Chapter 5

The layout of the Dunjia should indeed follow the hexagram qi, from one to nine, and from nine to one.However, since there are nine palaces and only eight gates, why use one gate for use?If the world's glue is solid and impenetrable, the middle palace has no doors and ears.Nowhere in the middle five will make it difficult to overtime?How will it follow the nine stars?If it is said: "If the door exceeds five, it will be six." Then there is no need to add time for direct envoys, and there is no need to follow the nine stars for the eight doors.Therefore, the eight gates are divided into four, and if there are four, there are five. To rest among the dead and wounded, distribute and set up a gate, and then distribute them according to the scene of opening and surprise. , you can add eight gates, and then follow the nine stars.If there is no way to send it, how can this palace determine good or bad?It is to take the righteousness of the middle palace to determine good and bad.If there is no way to cover this side, Du Sai will not be able to understand it, and it should be inappropriate.Five is among the eight, then there will be wounds and deaths in the future, and there will be shocking scenes in the front, shouldn't it be the direction?The meaning of avoiding the five is also mentioned in the scriptures. If we take the gates of the five palaces to determine good and bad, and add another gate, where should we go for good and bad?According to the strange door of Dunjia, choose the strange one so that you will not enter the tomb, and the door will not be forced. The place where you rest and survive, wait for the enemy soldiers to fall into it and attack it, this is the magic of using the door.

On Shigan Jiafu

The meaning of adding words is self-existing and adding.Volunteers, there are but waiting to enter.The twelve celestial branches are distributed in the eight palaces, each of which has its own subordinate, and there is no room for turmoil in the tomb, while the Dunjia escapes from the straight talisman. Therefore, the three wonders and six ceremonies are added to the palaces, depending on which palace they are escaping from. In Zhichen, there is no absurdity of adding mistakes when discussing the death of the tomb and the suspension of prisoners.For example, in the three rounds of Yang Dun, when Ding Mao is used, Jiazi Zhifu starts and escapes in the third palace, and Shunyi reverses the odd - Sangong Jia, Second Palace B, First Palace C, Nine Palace D, Sangong Huanwu, Fourth Palace Ji, and Fifth Palace Geng, Sixth Palace Xin, Seventh Palace Ren, Eighth Palace Gui.When Yiqian reaches Kun, he gets the breath of rest; when Bing moves to Kan, he gets the breath of prison; when Ding moves to Li, he gets the breath of being an official; when Jiawu reaches the shock, he gets the breath of Emperor Prosperity; When Xun gets the qi of rest, when Geng Qian reaches Zhonggong, he gets exhausted qi, when he works hard until he gets dry, he gets defeated qi, when Rengan gets to Dui, he gets qi lost, when he gets dry to Gen, he gets the qi of prisoner defeat. method.Yin Dunni Yi Shunqi imitated this.This ten-dry plus chen, the positioning of the chen is the method of the prosperity and decline of the tomb and the prisoner. If this is the case, there is no mistake in adding the ten-dry.

On Underground Odd Instruments

The underground six ceremonies are distributed in eighteen bureaus. From the hexagrams, the solar terms, and the three elements, you can know where the palace is. There are three wonders and six rituals in the ground; if you add the direct talisman in the sky to the place where the ten stems go, there are three wonders and six rituals in the sky.If you get the method of adding ten stems, you can escape from heaven and earth in this way, without any rebellious fate, and you will have the opportunity to become a god.If it is glued to the Qiyi of the Eighteenth Bureau, the ten stems will be added wrongly, and it is not the original purpose of Dunjia. Therefore, it is said: "If ten stems are added, if they are added wrongly, good things will happen, evil will happen, and things will be dangerous."

On Form Five

Among the husbands, the five sent door, although the bird of heaven sent to the second house, borrowed the door of death to match it, but in fact it changed according to the situation - the third qi of winter solstice sent to the door of rest, the third qi of early spring sent to the door of rest, and the third qi of vernal equinox sent to the door of injury The three qi of the beginning of summer are sent to the gate of Du, the three qi of the summer solstice are sent to the gate of Jing, the three qi of the beginning of autumn are sent to the door of death, the three qi of the autumnal equinox are sent to the gate of surprise, and the three qi of the beginning of winter are sent to the door of opening.Moreover, this star is uniquely named Heavenly Bird, which means that before the bird gets angry, it is recorded in the moon decree. If there is a bird's response every month, such as the geese waiting to the north in the first month, and the crowing of the warehouse in the second month, it is not enough to signify. The current situation is even more complicated. Therefore, the five seasons are sent to the palace at any time. The reason is obvious. Why bother to send it to the second palace?
On Zhi Fu Zhi Shi

Talisman envoy is also a different name for the time used by the star gate.Those who are straight, replace Jia and straighten its use.A takes the star gate as its body and uses the qiyi as its function, so the qiyi has no fixed position, but the star gate has a fixed palace.The talisman is the talisman of persistence.The door is the envoy, that is, the envoy of Jia's tour, so where Jia is in the palace, the star of the straight palace is used as the symbol, and the gate of the palace is used as the envoy.Gan is originally ten, and it is used to match twelve branches to change to sixty, so it is called six, and the instrument is also called six.Those with strange ceremonies are the body of the nine cadres; those with sixty cadres are used for the functions of the strange ceremonies. Therefore, the strange ceremonies are divided into the nine palaces according to the Yuan, and the sixty cadres are also divided into the nine palaces according to the Yuan.Sixty cadres escape from the nine palaces, and the head of Liujia cadres is also among them, so it is said that they escape from rituals, but cannot escape from strangeness.Why is it designated as a ritual?Gai regards stillness as the body, and uses movement as the function-Qiyi has no positioning in the hexagram, and there is a fixed palace in the game. If there is a fixed palace, it is called static, so it is said: "Qiyi is the body of nine stems."; Liujia Follow the Yuan to escape the Liuyi, so it is strange to combine the stems of the Liuyi, and also escape to the palace with the armor, and the escape is not quiet, so it is said: "The six stems are used for the strange instrument." Husband Liujia does not escape from the Liuyi, then The nine stars cannot direct its talismans; if the stem cannot escape in the nine palaces, the eight gates cannot direct its mission. The song says: "The direct talisman is always done with extra time, so that the obedience and the reverse follow the palace." Fu Lin's position in the bureau; it is also the escape palace of Yuan Qiyi who patrols Qiyi with the straight gate.For example, when employing people, their body is here, and they are supervised by talismans; they are used there, so that they can be observed. Therefore, it is said: "It is good to hide it and use it as a warning."

On the Odd Law of the Year
People today use strange gates, but sometimes they don't know the date, why?The teaching of the method is poor, and the original purpose of avoiding armor is lost.Kui's rational qi is at a loss, and according to it, it is out of order, so if there is no sign, if you don't believe it, if you don't believe it, the people will follow!Nianqi divides Jiazi into upper, middle, and lower three elements, so it is correct. Its layout is inverse and smooth, and it escapes from the sky.In the Shangyuan Jiazi, one is the beginning of numbering, and at the beginning of Yang, it goes from the ridge to the reverse cloth, Jiazi is one week and ends at five; therefore, Jiazi in Zhongyuan starts from the fourth palace and ends in Gen; Jiazi in Xiayuan starts from Duiqi and ends in Kun.To obtain the balance of Qi, those who use it are called the year of travel, look at the direct symbols to travel, escape the travel years of the earth, use the direct symbols to add the travel years, and then know the three miracles in the sky; use the direct symbols to add the travel years, and then know There is a Sanji Gate of Kaixiusheng, which is added by Facheng's contempt.According to the 43rd year of Jiajing, Dumen was established in Jiazi, moved every ten years, and moved to the Jiawu year of Wanli, according to the order of Du's injury, death, Xiujingsheng, surprise opening, and so on.Examining the escape method of the third year, the upper, middle and lower three rounds are the Yin escape one four seven three rounds and the flying cloth method.

On the Qifa of the Moon
Yueqimen first determines the year of travel, and divides it into upper, middle and lower three yuan. If it meets the four Mencius Wumaoyou, it is Shangyuan, and each yuan is in charge of five years, such as Jiazi, Yichou, Bingyin, Dingmao, Wuchen, Jiawu, Yiwei, Bingshen, Dingyou, Wuxu, Jimao, Gengchen, Xinsi, Renwu, Guiwei, Jiyou, Gengxu, Xinhai, Renzi, Guichou, these 20 years are Shangyuanyi The bureau starts from the Kan Palace, and spreads Liuyi against the three oddities, depending on which talisman the moon used is used to guide the escape, what oddity and what gate to determine good or bad luck; Guan five years, such as Jiayin, Yimao, Bingchen, Dingsi, Wuwu, Jiashen, Yiyou, Bingxu, Dinghai, Wuzi, Jisi, Gengwu, Xinwei, Renshen, Guiyou, Jihai, Gengzi , Xin Chou, Ren Yin, and Gui Mao, these 20 years belong to the Xun Palace of the Fourth Bureau of Zhongyuan; , Wushen, Jiaxu, Yihai, Bingzi, Ding Chou, Wuyin, Jichou, Gengyin, Xinmao, Renchen, Guisi, Jiwei, Gengshen, Xinyou, Renxu, Guihai, this 20 years It belongs to Qidui Palace in the Seventh Bureau of the Yuan Dynasty, and its method of flying across the world is the same as that of Nian Qi.

On Riqi Method
Riqi is based on the forty solar terms, and the three-element talisman is a foregone conclusion.If the winter solstice lasts a round of Yang Dun, Jiazi Wukan, Jiaxu Jikun, Jiashen Gengzhen, Jiawu Xinxun, Jiachen Renzhong, Jiayin Guigan, Dingdui, Binggen, and Yili are all in accordance with the law. It's over.On Gengzi Day, Gengzi Zhen, Xin Chou Xun, Renyinzhong, and Guimaogan, the underground Gengzi is in the Second Palace of Zhen; Ji, Kan Geng, Kun Xin, Zhen Ren, Xun Gui, Ji Gen, the day of Geng Zi in the sky is Kun.The Jiawu Zhifu is in Xun, the Xun star gets the auxiliary star, and the door gets Dumen, that is, Dumen is used as the direct envoy Jiakan, Kaikun, Jingzhen, Shengxun, Jinggan, Xiudui, and Shigen. On this day, Xiumenbing will be sent to Exchange also.If the summer solstice is Shangyuan, Yin escapes the nine bureaus of Jiaziwuli, Jiaxu Jigen, Jiashen Gengdui, Jiawu Xingan, Jiachen Renzhong, Jiayin Guixun, Ding Zhen, Bingkun, and Yikan. It's all over.Dingmao day, Dingmaozhen, Wuchenli, Jisigen, Gengwudui, Xinweigan, Renshenzhong, Guiyouxun, this underground Dingmao day is also in Zhensangong; Xun, Bingyinzhong, Dingmaoqian, Wuchenzhen, Jisikun, Gengwukan, Xinweili, Renshengen, Guiyoudui, the Dingmao day in the sky is also in the sixth palace of Qian.Jiazi Zhifu is in Li, the star gets Tianying, and the door gets Jingmen, that is, Jingmen is used as the direct envoy to add Gan, Xiudui, Shigen, Shangli, Dukan, Kaikun, Jingzhen, Shengxun, this day Bing Qi went to Zhonggong, Xiumen went to Duye, and Yu Yuan followed suit.Yang Dun uses 360 rounds, Yin Dun uses [-] rounds, one year [-] days, one qi on fifteen days, one yuan unifies four qi, three yuan has a total of twelve qi.Such as Winter Solstice, Minor Cold, Great Cold, Beginning of Spring, Rain, Waking of Insects, Vernal Equinox, Qingming, Grain Rain, Lixia, Xiaoman, Grain in Ear, Yang escapes all these twelve qi; such as Summer Solstice, Minor Heat, Great Heat, Beginning of Autumn, End of Summer, White Dew, Autumn Equinox, Cold Dew , Frost's Descent, Beginning of Winter, Light Snow, Heavy Snow, Yin escapes all these twelve qi.It is repeated every year for one year, and it does not lose the integrity of the Sanyuan hexagram.There is a division of talismans first and then the talisman, the solar terms first, and the talisman head second, whether it is superseded or connected, or removed or supplemented, depending on the straight talisman to escape;The day is good and the day is bad, and salty is like the method of time escape.

On Time Oddities
The method of time and oddity is to determine the three yuan according to the time of the festival, with Jia and Ji as the head of the talisman, one yuan is exchanged every five days, and one yuan is unified at sixty o'clock.If Yang Dun is in a game, Jiazi is in the ridge, Pengxing is the direct talisman, and Shumen is the direct envoy, and the ten o'clock is in charge until Guiyou; When Jiashen is in Zhen, the Chongxing star is the direct talisman, and the wounded door is the direct envoy, and it is in charge of ten o'clock, until Guisi; , until Guimao; Jiachen is at noon, the bird star is the direct talisman, the gate of Jigong is the direct envoy, and at ten o'clock, it ends at Guichou; Jiayin is in the dry, the heart star is the direct talisman, and the door is the direct envoy, From ten o'clock to Guihai, this Yang Bureau will be at sixty o'clock in five days.Yin Dun Nine Bureaus, Jiazi is in Li, Yingxing is the direct talisman, Jingmen is the direct envoy, manages ten o'clock, until Guiyou; , until Guisi; Jiashen is in Dui, the pillar star is the direct talisman, and the startled door is the direct envoy, and the ten o'clock is in charge, until Guisi; Until Guimao; Jiachen is in Zhongwu, Qinxing is the direct talisman, and the gate of Jigong is the direct envoy; at ten o'clock, it ends at Guichou; Jiayin is in Xun, the auxiliary star is the direct talisman, Dumen is the direct envoy, From ten o'clock to Guihai, the nine yin bureaus are exactly sixty o'clock in five days, and the rest of the yin and yang escape and follow suit.The magic of the Qimen lies in the seasons, the Fa Gu pushes the original, only time escape can get the spirit of righteousness, and its good or bad response, how can people be unpredictable?The supernormal pattern is included in the selection of the Golden Mirror.

On Liujia's expedition

When going on a long journey, first set up the Liujia Bureau. From Xunjia of this month, ride the Qinglong, experience Pengxing, pass the Mingtang, go out of the Tianmen, enter the earth, and live in the Taiyin, and then there will be no disadvantages.Be careful not to violate the heavenly prison, heavenly treasure, heavenly court, and heavenly prison, which will be disadvantageous.

On the Time of Wade

Liubing is prestige, and Liujia is virtue. At this time, profit is a guest, and orders are given. When entering the country, horses do not bark, dogs do not bark, carriages stop, wheels turn and rush, and anyone who dares to raise troops from thousands of miles away will turn against them. Since it perishes.The heavenly soldiers move, the enemy fears himself, and the soldiers are conquered, and the profit is taken as a guest, and everything in the world is auspicious.

On Sanjiahe
The combination of the three jia means that when Jiaji escapes to see Jiazi on the day of Jiaji, and the Zhifu is approaching in the current situation, it means that the three jia are in one place.At this time, you can march troops, set up an army, travel, ask for money, build buildings, get married, visit nobles, and all kinds of activities can be done.

On Three Oddities and You Liuyi
The scriptures say: "Yi meets a dog, horse, third rat and monkey, and Liu Ding, a jade girl, rides a dragon and a tiger."And the gatekeeper of the jade girl is the door for the jade maiden to guard the direct envoy of this ten days, and it is not time to add six Ding.As for the three wonders and the six appearances, there is no detailed discussion. Zhenshou Shu said: "The six appearances are among the oddities, that is, you are traveling in the strange appearances. Today, Jiayi adds oddities, and oddities add oddities. The time is favorable and there is a future. It is suitable for marriage, marriage, traveling, emigration, and repairing." The old law has straight symbols plus three oddities, which are called Xiangzuo; three oddities plus straight symbols are called Quan Yi, which is Yijiaqi, Qijiadiyi, both It can be auspicious, since Kuang Dunjia uses the three wonders, why is it that the three wonders and the six instruments add to each other, is it not auspicious?The song said: "Three wonders are worthy of sincerity." It also said: "The title is the jade girl guarding the door."The two styles of foolishness and power, although they can't be compared with the advantages of being an ambassador and guarding the gate, they can also be assisted by auspicious gods and gods if they do everything. Quanyi can't be ignored, but it is also consistent with Sanqiyou Liuyi, and it is reserved for future inspection, so that Gao Ming can refer to it.

On the Gatekeeper of the Jade Girl

The gatekeeper of the jade girl is also the gatekeeper of Liuding in the plate.Shiben regards guarding the gate as the person who travels through the three wonders and six rites, no.Gai Yunv, the gatekeeper, guards her palace and waits for the direct emissary's gate to escape.Husband and daughter, Ding Qi also, that is to say, in the palace where Ding Qi is, the guardian envoy will come and come. It is said that it is okay to travel to Ding Qi from the eight gates, or to travel to Liuyi from the three wonders?If the winter solstice and the Shangyuan Shumen are direct envoys, Geng noon on Jiazi day, Jimao time on Yichou day, Dingyou hour on Wuzi day on Bingyin day, Bingwu hour on Dingmao day, and Yimao hour on Wuchen day, escape to the palace where Ding Qi is at these six o'clock. , is for the jade girl, who is on duty for six o'clock, the direct envoy must add to his palace, so it is called the jade girl guarding the gate.

On Traveling Three Avoiding Five

Three and five are the three whites in the seven-color stars and the five yellows in the middle palace.Wherever the five yellows go, even if they are in a strange gate, they should be avoided; in the places where the three whites are close, even if they are not in a strange gate, it is also suitable to travel, so travel three times and avoid five.Shiben thinks that shaking the third palace is the best way to travel when you are angry, and you should avoid the dead energy in the middle five palaces. Gai mistakenly thought that the middle five alone sent it to the second death gate of Kun. After the Beginning of Spring, Zhong Wu sent Gen to the gate of life, and Jia Zi directly entered the third palace as a punishment for beating, if so, it was a wandering punishment to avoid life, and this is specially described to explain its fallacy.

On Skynet
Those who are in the Skynet have all eight gates, and when the tenth branch returns to the bureau, it is Guiyou, Guichou, Guiwei, Guisi, Guimao, and Guihai.All the people who come in and out, all come in and out of the gate, and the eight gates are laid down, like a net on the gate, and you can see it when you go in and out. Therefore, it is said: "The sky net is like a value. At this time, everything is inappropriate. This gate is only for escape and hiding. Go out of it. People can't get it." However, the net has heights and lows, and there is no pitch. Anyone who is in a hurry to take refuge looks at the palace in the sky. The fourth palace is to enter the tomb, and it is not suitable to go there; Not suitable; near the seventh and eighth palaces is the height, when the height is high, the two shoulders bear the blades, bend over and go out to [-] steps away, but there is no doubt about it.Every Guishi is the Skynet, and Guihai is the Skynet Zhang, but Jiayin Zhifu Guihai's five palaces in Linzhong are four Skynets. Injury, if there is a strong one, there will be calamity." At this time, it is better to be still and not to move.

On Fu Yin and Reverse Yin

Try to test the sixty o'clock Zhong Xingfu, but only six o'clock-Jiazi directly corresponds to Wuchen time, Jiaxu directly corresponds to Jimao time, Jiashen directly corresponds to Gengyin time, Jiawu directly corresponds to Xinchou time, Jiachen directly corresponds to Renzi time, Jiayin directly corresponds to Guihai time , this yin and yang situation is also the law of the stars.When Liugui is the gate, the yin and yang are the same.Going back to chant to get the punch, there are so many clues that it is difficult to prepare for it.

On the Opening and Closing of Yin and Yang Punishment Morality

Those who open and close yin and yang punishment virtue, yin punishment and yang virtue, yin and yang open and close.Winter Solstice, Minor Cold, and Great Cold are in Kande, Mao Xingyou; Lichun, Rain, Waking of Insects are in Gende, Chen Xingxu; Vernal Equinox, Qingming, Grain Rain are in Zhende, Noon Xingzi; Lixia, Xiaoman, and Grass of Ear are in Xunde, and there is no punishment Ugly; Summer Solstice, Minor Heat, Great Heat are in Lide, Unitary Xingmao; Liqiu, Chushu, Bailu are in Kunde, Xu Xingchen; Autumnal Equinox, Cold Dew, Frost are in Duide, Zi Xingwu; Lidong, Light Snow, Heavy Snow are in Qiande, Ugly punishment is not yet available; Yin Shen Sihai makes a living, so it is not enough.Pengren Chongfuqin is called the Yang star, and the five Yang stars are opened when added; Yingrui Zhuxin is called the Yin star, and the four Yin stars are closed when added.The generals regard opening and closing as the main guest, and use punishment and morality to set the position and strike. Opening is the main thing, and closing is the guest.

On Five Yang Hours
A, B, C, D, E are yang at five o'clock, and the two tones are yang at these five o'clock.All actions, take advantage of the three wonders of the sky and the Jimen.It is advisable to raise soldiers first.It is auspicious to go out to the army, conquer, travel far, seek wealth, establish a country, secure the country, rule the people, go to military affairs, meet officials, call on nobles, emigrate, and marry, but fleeing is hard to make up for.The scriptures say: "The talisman makes it move, and it changes at a time, and the yang is beneficial to the guests. The yang stem receives the qi from the east, and the qi rises during the yang, so the three wonders of the sky are used."

On the Five Yin Hours
(End of this chapter)

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