Chapter 18

Zhengyueyin (after Yuzi, use Dengming general), February Mao (after Jianglou, use Hekui general), March Chen (after Daliang, use Congkui general), April Si (after Shenzhi Next time, use Teleportation General), May Wu (after Quail Head, use Xiaoji General), June Wei (after Quail Fire, use Shengguang General), July Shen (after Quail Tail, use Taiyi General) , August You (after the birthday star, use Tiangang General), September Xu (after the Great Fire, use Taichong General), October Hai (after Analyzing Wood, use Cao General), November (after the Star Ji) Second, use Daji General), December Chou (after Yuan Jian, use God Empress General)
The method is to add the correct time on a certain day, time, day, and day after a certain time in each month, and use it according to its good or bad luck.

Tingting white treacherous side

Ting Ting, the noble god in the sky, shoots the stars from the sky, and wins by striking the brunt from the back.The usage is that the moon will increase the time, and the queen of the gods will live in Tingting.With the back of the pavilion facing the white traitor, he is victorious in every battle.The white traitor is also the star of the sky dog, so it is suppressed by the sky shooting star.And using the shortcut method, under the queen of the gods is the pavilion, the palace of the hedge, that is, white treachery.

Winter solstice, Yang escape, a round of Jiazi Shiqi schema
Winter solstice, Yang escape, a round of Yi ugly, time-strange schema
Starting from a strange method, the first game of Yang Dun, Winter Solstice, and Shangyuan uses Pengxing as the value symbol, and Xiumen as the value envoy, and Jiazi Wuyi is about to rise from Kangong, followed by Wujigeng, Xinrengui, Ding, Bingyi, and Jiuxing with Pengrui Chong to assist Qinxin Zhu Renying is the second, and they all fly along the palaces of one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and nine. This is the method of a round of land and star symbols, and the sky disk is based on the first value of Jiazi Xun. If the direct sign of Peng Xing plus Land Jiazi is in the first house, Jiaxu Ruixing is in the second house. For example, when Yi Chou, Jiazi directly signifies Pengxing plus Land Yiqi is in the ninth house, then Jiaxu Ruixing is in the first house. For example, when Bingyin, Jiazi directly signifies Peng Xing and Dipan Bingqi are in the Eighth Palace, and Jiaxu Ruixing is in the Ninth Palace, and they all fly to the Ninth Palace in the order of the astrology signs, and this is the method of a round of astrology signs.In the first game, the Shumen is used as the direct envoy. For example, in Jiazi, the Xiumen is used to form the Kan Palace, which is the gate of the direct envoy, and the gate of death is in the Kun Palace. For example, in the case of Yi Chou, the Xiumen is used to form the Kun Palace, and the gate of death is in the Zhen Palace. Palace, in the time of Bingyin, the gate of Xiu starts to shake the palace, and the gate of death is in the palace of Xunda. It changes every moment. Duigen is away from the eight palaces, and this is the gate of a round of direct envoys. The eight frauds use Tianyi direct talisman to add to each ten-day direct envoy, such as Jiaziwu Jiakan Palace, then Tianyi direct talisman is added On top of the Jiazi Xunshou Zhifu, the so-called small Zhifu and enlarged Zhifu, Yang Dun is divided into Zhifu, Tengshe, Taiyin, Liuhe, Gouchen, Suzaku, Jiudi, and Jiutian, according to Kangen Zhenxunli Kun Dui Qian Shunbu Eighth Palace also, this Jiaxu Xunshou Zhifu, governs the law until Guiyou ten o'clock, such as Jiaxu ten o'clock, that is, the Jiaxu Xunshou Zhifu uses things, then Jiaxu Rui star starts in the second palace. For example, in the seventh game, the pillar star is used as the direct talisman, and the Jingmen is used as the direct envoy, that is, Jiaziwuyi is used to start the seven palaces and four innings, the auxiliary star is used as the direct talisman, and Dumen is used as the direct envoy, that is, Jiaziwuyi is used to start the fourth palace, still According to the order of the direct envoy of the star talisman, it is divided into three sets of heaven, earth, and human beings, flying along the nine palaces, and sent to the fifth palace in the middle.The method of Qiyuan is to take Ziwu Maoyou as the Shangyuan, Yinshen Sihai as the Zhongyuan, and Chenxu Chouwei as the Xiayuan. Bureau, Jiayin, Jiashen, Jisi, Jihai, that is, the seventh bureau of Zhongyuan, Jiachen, Jiaxu, Jichou, and Jiweiri, that is, the fourth bureau of Xiayuan, and nine bureaus with Jia, Ji is the head of the talisman, which is divided into upper, middle and lower three elements, unified twelve qi, and the remaining elements are analogized in the same way. , then when Bingzi is played, the Xingmen Yuan Bureau has been set, and the good and bad patterns are fully displayed. For example, when Yang escapes from winter to Shangyuan, Jiazi Day Jiazi, Gen Fangmen meets Jige, and Yichou matches Fang Tiandun, true deceit, If the square is dry, the ground is false, and the square is left, Zuo Jige, choose according to the time frame of the last nine rounds, then you will know that the door of time is very good and bad, and its response is like a ring.

Summer Solstice Yin Dun Nine Bureau Jiazi Shiqi Schema
Summer Solstice Yin Dun Nine Game Yi Chou Time Strange Schema
From the beginning of the strange method, Yin escapes from Xia to Shangyuan Ninth Bureau, with Yingxing as the direct talisman and Jingmen as the direct envoy, Jiazi Wuyi will be lifted from the palace, followed by Wujigeng, Xinren, Guiding, Bingyi, and Nine Stars with Ying as Zhuxin and Qinfu Chong Rui Peng is the second, and they all fly against the [-] palace. This is the method of the nine-game land star talisman. Fuying Xing plus Land Jiazi is in the [-]th Palace, then Jiaxu Ren Xing is in the [-]th House. For example, when Yi Chou, Jiazi directly Fuying Xing plus Dadi Yiqi is in the [-]st House, then Jiaxu Ren Xing is in the [-]th House. For example, when Bingyin, Jiazi directly Fu Yingxing plus If the land Bingqi is in the second house, then Jiaxu Ren Xing is in the first house. According to the order of the star symbols, it will fly against the ninth house of the celestial disk.In the Ninth Bureau, Jingmen is used as the direct envoy. For example, in the period of Jiazi, the Jingmen is used to start from the palace, which is the gate of the direct envoy, and the birth gate is in Gen Palace. For example, in the Yichou period, the Jingmen starts from Gen Palace, and the Sheng gate is in Dui Palace. For example, in the time of Bingyin, the Jingmen was in Dui Palace, and the Shengmen was in Qiangong. It changed every moment, and the gate was followed by Jingsheng's startled opening, Du Shang's death and rest, who did not enter the middle five, but surpassed Sinifei and left Gendui Qianxun. Zhenkunkan Eight Palaces, this is the gate of the Nine Bureaus, and the eight tricks use Tianyi Zhifu to add to each ten-day straight talisman. Above the Jiazi Xunshou Zhifu, that is, the so-called small Zhifu and enlarged Zhifu, Yin Dun is divided into Zhifu, Tengshe, Taiyin, Liuhe, Baihu, Yuanwu, Jiudi, and Jiutian, according to Li Xunzhen Gen Kangan Duikun reverses the eight palaces, and this Jiazi Xunshou Zhifu is in charge of the law until the ten o'clock of Guiyou. For example, at Jiaxu ten o'clock, it is the Jiaxu Xunshou Zhifu. In the third game, the star is used as a direct sign, and the door is hurt as a direct envoy, that is, Jiaziwuyi is used to start the three palaces and six games, the heart star is used as a direct amulet, and the door is opened as a direct envoy, that is, Jiaziwuyi is used to start the sixth palace. The order of star talismans is divided into three sets of heaven, earth and human. The method of flying against the nine palaces and sending them to the middle five palaces is the method.The method of Qiyuan is to take Ziwu Maoyou as the Shangyuan, Yinshen Sihai as the Zhongyuan, and Chenxu Chouwei as the Xiayuan. Bureau; Jiayin, Jiashen, Jisi, and Jihai are the three bureaus of Zhongyuan; Jiachen, Jiaxu, Jichou, and Jiwei are the six bureaus of Xiayuan, and Jia and Ji are used. It is the talisman head, divided into upper, middle and lower three elements, unified twelve qi, and so on for the remaining elements.The method of determining the time is according to the five sons Yuan Dun, such as Jiaji day, Jiazi time, Yigeng day, Bingzi time, Xingmen Yuan Bureau has been set, and the good and bad patterns are complete, such as Yin Dun Xia to Shangyuan Ninth Bureau On Jiazi day and Jiazi time, Kan Fanglong escapes jig, Yi Chou Xun Fangmen closes, Li Fangyi meets jig, choose according to the last nine rounds, then you know that the gate of time is very good and bad, and its response is like a ring.

After the winter solstice, Yang escapes eight gates and nine stars

Starting from the Eight Gates and Nine Stars method, according to the eight gates of the winter solstice, the Yang escapes the eight gates, and the Huo death and injury are used as the second to open the startling scene. Palace, Jiayin Sixth Palace, if the first palace starts on the day of Jiazi, and the door is closed for work, that is, the first palace starts from the closed door, and the second palace starts from the closed door on the day of Yichou, and it is in charge until the tenth day of Guihai, and the eighth house is not entered. Secondary five, one line of palaces per day, then Jiaxu day will be used in the second palace, that is, the second palace will start from the death gate, and the third palace will start from the death gate on Yihai day, until the tenth day of Guiwei, the Jiashen, Jiawu, Jiachen and Jiayin are used for each ten-day period, and they all imitate the method of distributing nine stars. Yang escapes nine stars with one Taiyi, two Sheti, three Xuanyuan, four Zhaoyao, five Tianfu, six Qinglong, seven Xianchi, eight Taiyin, and Nine Heavens. Yi is the second, such as the day when Yang escapes from Jiazi, Taiyi starts from the eighth palace, and the ninth palace takes the lift. On Yichou day, Taiyi rises from the ninth palace, and the first palace picks up, and goes directly to the ninth palace. this.

After the summer solstice, Yin escapes eight gates and nine stars schema

From the eight gates and nine stars method, according to the summer solstice, the eight gates, the eight gates, the Jingsheng startling, the injury, the death and the rest, such as the nine rounds, the Jiazi is placed in the nine palaces, the Jiaxu eight palaces, the Jiashen seven palaces, the Jiawu six palaces, and the Jiachen five. Palace, Jiayin Fourth Palace, if Jiazi starts from the Nine Palaces and Jingmen uses things, that is, Jingmen starts from the Nine Palaces, and Yichou starts from the Jingmen to the Eighth Palace, and it runs until the tenth day of Guihai. , One line of palaces a day, then Jiaxu day will be used in the eighth palace, that is, the eighth palace will start from the birth gate, and the seventh palace will start from the birth gate on Yihai day, until the tenth day of Guiwei, the Jiashen, Jiawu, Jiachen, Jiayin uses this method of distributing nine stars in each ten-day period. The Yin avoids the nine stars, and uses one Taiyi, two Sheti, three Xuanyuan, four Zhaoyao, five Tianfu, six green dragons, seven Xianchi, eight Taiyin, and Jiutianyi as the basis. Next, if the yin escapes from the day of Jiazi, Taiyin starts from the second palace, and the first palace starts from Taiyi, and the first palace starts from Taiyi on the day of Yichou, and the ninth palace takes Ti, retrograde to the ninth palace.

map of four households
The law of the four land households is based on the law of four land households, which is determined by eliminating dangers, and the land households are determined by the time of construction and addition.For example, when Yin is built in the first month, it is built from the top of the Yin, counting from the top of the top of the Yin, it is divided, the morning is fixed, the top of the unitary is dangerous, and the top of the son is open. , then the ugly Chen Weixu can get rid of the danger and decide to open the four households of the land. For example, the earth's energy in the first month will be Yin, and when the afternoon is used, the Yin will add the afternoon, and the construction will add Yin, then the land will not be removed, that is, the four households of the land Also, Yu imitated this.

Three Gates of Heaven
The three gates of heaven are used to follow the timing used by Yue Jiangjia to find the place where Taichong, Xiaoji, and Congkui are approaching, which is the three gates of heaven.For example, after the rain in the first month, the day will be the next day, the moon will be Hai, and the time will be Mao. If Hai is added to Mao, then Taichong will be in Wei, Congkui will be in Chou, and Xiaoji will be in Hai. , or roaming to scout captives, or sending emissaries to spies, is more in line with Jimen's understanding.

Tiangang Fangtu
The tactic of Tiangang, anyone who breaks through the siege and takes the Tianmen and Dihu cannot enter or leave, that is, the moon will be added to the time spent to search for the sky. , and I don’t know where the road can lead. When the moon is about to add time, Tiangang Jiayin Shensihai is Meng, Ziwu Maoyou is Zhong, and Chenxu Chouwei is Jiwei. Season, right way too.

Tianma Fangtu
The Taichong Tianma is the most expensive, so it is difficult to escape, but if you want to take the Tianma, the sword and halberd are like mountains and not to be feared, this Tianma is also the magic formula.Add the moon to the time, and find the side where the Taichong is, that is, the Tianma side.Gai Taichong regards mao as his home, that is, housing and lodging. The place where it is added should not be empty, there are no prisoners, no tombs, it is conducive to galloping thousands of miles, and it is more suitable for a strange family.

Map of private gates
The private gates of the land are used to enter and exit, and profit is a hundred things. The method depends on the time and branch. For example, when Chen Si noon is not Shenyou, use Dangui; On any branch of the territory, if it is worth Haizi Chouyin Maochen Palace, it is Yanggui going forward, if it is not Shenyouxu Palace at Siwu, it is Yingui going retrograde, seeking the palaces of Liuhe, Taichang, and Taiyin, it uses the method of nobles , still according to Jiawugeng day, Yang is expensive and ugly, and Yin is expensive, and Wei is not. If the first month uses Hai general, when Jiawu Geng day gets Mao, then Hai will add Mao, and Mao uses Mu Gui to count the nobles in the future, but not expensive. It is also close to the palace of the land Hai, Hai is the Yang palace, and the noble god moves forward, so Taichang is in Wei, Liuhe is in Yin, and Taiyin is in You. It is also like Jia Wu Geng's day at noon, noon is expensive, that is, the moon will be added Going forward, the noble is in the ugliness, and the ugliness is in the Shen Palace, Shen is the yin branch, and the noble god is in the retrograde direction, then Taichang is in Zi, Liuhe is in Si, Taiyin is in Xu, that is, the private gate of the earth.

Three Qi Lin Palace good and bad pictures

Bamen palace map

Liuyi Sentencing Figure

Star gate back to Yin Fuyin map

Nine-star benefit host-guest map
Qiyi star gate tomb map

Longevity chart with direct movement of stems and branches

Retrograde longevity chart of dryness in the shade

Five Elements Prosperous Phase Chart

Tingting white rape location map

(End of this chapter)

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