Chapter 17

The palace of Sanqi Lin Liujia Zhifu is Quan Yi, and all schemes are beneficial, and the officers and men are pleasing to the heart.

In this ten days, the Zhifu plus the top three oddities of the site are the assistants, and everything is beneficial, and it is auspicious to deploy troops, send troops, and serve sergeants.

Qiyi coincidence
Yigeng, Bingxin, and Dingren are Qihe, Wugui and Jiaji are Yihe, Dejimen Baishimou is a sign of harmony, marching troops should boost morale, sign alliances, and recruit and accept Jiangji.

Yi Qi Jia Ding, Ding Qi Jia Bing met Jimen, both the host and the guest are auspicious, and they seek great benefits.

good fortune
Liuding plus Liuyi is prosperous, and if you meet the auspicious door, the master and the guest will benefit, and everything will be auspicious.

Mon Gong Heyi
Harmony Palace, Shengmen, Yujimen, everything is auspicious.Yimen is the palace of birth, and when you meet Jimen, everything is auspicious.

Fierce Notes
Qinglong escapes
Liuyi Jiadisin escaped for the dragon, it is not suitable to raise troops at this time, the main soldiers fled, and they were defeated in battle.

white tiger rampant
The second of Liu Xin Jia is the rampant tiger, it is not suitable to march at this time, both the host and the guest will be injured, seeking to make money, the master is wasting, and villains are right and wrong, especially avoid boating, marriage, and building, which are very dangerous.

Teng Snake Demon
Liugui Jiadiding is a snake monster. At this time, everything is unfavorable. The active actions are false alarms, thieves, water and fire, and documents are delayed. Soldiers are here to defend against enemy sorcery and fire attacks.

Suzaku Throwing into the River
Liuding Jiadigui is a sparrow thrown into the river, not suitable for going to the government, entering the market, marrying, migrating, traveling, leakage of documents, floods, strange events, and missing news.

Bai Ruying

Liu Geng and Di C are Bai Ruying, Geng is Venus, and C is Yinghuo. At this time, beware of thieves coming to rob the camp, it is advisable to ambush troops in C Palace to defeat its front and stick to it for auspiciousness.

Fluorescent into white

Liubing Jiadigeng was his wife, and at this time the leader of the marching army retreated to Tibet, chasing after him, showing the appearance of self-defeating without fighting.

Fei Gongge

Liujia Zhifu Jiadigeng is Fei Gongge, at this time the warlord is defeated and the general is captured, Li Jing cannot advance rashly, it is not good for the guest, the one who uses troops first will be defeated, it is better to stick to it for good luck.


The Liugeng Jiadijia direct talisman is a Fugong grid. At this time, it is advisable to advance and not to retreat. It is not suitable for the owner of the war and the disadvantage of the guest. There are robbers on the way, and even the car is broken and the horse dies. Everything is not suitable.


Today's Tiangengjia site is occupied by Fugange. At this time, he will be captured in the battle, and both the host and the guest will be injured. Traveling is especially taboo.


Riganjiadi Pangeng is Feigange, both the host and the guest are injured in the battle, and the traveler will suffer disasters.

big grid
Tiangeng added Digui as a big case, and at this time, the strategy is not good for Pepsi, the main car is broken and the horse is injured, blocking the phenomenon, only the capture can be caught immediately.

small grid
Tiangeng added Diren as Xiaoge, Ren as Tianluo, and all things were disadvantageous, and it was especially taboo to travel with troops.

Year Month Date Time Format

Liugeng plus this year, this month, this day, and this time are all eligible. At this time, marching troops and traveling far are not good for everything, but it is suitable to catch thieves and escape.

Liugeng Jiadi has already been punished. At this time, the army is very fierce, the leader of the battle line is killed, the road to travel is blocked, and everything is unfavorable.

The year, month, and day of Liubingjia is Boge. At this time, the army should stick to it and not move lightly. The profit is the main thing, and the bad is the guest. Everything is done, the main disorder, and the great evil.

Zhifu Xunshou added the ground gui as a sky net, which is good for fishing and hunting at this time. The scriptures say: "There are four sky nets, and everything will be harmed. It is not suitable to mention everything, but it is suitable to flee and come out from the six gui directions in the sky."

Fu Yin
The Xingfumen also added the palace as Fuyin. At this time, everything is not going well, but it is advisable to collect wealth, and soldiers will be besieged. Although there is a gate, it cannot be used by force.

The Star Gate Talisman and the Palace of Hedging are Huiyin. At this time, it is only appropriate to distribute food and salaries, and it is most forbidden to march and plot, and the main sign is restlessness.

Liuyi Shot
Jiazi Linzhen, Jiaxu Linkun, Jiashen Lingen, Jiawu Linli, Jiachen Linxun, Jiayin Linxun, it is forbidden to use troops at this time, the master has the appearance of punishment, and camping is worth its place, especially avoid traveling, plotting For, all bad.

five bad times
Shigan Kerigan, Jia day Gengwu hour, B day Xinsi hour, Bing day Renchen hour, Ding day Guimao hour, Wu day Jiayin hour, Ji day Yichou hour, Geng day Bingzi hour, Xinri day Dingyou hour, Renri Wu hour When Shenshi and Guiri have not yet come, if you travel at this time, the main loss will be unfavorable, and everything will be bad. You should especially avoid using soldiers.

Shigan Tomb

Shigan enters the tomb, Wuxu, Renchen, Bingxu, Guiwei, Ding Chou, and Ji Chou are also, at this time, it is not suitable for everything, and it is forbidden to leave the teacher and travel.

strange tomb
B enters the Wei tomb, Bing enters the Xu's tomb, and Ding enters the Chou's tomb. They are three strange tombs. It is forbidden to march. If everything is auspicious, it is unlucky, and the murderer is not evil. It is a sign of powerlessness.

star gate tomb
Xiu Peng enters Chen, Jing Xinzhu enters Chou, Hurts Du Chongfu enters Wei, Jingying enters Xu, and Ren Ruiqin enters Chen.Fan Xingmen's entry into the tomb is blocked by conspiracy, and it is said that it is not ominous for auspicious gods to enter the tomb, and it is not evil for ominous gods to enter the tomb.

door palace coercion
Xiu Linli, Kai Lin Xun Zhen, Jing Lin Zhen Xun, Life Lin Kan, Injury Zhu Lin Kun Gen, Jing Lin Duiqian, Death Lin Kan.Bamen overcomes the palace for door oppression, and the palace overcomes eight gates for palace oppression.If auspicious gates oppress the palace, and if the palace oppresses the auspicious gates, then the auspicious events will be unlucky, and if the ominous events will not be fierce, or if the evil gates oppress the palace, and the palaces will oppress the evil gates, the disaster will be even worse.

Tian Sanmen

The Holy Spirit Scripture says: "Traveling and taking refuge out of the gate of heaven, the moon will add time and turn the wheel, Maoweiyou Palace is the anchorage, and the three directions of Taichong are divided here." Taichong Mao, Xiaojiwei, and Congkuiyou are also the three gates of heaven.It is advisable to travel, conquer, and seek refuge. Pepsi goes to it, auspicious.If you are besieged, have no news, or inquire about details, you can use the moon to find the place where the three gods on the sky plate are facing. Those who are not overwhelmed are the private roads of Tianmen, let them go in and out, and people can't know the law. .When the moon will be used, Shangshunxun will be used to use Maoweiyou, which is the three gates of heaven.


The Holy Spirit Scripture said: "The four households in the ground are small in origin, and they are transferred in order to build and add time. In addition to the dangers, open and stay with the place, and let the king drive here." In addition to the opening, there are four households.Where Qinglong travels in the zodiac, there are ghosts and gods silently blessing him.Jian is the general of the month, and Jianyin in the first month, that is to say, when the month is built and used, it will go forward, and it will be determined on which branch to get rid of the danger, that is, the four households of the land.

private door

Those in the private gate of the earth are also known as hiding and lurking. They use it to come in and out, and make things happen, but they are a little different from Liuren.The method is to first look at which branch occupies the time. For example, when Chen Si noon is not Shenyou, use Dangui; Chouyin Maochen Palace is Yanggui and goes forward; in Siwuwei Shenyouxu Palace, it is Yingui and retrograde, the palace where Liuhe, Taiyin and Taichang are located is the private gate of the earth.The method of obtaining the noble gods is still according to Jiawugeng, when Yang is noble and ugly, and Yin is noble and late, the law is combined with the six nobles to climb the gate of heaven, the snake falls into the water, the birds throw themselves into the river, the heaven and earth get the land, Gou Chen is imprisoned, and the green dragon rides Birth, the sky is slaughtered, the white tiger burns the body, the mother of the Taichang, the Yuanwu folds the feet, the house of the Taiyin, and the Queen of Heaven follow the car. The six gods are hidden and the four evils are gone. Use the brilliance to win without disadvantages, so there is no escape and no effect , escape without a person without experience, the benefits can be known.

Tianma Fang

Tianma is the side of Taichong, and the moon will be added to account for the time. Finding where the Taichong is is the side of Tianma.Under the heavenly horse, there are difficulties to avoid, and soldiers and armor cannot do harm.

Tian Gang Fang

On the Tiangang side, if the Tianma, Tianmen, and Dihu cannot enter or leave the previous day, they will rush out of the place indicated by Xunchen when the moon will be added, and there will be a way out.In another way, when the moon will add time to see Tiangang, Linmeng is on the left, Linzhong is in the middle, and Linji is on the right. Xingji.Wen Sui Bing, Meng Xu, Zhong Tui, Ji Shi.Ziwu Maoyou is Zhong, Yinshen Sihai is Meng, and Chenxu Chouwei is Ji.

the weather will

Zi (Yuanjian), Chou (Xingji), Yin (Analysis of Wood), Mao (Big Fire), Chen (Shouxing), Si (Quail Tail), Wu (Quail Fire), Wei (Quail Tail), Shen (Shen) ), You (Daliang), Xu (Jianglou), Hai (娵訾).

Air General

Son (Queen of God), Chou (Daji), Yin (Gongcao), Mao (Taichong), Chen (Tiangang), Si (Taiyi), Wu (Shengguang), Wei (Xiaoji), Shen (Teleportation), You (Congkui), Xu (Hekui), Hai (Dengming)
The sun passes through the palace
Zhengyueyin (after Yuzi, use Dengming general), February Mao (after Jianglou, use Hekui general), March Chen (after Daliang, use Congkui general), April Si (after Shenzhi Next time, use Teleportation General), May Wu (after Quail Head, use Xiaoji General), June Wei (after Quail Fire, use Shengguang General), July Shen (after Quail Tail, use Taiyi General) , August You (after the birthday star, use Tiangang General), September Xu (after the Great Fire, use Taichong General), October Hai (after Analyzing Wood, use Cao General), November (after the Star Ji) Second, use Daji General), December Chou (after Yuan Jian, use God Empress General)
The method is to add the correct time on a certain day, time, day, and day after a certain time in each month, and use it according to its good or bad luck.

Tingting white treacherous side

Ting Ting, the noble god in the sky, shoots the stars from the sky, and wins by striking the brunt from the back.The usage is that the moon will increase the time, and the queen of the gods will live in Tingting.With the back of the pavilion facing the white traitor, he is victorious in every battle.The white traitor is also the star of the sky dog, so it is suppressed by the sky shooting star.And using the shortcut method, under the queen of the gods is the pavilion, the palace of the hedge, that is, white treachery.

Tian Sanmen

The Holy Spirit Scripture says: "Traveling and taking refuge out of the gate of heaven, the moon will add time and turn the wheel, Maoweiyou Palace is the anchorage, and the three directions of Taichong are divided here." Taichong Mao, Xiaojiwei, and Congkuiyou are also the three gates of heaven.It is advisable to travel, conquer, and seek refuge. Pepsi goes to it, auspicious.If you are besieged, have no news, or inquire about details, you can use the moon to find the place where the three gods on the sky plate are facing. Those who are not overwhelmed are the private roads of Tianmen, let them go in and out, and people can't know the law. .When the moon will be used, Shangshunxun will be used to use Maoweiyou, which is the three gates of heaven.


The Holy Spirit Scripture said: "The four households in the ground are small in origin, and they are transferred in order to build and add time. In addition to the dangers, open and stay with the place, and let the king drive here." In addition to the opening, there are four households.Where Qinglong travels in the zodiac, there are ghosts and gods silently blessing him.Jian is the general of the month, and Jianyin in the first month, that is to say, when the month is built and used, it will go forward, and it will be determined on which branch to get rid of the danger, that is, the four households of the land.

private door

Those in the private gate of the earth are also known as hiding and lurking. They use it to come in and out, and make things happen, but they are a little different from Liuren.The method is to first look at which branch occupies the time. For example, when Chen Si noon is not Shenyou, use Dangui; Chouyin Maochen Palace is Yanggui and goes forward; in Siwuwei Shenyouxu Palace, it is Yingui and retrograde, the palace where Liuhe, Taiyin and Taichang are located is the private gate of the earth.The method of obtaining the noble gods is still according to Jiawugeng, when Yang is noble and ugly, and Yin is noble and late, the law is combined with the six nobles to climb the gate of heaven, the snake falls into the water, the birds throw themselves into the river, the heaven and earth get the land, Gou Chen is imprisoned, and the green dragon rides Birth, the sky is slaughtered, the white tiger burns the body, the mother of the Taichang, the Yuanwu folds the feet, the house of the Taiyin, and the Queen of Heaven follow the car. The six gods are hidden and the four evils are gone. Use the brilliance to win without disadvantages, so there is no escape and no effect , escape without a person without experience, the benefits can be known.

Tianma Fang

Tianma is the side of Taichong, and the moon will be added to account for the time. Finding where the Taichong is is the side of Tianma.Under the heavenly horse, there are difficulties to avoid, and soldiers and armor cannot do harm.

Tian Gang Fang

On the Tiangang side, if the Tianma, Tianmen, and Dihu cannot enter or leave the previous day, they will rush out of the place indicated by Xunchen when the moon will be added, and there will be a way out.In another way, when the moon will add time to see Tiangang, Linmeng is on the left, Linzhong is in the middle, and Linji is on the right. Xingji.Wen Sui Bing, Meng Xu, Zhong Tui, Ji Shi.Ziwu Maoyou is Zhong, Yinshen Sihai is Meng, and Chenxu Chouwei is Ji.

the weather will

Zi (Yuanjian), Chou (Xingji), Yin (Analysis of Wood), Mao (Big Fire), Chen (Shouxing), Si (Quail Tail), Wu (Quail Fire), Wei (Quail Tail), Shen (Shen) ), You (Daliang), Xu (Jianglou), Hai (娵訾).

Air General

Son (Queen of God), Chou (Daji), Yin (Gongcao), Mao (Taichong), Chen (Tiangang), Si (Taiyi), Wu (Shengguang), Wei (Xiaoji), Shen (Teleportation), You (Congkui), Xu (Hekui), Hai (Dengming)
The sun passes through the palace
(End of this chapter)

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