Chapter 2

Those who are private in the ground are also called hiding and lurking.Liuhe Mao is the main family, Taiyin You is the main family, and Taichang Wei is the main family.Maoyou is the gateway for the sun and the moon to come in and go out, so when you go out to make troubles for Diji, it is even more combined with Sanqijimens as the whole United States.But the method of taking noble gods is slightly different from that of Liuren. The method is to add the timing of the moon to find its direction at dawn and dusk. In Xun Bing Ding Kun Geng, the upper six characters were used, while Chen Siwu did not apply for the unitary genus, so it was used as Dangui; for example, when Xingan Rengui Genjia was used, the lower six characters were used, and Xu Haizi, Chouyinmao, belonged to Yan, and it was used Mugui. and also.Then look at the palace where the noble god is, to distinguish the pros and cons.If Haizi Chouyin Maochen Sixth Palace, the noble god is raised for Yang Shun, and the three gods are yin and constant, that is, the private gate of the earth; Sixth, it is the private door of the ground.If after the rain in the first month, the sun wraps around the sun, and Hai is the general of the month. If the day of Jiawugeng is used when Mao is used, Mao belongs to the six characters, and Mugui is used. The palace, Hai is the Yang branch, and when the noble god moves forward, Taichang is in Wei, Liuhe is in Yin, Taiyin is in You, and the side of Weiyin and You is the private gate of the earth.Another example is Jiawugeng day, use the time of noon, which belongs to the upper six characters, use dangui, and use Haijiang to add noon to go forward. In Xu, Taichang is in Zi, and Liuhe is in Si, which is the private door of Xu Zisi's three parties.The three heavenly gates, the four earthly households, and the private gates of the earth have different methods but use the same method. They are the most important gods of Dunjia.

The Taichong Tianma is the most expensive, and it is difficult to escape, but when riding on the Tianma, the sword and halberd are like mountains, and you are not afraid.

Kao Shensha has Tianma, that is, Tianma Fang also.Gai Taichong regards Mao as the original god, that is, the house and place, so it is added by the heavenly horse. The place where it is not empty, not trapped, not imprisoned, not tomb, is conducive to galloping thousands of miles.The law is based on the timing used by the general of the moon, looking at the side where Taichong is facing, that is, the side of Tianma.
The third is to be angry and the fifth is to be dead. When the third is prosperous and the fifth is weak, if you know how to tend to the third and avoid the fifth, you will always be alone.

Guo's Yuan Jing said: "Five evils and three auspicious ones should be pushed at the door. If there is good luck, there is no need to doubt it."The five evils are the scene of Du's frightened injury and death, and those who use the five as the palace division, avoid the five but not the third, then the place where yin and yang are contradictory, how can they not be avoided, so avoid the five and use dialects as the correct one On also.

Among them, Fuyin is the most fierce, the canopy is added to the canopy of the ground, and the canopy is as high as the sky, you must know that it is the palace of returning to Yin, and the eight gates are like this. , everything is terrible.

The stars in the sky and the earth lie in this palace, so it is called Fuyin.The nine stars in the sky and the earth move and change positions, and they are added to the opposite palace, so it is called Huiyin.Adding the gate of death to the gate of life is called Huiyin, and adding the gate of death to the gate of death is called Fuyin.If Lingji stays in a strange gate, it will be useless when it is time to return to Yin and Fu Yin.

He is too fierce to be punished by Liuyi.

This statement is directly in line with the punishment and self-punishment of the place where the punishment is imposed.For example, when Jiazi comes to the third palace, Zimao will be punished; Jiaxu will come to the second palace, and Xuwei will be punished; Yin is in the fourth palace, and Yinsi is also punished.Pepsi is cautious and should not violate each other.

The three wonders enter the tomb so that they can be inferred in detail, how can we see Weifang on the second day, the tomb of Binghuo and the tomb of Xu Ding are ugly, and everything is disaster at this time.

Yi is a yin tree, born in Hai, and tombed in the future, so Yiqi's second palace is the entrance to the tomb.Bing is Yanghuo, born in Yin, and tombed in Xu, so Bingqi's visit to the sixth palace is also the entry into the tomb.Ding is Yinhuo, born in You and tombed in Chou, so Ding Qi's visit to the eighth palace is also the tomb.

Sometimes they go to the tomb, and they don't meet each other in class, and they are both ugly and fierce.

There are six days in a week in Liujiazi. When Shiqian enters the tomb, it is called the tomb of Bingxu when Bingxu, Ding enters the tomb of Ding Chou, the tomb of Renchen at Renchen, the tomb of Guijuwei at the time of Guiwei, the tomb of Jiju when Jichou, and the tomb of Wuxu. The tomb of the [-]s.When everyone enters the tomb, they are unconscious and lifeless when planning plans and building camps.

Fifth, the dragon is not fine when it is not met, and the name is that the sun and the moon damage the light.

Geng noon time on Jia day, Yi Chou time on Ji day, Xinsi time on B day, Bingzi time on Geng day, Renchen time on Bing day, Guimao time on Ding day, Wuchen time on Ren day, Jiayin time on Wu day, Jiwei time on Gui day, Xin day In the time of Dingyou, at this time, the time is dry and the day is dry, so the host and the guest are not in harmony. When it is extremely fierce, even the odd door is not suitable for use.

Qi and Menxi share the Taiyin, and the three kinds of rare things will come together. If you get two of them, it will be auspicious, and your actions and actions will be fulfilled.

It is said that B, B, Ding and Ding have three wonders, three gates of Qixiu and birth, and three gods of Taiyin, Liuhe and Jiudi, and they cannot have all three at the same time.If you still get the three, or the door meets the three gods, or the odd meeting with the three gods, although it is not all auspicious, the plan can also be fulfilled.

What's more, to be direct and direct, the military is the most expensive thing, and you should hit the brunt from here, and you must remember that you will win every battle.

Direct fu is based on words, and direct envoys are used to speak. If there is a rendezvous, the direct fu will not violate the criminal tomb, and the direct envoy will not violate the coercion system, which is conducive to military planning.The general garrisoned the Zhifu Zhishi's home palace, and marched into the Zhifu Zhishi's hedge palace, and the battle was won.

In the palace where the god of Tianyi resides, the general is suitable to live in and hit the hedge. If Zhifu lives in Lijiu, Tianying sits and hits the canopy.

Tianyi is a straight character.The coach lives in Zhifu's home palace to attack the enemy in the opposing palace, just like Zhifu's home away from the ninth palace, so he sits on the Yingxing and attacks Peng.The method is that yang escape is beneficial to the palace where the Zhifu lives in the sky, and Yin escape is beneficial to the palace where the Zhifu lives underground.

In the time of A, B, C, D, and Wu Yang, the gods live in the sky and you must know it, and you must rely on the wonders of the sky when you sit and strike, and the same is true when it is cloudy.

When the five suns are obtained, use things, the qi of the main Qingxu floats up in the sky, the so-called nine heavens are good for raising troops, so the formation, sitting and attack must rely on the three wonders of the sky, in order to rely on the spirit of the gods.A, B, C, D, and E are the five yang hours.When the five Yins are obtained, they use things, the deep and thick Qi descends to the ground, and the spirit is calm. The so-called benefits of the nine grounds are hidden, so Fu Qi must rely on the three wonders of the underground to rely on the protection of the gods.Ji Geng Xin Ren Gui is the time of the Five Yins.

If you see that the three wonders are in the five yang, it is better to be the guest and self-improving, but suddenly when you meet the five yin, it is better to be the main one to cut the details.

This follows from the above.If it is the time of the five yangs, the three wonders of the sky are located in the east of the five yangs, which is beneficial for the guest; if it is the time of the five yins, the three wonders of the sky are located in the west of the five yins, which is beneficial for the host.The distinction between host and guest is the most important opportunity to use troops. Therefore, the Yellow Emperor said: "The principle of judging movement and stillness is to observe the opportunity of succession." The movement is the guest, and the static is the main. The subject and the object are determined, and the outcome is divided.The first ones are the guests, and the latecomers are the main ones.Those who rise first, wait for the enemy to move, raise their troops and advance; those who rise later, set up troops and lower the flag, wait for the enemy to arrive, and then respond.

The first three and six positions of the straight symbol, the god of Taiyin is in the first two, the last one is the nine heavens, and the last two gods are the nine places.

Yang Dun refers to Zhifu, Tengshe, Taiyin, Liuhe, Baihu, Yuanwu, Jiudi, Jiutian; Yin Dun refers to Zhifu, Jiutian, Jiudi, Suzaku, Gouchen, Liuhe, Taiyin, and Tengshe.The method does not use flying palaces, with Jia as the head of the ten days, and the hidden and straight symbols are distributed along the reverse.

It is easy to raise troops above the nine heavens, and to hide in the nine places can set up camps. Ambush troops but face the Taiyin position.

The Nine Heavens speak of attacking to the extreme, it is the spirit of killing and attacking, transported here, you can march troops, and use this spirit to show off your might.Those in the nine lands, who keep their words and keep their words to the deepest, are the ambiguous qi, which can be transported here to march troops, and build camps based on this qi.Under the sun, you can ambush and set up danger to defend against the enemy, and you can send spies.Under the heaven and earth, it is beneficial to escape from danger.Each of the four stars has its own suitability, and obtaining Qimen is in line with this method.

Heaven, earth, and people are three escapes, the sky escapes the moon essence, the earth escapes the sun, and the purple clouds cover it, and people escape it, it must be known as the Taiyin.The six thirds of the birth gate merge with the six thirds, which is clear from the sky.Open the door and the six people join the six people, and the earth escapes like this.The six members of the Shu family share the Taiyin, and there is no better way to ask people to escape.Wind, cloud, dragon and tiger merge with ghosts and gods, only to know that nine escapes can be used.

Tiandun-Shengmen and Bingqi combine the six lands.Di Dun - open the door, Yi Qi combined the site with six people.Rendun-Xiumen, Ding Qihe Taiyin.Wind escape-opening, resting, and giving birth to the three gates combined with the heavenly disk and the six sings plus the ground, benefiting water battles, fire battles, flying sand and moving stones.Yundun-Sanmen, Yiqijiadisin, suitable for praying, Yuze, learning Taoism, cultivating immortals, and reclusive.Longdun-Xiumen, Yiqi descends to the Kan Palace, suitable for sailing, water battles, wells, and canals.Hudun - Sanmen, Liuxin Lingen, suitable for scouting, shooting, hunting, capturing, dispatching troops, and fighting.Shendun-Shengmen and Bingqi are in harmony with the nine heavens, suitable for going out to fight, fighting, competing in society, welcoming gods, exorcising evil spirits, and curing diseases.Ghost escape - open the door, Yiqi combines nine places, suitable for exorcising evil spirits, rewarding gods, and offering sacrifices.The above-mentioned nine miraculous escapes are most suitable for seclusion, and no one can peep.But when heaven, earth and man escape three times, everything in the world is inappropriate.

Bingjiajia, the bird falls into the hole, and Jiajiabing, the dragon looks back. Only these two are the most auspicious, and everything goes well.

When the dragon looks back, it is said that the Liujia in the sky is coming to the Liubing in the underground.The scriptures say: "The flying dragon is in the sky, look back and look at the source." If you use military power as a guest, and spread your might for thousands of miles, one person can defeat ten thousand men, and you can do whatever you want.The bird falls into the hole, it is said that Bingqi in the sky is coming to Liujia in the underground.The scriptures say: "Flying into the land, dragons and clouds gather." If you march at this time, the land will be extended for thousands of miles, and everything will be beneficial.

Geng is confused by Taibai and Bingying, who will win when adding Geng and Cing, Liugeng plus Cingbai enters white, Liubing plus Gengying enters white, white people come when they come, and when they enter white, the thief will disappear.

Taibai Ruying deceived himself by saying that Liugeng in the sky and Liubing in the underground are restrained by gold entering the fire town.Those who enter Taibai are the six thirds in the sky and the six Gengs under the earth, and they are restrained when they enter Jinxiang. At this time, they must not enter the enemy's territory to fight.Therefore, the Fu in the military account says: "When you enter the white house, the enemy will go away, and when the white house enters the house, the fortress will be strong."

Bing is Bo and Geng is Ge, but Ge is unreasonable and Bo is rebellious.Zhi Fu Jia Geng Tian Yi Fei, Geng Jia Zhi Fu Tian Yi Fu.Geng plus Rigan is Fugan, and Rigan plus Gengfei Qiange.Jiayi Gongxi fought in the field.The same palace is fighting in the country.Geng plus Guixi is the big case, adding Ji Xing is the most inappropriate, and adding Ren is the small case.I also feel that the time is driving away.There are also general oddities, Liu Geng be careful not to add three oddities, if you also march at this time, the horses will only have a round and there will be no time to return.

For those who are vigorous, it is upside down. The six thirds of the sky add today's dryness to make the sun vigorous, and it is the same when adding time. If you use troops, discipline will be disordered.All Geng's additions are called grid.For those who are not qualified, it is impossible to isolate them.Gengjia's year, month, day, and hour are all rules, but it is advisable to stick to it and not to move first. However, at this time, there are many evils in marching troops, so this rule should be avoided.The heavenly straight talisman plus the underground Liugeng form a flying palace grid. At this time, both the host and the guest are at a disadvantage. It is advisable to stick to the wall, and you will be captured if you go out to fight.The palace of Liugeng in the sky and Zhifu in the underground is Fugongge, and the battle is mainly disadvantageous and not suitable.The Six Gengs of the Heaven added to today's stem is Fu Gange, and at this time it is not good for the host and the guest to march.The day dryness used in the sky is added to Liugeng underground to form a flying dryness, and if soldiers are used to fight, both the host and the guest will be injured.The Liugeng in the sky plus the Liugui in the underground is a big case, and at this time, the army chariot is sent out to smash the horse and kill him.Liu Geng in the sky plus Liu Ji in the ground is the penalty. At this time, it is not good for the main force to send troops, and the soldiers flee.The Liugeng in the sky and the Liuren in the underground form a small grid and a Fu grid, so it is not conducive to move troops and mobilize the crowd at this time.Liu Geng in the sky plus the three wonders of the underground, B, B, D, and Ding are strange. At this time, when soldiers are marching, the horses will only take turns and there will be no return date. Yungeng and Bingding will meet Jingmen Yingxing by chance, and the first to use troops will be defeated, so the horses will only take turns. All directions are lost. If Geng Jiayi is strange or Yu Chong assists Du, the two gates will be conquered first.Tianpan Liugeng added to Kan Palace is called Jiayi Palace, just like Tianpan Geng and Dipan Geng are in Kan Palace, they are the same palace, so there is a distinction between fighting in the field and fighting in the country.

Liugui Jiading snake demon correction.Six Dingjiagui sparrows threw themselves into the river.Liuyi Jiaxinlong escaped.Liuxinjiayihu is rampant.Please see that the four are fierce gods, and you can't be caught off guard when everything happens.

The Liugui in the sky and the Liuding in the underground are monsters and coquettish, and it is not appropriate to make trouble at this time.The six dings in the sky and the six guis in the ground are the grid for throwing into the river. In this grid, you will lose your troops, and you will suffer from verbal fighting if you raise the victim.The Six Singers in the sky plus the Six Bs in the ground are rampant. At this time, the marching soldiers will be killed if both the host and the guest are injured, and the host may be assassinated.The Liuyi in the sky plus the Liuxin in the underground is the way to escape. At this time, it is not appropriate to mobilize the masses, and there will be disasters of defeat.

If the eight gates meet, open, rest and live, everything happens.Hurt should be hunted and finally caught.Du Hao escaped and became invisible.On the scene, he cast a book and broke the formation.Frightened and capable of arresting lawsuits, he has a reputation.If you ask who is the owner of the gate of death, you should only be hanged and executed.

(End of this chapter)

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