Chapter 6

Jigeng, Xinrengui, and five o'clock are yin, and the two tones all use this five o'clock as yin.All the schemes are to take advantage of the three oddities of the territory and the auspicious gates to take advantage of them, and to be the master of the army, so it is appropriate to respond later.It is unlucky to go out on expeditions, travel far, ask for money, establish a country, secure the country, govern the people, go to military affairs, be promoted to officials, pay homage to nobles, emigrate, and marry.The scriptures say: "The talisman makes it move, and it changes at a time, and the yin benefits the master. When the shady stem is subjected to the evil spirits of the west, the qi descends during the yin time, so the three wonders of the land are used."

On Sansheng Palace
Wanyi Jue says: "Yang Dun uses the heavenly talisman to live in the palace, taking the meaning of kissing the one who is originally from the sky; Yin Dun uses the palace where the underground talisman is located, taking the meaning of kissing the one who is originally from the earth." General If you live in it and hit the brunt, you will be victorious in every battle.One is Tianyi Palace, and the scriptures say: "The palace where the God of Tianyi is located is suitable for generals to live in and attack against." The star direct talisman is Tianyi, and if you sit on the sky and hit the canopy, you will win.One is the Nine Heavens Palace, our army stands above the Nine Heavens, and if we attack the opposing palace, the enemy will not dare to be our front.One is the Xingmen Palace, the gate of life is the palace of the three wonders in the sky, and the general marches his troops to sit on the gate of life and strike the gate of death, and he is victorious in every battle.It is also said that hitting the white rape with the back of Tingting is one victory, hitting the brunt of the moon with the moon is the second victory, and hitting the death with the back of the life is the three wins, which are similar with minor differences.

On Five No Strikes
One does not hit the Tianyi Palace, two does not hit the Jiutian Palace, three does not hit the Shengmen Palace, four does not hit the Nine Earth Palace, and five does not hit the Value Talisman and Direct Envoy Palace.Most of the places where our army is livable cannot be attacked. If the side is occupied by the enemy, it is advisable to avoid it when fighting or copy the rear and attack it.

Discussion on the Direct and Adverse Branches of the Earth's Air General

Earth generals, Queen of God, Daji, Gongcao, Taichong, Tiangang, Taiyi, Shengguang, Xiaoji, Chuanchuan, Congkui, Hekui, Dengmingye.These twelve gods correspond to the earthly branches, so they are called earth generals, which means moon generals.The method of seeking generals, the son of the gods rises, ascends to the Ming Dynasty, and stops at the end of the day, and uses the rain to use the air.One will move one by one, and the timing will be added. Good or bad can be known. The method is to use a certain day, time, and day after the middle of each month to increase the timing.

After the moon rain of Jianyin, the second day of the day is the general of Ming Hai.

After the vernal equinox of the month of Jianmao, the next day the sun descended to Lou, he was the general of Hekuixu.

After the moon and valley rain in Jianchen, the second day is the second to the beam, and it is the general from Kuiyou.

After Jiansi's moon is full, the second time is when the sun sets and sinks, which is to send the generals.

After the summer solstice of the month of Jianwu, the second day is the tail of the quail, which is Xiaoji Weijiang.

After the great heat of the month of Jianwei, the sun is followed by the quail fire, which is the general of Shengguang noon.

After the summer heat in the month of Jianshen, the second day quail head was Taiyisi general.

After the autumnal equinox of the month of Jianyou, the second birthday star is the general of Tiangang Chen.

After the moon frost of Jianxu, the next big fire in the sun was Taichong Maojiang.

After the heavy snow in the month of Jianhai, the second time to analyze the wood in the sun is for the meritorious General Cao Yin.

After Jianzi's month and winter solstice, the sun and stars follow, and it is auspicious and ugly general.

After the great cold of the month of Jianchou, he was the second son of the gods.

On Hempinger
The scriptures say: "The year, month, day, and time of Gengjia are all rules." It should be judged as fierce, but if you encounter a fierce door, you should avoid it. If it is of great use, if it is not suitable for use, it is unavoidable to fall into the wrong position and play a zither.Another example is that Gengjiabing is Bairuiying, Bingjiageng is Yingruibai, and they are the most fierce in the grid; when encountering Zhifu, Gengjiabing is the dragon returning to the head, and Bingjiazhifu Geng is the bird falling hole, All of them are the most auspicious ones.Good and bad come together, but there is no way to invent and use them, so they are all muddy and useless.However, although Geng is not allowed to use direct talisman, it can be said that when Jiashen ruled, he was regarded as a murderer. This is a direct talisman, that is, a person who receives a title and takes charge. How can it be said to be kind, but every time you have a genius and supernatural ability, you can still make achievements anyway, and you can still be called a thief if you try your best?If Fu Geng adds years, months, days, and times to those who are not surprised to reach Sanjimen, then it is still discussed as white into Ying and Ying into white.If Jia and C are added together to get Jimen, who knows that Jiashen Xun's dragon and bird jig is too much to use?Another example is Bingjia's year, month, day, and hour, all of whom are called Boge. Because Bing is a yang fire, his nature is violent, his excesses are too late, and he uses too many things, so he is taboo.Gai because of raising troops, fierce elephants, wars, and dangerous things, so you use soldiers without armor. If you meet Bing Geng, you should avoid it, and you should avoid meeting Bing. However, Bing is also very auspicious, and the result is the meeting of Sanjimen. It can't be ignored either. It seems that the place where Geng Bingjia came, should be regarded as true.

On Longniaoge
Ge Hong said: "Although the two grids of Dragon Returning Head and Niao Tiao Cave do not have Qimen hexagrams, they can still be used." It is said that military strategists play the most important role, and Qijia only these two grids are the most auspicious ones, and they must get three auspiciousness. The door is perfect from the beginning, if the Sanji door is added, it does not matter its prosperity or decline.

On the Movement of the Astrology

The sky takes the initiative, so those who change the qiyi and star gates of the celestial disk for a moment, follow the rotation of the sky;Therefore, the Tianpan Zhifu is added to get the time, and the time is taken, and it changes every moment; the land star talisman Lin Gua Qi is used to determine the outcome, and the final outcome is one inning every five days, such as the winter solstice and Yang Dunkan. Sometimes.

On Strange Tomb

The most auspicious thing is to be envoyed by three wonders; the worst is to have three wonders enter the tomb.The good and bad of the two are hanging in the balance, and it is not suitable to use them at the time.Yiqi entered the tomb at Kunwei, Bingqi entered the tomb at Qianxu, and Dingqi entered the tomb at Chougen.Assuming that at the time of Lingyang and Bingyin, Tianpan Yiqi added it as an envoy and entered the tomb, how can it be said that it is good or bad?Now that Gage has entered the tomb, he is ambiguous. Although it is worth entrusting him, when he is exhausted, Wu Neng will let him order him?Therefore, when encountering strange tombs, even though they are worth Sanjimen, they should not be used.

On Guxu

All the commanders and generals who use troops, set up camps, and arrange formations must follow the method of isolation and emptiness, so as to protect their soldiers, be victorious in every battle, and be invincible.Gaigu is a majestic and majestic image, and it can often be hit with its back.Make sure that the yang is isolated and the yang deficiency is attacked; the yin is isolated and the yin deficiency is attacked, then one woman can be the enemy of ten husbands.For example, ten thousand people should use the Niangu, more than a thousand people should use the Moon solitary, more than a hundred people should use the Sun solitary, more than ten people should use the Time solitary, and there is a large array of six flowers - the main general sits in the middle army, the beneficiary general sits in the green dragon, and the banners and drums vibrate in the canopy. , Soldiers are stationed in Mingtang, ambush soldiers are hidden in Taiyin, leading troops are out of the gate of heaven, revolving divisions are in the households of the earth, beheaded are out of the heavenly prison, prisoners are tied up in the heavenly prison, food and grass are collected in the heavenly court, and treasuries are stored in the canopy, like Jiazi. Xun, Zi is Qinglong; Jiaxu Xun, Xu is Qinglong and so on.Liujia Xun Hai You Weisi Mao Chou is Yin deficiency, Xushen Wu Chen Yinzi is Yang orphan, confronting and striking its impact, dividing Yang and solitary attacking Yang deficiency, and Yin solitary striking Yin deficiency.

On Five Bad Times

Five no encounters, yang overcomes yang dryness, yin overcomes yin dryness, which is the meaning of the seven evil spirits of Ziping's family.Choose the day and time, this evil spirit is extremely fierce, even if there is a strange gate, don't use it.The scriptures say v: "Shigan overcomes the sun and damages its brightness. Jiari originally commented from the morning. Take this one yuan as an example. If you lose troops, you will abandon Gancheng."

On Tensuke
Tianfu, the assistant of the Emperor of Heaven, Taibai Branch Division, Tianen director guards Liujia, benefits Zhaomin, enters an official, pleads guilty, travels far, asks for money, migrates, gets married, asks for an official, takes office, everything in the world, Everyone can use it.Although the ax and the ax are in front, the sky still forgives it, which is unpredictable.It is called Jisi hour on the day of Jiaji, Jiashen hour on the day of Yigeng, Jiawu hour on the day of Bingxin, Jiachen hour on the day of Ding Ren, and Jiayin hour on the day of Wugui.

On Liuyi Shots

Liuyi strikes the punishment, it is said that Jiazi Zhifu comes to the third palace, and Zi Xingmao is an unreasonable punishment to prevent people from plotting against others; Shang; Jiashen Zhifu comes to the eighth palace, Shen Xingyinye, it is a punishment without grace, the same as above; Fu Lin Sigong, Chen Zixing is also the same as Jiawu.Therefore, it is not suitable to march in battle, and everything in the world is unlucky.

On Emptiness

There are days when the sky is empty, sometimes ten days is empty, and ten thousand roads are empty, but when traveling, it is most forbidden to cut off the road.If the auspicious event is empty, the auspicious event will fail; if the unlucky event is empty, the unlucky event will fail.If you are sick for the first time, you will die; if you are sick for a long time, you will die.For example, when the sun is too old, it will die; if a long-term illness meets the moon, it will die, and so on.About the day is odd and the sun is empty, and the time is odd and the sky is dead.

On Three Plates Entering the Tomb

For example, the three wonders of the land are mainly in the tomb, while the affairs are ambiguous, doing what you want but not doing, hesitating to advance and retreat, and repeated images.

For example, the three wonders of Tianpan enter the tomb as guests, and things are perverse, encountering but not meeting, bright and dark.If the six instruments of heaven and earth enter the tomb, they will be broken with the three wonders.

For example, although the two pans of heaven and earth, the three wonders and the six ceremonies are in the tomb palace, they are divided into subjects and guests, and each has its own good and bad luck.If Qi comes to the tomb, it will be born in time and time, but it cannot be inauspicious or auspicious.

On the stems and seasons of the day

When Shigan overcomes Rizhi, it is the righteousness of the lowly to offend the rich, and the young offend the elders. To commit this serious crime, it is especially serious when Jiari overcomes Shi.When judging its decline and prosperity, if it is prosperous every day and then declines, it does not matter if it is restrained;It is impossible to save Qian entering the tomb at the time of Kejiu Shengjijing, but only at the time of Bingxu, the tomb will be opened when he arrives at Xun Palace; At the end of Guiwei, the tomb of Gen Ze was opened.And Tianpan Liuyi was punished, and his tomb was also opened.Also, when the day of Chen, Moon and Bingxu meet, the tomb will be opened, and the tomb will be cut according to the size of the matter. However, those who have been restrained by our star gate and entered the tomb will not be saved, even if the tomb is opened, so it is said: "When the time is overcome, the day will be done. If you suffer, you will be injured when you are in trouble."

Response period

Of course, the good and bad luck of Ke Qiyi, a star disciple of the Qimen, has been determined, but when the time comes, and when the matter has progressed, or depending on the year, month, day, or time, the Xingmen Qiyi declines and breaks, God knows it, and it cannot be determined.First determine its branches, and then match its stems. The method of obtaining the stems and branches can only be determined at the right time. The first palace of Zhifu Jiakan is also in opposition to Ziwu, which must correspond to Wuhe; the second palace of Zhifu Jiakun in Jiayin in Weiri is the opposite of Yinshen, and the conjunction of Yin and Hai should be in Hairi; the eighth palace of Jiashen Zhifu Jiagen , It is also Yin and Shen in conflict, and it has been merged with Shen, and it should be on the day of Si; For Chenxu to be in opposition, Chen and You should be in Youri, this value conforms to the law of opposition, and the same is true for Dingzhi.Jiaxu Zhifu Jiakun Second Palace, for Xingwei, Mao and Xu, should be on the day of Mao; Jiazi Zhifu Jiazhen Sangong, for Zi Xingmao, Zi and Chou, should also be on Chou day; Jiayin Zhifu Adding the fourth palace of Xun is Yin Xingsi, Yin and Hai are combined, and it should also be on the day of Hai. This value is in line with the penal law of the phase, and the same is true for those with fixed branches.If the straight talisman falls in Xunkong, it must be broken by Xun. If Jiazi Xun is empty in Xuhai, it is added to the Sixth Palace of Qian, and it must be on the day of Xuhai, with Xu as the most important. Yang is compared with Yang, and Yin is compared with Yin. The method of Xunkong is the same for those who decide branches.If there is no punching, no punishment, and no emptiness, if it is broken, it must be determined by looking at the branches carried by the six instruments of the heavenly disk, and its branches will also be taken care of.When they collide with each other, they can decide their branches when they meet each other, and they can determine their earthly branches when they meet.The branches carried by the celestial disk are not in conflict with each other, and they are incompatible with each other, and they are determined by the star disciples.There is a difference between the inside and the middle, the character should be the main first, and the character should be the last.

On secret work

It is said that Qimen is divided into three plates, the upper and lower plates have a stem, there is a strange instrument in the palace of the earth, and there is also a strange instrument on the star of the sky plate.There is Xuanwei hidden in his personal plate, which is called Angan.The theory that dark strangeness is not homogeneous and paradoxical only regards its Geng and Qi, with strangeness as auspicious, and with Geng as evil.It is important to be under the main star, so it doesn't matter if Feimen has Angeng or Anqi, if it falls in Yu Palace.The wonderful thing is to work secretly in Xuanwei, good luck is hidden in the evil, and there is a mystery of the evil in the good.If Feimen (that is, the gate of Zhishi) has both the main star and Geng suddenly arrives inside the Feimen, all things, although beautiful on the outside, are rubbing on the inside; Suddenly there is a strange arrival in Feimen (that is, Bingding of Feiqian). Although everything is fierce on the outside, it is actually full of hidden protection on the inside.The scriptures say: "If it is hidden or visible, if it is there or not, it is called flying dry." The method of observing the dark dry is like a game of Yang, Ming Geng is in the third palace, and the place where the disk goes is the sixth Geng in the sky, where the door is injured. Wherever it goes, it is Feimen, and people are in the dark. If it brings dark surprises, it can be understood.

On the Year White Law
The method is that in the 60th year of Shangyuan Jiazi, Yin escape was used for one round, in the 60th year of Zhongyuan Jiazi, Yin escape was used for four rounds, and in Xiayuan Jiazi’s 60th year, Yin escape was used for seven rounds. Look at what palace the first ten days are in, and move to the palace every year.If in the year of Gengxu, the Seventh Bureau of the Xiayuan Dynasty was in charge, and the Xuntou of Gengxu belonged to Jiachen, that is, counting backwards from Jiachen in the third palace of the Seventh Bureau until Gengxu was in the sixth palace, that is, Liubai entered the middle five, and five yellows belonged to the fourth palace. In the Gengxu year of Daoguang, it was attached to Jiaziyuan in Xiayuan, and Jiazi was handed over to Yuanyuan in the third year of Tongzhi.The song said: "Jiazi in the Shangyuan is white-seeking, but the four greens in the middle yuan are the first, Qichi in the lower yuan is in the middle, and you can travel against the palace against the stars." , Five Yellow and Three Palaces all imitate this.

On the Moon White Method
The method is based on the branches of the month, depending on Meng Zhongji to determine the upper, middle and lower three yuan, all using the inverse number of [-] rounds, and then look at the palace where He Jiaxun's head is, and the first palace in January.If the month of Yiyou is ruled by Jiashen Xun, from the eighth palace of the yin bureau, the inverse number of Jiashen to the seventh palace is Yiyou, that is, the seven reds enter the fifth palace in the middle, and the five yellows are in the third palace.For example, in the year of Ziwu Maoyou, the eight whites of the first month enter the fifth palace, and the seven reds enter the fourth palace; in the year of Chenxu Chouwei, the fifth yellow of the first month enters the fifth palace; in the year of Shensihai, the second black of the first month enters the fifth palace.Jingyun: "Thousands of workers seek whiteness in years, and hundreds of hours of work seek whiteness in moonlight."

On Sunbai Law
Rijia Baifa is not difficult to find, 24 qi and six palace weeks, winter solstice rain and grain rain, Yangshun in the middle of [-], summer solstice and after frost, [-] Bureau retrograde stay.For example, after the winter solstice, Jiazi is Shangyuan, with one white, second, ugly and two black; after the rain, Jiazi is Zhongyuan, with seven reds, second ugly and eight white; The sun and stars go straight in the middle palace; after the summer solstice, Jiazi is Shangyuan, with nine purples, second ugly and eight whites; after the end of summer, Jiazi is Zhongyuan, with three blue, second ugly and two black; Reverse cloth, evaluate the sun and stars entering the fifth house and retrograde.

On time and white law
The winter solstice is three yuan and one seventy-four, and Ziwu Maoyou is arranged in sequence; the summer solstice is three yuan and ninety-three six, and Zimao Wuyou is arranged in reverse.Such as
On the day of Ziwu Maoyou, after the winter solstice, there is one white and two blacks at the time of ugliness, and it goes straight into the middle five.Chenxu Chouwei Day, after the winter solstice, seven red at the child time, eight white at the ugly time, and the middle five at the direct line.After the summer solstice, it rises from Sanbi at Zishi, Erhei at Choushi, and goes retrograde to Zhonggong.On Yinshensihai Day, after the winter solstice, four greens come from the child time, five yellows come from the ugly time, and the middle five starts from the straight line.After the summer solstice, there will be six whites at the child time, five yellows at the ugly time, and five in the middle when it is retrograde.

On Nayin

The song said: "Jiazi Yichou has gold in the sea, Bingyin Dingmao stove is on fire, Wuchen Jisi has a large forest, Gengwu Xinwei Road is next to the soil, Renshen Guiyou sword is gold,

Jiaxu Yihai mountain fire, Bingzi Dingchou stream water, Wuyin Jimao city head soil, Gengchen Xinsi paraffin gold, Renwu Guiwei willow wood, Jiashen Yiyou spring water, Bingxu Dinghai house soil, Wuzi Ji Chou Thunderbolt Fire, Geng Yin Xinmao Pine and Cypress Wood, Renchen Guisi Long Flowing Water, Jiawu Yiwei Sha Zhongjin, Bingshen Dingyou Mountain Fire, Wuxu Jihai Flat Earth Wood, Gengzi Xin Chou Wall Earth, Renyin Guimao Gold Pond Gold, Jiachen Yisi covered with lights, Bingwu Dingwei Tianhe water, Wushen Jiyou Dayi soil, Gengxu Xinhai hairpin gold, Renzi Guichou sangzhe wood, Jiayin Yimao Daxi water, Bingchen Dingsi sand middle soil, Wuwu has not caught fire in the sky,

Gengshen Xinyou pomegranate wood, Renxu Guihai sea water. "Fa said: "Silver lanterns stand on the wall at Ziwu, the middle building of the temple is full of smoke in Chenxu, and the burning firewood in Yinshen Handi is wet. This is sixty sixties." "

On the Division of the Zodiac
The almanac said: "One of the five degrees and four divisions of the 360 ​​days of the week." Each degree is divided into 32 points, and then it is determined by four points, each of which is one of eighty-four degrees. Eight points are also said to be 32 ​​five degrees in the sky and eight points more. It is strange to walk every day, and it is more than eighths of 360 five degrees in a year.

The degree of 28 constellations is the first degree since the beginning of spring.

The first eight degrees.Fifteen degrees of danger.Room seventeen degrees.Bi nine degrees.Kui seventeen degrees.Lou Eleven.Stomach fifteen degrees.Pleiades ten degrees.Bi fifteen degrees.Participate in nine degrees (attached).Well thirty degrees.Ghost twice.Liu Twelve Degrees.Star five degrees.Zhang Shiqidu.Wing nineteen degrees.Zhen seventeen degrees.The angle is twelve degrees.Kang octave.Fifteen degrees below.Room five degrees.Six degrees of heart.The last seventeen degrees.Kei nine degrees.Bucket 22 degrees.Bull six degrees.Female ten degrees.

There are a total of 330 octaves above, and each night has its first degree, except for the 27 nights in Fushen, the 27 first degrees are combined with 330 octaves, which is exactly 360 five degrees of the week.

Zi, Yuan Yun, Nvxuwei, Qifenye, belong to Qingzhou (Shandong Jidong Taiwu Denglai Qingtianjin).

Chou, Xingji, Bullfighting, and Wuyue Division belong to Yangzhou (Susongchang Town, Taihuai Yang, Jiangning, Fujian Province, Guangdong Province, Anhui Province, Zhejiang Province, Jiangxi Province).

Yin, Ximu, Weiji, Yanfenye belong to Youzhou (Shuntian Xuanyongbao Yihe).

(End of this chapter)

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