Chapter 3

The good and bad of these eight gates, the three auspicious ones, will be opened to rest and life; the five ominous ones will frighten Du Jingye with death and injury.Not saying: "The lucky ones will end up with good luck, and the unlucky ones will end up with bad luck." He also said: "There are good luck in the bad luck, and bad luck in the good luck."Good or bad is more about whether there is qi or not, whether you can order it or not, and whether you can restrain it or not, so it depends on the status of Jialin.Hugh door, Hugh, beauty too.Obtaining the meaning of heaven, life and water, the ridge is the main palace, the order is obtained in winter, the rest is in spring, the prison is in summer, the phase is in autumn, and the four seasons are prosperous for eighteen days each, and the qi is restrained. Then it is called Fuyin, facing Gen, it is restrained, facing Zhen, it is discouraged, facing Xun, it enters the tomb, facing Li, it returns to chant, Lin Kun is longevity, facing Wei, it is restrained and injured. In a palace, there are pure flaws. The difference is also that Lindui is defeated, while doing it will lead to survival, and it will be helpful in Haiti.The door of death, the dead, the image that cannot live, Kun is the main palace, and it is the order to be prosperous in the four seasons for eighteen days, rest in autumn, imprisoned in winter, phase in summer, and die in spring, in this palace Then chanting at Fu, bathing at Lindui, discouraged at dryness, persecuted at Kanmen, returning to chant at Gengen, restrained at Zhenzhen, tomb at Xunda, and living at Lili as a fetus.Injury, the wounded, the disabled, all things flourish and retaliate against the injury, the shock is the palace, in the spring it is ordered, in the summer it is rested, in the autumn it is dead, in the winter it is phased, in the four seasons it is imprisoned, in the palace It is Fu Yin, facing Xun for obtaining land, facing Li for death, facing the cemetery of Kunmu, and for door persecution, Lin Dui for restraint, and returning to chant, facing Qian for longevity, facing Kan for life, and facing Gen for The door is forced, and the impending earthquake is the emperor's prosperity.Dumen, Duzhe, Guanye, masters all things that have the phenomenon of being blocked by Du Sai, Xun is the main palace, Qian is the back chant, Yutong hurts the door.Open the door, open the door, open the door, open the road, pass the benefits of Guanjin, and work as the palace. In autumn, you will be ordered, in winter, you will rest, in spring, you will be imprisoned, in the four seasons, you will meet, in summer, you will die. The palace is Fu Yin, Lin Kan is lifeless, Lin Gen is a cemetery, Lin Zhenmen is oppressed, Lin Xun Kundui is the hometown of longevity officials, there is energy, and Lin Li is subject to restraint.Shocked door, startled person, movement, confusion and doubt, is converted into this palace, ordered in autumn, rested in winter, imprisoned in spring, phased in four seasons, dead in summer, and buried in this palace. Yin, the land of dryness and disease, the land of lifeless Kan, the cemetery of Gen Gen, the persecution of gates near Zhenzhen, the land of longevity near Xun, the restraint of Lin Li, and the land of crown belts near Kun.The door of birth, the living, the nourishment, the image of all things turning into talents here, Gen is the main palace, it is Qi in the four seasons, it is Fuyin in the palace, it is phase in summer, it is resting in autumn, and it is in winter. Prisoners die in spring, Linzhen is subject to restraint, Linxun is the cemetery, Linli is qi, Linkun Qiankan is the hometown of Changsheng crown and Linguan Diwang, and Lindui is defeated.Jingmen, Jingzhe, Mingye, Liming in the sky, all phenomena are steaming and relaxing, Li is the palace, ordered in summer, phase in spring, rest in four seasons, imprisoned in autumn, and dead in winter , in this palace is Fuyin, Lindui is the place where the disease is declining, Lindui is the place where the fire arrives and the light is extinguished, Lingan is the tomb, Linkan is Ke, and it is Huichan, Lingen is the place of longevity, it is Qi, Lingen Earthquake is for bathing, and it is also for gaining qi, and Linxun is the place where vigorous qi is born.

Peng Ren Chong Fu Qin Yang Xing, Ying Rui Zhu Xin Yin Xing.The auxiliary Qin Xinxing is Shangji, Chongren Xiaoji is not yet full-fledged, the big ominous is overwhelmed by Feng Rui, and the little ominous Yingzhu is not shrewd.The big bad luck becomes auspicious, and the small bad luck is also judged in the same way.Auspicious places are more prosperous.If everything is done, there will be success; if the prisoner is suspended and destroyed, I advise you not to enter the future.

This is the good and bad luck of the nine stars.Jingyun: "At present, it is the highest auspiciousness to get the assistant Qinxin, the second auspiciousness to be Chongren, the great ominousness to Pengrui, and the minor ominousness to Zhuying." It is also said that the five elements are prosperous, if the star of the great ominous star, it will be retired and lifeless. It is also a minor ominous star; if the star of the minor ominous star has no energy, it is not enough to worry about; if the upper and second auspicious stars have no energy, it is not very auspicious.

You must know the nine stars and five elements, and test the Xijing according to the eight trigrams.Ruiqin is Ren Kunzhong Gentu, Kanpeng belongs to Water and Fire Liying, Gandui is Jinxinzhuhui, and Zhenchong Sunda Fumu is the cause.Good and bad luck have their own secrets, and prosperity is the key to refraining from imprisonment and severity.If you walk with me, you will be prosperous, and the moon of my life will be a phase. It is true that I will waste my parents, spend money, and be imprisoned in ghosts.Assuming that the canopy of the water house is prosperous in early winter and mid-winter, they live in each other for two days, three days and four days, and so on for the rest.

This statement is also the principle that nine stars match five elements to produce and overcome prisoners.The scriptures say: "The moon that gave birth to me is a phase, the moon that is of the same kind is prosperous, the moon that gave birth to me is a waste, the moon that I restrained is a rest, and the moon that restrains me is a prisoner." Like the canopy Mercury, prosperous in Haizi moon, water is of the same kind Also; in Yinmao month, water produces wood; in Shenyou month, gold produces water; in Siwu month, water restrains fire; in Chenxu Chouwei month, earth restrains water.Tianying Mars is prosperous in the Siwu month, and fire is of the same kind; it is related to Chenxu Chouwei, and fire produces earth; it is abolished in Yin Maoyue, and wood produces fire; it rests in Shenyou month, and fire overcomes metal; it is imprisoned in Haizi. In the month, water overcomes fire.The sky is soaring and the sky is supplemented by Jupiter, prosperous in Yin Maoyue, and wood is of the same kind; relative to Siwu month, wood produces fire; abolished in Haizi month, water produces wood; rests in Chenxu Chouwei month, wood restrains soil; imprisoned in Shenyou Moon, Jin Kemu also.Tianxin Tianzhu Venus, prosperous in Shenyou month, gold is of the same kind; relative to Haizi month, gold produces water; abolished in Chenxu Chouwei month, earth produces gold; rests in Yin Maoyue, gold restrains wood; imprisoned in Siwu month , Huo Ke Jin also.Tianrui, Heaven, Bird and Heaven are Saturn, flourishing in Chenxu, Chouwei, and the same kind of earth; relative to Shenyou month, earth produces gold; abolished in Siwu month, fire produces earth; resting in Haizi month, earth restrains water ; Imprisoned in Yin Maoyue, Mu Ketu also.

If you are in a hurry, follow God and slowly follow the door, repeating Tian Daoheng three or five times.

Those who are in a hurry, when things are in danger, do not delay a little bit, if going in and out, it is not conducive to the direction, then there is the law of God.The gods, the place where the heavenly talisman lives, from now on, they will go there, and they will be protected by the gods.The third is to break up and live.Fifth, Du Jingjing was killed or injured.Those who repeat three to five times, the three auspicious ones can be evil, and the five unlucky ones can be auspicious, and they can change at any time.

If ten dry plus volts are added wrongly, it will be auspicious and dangerous to put in the warehouse.

The cardinals of good and bad all lie in the ten thousand volts, and follow the straight to make a transfer. If there is a mistake in the gong division, you will go to the tomb and rest in prison.

At that time, Liujia was added, one opened and one closed, handed over from top to bottom, and it was said: "A is the blessing of heaven, and it is also a green dragon. Yang opens the beneficiary, and Yin opens the beneficiary. If it is closed, it will stick to it, and if it is open, it will raise troops." Open and close outside; combine Zhongjia, half open and close; combine Jijia, open both inside and outside.When the Yin star is combined with Meng Jia, it is closed; when it is combined with Zhong Jia, it is closed inside and opened outside; when it is combined with Ji Jia, it is opened wide outside and half closed inside.Among the three armors, Jiazi and Jiawu are Mengjia, who should be quiet; Jiayin and Jiashen are Zhongjia, who should hide and not go out;Jue Yun: "Adding Liujia at the time is opening and closing, although Liujia has the same function and different functions. The addition of Yang stars to open and migrate is auspicious, and the addition of Yin stars to close is inauspicious."

When adding Liuyi, the communication is in a trance, and the gods are all out.It is also said: "When Liuyi is added, everything will be auspicious, and the benefits will be a hundred times." It also said: "Liuyi is the virtue of heaven, and it is said that Yi and Riqi are in contact. If there is any contact, Yiqi will come out of the sky. If there is divine help, it is not allowed." Test also."

When Liubing is added, the road is clear and peaceful, and all wishes come true. It is also said: "The time of mighty virtue is beneficial to the master, and it is not good for guests." It is also said: "Under the bright hall, it is conducive to camping." It is also said: "Liubing The power of Heaven is all unfavorable, and the enemy will not be able to claim victory when they are defeated." Bing is the moon, and it comes out from the sixth side of the sky, and it can subdue the soldiers.

Add six dings at a time, go out of the dark and into the dark, until old age without punishment, even though the knife is added to the neck, it still does not startle.It is also said: "adding six people at the time, doing things well." Ding is Xingqi, who comes out from the sky, and follows Xingqi to carry the jade girl into the underworld.

Add Liuwu to the time, ride the dragon for thousands of miles, and stop without stopping.It is also said: "When the time is added to the Liuwu, the fierce gods will not be encountered." The fifth is the gate of heaven and the martial arts of heaven. Soldiers will win a big victory.

When adding six people, it is like God's order. If you don't know the six people, you will be blamed.It is also said: "When you add the Liuji Mingtang, it is better to sneak away in secret." Ji is Liuhe and a local household. Anyone who hides, steals camps and robs the village should come out from under the six people in the sky. It is like a god who cannot see his form, so it is called As God made.

Time to add Liugeng, walk with a tree in your arms, and those who are strong will see struggle.He also said: "There was evil in the past, and the master was falsely alarmed." He also said: "Gen is a heavenly prison, and if things are violated, they will be sentenced to prison."At this time, the soldiers will benefit the master and not the guest.

Add six pungents at times, meet the dead, and those who are strong will be entangled in crimes and punishments.It is also said: "Xin is the court of heaven, and it is appropriate to execute punishment and sentence to prison." If there is a strong one who comes out, he must be punished with the ax and the axe.

When the Liuren were added, they were banned by the officials, and if they came in and out by force, disasters would come.It also said: "Liuren is a prison of heaven and a thief of heaven, and it is appropriate to imprison evil." If you travel far and wide, you will suffer crimes.The general wanted to go in and out, but was captured instead.

When adding Liugui, people don't pay attention to it. If they don't know Liugui, they will die immediately when they go out.It is also said: "Six guis are added at the time to form a sky net, which is only for the benefit of escape." You guis are Huagai and Tianzang, which are beneficial for hiding.It also said: "Under the six guineas is good for ambush soldiers to be invisible."

In general, the method of adding ten stems is not to be attached to one place. The most important thing about Gai Dunjia is the reason. It depends on what to do at today's time, and what to do when the sky is used in the land. If you don't put it in the treasury and rest in prison, it's auspicious The end is good.

The ten essences are the most valuable for use, and there is no need to collapse the palace Tianyi.

Messenger, directly to the door of the envoy.It directly makes ten o'clock one change, dominates the balance of misfortune and fortune, and it is important to use it according to the palace essence when checking the time.The Tianyi, the Zhifu, is the first ten days of the Liujia, commanding the three wonders and six appearances, adding to the time, and setting up palaces for it everywhere, and it cannot be used in disorder.

The sky is the guest and the earth is the master, and Liujia pushes it without any reason. I advise you to understand this original mechanism silently, and penetrate the nine palaces to help the Lord.

The sky is also the sky plate.Customers, use it.The land is also the site.The master is the body.From the Qiyi, the pros and cons, the body and the function, those who are in line with the principles and silent knowledge will not say it, and Xinying will understand the essence of it, and it will be clear in the palm of your hand.

The gate of the palace is not oppressive, and the gate of the palace is persecuting.Jimen is forced to subtract Jimen, and Jimen is forced to be more fierce.If the palace is born, it means righteousness, and the most auspicious day is to close the gate to the main palace.

For those who are oppressed by the palace, it is said that the two gates of shock are facing the Li Palace, and fire overcomes gold; In the second palace of Dui, gold overcomes wood; in Jingmen Linkan Palace, water overcomes fire, and this palace overcomes gates.Those who force the door in the palace are the master and the guest.For those who force the door, open the two gates of shock and face the second palace of Zhen and Xun, where gold restrains wood; Conquer the earth; Jingmen is adjacent to the second palace of Gandui, fire conquers gold, and this gate restrains the palace.The persecutor, the persecution, is eager to be restrained or the gate is restrained by the palace, or the palace is restrained by the gate. They fight against each other and cannot be suppressed.Whoever conquers the palace is a guest who conquers the master.

The one who gives birth to the gate of the palace, Yi Ye, opens the two gates of surprise to the Kungen Palace, and the soil produces gold; Kan Palace, water gives birth to wood; Jingmen is adjacent to Zhenxun Second Palace, wood gives birth to fire, and this palace also gives birth to gate.Those who live in the door are the master and the guest.

Those who give birth to the palace are those who are born in the palace, and they open the two gates to the Kan Palace, and the gold produces water; When leaving the palace, wood gives birth to fire; Jingmen is adjacent to Kungen Second Palace, and fire gives birth to earth, and this disciple also gives birth to palace.All the disciples who live in the palace are the guests who give birth to the master.

Comparing harmony between gates and palaces is like gold seeing gold, wood seeing wood, earth seeing earth, water seeing water, and fire seeing fire.The combination of three odd jigs is the most auspicious, and all things are of great benefit. It is necessary to distinguish between good and bad.

There are four sky nets without walking, one and two nets have roads at the bottom, three to four palaces are pedestrian tombs, eight or nine Gao Qiang Ren Xidong.

This statement cannot be said at the time of Liugui.Liugui belongs to yin, and it is when the ten dry qi is exhausted.Those who commit crimes are like being caught in a net, and it is difficult to get out in the dark.If it is in the first Kan Palace, it will be one foot high, and in the Kun Second Palace, it will be two feet high, and it will be as high as the palace says.If the sky net is one or two feet tall, you can step out when you meet it. If it is more than three feet high, you can't escape. At this time, you can put down the flags and drums, abandon your armor and title, and crawl away, or our army will fall into the enemy's army or come out from the gate of heaven. , or go from the jade girl, or beheaded from the three wonders, to see the blood, arms crossed the blade, call the god of Tianfu, raise the flag and beat the drum, raise the sound of shaking, and the force is prominent and the net is broken.If the enemy comes to chase, throw yourself into the net and return to the army to fight hard. The rear army will panic and lose their troops, or the enemy will fall into the net we set up. Our army is thrown into the net.Therefore, the tactic says: "There are four nets in the sky, and everything will be hurt. If you use it high, you will crawl, and if you use it low, you will raise it."

The solar terms pass and the time is fixed, the yin and yang must be proficient, the three elements accumulate into the six periods, and the heaven and the earth become one principle.

The reasoning behind this statement is the meaning of repeating the details. The transfer of the 24 qi is all in the upper, middle and lower three elements of the 72 hou, so there is a method of super-connecting, hoping to match the seasons with the rotation, thinking of the magical effect of Dunjia.Divide yin and yang into two escapes based on the two zeniths, and the layout of Dingyuan cannot be wrong, so it must be proficient.

Dunjia's book is on the right track, and the solar terms are as accurate as this. Please watch the subtle formulas in the song, which can only be passed on by sages.

This statement is Dunjia Qimen, but this book is the authentic version of the weather and solar terms, and it is not comparable to Rendun and other techniques, so avoid false rumors.This fuzi is Zhuji, which is studied carefully and interestingly, so it is impossible for the ignorant to understand it.

(End of this chapter)

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