Chapter 4

Qimen Liujia Sanyuan Determination
Yide said: "Qimen's territory is a foregone conclusion-eight trigrams, nine palaces, and nine stars." However, the tunnel is always quiet, so the eight trigrams and nine palaces will never change. Infinity, even ghosts and gods can't predict its mechanism, how can it be easily obtained.However, what cannot be escaped from things is number; what cannot be separated from number is reason; what cannot be violated by reason and art is time.There are four seasons in the sky, which are repeated to become a year. One year and twelve months, there are two qi in each month, a total of 24 qi, each month or 29 days or 74 days, every five days is a season, each qi is 24 The day is divided into three periods, and there are [-] periods in one year.Qi means Jie Ye, waiting means Yuan Ye, and each Qi is divided into upper, middle and lower three elements.Ziwu Maoyou is Shangyuan, Yinshensihai is Zhongyuan, Chenxu Chouwei is Xiayuan, with Jia and Ji as talisman heads, palm sixty hours, and three yuan is completed.From the winter solstice to the end of the twelve qi in mangzhong, it is yang escape, all of which are in accordance with the instrument and inverse; The method of receiving breath, dismantling the game, and making up the game.Covering sixty sixties does not increase in one day, does not decrease in one day, but the qi is there first or later, and the day is more or less. First, it is necessary to explain the magic tricks taught, and other super gods, connecting qi, dismantling the game, making up The bureau has its own order, which can be understood.Such as winter solstice, summer solstice, Lichun, Liqiu, vernal equinox, autumnal equinox, Lidong, Lixia, Eargrass, and heavy snow, the [-]th day is such a day, and the time of the child is the festival, that is, Jiazi, Jimao, Jiawu, and Jiyou are Shangyuan talismans. When the day arrives, it is a positive grant. If the solar terms have not arrived yet, but the heads of Jiazi, Jimao, Jiawu, and Jiyou arrive first, it is said that the Fu precedes the festival, and it is a super god.Super god, super person, Yue Ye, you should use the upper element of this section to make up for it, and you should not use the upper element of the next section by mistake.For example, according to Xingjia's numerology, the Lixia Festival is celebrated on a certain day in March, and people born after the festival must be judged in April, how can they still be in March; People must talk about their fate in March, how can they talk about their fate in April?A person's wealth, honor, poverty, and longevity are determined by this, so how dare you raise any objections?Those who receive the qi are also greeted. For example, the solar terms come first, and the Jiazi, Jimao, Jiawu, and Jiyou talismans arrive later. For the festival, the talisman comes first, and the waiting time is still the next yuan of the previous festival, and the yuan under this festival should be removed. The game is used to connect with it, which is called connecting with Qi.The theory of the intercalary bureau, the time given by the examination, the calendar looks at the date, and the winter solstice and summer solstice have already been handed in, but it is necessary to still use the situation of awn seeds and heavy snow to end the three-element energy. Law, so that yin and yang disorder, is there any reason?If it is based on the solar terms in the constitutional book of the time, it is self-evident that it is taught, super-spirited, connected with the spirit, and set aside without distinction.

On the Origin and Development of Dunjia

The Yellow Emperor created Qimen, with a total of 320 24 times. The method is based on the age. According to the gossip, it is divided into eight sections. One section has three qi, and the year has 72 qi. There are three qi, and the year has 360 hou. There are 320 ​​days, and there are twelve hours in a day, so there are 320 hours in a year, and there are 540 games in Qimen.Fenghou made Qimen 540 bureaus, 72 yang dungeons, 72 sub-bureaus in total; 72 yin dungeons, 320 sub-bureaus in total, 320 bureaus combined with yin and yang dungeons.Zhou Taigong is well versed in the art of war, and he is good at deploying Qimen. He is divided into [-] quarters and has [-] active rounds.Zhang Zifang in the Han Dynasty was deleted and designated as Yang Jiuju and Yin Jiuju.This diagram method is more efficient, but although the [-]th game is simple, it is arranged in the game with the Qimen star talisman. Two discs, the star symbols can be turned into classes, which is a difficult way for thousands of people and eighties after the wind.

On Dunjia from Books

Fuhe published pictures, Luo published books, and Yidao produced images.Its number starts from one and ends at nine. It twists and turns, and if it is divided randomly, it becomes nine, and if it runs through, it becomes one.Afterwards, there are three types of movement, looking up at astronomy, looking down at geography, knowing personnel and affairs, and planning.Abandoning the books and Tan Sanshi, he was ruined by Suo Tu Ming Xing's collapse.Its construction has three levels, the dharma resembles three talents, the upper level resembles the sky, the middle level resembles people, and the lower level resembles the earth. Nine stars are arranged, eight gates are opened and closed, and eight trigrams are arranged to form eight directions. To escape the strange instrument.Husband water is the righteousness of the north, the winter solstice is extremely yin, and one yang begins to grow, starting from one and ending at nine. It follows the six appearances and reverses the three oddities. The painting is nine bureaus, so it is called Yang Dun; In the summer solstice, the yang is at its extreme, one yin begins to grow, it begins at nine and ends at one, and the six appearances are arranged inversely and the three oddities are arranged along the way.Only those who know books can say this.Today's opening is always talking about hiding the armor, but I don't know the original purpose of the legislation. I folded the eighteen bureaus into one layer and moved them according to the situation. test.Therefore, it is said: "Dun Jia's theory of illegal books, and he even said that the so-called error is a thousand miles away."

On Flying Palace

The method of Dunjia eighteen bureaus is called the three wonders of marching, and it was taught by the ovary to the old man on the wall. Later generations do not understand the original purpose of the author, so they call it a bureau. The method of distributing, but the order of hexagrams and qi is disordered and confused.Since the husband's body and function are different, the nine stars and yin and yang will fail to perform their duties, and the eight gates will have no sign of rest or blame.Sending in the first palace of Kun and having two luminaries is the way against the sky and the reason for losing ground. Why go out to fight?The ground is static and the body is also, the sky is dynamic and functional.If it is still, the omen of good and bad is not yet formed, and if it is moving, it will change.The number of generation starts from one and ends at nine in the right direction, and starts from nine and ends in one in the opposite direction. This is not an easy number.If you talk about hexagrams, you have Kan Kun Zhen Xun Qian Dui Genli; Then Ding Bingyi's three oddities, Wuji, Geng, Xin, Rengui, and Liuyi's are clearly the positioning of the middle palace, and the order is clearly organized.If the five finals of the middle school should be both kun and not easy, then if there are two stars and two rites in one palace, how will good and bad luck be followed?The same is true when it is pushed to other palaces. How can confusion be in line with Keying, and it is like eight gates. People only know that Hugh, life, injury, Du Jing, and death are startled, but they don't know that they should fly over from the hexagram, Qi, Xiu, death, and injury, Du Kai, startle, and life; Jiuxing also knows the sayings from Peng Renchong and Yingrui Qinzhuxin, but they don't know that they should follow the hexagram Qi Pengruichong and assist Qinxinzhu Ren Yingyi to fly over.Flying cloth like this, it is still practical and practical, and it is in line with the formula of the ancients.

On the Law of Yin and Yang

There are different theories about the method of Dunjia Qiyuan. If the flying cloth is out of order, the star symbols will be disordered.For example, Yang escapes the twelve qi of the winter solstice, follows the Liuyi, and reverses the three oddities; Yin escapes the summer solstice twelve qi, reverses the Liuyi, and follows the Three Oddities. Negative Yin, flying across the Nine Palaces.The yang game goes from Kan [-] to Kun [-] to Li Jiu; the yin game goes from Li [-] against Gen [-] to Kan [-], and the star symbols are rotated in sequence, so the solar terms are the same. Fangben is also confused.

On Ji Gong

There are no proper prescriptions in the middle five, so the method of setting up the palace is also established.According to the various books studied, it is said that the longevity of water and soil lies in Shen, so there is a method of sending palaces. Recently, the Eighteen Diagrams of Yin and Yang are used to send them to the second palace, and they are divided into eight palaces in different forms. It is in ancient law.However, Qin Xing belongs to the earth and resides in the middle palace, and it is prosperous when it meets the sun, be ugly, and the moon is prosperous. It is because the earth is prosperous in the four seasons, this must not be easy.It is the yin and yang of the middle five that can be seen in the four dimensions clearly, so why bother to send them to the second palace?If you don't follow the seasons in detail, the valued solar terms are placed in the four dimensions. The beginning of spring is used to send gens, the beginning of summer is used to send dun, the beginning of autumn is used to send kun, and the beginning of winter is used to open the door. To get the truth of the solar terms, and the principles used in yin and yang are also unobstructed. Compared with the ones that are placed in the two and eight palaces, it is more ingenious.

On the Usage of Literal Symbols

Fu Yun: "The first three and six positions of the straight symbol, the god of Taiyin is in the first two, the last one is the nine heavens, and the last two gods are the nine places." The eighth palace is also lucky, if it is divided into nine palaces, then how can it be divided into front and back when it reaches the middle palace?From the theory of qi, the middle five takes dry as the front, and Xun as the rear; from the theory of position, then the middle five sends Kun two, with Dui as the front and Li as the rear.In detail, the two characters before and after have the meaning of guiding, following and directing. Therefore, the most important ones are Liuhe, Taiyin, Jiutian, and Jiudi. Although Tengshe, Baihu, and Yuanwu are fierce, they are not mentioned.Believe in Form Five, it should go hand in hand with Ji Gong.It is also said: "The god of Tianyi is in the palace, the general is suitable for living and attacking the hedge, and the false order is Zhifu to live away from the nine, and Tianying sits to attack the canopy." Tang Zhiyun: "Nine heavens cannot be attacked, and nine places cannot be attacked." If From the perspective of hexagram qi theory, Zhi Fu resides away from the nine, and Yin Dun takes one as the front, then the nine heavens are at Kan one, and hitting the canopy is hitting the nine heavens, so why can't it be hit?Therefore, Zhifu lives in Lijiu.In Yindun, it is better to station troops in Kuner of Nine Heavens, and in Yangdun, it is better to station troops in Nine Heavens of Xunsi. This is why the canopy is the first victory in the Palace of Three Victories.The nine escapes and the five falsehoods are all based on this, and no other opinions can be made.

On Zhishi

Direct envoys, the Qi of the Nine Palaces, that is, Hugh, dead, and injured, Du Kai, startled the scene.Husband Liujia does not hide in the Nine Palaces, and the Nine Palaces cannot direct its envoys. Therefore, Liujia uses the stars as its body, uses strange instruments as its functions, and uses the eight direct envoys to patrol and monitor them.If there is a law in the palace, the concubine almost avoids it.All schools in the examination have different theories, different legislations, and some rotate according to the gossip, such as Zhang Gong's eighteen games, Yin and Yang's two escapes, all of which are based on rest, life, injury, Du Jing, death, surprise, and start, all go straight, and do not find the number of palaces. , in which there is indeed stagnation; and in the book of shortcuts, the yang is used to repair the death and injury of Du Shun and the Nine Palaces, and the yin is to use the scene to repair the death and injury and reverse the Nine Palaces. A collection of secrets, a collection of Yang Dunxiu, death and injury, Du Kai's shocking scene, flying along the Eighth Palace, not entering the Fifth Form, Yin Dunying, according to the scene, startling Du Shang, death and rest, flying against the Eighth Palace, not entering the Fifth Formation, seems to feel the duality of Yin and Yang Dunzhi enables the door to be fully prepared, the method is good and the meaning is refined, Xun takes this method as the authentic one, and it can be the norm forever.

On Yagami

The eight gods are Zhifu, Tengshe, Taiyin, Liuhe, Suzaku, Yuanwu, Jiudi, and Jiutian.The use of good and bad luck has nothing to do with it.All military tactics are based on the side where Tianyi is located to attack its impact, raise troops in the nine heavens, set up camps in the nine places, ambush troops in the Taiyin, and hide in Liuhe. Often flying to the Nine Palaces, wanting to use the Yin-Yang Noble God method to push the cloth, wanting to start from the Zhishi Palace, wanting to use the Zhifu to add the Shiqian Palace, there are different opinions, and they are all out of righteousness.Foolishly test the various books, use Tianyi to follow Dunjia, Yin and Yang to escape together, use Zhubai Gouyuan to take together, use Zhifu to add to the palace of Shiqian, use scorpion to push and push, fly according to the direction of the eight trigrams, still follow Xiaoqu Fu increases the meaning of straight Fu, compromises the conclusion, and the good and bad patterns of common people are established, which can also avoid the disadvantage of confusion.

On Qimen Orientation

Fuqimen's palace cannot be uneven, and the end must be accurate.The middle palace is oriented by the meridian, and the north and south are divided into eight palaces. One hexagram governs the three mountains, Kan palace has Rengui, Gen palace has Chouyin, Zhen palace has Jiayi, Xun palace has Chensi, Li palace has Bingding, Kun palace has Weishen, Dui The palace has Geng Xin, and the Qian palace has Xu Hai.If it is used today, its Qimenji is working, and it tends towards it from the middle of the qi, and it starts to gain land, if it is to the right, it will be Xu, and if it is to the left, it will be Hai. However, Bingyi enters Xu without tomb, tends to Qianhai and avoids Xu, isn't it the law of contingency?It's the same from Ding Qi to Gen, what's the difference in the method of using the door?

On Zhonggong

Yi has Tai Chi, which produces two appearances, two appearances produce four phenomena, and four phenomena produce eight trigrams. The eight trigrams are wrong, the heaven and the earth are positioned, the mountains and rivers are ventilated, the thunder and the wind are thinner, and the water and fire do not shoot each other.Therefore, Taiji is the middle palace. From Luoshu, there are nine shoes and one, three from the left and seven from the right, two and four are shoulders, six and eight are feet, and there are fifteen vertical and horizontal.It is based on the eight trigrams, one Kan, two Kun, three Zhen, four Xun, five middle, Liu Qian, Qi Dui, Ba Gen, and nine Li, which are not easy to determine.Among them, five belong to earth, without hexagram qi, they live in Kun, and if there are nine stars, the heavenly birds are in the middle palace.Jia unified Liuyi and Sanqi, and set up the Nine Palaces, which are brilliantly prepared, so the fifth middle school is not appropriate, and it is sent to Kun.In terms of the birth and restraint of the book, the middle five is sent to the southwest, which is the key to the living things, and the armor is focused on the solar terms. After all, it is not like sending the palace to the fourth dimension at any time, so as to get the truth of the solar terms, and the good or bad of the trend is determined.

On Superconnection and Intercalation

The usage of Qimen focuses on picking the time, so the scriptures say: "Auspicious years are not as good as the months, and the days are not as good as the days, and the days are not as good as the times." If there is a way to change the game during the festival, you can get the truth of the solar terms.What various schools say is super-connected and intercalated, the words are vague, and it is absolutely difficult to abide by. The most efficient method is to check the constitution of the time carefully. On the day of the festival, look at He Jia and Si Futou, and the division is determined, as if it is a regular one. Fuzhengjie, which is called Zhengfu, means that there is no need to change the game; if you tie Shangyuanjia and Ji Futou, the date of the festival will start from the Shangyuan of this festival, and the remaining yuan and so on.It is not easy to change the day to determine the yuan, and the yuan to determine the situation. If there is no error in the solar terms, good and bad will come true, and nothing will be lost.In the year of leap, it is still divided by the first part of the festival talisman, and the leap is included in it. If there is no leap month, there will be no leap.It is the ancient intercalation, but the true law has not been obtained because of the intersection, so the constitution of the present time shall prevail.

Dismantling and repairing the game
The method of dismantling and supplementing the bureau is nothing more than superconnecting and intercalating.In Fu Dunjia, it is all based on the first accurate solar terms of the talisman. There is an overshoot in the first game, and a connection in the next game.Qifa does not care about yang escape or yin escape, except that the moon is big and the moon is small, it only regards the armor, the talisman head and the solar terms to compare the ears.If the head of the talisman arrives first and the solar term arrives later, the solar term is mainly used after the super.If the five days and sixty o'clock are set forever to change the situation, then the ancient method of setting the intercalated ears must be followed, which is the current method of dismantling and repairing, and it must be used instead of following it.What is super?To surpass is to go beyond.What is pick up?Receiver, welcome also.What is God?God, enough weight also.What is gas?Those who are angry begin to arrive at the seasons.What is a demolisher?Within five days, it will be dismantled according to the time of the solar terms, so as to make up for the lack of the next game.What is to make up, catcher?If there is demolition within five days, if it is less than 35 o'clock, it will be replenished every minute and second according to the solar terms, so as to make up for the shortage of the previous game.Therefore, it is said: "The method of dismantling and repairing Dunjia is the most important key." If the age is in Bingshen, and the beginning of spring on the eighth day of the first month of the first lunar month in Shi Xianshu, the first moment of Bingzi Chou is the first moment, and the first moment of Wuzi time and Ji Chou time should be the first In the Great Cold of the Year, Xiayuan, from the moment of Chou to the end of Wuyin Day and Haishi, counting 21 days, is the commander of the Futou of the Jiaxu game. This so-called joint must be used after the first symbol.Jimao on the twelfth, from the time of Zi to the time of Guiweihai on the 22th, counting five days at sixty o'clock, as the beginning of spring and Shangyuan; Jiashen on the seventeenth, from the time of Zi to the time of Wuzihai on the 24st, counting five days At 28 o'clock on the day, it will be the beginning of spring and Zhongyuan; on the 35nd, it will be Jichou, from the child's time to the first quarter of Xinmaochen on the 63th, at 29:58, it will be the end of the beginning of spring, and the previous game will be demolished for 23 o'clock, a total of 24 o'clock One quarter at a time, and the other three o'clock and one quarter are superimposed as the end of Lichun, which is the meaning of intercalation and the method of dismantling and repairing.Another example is Jiawu on July 28, from Zishi to Wuxuhai on the third day of August, counting five days at 29 o'clock, as the last summer game; Jihai on the fourth day, from Zishi to Guimaohai on the eighth day Stop, at sixty o'clock on five days, for the midsummer game; Jiachen on the ninth day, from Zishi to Wushenhai on the third day, counting at sixty o'clock on five days, the number of one game has been met, fourteen days In the third quarter of Yinchu Jiyou, the white dew, the talisman comes first and after the festival, the method should be superseded, although the number of subordinates is enough, but Zichou's second moment and the third moment of Yinchu are the leader of Jiyou Shangyuan Futou, The method should be superimposed to make up for the summer heat, and this is also the method of setting intercalation and dismantling and making up.From the third quarter of Yinchu on Youri day to the hour of Guichou Hai on the eighteenth day, a total of four days at [-]:[-], I played Bailu on the game. Although it was short of two o'clock and three quarters, it was made up at the next quarter; on the nineteenth day Jiayin, from Zishi to Wuwuhai on the [-]rd, a total of five days at sixty o'clock, for the Bailu middle game; from the [-]th Jiwei day to the [-]th Guihaihai hour, a total of five days at sixty o'clock, for five days and sixty o'clock. Bai Lu came to the game. On the [-]th, the autumnal equinox on the second day of Jiazisi, after the Fuxian Festival, the method should be super, and the number of Bailu's next game is enough, but the son of Jiazi Day, Chouyin Maochen, is the leader of the last game, and the method should be stacked. Bailu makes up for the last game, this is the secret of setting up the leap, super god, connecting with Qi, dismantling the game, and making up the game.Covered with the solar terms in the time charter, there is no difference in time, minute and second, and it is accurate.It is disassembled and mended by the over-connection of the symbol head.It's the bureau that has the spirit of leap, use it to respond like a god, and use it to test it in human affairs.

On the Doors Used in the Middle Palace

(End of this chapter)

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