in the east and seventy in the west, six in the northwest, forty in the southeast, two in the southwest, eighty in the northeast, and five times in the middle. , are all fifteen, this book is vertical and horizontal, so it is said that the vertical and horizontal fifteen are in it, the number of the heaven and the earth has a wonderful function of coordination, so how can the formation of troops be outside the vertical and horizontal method.

For the second time, the eight trigrams wheel and eight festivals are unified, and the three are authentic.

The positioning of heaven and earth, the ventilation of mountains and rivers, the thinning of thunder and wind, and the incompatibility of water and fire, this is the principle of the order of the Eight Diagrams.The Eight Trigrams are supplemented by eight trigrams - the winter solstice is the main ridge, the spring equinox is the gen, the vernal equinox is the earthquake, the summer is the sundae, the summer solstice is the departure, the autumn is the Kun, the autumnal equinox is the change, and the winter is the main trunk.Therefore, winds from all directions move, absorb the energy of heaven and earth, and turn them into portals that come in and go out.Those who have one qi are also the hexagram qi.To govern the three, one qi governs the three seasons, such as the winter solstice, the minor cold, and the great cold govern the ridge; the beginning of spring, the rain, and the twilight are governed by the spring; the vernal equinox, Qingming, and Grain Rain are governed by the earthquake; , the beginning of autumn, the end of summer, and the white dew are all in one piece, the autumnal equinox, cold dew, and frost are all in one, and the beginning of winter, light snow, and heavy snow are all in one.The 24 qi are distributed in the eight palaces, which is the orthodox tradition of the Dunjia Qimen.For the three wais, the upper, middle, and lower three elements are the three hous.Such as winter solstice [-], minor cold [-], great cold [-], Lichun [-], rain [-], Jingzhe [-], vernal equinox [-], Qingming [-], Grain Rain [-], Lixia [-] , Xiaoman five-two-eight, mangzhong six-three-nine, this is the method of yang escape, upper, middle, lower, three yuan and three periods; such as summer solstice nine thirty-six, small summer eight two five, great summer seven one four, beginning autumn two five eight, end of summer [-], Bailu [-], Autumnal Equinox [-], Cold Dew [-], Frost [-], Lidong [-], Light Snow [-], Heavy Snow [-], this yin escapes from the upper, middle and lower three yuan and three periods The law of the bureau is also.

Yin and Yang are divided into pros and cons, and one energy and three elements are unpredictable.

The winter solstice is the beginning of a yang, and the yang qi rises, so the yang escapes and moves forward, and the qi is welcome. Liujia moves from the ridge to the end, and advances in one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine.The summer solstice is the beginning of a yin, and the yin qi descends, so the yin escapes and goes retrograde, and welcomes the murderous aura.Calculated in terms of age, metabolizes in four seasons, changes in cold and heat, 360 days and a week, divided into two escapes, embodies the yin and yang qi of heaven and earth, and is used for personnel affairs.If it is discussed in terms of one hexagram of qi, one qi has fifteen days, five days is one yuan, fifteen days is three yuan, one yuan is sixteen o'clock, and three yuan is 180 o'clock in total. However, within one qi, according to the magical function of three yuan, the solar terms rotate, There is no trace at all, and the unevenness of the minutes and seconds between the shrinking and shrinking is all due to the method of overtaking with air to make up for it.

Come and exchange for one yuan every five days, and the spirit of super god shall prevail.

The five days are one yuan, with Jiaji as the symbol head, the four Zhong-Zi, Wu, Mao, and You are Shangyuan, the four Meng-Yin, Shen, Si, and Hai are Zhongyuan, and the four seasons-Chen, Xu, Chou, Weiwei next yuan.The word Dulai must be at ten o'clock on Saturday, and there is a slow speed of the solar terms in the three yuan. It cannot be exchanged for one yuan based on five days, so there is a super-connected method that prevails.At present, when the character arrives before the festival, super is used, and when the character arrives after the festival, connect is used.Depending on the method of superconnection, the seasons can still be true. Once the qi is intercalated, it can be intercalated by reusing the Yuanju method, but it is difficult to cut off the seasons. Therefore, the two-to-superconnection is the root of yin and yang fertility, and it is here The experience and analysis make it clear that the word "chaojie" is the main character, so it is said: "accurate", the yardstick of Judah's craftsman, and the one among the shooters.

Recognize the nine palaces and divide them into nine stars.The eight gates go one by one to the nine palaces.

Those who accept it are called detailed examination.The nine palaces are Yikan, Erkun, Sanzhen, Sixun, Wuzhong, Liuqian, Qidui, Bagen, and Jiuli.Dividers, Bulie also.Nine stars, Peng, Rui, Chong, Fu, Qin, Xin, Zhu, Ren, and Yingye, with Peng divided into Kan, Rui divided into Kun, Chong divided into Zhen, Fu divided into Sunda, Qin divided into the middle, and Xin divided into In Qian, Zhu is divided into Dui, Ren is divided into Gen, and Ying is divided into Liye.The eight gates are rest, death, injury, death, opening, shock, life, and scene.The chasing ones go hand in hand, which means that Xiu Peng goes together, dies go together, hurts go together, Du Fu goes together, happy goes together, Jingzhu goes together, life goes together, and Jingying goes together.It can be seen that it has its own order of usage, and the overall situation of good and bad is determined.

The nine stars are often used as value symbols, and the eight gates make it clear.

The direct talisman is Liuyi, and the time when it is used is called the direct talisman. For example, if a certain armor is in a certain palace, a certain star will be transferred with the direct talisman, so it is used as a direct talisman.For direct envoys, the door of Xunjia at the time of use is called direct envoys. For example, if a certain armor is in a certain palace, a certain gate is a direct envoy.

The door on the talisman is an envoy, and it is easy to bear the proof at ten o'clock.

The gate above the Zhifu is the Zhishi, and it changes every ten times with the Zhifu, and it has something to rely on, and there is no messy change.

Zhifu works everywhere, making it follow the palace.

The use of this Dunjia Qimen must be recognized clearly.The direct talisman is the Xunjia of the time of use, and it is also the Liuyi. Where the direct talisman goes, it is added to the palace of the time of use.Direct envoys, eight gates, cover the gates and follow the lines.If in a round of Jiazi Xun, the Zhifu is in the first palace of Kan, then the Zhishi should be in Xiumen. Zhifu plus B should go to the Ninth Palace, and the Zhishi should be in the Second Palace; when Bing Yin, the Zhifu plus Bing should go to the Eighth Palace, and the Zhishi should be in the Third Palace.It is the direct way to follow the palace, and the straight sign to follow the palace at any time.

Liujia was originally named Liuyi.

The six Jia are Jiazi, Jiaxu, Jiashen, Jiawu, Jiachen, and Jiayin.Its Jiazi Yinwu, Jiaxu Yinji, Jiashen Yingeng, Jiawu Yinxin, Jiachen Yinren, Jiayin Yingui.Receiving armor is a ritual, which is called the six rituals.

Sanqi is Bingding.

The scriptures say: "Yi occupies the position of mao, the emperor came out of the earthquake, Bingding and Ding all hold the virtue of fire, and there is an image of separation from the light. These three lights are more beautiful than Yibingding." Therefore, Yiyin wood is used as the sun, and Bingyang fire as the Yue Qi, Ding Yinhuo is the star of the old man, and its light is now in the position of Ding, so it is called Xing Qi.

Yang escapes along the instrument and Qi goes against the cloth, and Yin escapes against the instrument and Qi goes forward.

The method of Yang Dun layout is like the winter solstice belongs to the hurdle. With one game, Jiaziwu is in the first palace, and it flies to the ninth palace. In middle five, Jiayingui is in dry six, which is Yishunbu.Among the three oddities, Dingqi is in Duiqi, Bingqi is in Genba, and Yiqi is in Lijiugong.In the order of Wuji, Geng, Xinren, Gui, Ding, B, and B, the palaces of one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, and eight nine are arranged sequentially, and the nine rounds of Bu Yang Dun are followed by Yi and Ni Qi, and the rest of the rounds are imitated.

The method of yin escape layout, such as the summer solstice belongs to Li, uses nine bureaus, that is, Jiaziwu is set up in the Nine Palaces, and the Nine Palaces are reversed. Secondary five, Jiayingui is in Xunsi, which is Yi retrograde.Shunbu Sanqi, then Yiqi is in Kanyi, Bingqi is in Kuner, and Dingqi is in Zhensangong.In the order of Wuji, Geng, Xinren, Gui, Ding, Bingyi, and reversely distribute the palaces of nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two and one, the shortcut method of distributing Yin and escape the nine palaces is also the same as that of the rest of the game.

Jimen still has to combine the three wonders, and take care of Xu Yunbai's affairs, and he should check it from the side, so that there should be no slight flaws in the palace.

The door is the beginning of the deacon, the most important key, once the door is auspicious, the trend is right.It is still necessary to combine the spirits of the three wonders of Yi, Bing and Ding. It is probably beneficial to the conspiracy, but it is still unfounded. It is called Quanji, and it is even more important to check whether there are any minor flaws in the palace division. Qi is auspicious; against the Jedi of Naimu, Yiqike is restrained.For example, Bingqi's Linli Jiugong is called Yuezhao Ruimen, and it is pure auspiciousness to live in Diwang; while Linqian is the cemetery of Binghuo, which is bright and dark, which is unlucky.For example, when Ding Qi is in Lindui, it is auspicious for nobles to be promoted to the palace; but when Lin Yukan is called Suzaku throwing the river, it is not auspicious for Wade to collect it.Therefore, it is said that there should be no slight flaws in the palace.

Three wonders are worthy of envoys, Liujia encounters a small man, Yi encounters dogs, horses, rats and monkeys, and Liuding jade girls face dragons and tigers.

The three wonders of this method are B, B, C and D, but if you can't grasp the wonder, it can be used.It is said that getting an envoy means getting a direct envoy.The direct envoy of Sanqi Deqiusheng, the so-called Envoy of Enlightenment, can be said to be worthy of envoy.It is not a small man who meets Liujia, but it is more suitable for Liujia on the land. They are the exterior and the interior.Yiqi plus Jiaxu, Jiawu, Bingqi plus Jiazi, Jiashen, Dingqi plus Jiachen, Jiayin are called dogs, horses, mice, monkeys, dragons and tigers, but this ten days are based on the three oddities and six Jias.

There is also Sanqi Youliuyi, who is named as the jade girl and guards the gate. If there is any private marriage and peace, please push it away.

This method is mainly based on the palace where Ding Qi went, and the gate of the direct envoy who escaped this ten days will come, and he will be the gatekeeper of the jade girl.The method is based on Jiazi Xun Gengwu time, Jiaxu Xun Jimao time, Jiashen Xun Wuzi time, Jiawu Xun Dingyou time, Jiachen Xun Bingwu time, Jiayin Xun Yimao time.It is advisable to mention the matter of yin and private harmony, and you must meet Sanjimen as a palace.

There are three gates in the sky and four households in the ground. I ask you where this method belongs. The sky is against Xiaoji and Congkui. This is the private way out of the gate of heaven.

The archaeological method regards Qian as the gate of heaven; Taichongmao, Xiaojiwei, and Congkuiyou are the three gates of heaven, also known as the private gate of heaven.It is only conducive to escape and hiding, and it is the door of hiding.The method is to use the timing of the month to add, and follow the direction where Taichong, Xiaoji, and Congkui are approaching, that is, the three gates of heaven. Adding Mao to Hai, then Taichong is in Wei, Congkui is in Chou, Xiaoji is in Hai, and above Wei Chouhai are the three gates of heaven, so follow this.

Examining the hexagrams and examples, Sunda is the land; this is to eliminate, endanger, fix, and open as the land households.Fourth, the five elements belong to the soil, so the places where they are added are conducive to camping and building cities, and they are guaranteed by the height of the city and the depth of the pond.It is said that the land household, the land household method is based on the time when the earth's energy will be added, that is, the building and the building. It is the division, danger, determination, and opening day of the month. , Open time also.For example, Yin is built in the first month, that is, it is built from the top of the Yin, and the number is counted, then the top of the Mao is eliminated, the morning is fixed, the unitary is dangerous, and the Zi is opened. Mao, Wu, Zi, and You are the four households of the land.For example, the Zishi used by Jianjia is Chou, Wei, Chen, Xude, Wei, Ding, and Kai, which are the four households of the land.

Liuhe Taiyin Taichangjun, the three gods were originally the private gates of the earth, and they were supported by strange gates, and they were always happy to use the gates to do things.

(End of this chapter)

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